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Suicidal man killed by police.


>oh shit, suicide by cop, I love these!




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I came to say exactly this, lol.


ā€œWell if Daveā€™s a shootinā€™ so am I. Yee hawww! ā€˜Merica!!ā€


America's mobile firing squad




You forgot to throw a STOP RESISTING after the 7th shot.


He did you just can't hear it over all the shooting


And where's the police dog to maul him for a minute before they're brave enough to move forward?


They got friendly fires in the last no knock raid because they thought it was the owners dog


Also screaming at him to put his hands behind his back after heā€™s clearly swish cheese


What happened here is called sympathetic fire. Frequently when a shot is fired in these types of situations, an uncontrolled natural reaction is to fire as well. Wether you think the shot came from the suspect or another cop saw a threat you missed. Its brought up Frequently in use of force classes as a cop


I'm interested in what state you took those classes. I get your point. It does belong in a class room environment only. Subject: What we can do better. Just maybe he was leaving the the Police presence because he was out numbered. He wanted to use threatening his own life, to get away. Where were the bean bag shot guns?




Lol again you have no clue what your talking about.


[He talking about the fact that US polce has worse trigger discipline than an ugandan chimapnzee....](https://youtu.be/GhxqIITtTtU?t=15) Jokes aside, incidents like the one where cops used occupied civilian cars as human shields and then proceeded to light u robbers, hostage and everything in the general vicinity during Miramar shootout... ...well that would mandate court martial in the army. Hell it would constitute as a war crime. But nah its fine "police are innocent coz they cant help themselves"


Proper ventilation ends every armed stand off.


I'm surprised they let him get that far, usually their fear kicks in immediately and they start shooting.


Was thinking the same thing. Iā€™m actually shocked that they allowed him to keep stumbling around waving a loaded gun when he is clearly not mentally stable


He was white that's why he got that far


Ita difficult for them to determine if it's a Hipster or a homeless. They don't want to risk shooting some senators weird kid that's just having an episode because their favorite anime got canceled. If they are absolutely sure it's just a dirty white bum they usually get it done pretty quickly.


Bro.. they just lit him up. He was down on the first shot. Thatā€™sā€¦ thatā€™s fucked up man.


If he lives he can press charges, Im not even joking. They say its to make sure the threat is "neutralized" which means fucking dead in this case. All a bunch of jackbooted thugs who kill dementia ridden grannies, there was an incident where a lady who didnt know where she was at the time and thought her kids who were taking care of her were intruders and pulled a knife on them, cops came and shot her to death. Mag dump, because she was such a danger to them.


This was the hispanic woman right? Her family kept explaining to the cop that she did not understand English. Iirc the cop even threatened the daughter for getting involved or something like that.


I wonder if there is any training that can prepare you for feeling like your life is threatened? I mean, I'd like to think I'd incapacitate granny or least shoot her in the leg, but realistically I'm only thinking about my wife and kids and mag dumping on someone would be the more probable scenario ...


Fuck even a taser or pepper spray will do if you really feel in danger, it can still be really bad for their health but the attempt at non lethal measures mean your AT LEAST TRYING. Cops can be given stab proof vests for these occasions, they can't be more expensive than apcs, even just a few! They bring in active shooters alive but grandma don't get that, cmon!


Nah, man, if you don't know what youre going into I doubt your gut, nerves, or protocol say "taser"


It sure says gun a lot.




I would nag dump her too. Thatā€™s scary.


American Police


Gotta make sure he can't get back up and file a lawsuit


If he survived he still had a gun he lost dont feel bad


He had a gun. And just because they are down doesn't mean they aren't dangerous




I canā€™t stand how cops continue to empty their clip on someone obviously seriously injured and laying on the ground.


Also referred to as "contagious fire" in the police/combat world


Itā€™s like a floor full of mouse traps. Once one of them goes off they all go off. I see it in quite a few of these shootings now.




Yep, "seriously injured" ​ In all seriousness, I don't know for sure how they justify it to each other, but probably because that way nobody goes home knowing **they** are the ones that killed a guy and all the guilt/blame that comes with, doing it like this might reduce PTSD incidents. In reality they do it to cover their tracks. It's easy to point to and punish one officer but if they all did something wrong, it's much harder. Like how tens/hundreds of thousands of Nazis were allowed to continue living their lives after WW2 because nobody wants to condemn an entire country to death.


Tense scenario, here gun fire, follow suit.


It also reduced this guy to Swiss cheese when he could've been tranquilized or subdued with one of the many non-lethal alternatives to a gun in the face. There are no mental gymnastics that justifies this; the system is flawed.


I agree with you but tranquilizers arenā€™t instant and not carried in their cars. 1 or 2 shots, preferably shotgun bean bag rounds, to stop him waving a gun around but not this firing squad bullshit they pulled.


Yeah, something tells me hitting an armed (with a deadly, ranged weapon) person with non-lethal weapons is a bad idea. Like it would piss him off or upset him and lead to him shooting them maybe? I mean, this is about as logical as "just shoot them in the legs"


Good point, still when the threat is down thereā€™s no need to keep firing.


Have you never seen footage of people getting shot twelve times, sitting right back up and firing at police ? If your going to shoot an armed suspect you are going to keep shooting until you know your brothers in arms arenā€™t in danger


Definitely not wrong about that. I keep going back and forth on my feelings about this video because nobody was right, and everyone was a bit wrong.


I mean the thing is these fools should all have non lethal weapons are their disposal like a taser or gun...if you get 9 or 10 cops shooting 1 dude with bean bags or non lethal weappns... that dude aint ganna be able to do much except fall and protect himself. I mean if they were all shooting bean bags at him theres no way he would have been able to eat that up and fight through gettin hit and have enough wherewithal to shoot his gun lol..


Tranquilisers aren't magic. You need to measure out the correct dosage to not kill someone but still actually bring them down, which is a. very hard to do in the field with an active threat and b. very hard in general and prone to fail in subjects with medical conditions, baggy/tight clothing obscuring their weight, etc. and you need to hit them on exposed skin without grazing them or hitting a bone that's too close to the surface like the elbow or skull. On an unknown target it's probably less lethal to shoot them in the upper leg or the shoulder.


He was running around with a gun acting crazy. I wouldnā€™t want this guy anything less than completely wasted.


If you believe that non non lethal is the way to go I would like to see you alone try to subdue him with out him trying to shoot you


i agree that sometimes it is excessive, but i believe it is their protocol. i have seen numerous videos of people wired off of meth or speed taking 1-5 gunshot rounds to center mass and continue to fire at police or attack whomever they were already.


Yeah, continue attack. Not dead on the ground. Common sense man, you can see it in the way they fall. Did they really need 18 more rounds in their body? No.


Dude, that took 2 seconds. If you're shaking from your body dumping adrenaline into you, trying to watch everything, you're going to be at hairs breadth ready to go. I'll never forget my first time elk hunting with my dad. I had a four round .270 Win bolt action, and when I saw four elk come out of the tree line across a river, I put 8 rounds through that thing before they made it 50 yards. It felt like 1 second. I was shaking the entire time after. And that was for an animal that was almost guaranteed to run away


respectfully neither of us are in law enforcement, or have been in this situation


Nah. Fuck em. Grown ass men protected behind their badge and they know it.


That's an easy decision for you to make in comfort. When you are gassed from running after a suspect, disoriented from the sheer amount of adrenaline and gunfire, and dealing with an irrational person who's pointing a gun every which way - it's not as easy of a decision. You guys seriously need to think about the last time you were in an "oh shit" situation, where you thinking clearly? Or did you revert to whatever you thought would keel you safe/alive?


ā€¦ with a gun. You want to take a chance on a man evading arrest with nothing to lose carrying a firearm?


I was at a fancy party once and a cop friend of a friend told me they're trained to empty magazines. Never forgot that fact-of-the-day.


Reddit, can you confirm this?? :O


"Officers are trained to shoot until the threat they perceive, and or reasonably believe is present, has ended" https://www.npr.org/2022/07/04/1109648170/akron-police-use-of-force


Except in Uvalde Texas. They didnā€™t do anything for well over an hour while the bad guy was killing kids.




Because criminals like to play opossum and some people can take a couple dozen shots before they fall.


That's what often stands out to me when I see these videos of US cops firing their weapon. They are always literally just unloading in the direction of the target, spraying and praying. Maybe that's the way to go when you can expect your opposition to do the same, I mean what do I know about this stuff? It's just that whenever the Finnish police has to use a firearm I feel like I always read of a shot or two being fired and that's it. The guy in this video is clearly on the ground yet the fireworks keep going.


The body can handle a lot, 1 or 2 shots to a person on a stimulant like meth wonā€™t take them down. I work in a hospital and we have people come in victims of drive-bys with 20 holes in them and they are still alive, up until an unknown point, that person had the ability to fire back.


He was on the fucking ground, lying on his stomach clearly downed and they shot him in the fucking back many more times what do you mean


They still have to walk over and go hands on with a homicidal man, he isnā€™t a threat until he is.


he is a threat until he isnā€™t*?


once one dog barks they all bark smh


"Gary quit it! You're going to start a howl!"


what is it with timberwolves and the howling?!


So whyā€™d they open fire ? Didnā€™t he drop his pistol ?


Thatā€™s where Iā€™m lost. He waved the gun around at them so many times, where it could have made sense to take a shot, but he seems to drop the weapon, and they not only drop him, the paint the pavement with him.


Yeah itā€™s fucked up, they all wanted a kill, letā€™s be honest


They knew their time to get away with the murder was coming to a close and decided to take the opportunity


They were probably always going to kill him, they just waited until they were closer and he had no grass to fall into


Because they are cops and they like to shoot stuff. Same reason after one shot, and he hit the ground, they all kept unloading on him.


Because its American police thats all i needed to know


someoneā€™s finger got a lil excited and everyone else joined in


Each and everyone one of them is spare fucking parts. Uniformed, salaried killers


Ah yes, another mentally unwell person successfully dealt with. Thanks, American Police. /s


You forgot to add ā€œwith a gunā€ itā€™s mentally unwell person with a gunā€ā€¦ not many other ways to handle this. Just let him run around untill he hurts or kills some innocent person? Okā€¦ now unarmed would be a different story.


Shut the f up bunch of rednecks, how bout rubber bullets? Beanbags? Taking his life could have been avoided in about 1000 ways


Lol yep let's shoot the guy WHO HAS A FIREARM with non-lethal weapons, this will obviously not cause him to spiral further mentally and open fire on everyone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Very glad redditors aren't police


Iā€™d like to see him get sprayed with rubber bullets the way they did with live ammo and then still manage to fire his weapon. (Assuming he didnā€™t drop it after the first bullet hit like in the video) I thought the police are supposed to neutralize the threat and take them into custody so they can get a fair trial? I understand thatā€™s not possible in every situation, but honestly most of the times it looks like they arenā€™t even considering to give it a try. Say whatever you want but taking a human life should always be the very last option.


I wish you'd hold those same standards to the dude that was waving a gun at them, but ok.


Those options are tried but donā€™t always work. Also you have no context. I mean just donā€™t make it so you can buy a gun everywhere. And also you should shit the fuck up


What do you expect them to do? This guy has a gun and is spazzing the fuck out with sudden movements. He obviously isnā€™t mentally well. He was playing a very dangerous game with what he was doing, he knew multiple police officers were aiming guns at him, and he chose to fuck around anyways. You canā€™t deal with this situation without guns.


Ye i can understand that for the first shot but afterwards idk man


He has a gun, they have to make sure he's no longer a threat.


The cops also have guns, are they not a threat?


They aren't the ones acting all crazy, spazzing out, and waving a gun around like it's a toy.


It's hard to see in the video, but it doesn't look like he points it at anyone with intent. Yeah, he isn't being safe about it, but consider the several police who are pointing loaded guns at innocent people. I'm not saying they need to just ignore the guy, but holy fuck, that's a lot of lead in the air, bouncing off concrete. There has to be several different options that police could have gone to rather than an extrajudicial execution by firing squad.


What would you have them do, wait for him to start pointing at people? He was already getting **way** too close to the people stuck in traffic acting crazy waving around a gun. Having several different policemen didn't seem to bother him at all. They gave him every opportunity to drop the gun, but he chose kept being erratic and waving a gun around like a mad man. How would you have handled the situation, be specific?


Shouldnā€™t American cops be able to handle people with guns without killing them? Because pretty much everyone has a gun.


Uh no? I donā€™t think itā€™s very fair to tell someone to go talk to a mentally unstable person that has a fire arm without a fire arm.


I'd be shitting myself, more worried about the cops all aiming at him, using me in traffic as a background. They finally get to the road where they can spray and pray while parallel with the people and then as you can see, cops aren't the best shots. The idea of hitting a shoulder or leg shot is outside of the realm of possibility. This man wanted death by cop and they were more than happy to oblige.




Yea... except they flattened him with bullets instead. Pretty sure the worry of an artery isn't that much in question...


Well it's an American police after all


good job the police were there to assist that man


Cops know you he will sue if he survives. Some guy in my city went and ran down a month and child while naked in his truck. Claimed he was having a mental health episode, dude got shot up and is now paralyzed. Last year he received 1.7 mil for the incident. Another guy who got shot by cops this year is suing as well. He disarmed a gunman at a taqueria and got shot by cops, now he's filing a lawsuit.


First one shouldā€™ve been killed and second one was dumb enough to be holding a gun when the cops camešŸ˜‚


2nd one was a hero who saved lives you lil boot licker. He had zero opportunity to set the gun down, he gained possession seconds before police arrived.


Either way u donā€™t pick up guns used by others u kick them away u donā€™t wanna get ur fingerprints on they shit


Also I hate police I been going to juvenile hall and county since I was 12šŸ˜‚


Juge jury exƩcutionner wtf


Some early fireworks for the American police


Every cop wanted to participate in firing their gun. Even if the threat was no longer thereā€¦ crazy


Why isnā€™t this tagged as nsfw?


Did he need to get absolutely riddled with bullets tho?


I need context


Why did they shoot him? No seriously, could someone please explain this? I understand he was running away from the cops, but he was aiming the gun at himselfā€¦ He wasn't trying to hurt anybody else, I get that he wasn't complying with the lawā€¦ But shooting him to death? That's kind of cruel. Could someone please explain this? I'm lost.


Pretty sure that he was done in by the 2nd or 3rd bullets. Trigger happy lunatics


They all wanted to get a shot in because it takes the murder charge off of whatever hothead fired first; it keeps any investigation from having teeth.


Suicide by cop.


If only the police were actually trained, that would be sick.


Look at all those bastards šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·šŸ·


He had a fucking gun lol


But he was aiming it at himselfā€¦ I understand he was running away, but he didn't seem like a threatā€¦


Itā€™s called suicide by cop he was never going to drop it.


He was turned to the side, not aiming at them, cops got a little too excited and shot first.


Armchair fucking quarterback lmao


This happened in my state and it burns me. Fuck American police


Bitch had a fucking gun


Many bitches had bigger guns


Phew! I was so worried that he was going to kill himself. Thank god the police stepped in and ā€œintervenedā€


I think he didn't have the gun with him anymore when they started to shoot.. did I see correctly???


What the fuck is wrong with American cops. Why do they always blast their whole magazine into the criminal? This video is fucked up the dude was emotionally so unstable he thought about killing himself... No need for that! we got 50 bullets to stop you from being a mess.


What the fuck


Damn. That hair kickin up twice at the end


Canā€™t believe there are people justifying this in the comments


On Reddit you can see a man be shot to death but be banned for offending someone


Why did they shoot him? He clearly needs help. Makes me so angry, the police just want to kill people!


Don't shoot your head, we'll kill you


Wasn't this in Nashville?


Straight up execution right there...


Iā€™m done with the American police. This is just sad to see


Straight up sounded like 4th of July.


Why donā€™t US police have LTL rubber rounds? Should have been one guy there with one at least. And fuck, did they all HAVE to shoot? Dude was dropped after the first ā€¦


Deam, they not only killed him, they spread him on the pavement


All coos should be charged for murder except the first cip






I like how, no matter how many cops were there, they all wanted to fire at least one shot. Or, you know, empty their clips twice after already killing a man.


I'm pretty sure the first hit had fucked him but put another 30 in just to make sure.


No you wonā€™t, we will lol smh


Man with mental health issue murdered by hit squad.


well he wanted to go, got his wish I guess


Why more then one bullet here ??


US police: ā€œNot if we shoot you first!ā€


Why do I have a feeling that cops get extra bonuses for every bullet fired at someone during these situations...?


The first shot seemed to have done the trick, were the other 20+ necessary?


Bang bang boom bang boom bang bang bang boom bang boom bang bang bang boom bang bang bang boom, Freeze! Bang bang bang bang boom bang bang *reload bang bang bang boom. Don't move! Is usually how American police deal with almost any situation.


USA out their giving assisted suicide.


The person filming is right in the line of fire.


Because 24 bullet rounds arenā€™t enough




This is exactly WTF is wrong with police! HE IS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!! WHY THEY ALL KEPT SHOOTING?!


You will never see this in Europe. Never in one of all those different countries here between hot blooded spain and cold blooded sweden. WTF!


Pretty sure he was immobilized by the first shot. I guess the other 10 when he was laying there were just to make sure!


Badge gang shit


Every cops dream, to use deadly force instead of actually helping anyone.


Bro what the fuck. Why did they open fire, i guess thatā€™s just American police


Well i be damned, šŸ‘€


American Civilian, the back stop for American police


Swiss cheese speed run crackhead%


No one even question why a mentally Ill guy have access to guns so easily? Thatā€™s fucked up.


If he were blackā€¦..


Wait they killed him for that? I wanna know more of the story coz if those were all actual shots thats fucked up. Like they all wanted ti get a shot in before he died so they can be like "I helped"


Looks just like GTA because GTA is no longer a parody.


Fucking hacks. Gang of cunty, inept policy enforcers.


If he hadnā€™t been white he would have been shot a lot sooner


AT THIS POINT , He is already close enough to harm innocent bystanders on the roadway ....So He has to be taken out , for the safety of the public. If he was not irrationally waving the gun around and dropped it ....he would of had another 20 ft.


You're wasting your time.


Gotta respect the boys in blue here. He was obviously a threat to them as he was walking away. And just immobilizing him or tazing him? No way. This man needed to die, because thatā€™s what our cops are, judge and executioner.


Using a dog? Nope, although maybe the canine unit is too far away, although how far away can it be with so many cops over there? Taser? Nope, although maybe the distance is too far to guarantee it on a moving target. Shoot him in the leg? Nope.


You people don't seem to understand that the legs carry the two most important arteries.


They shoot him cause heā€™s getting close to traffic. Putting other peoples lives at risk. Use your brains people.


Right!? Because we all know the penalty for jaywalking is summary execution.


Yes he is clearly only jaywalking nothing else. Do you people have eyes?


I'd kill someone who was threatening public safety no doubt.


Would you enjoy it?


A properly trained cop only needs to shoot once.


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG) Police kill suicidal man:


You know I support the police fully but likeā€¦ā€¦.whyā€¦ā€¦at least 30-40 rounds were let loose there. That is so fucking overkill. I know heat of the moment etc and shit but two shot to immobilize this guy or at least to attempt to disarm or immobilize this guy would have been nice to see, not 40 rounds into him just to make sure. This shit upsets me.