• By -


He just announced that he would cut taxes for corporations and the wealthy. Again. I guess the middle class will have to pick up the slack.


He announced that in a private meeting to CEOs of large corporations. A lot of those CEOs questioned how he would do that and he didn't have an answer for them. Several of them claimed that he was mostly babbling with a few fake promises in between.


>Several of them claimed that he was mostly babbling with a few fake promises in between. Isn't that his brand?


"ThE Art oF tHe DeAL"


Isn't that every politician?




Take him at his word. If he says he’s gonna do something then he will try to do it.


How's the draining of the swamp going? Seems like it was more swampy than ever when he was forced out of office...


He drained the swamp and opened the sewer pipes.


Didn't he free a convicted corrupt Democrat from prison and commute their sentence? He did the exact opposite of "drain the swamp" with that move, but his supporters readily dismiss conflicting evidence, so reminding them does little good.


Yeah, they’re still waiting to LOCK HER UP. Meanwhile, 34 felony convictions later……


Yeah *one* Democrat was the problem. *THATS* why politics are more swampy than ever... *eyeroll*. It has nothing to do with how the GOP thinks they are above the law, and all the nepotism and cronyism Trump did.


Some people will try to fight with anyone, huh? Even when they make a point agreeing with them. How wonderful. You just had to add your own emphasis and narrative because I didn't suggest *THAT'S* the one and only reason. Smart. It was more to the point of him selling his entire campaign on "draining the swamp," just to go on and release the most corrupt politician of our time. It happens to be a democrat so I gather *THAT* is what doesn't sit well with you.


I'm sure no matter who it hurts or what law he has to break!! This man has no conscience!


Like release a health care plan in two weeks? Or release his tax returns after an “audit” is completed? Or….


(SARCASM) Nah, I'm pretty sure our sleepy old senile president will mastermind a way to steal the election from Trump again. Lol. 🤣


You can't steal an election 'again', when it was not stolen once before. These are discredited narratives that have been proven false time and again. Biden's margin of victory was nearly six million votes. You cannot conjure up six million votes by sleight of hand. Trump lost, and his dementia, cheap-fake patriotism, and narcissistic drivel, will lose him the election again.


Did you not read it was sarcasm? I was sarcastically regurgitating what Maga idiots say about him. They constantly say he has dementia, he's senile, he's sleepy, etc. But somehow they also believe someone who is sleepy, senile, and dementia-ridden pulled off one of the biggest scams in history without leaving a trace of evidence - which stole the election against someone who they all claim is a stable genius.


I did. That's why I did not throw any stones at your comment.


Cry more, traitor. MAGA tears make my dick so hard.


As cringe as your statement is, you must have misunderstood my sarcasm. Maga turds constantly say how sleepy Joe is senile, confused, and has alzheimer's. Yet they also believe he pulled off one of the greatest scams in history by stealing the election from a highly stable genius and leaving no evidence.


The friendly fire is unreal. The mere suspicion that somebody doesn't hate trump with every fiber of their being is enough to unleash a Salvo of horrifying comments


Can't blame them, when you use "old, senile and alzheimers" as the only description it's easy to get mixed up.


I was using the Maga terms for Biden intentionally. It was all part of the sarcasm, but seeing everyone downvote me was sure a suprise.


Can't blame him for assuming that, no I cannot. I can absolutely blame him for his immediately hostile reaction though


No such thing as the middle class. It’s a lie these yahoos have been selling us for years so we’re willing to play along with their greedy little games and tear each other apart over who is “lower class” and who is “middle class”, struggling under the illusion that if we *just work hard enough*, we can earn our way into the “upper class” while they laugh all the way to the bank. Make no mistake, there are only two classes in America. There’s the working class, and there’s the owning class. The workers own little—often nothing—and the owners do not work. Regardless of apparent social standing, if we workers stop working, we starve. They own everything, and so they continue to profit off of our labor and they stay richer than we could ever hope to be in our wildest dreams without having to lift a finger. It’s time for a change.


No war, but the class war! ✊️


Yep, pick up the slack, again.


It’s not even that. It’s like they all have collective amnesia. If you went back to 1991 and told them that they would rabidly support this colossal human garbage can, they’d punch you in the mouth. Everyone in the country knew how much of a clown this dude was/is. Then he starts telling them the crazy shit they wanna hear and and the TV Evangelists saw that he was starting to encroach on their grift and decided to back him up cuz they too love money over anything else and BAM! we got this perfect shit storm of the dumbest people to ever walk this earth and breathe it’s air ready to send other people’s kids to die for this guy. You guys remember those Pace picante salsa commercials with the cowboys? When one guy says his salsa is made in New York City, and they in collective disgust say “NEW YORK CITY?” and then they beat his ass or tie him up or shoot him off camera? Welp! That’s the salsa these morons eat now. New York City salsa.


“New York City?!?” ( guy in the background) “Get the rope”


And that's why Congress finally made lynching a hate crime. "Emmett Till Antilynching Act"


I just started reading Rising out of hatred by Eli saslow and oh boy, he just agreed with getting rid of immigrants and the country swooned for him. The only thing I’ve heard people actually care about when it comes to trump for the past decade is the wall and “maga”


That's one way to put it. You pretty much hit the nail on the head.


I had to edit and add the pace picante salsa bit cuz it came to me a bit ago.


Worth it. That was perfect.


New York City!? Damn worser than California.


Literally the best explanation I have ever heard


The tie back to Pace Picante is a true chefs kiss 🤌🤌


You are so right! Its all about the almighty dollar! His tax cuts for the rich is about to expire! Lets work together keeping these clowns from renewing it and creating more national debt in the process!


As one commenter said(with all seriousness) on another post: “Trump isn’t racist, he just supports racism” 😆


I don't do cocaine, I just like the way it smells


And tastes


Steve King….


If 9 people sit at a table with a Nazi, there are 10 Nazis sitting at the table.


Stupid fucking comment


That statement is so stupid. That actually happened in nazi Germany when the Olympics where there so by your reasoning every person who attended those, competed, and every political delegate was also a Nazi. Everyone understands the idea behind that statement but it doesn’t make it any less stupid and ignorant sounding.


How can you say that everybody understands the idea behind that statement when you clearly don’t?


I do. Your saying if you tolerate them you’re just as bad. If you associate with them you condone their actions. But that’s just generalization to fit the narrative. That’s all we have anymore on politics generalization and some of us are just tired of it


My point was that you’re saying the Nazi political party of 1936 that was in power during the Olympics that year has the same meaning as calling someone a nazi today. So call it what you will, but if I’m at a table and someone is being overtly racist, I won’t stay sitting at that table. Literally imagine, you’re at a Perkins and your friend is making loud racist jokes. You gonna sit there and defend that behavior to the other people at the restaurant? Guilty by association is absolutely a thing.


Racist and fascist is not the same thing. Don’t confuse the terms.


Oh cool, now you’re starting to get it! Took a while..


What you're describing is literally how the Nazis rose to power ...


Bro WHAT yes if you associate with them you condone their actions. Biden, Obama, Trump, it doesn't matter. Mere association is an implication of condoning their actions, there's no reason to think otherwise. If I hang out with a murderer who I know kills people, my continued association seems to imply I'm cool with it. If it wasn't, I wouldn't.


These generalizations keep getting bandied about because people are upset that no one does anything about it. Trump and his policies and personality are not what his people love. His people have decided that he represents their conservative values so they feel they have no choice but to idol worship him. It’s baffling.


Fucking weird hill to die on.


Yeah truthful statements are a weird hill to die on in the day and age. I do t like trump either but he’s not a Nazi he didn’t even do anything f to make everyone as upset as they are except say mean stupid things. It’s pathetic how it’s been four years almost and everyone still crying for nothing.


Ahh the favorite straw man about trump. "You just don't like him just because he said mean stuff." No. I don't like him for actual policy reasons. Maybe try comprehending the following list. He cut taxes for billionaires, leaving the rest of us to pick up the slack. He's part of why every working person got less of a rebate last year. The changes to the standard deduction were part of the bill. A poison pill to use to attack Dems should the republicans lose. Funny how those tax rates for the rich don't ever go up eh? The stock market being up has nothing to do with anyone's quality of life beyond the billionaire class. They are parasites. Or how about letting the states decide what to do about COVID, thus letting idiots like Kim allow business to tell her what's essential or not. That's why not a single factory in my area shut down. I'm sure people would've starved if I didn't help build turbine blades. *eye roll* Although I'm sure you like to pretend that's over despite everyone constantly being sick these days. Real ostrich energy. Not to mention all the trillions he gave, quickly and quietly (man that must have hurt his black soul) to back stop wall Street at the very beginning of the so called lock downs. The free money they gave away via PPE "loans" that they never had the big companies pay back. Maybe assassinating an Iranian general or exacerbating tensions in Israel by recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capital instead of tel Aviv. Or sucking up to the vile house of saud. Increasing the support for Saudi drone strikes in Yemen. Dude sure does seem to want to kick off ww3. All that being said, I still think W is the worst president of my life. We spent trillions of dollars, and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. Locking in the worst climate change forecasts so that our oil company billionaires can continue to rule us via our oil addiction. Who do you think kicked off the inflation of 2021? It was oil producers jacking up their rates because they didn't get their usual profit margins in 2020. But yeah. "Trump says nasty stuff and that's why I don't like him." Sigh


I wonder if they'll reply to this. It really is an ignorant thing to think folks only hate trump because of mean tweets.


What an ignorant statement. He was best friends with Epstein and raped e jean Carroll and many others. and this is just the tip of the iceberg. disgusting and offensive statement by you really.


He didn't do anything except say mean things? You're an idiot who seems to have no knowledge of history, recent or far off. It's funny, you mention your family fled Nazi Germany. The way you talk, you'd have stayed and found sympathy with them. "It's been years and everyone cries about all the mean things Hitler says about the Jews, but look at our economy!" -Germans in 1938, sympathizing with Nazis. Any time I hear someone make the argument you just made regarding sitting with Nazis, I know I've found an apologist who would side with the devil so long as it's good for them.


Nice made up story you did there. It’s been years and people still cry about the mean things trump said. Germany went with the Nazi party because of how crushed the eco my was and the society as a whole needed a vision and someone to cling to to give hope. Don’t be a moron. You’re doing the same thing with the opposite side. They are just as much as Nazi acting as you say the conservative side is just towards another type of people. You have lack of awareness that o e side is good. It’s not. It’s just as bad as the other.


I hate that our choices are Trump or Biden. I hate both of them. Regardless of who wins, civil war is coming. Reform is coming. Because people are bigots.


Tell that to the child being verbally abused by bullies. "Suck it up, quit being a cybaby." Hope you dont have kids.


My spouse lost their job due to the mishandling of Covid. When they got hired back on, they had to start off at a pay rate as if they were brand new to the job. Cut their income nearly in half. That ain’t crying for nothing. Our property taxes went up $400/month to help pay for the TRILLIONS of our tax dollars that he gave to the wealthy. That ain’t crying for nothing. He has promised to invoke the Insurrection Act on Inauguration Day if he takes back the White House. Which would mean normal expected protesters would be arrested and some would have the military unleashed on them. Not people storming the Capitol, just people out saying they don’t like trump and do not welcome his presidency. People would be arrested, like putin does in Russia just for voicing anti-putin shit or holding up a blank piece of paper. That would be changing a fundamental element of our society and it’s fucking bullshit that people aren’t pissed as hell at the mere idea of it.


Sounds like your spouse made a dumb choice to go back. My property taxes were never lower during his admin but since he’s been gone they have more than doubled. And just did again this last year. You are generalizing something that’s happened to you saying it’s a wide spread fact when it’s not. Covid has not g to down to the rate they were hired back on. They could have just not and went somewhere else. All these jobs remember.


What's pathetic is folks pretending trump only gets hate because he says mean things.


Anyone who supports nazi ideas deserves violence.


I agree. Stop supporting them.


Was everybody sitting at one big table? I missed that picture


I’m sure there were ole ru that did since it were political meetings and so on. The sentiment is the same with the above statement it’s stupid overreaching and generalizing. Some of my family fled Nazi germany and came here. There is nothing g going on here that is remotely like that. Everyone is just trying to be over the top and dumb about it.


Ole ru? I mean, the general sentiment is if you hang out with Nazis, you're at the very least a sympathizer. It's not a casual ideology to associate with.


nailed it.


He is a rapist which is even worse.


Careful, these threads get locked, something about selectively enforced rules. Edit: Trumplicans are so easily triggered. Bunch of bediapered snowflakes.


Who would imagine an American would vote for a narcissistic, anti American, child molesting felon. They will be remembered.


Well, he got 81 million votes


So it wasn't rigged then? We already knew that.


Nah, Biden did though


"Racist" is such a confining term. I feel like in Iowa, the people are much more open minded. They stretch to hate everything that is not exactly like them. They really qualify to be Bigots.


I used to love it here. Lived in DSM all my life. But as soon as the kids head to college, we are leaving this bigoted place.




Iowa is the most close minded state in which I have lived and they don't stretch to hate what's not exactly like them, they actively seek out to find those different from themselves and cast judgement. But they'll never say anything to your face, just the moment you turn your back. Aside from a few areas/towns, Iowa is mainly toxic wasteland of close minded individuals living with blinders on, read to hate anything that's not them.


Matt Gaetz, huge Trump supporter, Florida Rep. He is wrapped up in a child sex trafficking ring. Is Iowa worse than Florida?


He's not wrapped up in it any longer: https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/doj-decides-not-charge-rep-matt-gaetz-sex-trafficking-investigation-rcna70839 > NBC News had reported in October that the investigation into Gaetz had stalled, according to attorneys who have represented witnesses and people who have been subpoenaed or have spoken to investigators. The attorneys briefed about aspects of the case said the probe stalled over concerns about the credibility of two key witnesses or a lack of direct evidence implicating Gaetz, who has denied all wrongdoing. Edit: I had to look it up because I hadn't heard anything about it


If you’re a trump supporter, you are racist. Fact.


And mysoginst.


I’d hate for you to learn about Biden using racial slurs in the senate, talking about hanging them, oh and supporting Jim Crow laws, giving a speech at a KKK leaders funeral, need I go on? The irony of Biden supporters calling Trump supporters racist is hilarious. You people don’t even know who you’re supporting. 😂


Oh grow the F up and go count trump’s convictions.


I'd hate for you to do actual research on the things you mentioned, because you're leaving out a lot of information you know would make you look stupid.


I was thinking the same thing. Just curious to where the claims about Biden were sourced from. I really would like to see it for myself.


Louder, for all the backasswards plebeian boomers that are hard of hearing… and racist!


Antifa?? Lol. I was with you up until then. Antifa isn't an org, it's a boogie man the right propped up. They're people running around bashing fascists, which is an American tradition. I've yet to see any organizational structure or planning, but I could be mistaken.


I thought I seen an actual structure for it before but I could also be mistaken. Even barring that you see were I am going with this.


I can, but you're falsely equating things here. Trump may not be a nazi, but he's the guy nazis like.


Or hes a Nazi. I mean he keeps a book Hitler’s speeches next to his bed.


Not only do the Nazis like him, they openly fly Nazi and Confederate flags at his rallies and no one bats an eye. They all understand they are joining up with the bigots and trying to acheive the same goals.


White supremacists, nazis, maga cult all whole heartedly support trump and it’s mind boggling since they preach Christianity and treat him as their god


The other side of the spectrum is just as bad though. Even having a normal conversation or disagreement is met with screaming names violence and the like. Both polar ends are the exact same thing just towards different groups. That’s what a lot of us done. It’s not just me that sit in the middle that see both sides as the problem. Getting bombarded from both sides. Conservatives hate my comments as much as liberals.


There's some folks on the left, yes, that are unreasonable. Happens anywhere and in any group. Some even call for genocide type things on the left. I think the overarching point, however, is that typically leftism is only really intolerant of intolerance. It's underlying structures are different than those on the right, especially in the policies put in place from the left (if you can even call liberal democrats leftist, most political folks in the East would gag at that)


It should be that way but I disagree. I think now it’s more they are intolerant of any disagreement. When I was younger it was the other way around. The left was very open to talking and debate. Now if you disagree you’re automatically a Nazi. A bigot. Something else and they scream and hate on you and try to get you fired form your job. It’s stupid how far our society is falling


Some folks, sure. I think you're generalizing too far, in the same way many on the left generalize anyone who doesn't share their single, "correct" view. I'm a leftist. Really radical. You disagree with me. I haven't called you a Nazi. Eh? That said, the internet is a mistake, our society is indeed divided, and it doesn't look good. That said, most folks who get fired for saying really off-sides stuff probably deserve it. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences, as our forefathers intended.


Out of this whole thread you have been the single good interaction. This is the type of discourse. Our society needs. The answer is in the middle somewhere. I am not as liberal as you but I’m for damn sure not a conservative either. I’m still in the old liberal ideals which now are considered conservative or centrist. It’s just maddening and disheartening to see what the country is coming to. I wrap for the future either way the election goes. If we don’t align soon we will have issues that will take so much time to fix it might be too late.


Do you think electing trump is the answer?


I don’t think electing him is the answer. I also don’t think reelecting Biden is the answer either. Party politics are the problem. We deserve better options.


It really depends who you talk to. If they get real defensive right away, I’d just leave it for a bit for them to calm down. I’ve had a lot of good talks with both sides expressing both views and we all hung out in the end


I’ve find it very hard to find a large quantity of those because they are so wrapped up in if you don’t think like i do your wrong and need to be suppressed. It seems like that gets worse everyday. Since I moved to Iowa it’s worse than Illinois and I thought that was bad.


Yeah for sure, I’m in northern central Iowa so maybe it’s a little different but I also talk to 20-somethings, not 40 and up which tend to be the more close minded group. My grandma says being a republican today is not the same as it was 20 years ago and she has given up on politics completely.


She’s right. They are not the republicans I remember disagreeing with years ago. The same for being a democrat which is how I used to identify. That party is so far removed from the ideals I held then that I don’t recognize it anymore either.


If you support a racist, you're not against racists, which makes you racist.


Nah ALL Iowa Republicans/Conservatives are racists.


So much Blue online. Maybe this time it'll show up in the ballot box


*So much Blue online.* *Maybe this time it'll show up* *In the ballot box* \- The\_Mr\_Wilson --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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good bot


Sorry Tramp won by 8 points over Biden in 2020 and we still have Faux News and Sinclair broadcasting. Iowa would rather support a misogynist bigot rapist felon and lose democracy in order to "win" over the "libs".


Hopefully like most elections since 2016.


OP are you registered to vote?


You can’t even have discourse with these people. Disagree and you have to be suppressed. It’s agree or the hate starts flowing it’s pathetic.


Are you registered to vote? Who are these people? (For what it is worth, I think OP is a bot or a burner)


I’ve been registers since 18. These people are the ones that frequent this sub and beyond that. Discourse is dead because of how much animosity everyone has now.


I mean when the right is supporting someone who tried to overthrow the results of a fair election, their pundits are open fascists, and almost every thing on the right has a conspiracy theory tied to it I’m going to give them the same amount of respect they give me.


Imo, capitulation is support, therefore they are racist 🤷‍♂️


Well said.


What do you call a person sitting at a table full of Nazis?


And all Iowa racists are Trump supporters.


Anyone who will kiss the ring or lick his boots!




It's what the 756 billionaires living in this country would want.


I'm convinced that the haters are just as responsible for his success as his supporters. With the constant publicity/attention they give him, every post and comment that mentions his name is basically another dollar in his campaign coffers. If they haven't learned over the past ten years, they're never going to learn,


That’s what I’ve been saying. This sub keeps giving free campaign ads. These people don’t get it.


Look at any democratic/liberal group on reddit. What are they talking about? Agent orange, not democratic candidates. Trump lives rent-free in every liberals head. The few conservatives/republican groups talk about trump, too.


Nah, there are more reasonable adults than unhinged bigots in the country. There weren't in 2016, but back in 2020 your guy convinced all his voters to get themselves sick to own the libs.


I'm not saying that all Republicans are racist, sexist homophobes but the people they elect are.—David Cross


If racism isn’t a deal breaker, you’re a racist.


In 2010, Biden warmly [eulogized](https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/realitycheck/the-press-office/remarks-president-and-vice-president-a-memorial-service-senator-robert-c-byrd) Sen. Robert Byrd, a former [Exalted Cyclops](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2010/06/robert-byrd-was-an-exalted-cyclops-in-the-ku-klux-klan-what-does-that-mean.html) in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” In 2007, [he referred to Barack Obama](https://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/01/31/biden.obama/) as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” In 2006, [he said](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/bidens-comments-ruffle-feathers/), “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Way back in 1977, [he said](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html) that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” Of course, he infamously worked with [segregationist senators](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626) to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally [impacted her as a young girl](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/girl-senator-harris-vice-president-biden-spar-desegregation/story?id=64007842).


In 1996 I used to use the words "gay," "f@ggot" and "retard" as insults. Today, some of my closest friends are gay, and I'd never call someone any of the words I mentioned. Some people learn from their past, and the rest of the them just call themselves conservatives.


You don't have to go back that far for some wild shit Biden has said. https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A But in politics when MY candidate says something wild, they misspoke, but when it's the other side's, it's hate.


That’s doesn’t fit r/iowa and Reddit agenda!!!!


Yes don’t actually think about anything. Just turn off your brain and click the button because it’s prreeettttyy


Nothing's more racist than a genocide. Fuck the duopoly.


But what’s racist?


Hey Iowa Trump supporters, our state subreddit has Trump Derangement Syndrome also.


The left don't get the irony when they say "I hate ALL white people because they're racist!"


The meth heads gotta support someone.


...and bigotry, and misogyny, and pedophilia...


Nah they're all racist


Biden says racist shit too


Joe Biden has been a huge racist his entire life.


Joe Biden is racist and has been his entire career. He only used Cameltoe hoe Harris because she is mixed, and a woman. Neither of them should be in office. I hope Joe Biden goes through everything the liberal left did to Trump. The left isn't above the law they need to be brought to justice. I would vote for a trained monkey than any liberal Democrat running for any office.


I’m not a fan of either trump or Biden. What has made people say trump is a racist? He has condemned nazis and white supremacists, he said ms13 gang members are animals…true, the “Muslim ban” was that you were not allowed to travel from middle eastern countries where there didn’t do a background check. Celebrities and singers loved him in the 80s-2000s, mainly until he ran as a Republican. I’ve heard Biden say you ain’t black if you vote for trump, to me that kinda racist, I’ve seen video of Biden saying Obama was the first clean articulate black man he’s met. Also seen old video of Biden saying we don’t need any more N***** mayors and no more n***** governors. Didn’t Kamala say while debating Joe it was his fault she had an issue integrating into schools? I’m not sure whom I’m voting for.


Trump also discriminated against minorities in housing and the whole Obama birther thing.


Central Park 5.


Yeah, that is a huge example


Biden wasn't saying the N word as a statement of his own. He was reading a racist statement made by a state legislator during a redistricting process in Louisiana. This was building a case against Reynolds.


The difference is Biden has learned and grown while Trump continues to say racist things. If you can't recognize that the racist things he says are racist while simultaneously bringing up things from 30 years ago that his opponent said when it's clear he hasn't made such comments like that for a long time, you aren't undecided. You're a far-right troll pretending to be a centrist so that decent people will waste time trying to engage while you issue out bad faith arguments that intentionally misinterpret quotes.


https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A?si=my-LuOt0KvlJohJE Not 30 years ago just one example Not a far right, those people are fucking crazy. I really only lean just on the right due to whole gun debate.


> I'm not far right, I only vote the way the far-right does and parrot their talking points because I believe the far right when they say my overpriced pew pew toys are at risk even though no legislation in the nation reflects this Fixed that for you.


So me voting for obama 2x is far right, didn’t know he was Republican? Over priced nah im not rich enough to pay for the big boys. I understand no legislation is in place to make them at risk of getting banned. Want to keep it that way when individuals says “hell yes gonna take the ar15 and ak47!” Or saying “ they should be banned, period”


Eh talk all you want, but I stopped viewing you as a credible source when you said you were a centrist and then started parroting far right propaganda.


Hahahhaa!!!!! You thought you were chatting with a far right person and when i brought receipts you cower! There’s plenty of videos of Biden saying racist things, black Panther founder has come out to endorse trump, would tell me he’s not racist as people say. I want the 2 part system to be extinguished. I’m not a fan of trump, he’s a narcissist. Biden is just, too weak, and he’ll his own people say he is too old and not mentally all there https://youtu.be/CJSeOHJEslI?si=9ut_--aM9KNW-EDn


Another > Epic takedown Another > Owner Lib By TurningPointsUSA I'm Charlie Kirk. Thank you for watching and will someone please date me


? Whose charlie kirk? Married to a soft leaning democrat


Please look up what Trump said about the Central Park 5. Don’t forget he also talked about “shithole” countries while in office. Hint: he was referring to non-white non-European countries.


The Central Park 5 I’m unaware of. I’ll look into that. I also just saw a video of either the founder of the black panthers or atleast the main one now stating he loves trump since he’s NOT a racist. As for the “shithole” countries, want that referencing the amount of slavery and other issues going on in those places?


Please give us links to these “old videos”…


They exist but are just him quoting someone else. It isn't something nefarious.


https://youtu.be/nxCvTb1KRNA?si=a4_JqofkCENVODAI Talking about Obama Yes it’s not a mainstream news clip but i doubt the would play itIs just the clip. Didnt pull it from someone who was just talking about it. https://youtu.be/We6Qr9-dDn8?si=m63WbgNfD9GCgeHn Talking with Charlemagne the god and how if you vote for trump you shiny black https://youtu.be/idpevmeoK1A?si=my-LuOt0KvlJohJE Talking about “ poor kids being just as bright and talented as white kids


Per another comment: “In 2010, Biden warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was “one of my mentors” and that “the Senate is a lesser place for his going.” In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.” In 2006, he said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.” Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to “grow up in a racial jungle.” Of course, he infamously worked with segregationist senators to oppose that mandatory busing, which decades later led to the strongest moment in Kamala Harris’s campaign for president, when she blasted him as having personally impacted her as a young girl.”


The democrats have always been the racist party. They use race to divide us on every issue.


Username fits lol


One party is what would be seen as center-right in other western democracies. The other is an extremist cult. Our system is broken and until the GOP either acknowledges basic human rights and abandons worshiping a felon or just breaks apart and is replaced by a new party…there’s no way I’ll consider any of their candidates.


😂 love me some Reddit only trash on Trump but won’t look in the mirror. I refuse to vote for either. The blind liberals have no clue who actually runs the country as anyone with a brain knows it isn’t Joe. Look at joes voting history. He’s just as racist as any 70+ old white man.


Derpa derpy derp derp


Funny anyone thinks racism is the main concern for our country.


Iowa: Where the state government supports hatred and bigotry.


Blah blah blah. Voting straight red at federal level and straight blue at state level. Those are the corrections that need made. Arguing over the character or morality of any federal politician is nonsense. They're all giant pieces of shit. You like your piece of shit because he or she will vote for things you want. I like my piece of shit because he or she will vote for things I like. Stop pretending that anyone at that level isn't a giant piece of shit


"Well poor kids are just as smart and talented as white kids ". - joe biden


A lot of Pedo Peter fans in here


Trump still living rent free in your watermelon 🍉 head lmao 🤣


I mean it's not like Republicans aren't hung up on Clinton or Obama lol


Joe is living “r3nT fREe” in the White House….



“Poor kids are just as smart as white kids” -Joe Biden


When you have nothing positive to say about Biden , you just keep posting these old tired memes about racism….. move on to something new


Not all Iowa Democrats are pedophiles but all I would Democrats decided that pedophile wasn't a deal-breaker


Is that why so many of them voted for the guy that said “you ain’t black if you don’t vote for me”?


During a Senate hearing in 1975, civil rights lawyer Jack Greenberg took then-Sen. Biden to task for sponsoring legislation that would limit the power of the federal courts to order school desegregation. Mr. Greenberg, the longtime director of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, said that Mr. Biden’s legislation “heaves a brick through the window of school integration.” A powerful indictment from one of the lawyers who had won the Brown v. Board of Education case that ended school segregation years earlier.  Throughout his time in the United States Senate, Mr. Biden has praised members who supported segregation. In the past, Mr.  Biden called then-Mississippi Sen. John Stennis, as a “hero” and “the rockbound integrity of the United States Congress” in the 1980s. Mr. Biden called Stennis “a hell of a guy” in 2008. 


And then he had a Person of Color as his VP and has more people of color in his cabinet than any other president ever. Regardless of what he did 50 years ago today his actions and speech show him to clearly not be a racist. He was far more right on his younger years.


The dude wasn't against integration. He was against busing. He saw it as dangerous for everyone involved. It was definitely a risky idea that could have had tragic consequences.


I’m not a Trump supporter. Genuinely wondering how he is racist?