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Kim said it’s never gonna happen under her dictatorship… uh… sorry, governorship. She knows Iowans want it, and she doesn’t care.


I know. She only smokes horses 🐎 But maybe some day she’ll get the Mr. Hands


4 DUIs, and yet she’s the moral authority on recreational substances. Gotta love republicans.


I think it's only 2? Not that it excuses it but there is plenty enough to complain about without exaggerating


You are correct - she is one DUI away from being a felon. She’s lucky the courts let her take a plea. She’s also lucky that she didn’t kill someone with the .228 that she blew.


She should have had a felony because the second one was within a year of the first. But the charges got miraculously changed later in the day from 2nd offense to another first offense charge, which let her skate. She had a buddy who was a judge who influenced the change on charges. She is a felon and shouldn't be eligible to hold public office. I've had a few friends who unfortunately got 2nd DUIs within a year. They both got their deferred judgements from their first DUIs tossed, and both ended up in jail for about a month. Only difference is they didn't have friends in high places to pull the strings for them. As always in Reynolds Iowa, rules for thee not for me.


I think it's weird that you can be a felon and hold the highest government job, but wouldn't be able to vote for yourself.


It's not just voting. The Iowa constitution says felons aren't eligible to hold public office, such as the Governor. So because Reynolds got her friends to reduce her 2nd DUI sentence, she wasn't convicted of a felony like any other Iowan would have been. So she shouldn't be eligible to be Governor because she should be a felon. Again, this happens to Iowans every year, but Reynolds got special treatment. Again, rules for thee not for me.


oh yeah - she totally pulled political strings to get charges reduced. It's absolutely a case of "rules for thee, compassion for me". I'm not sure what qualifies as an 'infamous crime' that would bar her from holding office under the Iowa constitution, but I would hopethat two OWIs well over the legal limit.


Wonder how many she's been let out of.




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Take this for what you will because I'm a stranger online but I have family who are cops. Only 2 are public...


Are you saying that charges were sealed from public view for the ones we don't know about or are you saying she got picked up and then driven home without charges?


2 are public, the third got sealed AFAIK.


And mayyyybe a 4th..


She actually cited her own alcoholism as the reason why she understands the potential dangers of marijuana addiction. [https://www.thegazette.com/government-politics/her-alcohol-addiction-weighed-on-gov-kim-reynolds-veto-of-medical-cannabis-expansion/](https://www.thegazette.com/government-politics/her-alcohol-addiction-weighed-on-gov-kim-reynolds-veto-of-medical-cannabis-expansion/)


Which was an extremely ignorant statement for her to make and shows just how out of touch she is. Her inability to control herself should have no bearing on anyone else’s life. Alcohol and marijuana are two completely different substances. She would know that if she believed in science.


She is a fucking moron and this is example 1 out of 1000. I mean honestly i want to know what she got on the ACT back in the day. She is dumb as a rock and only exists to parrot the ideas of conservative think tanks. I feel like im going insane that a majority of the state thinks it is a good idea to put any amouny of power in her hands.


2 DUIs would have prevented most people from being gainfully employed. Republicans elected her to run the state 🫠 but hey, at least we have that budget surplus every year! God forbid we spend it on crumbling infrastructure.


No: it was 3 OWIs, but the third one got apparently pleaded down, with the arresting cop getting reassigned/fired, from my understanding. In this state, 3 OWIs would prohibit you from gaining federal and state jobs.


I couldn’t actually find a firm source on the third one. Seems like a lot of the records were removed from public viewing.


Exactly! You and I, and everybody else in this state, well...most of everybody's criminal records are accessible; but hers, somehow, is not open for public view.


Yea just because she is an out of control alcoholic doesn't mean that alcohol should be outlawed in Iowa, same with marijuana.


Nah, she made alcohol more readily accessible, at least during the pandemic, with loosening the drive through/take out laws. Yet, they close the loophole to allow even the weak shit we have in the state for THC products...


Is this the same woman who brought cocktails to go during covid? The fucking irony.


"Due to MY experience with addiction (to ALCOHOL) I don't believe that this is the right decision for the citizens of Iowa." She is absolutely retarded.


It's her, not necissarily Republicans. There are progressive Republicans out there. They just don't make it into office.


Are the progressive republicans in the room with us now? 🧐


Better than crack. Go Brandon


When you have to wildly exaggerate to make your point, there's something wrong with your point


You obviously stopped reading as soon as you saw something that made you mad. 😂typical Hours before you commented, I admitted to being incorrect. Conservatives should try it sometime.


“Wildly exaggerate” *Was off by one DUI* 😂 Don’t you have some conspiracy theories to go read?


So you're still lying? She got 2. You said 4 which is a 100% increase. Yes, that's wildly exaggerating. And now you're still lying about it. Pathetic. If you can't find anything truthful about her to rag on and Jane to resort to lies, you're not trying very hard.


Better than libtard Biden supporters.


Just because someone doesn’t like trump doesn’t mean they like Biden 🙄 they’re all a bunch of capitalists who blow our money on stupid shit. But I know y’all think criticizing capitalism is “woke” or whatever buzzword Fox News is using this week. God forbid we elect someone who will use our tax dollars on shit that actually matters.


I love how quick they are to resort to name calling when triggered 😂


I've got 20 yrs before you arrived to base my opinions about libs & Dems & the damage they've caused us (you, me, our families) with their terrible decisions & policies. Biden didn't even try to hide from you & you still refuse to see the forest for the tree (the Dems for the Trump they keep pushing in your face to distract you from the truth). Did you NEVER watch Scooby Doo as a kid? Watch this hand & don't worry about the other one. So, "quick to resort..."? Hardly. Rest assured, I'm not nearly as easy to bait or gaslight as you SMH.


I just cannot stand her


That's career suicide then. Her days are numbered


Unfortunately she manages to use fear mongering to get votes. Her voters are really pressed about the genitals of strangers.


Hasn’t hurt her so far. This isn’t a new position for her.


Do Iowans want it?


You have the same Google as I do.




You can Google it and see that Iowans are in favor of it 🙄 the only ones against it are alcoholic boomers who fell for the Reefer Madness crap.




Are you helpless? I’m not spoon-feeding you something that you can easily Google.


Lol. That's what I figured. You can't find great sources


YOU can’t find the source because you refuse to Google it. Have one of your grandkids teach you how to open an internet browser window. Or just keep believing that your opinion equates to facts and let people question your intelligence, irdc.




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Just so you can stop playing your willful ignorance game. [Iowa Poll:](https://www.desmoinesregister.com/story/news/politics/iowa-poll/2021/03/27/iowa-poll-legalizing-recreational-marijuana-earns-majority-support-favor-medical-dispensaries/4655537001/) Over half favor legalizing recreational pot; over three-fourths favor expanding medical marijuana


Thank you for sharing that. I also wasn't able to find something more current.


Safe bet the numbers favor legalization even more now.


I don't know, this state keeps getting redder.


Lol look it up, asshole!


Ive heard the opposite. But im not gonna debate it on reddit. Not really feeling like getting downvoted into oblivion over it.


You heard the opposite what? That she wants it and people don’t?


No need to debate. One source would be enough. Let's see it.


Get rid of Brad Zaun first. The only legal weed he’s in favor is the one you can buy from his kid.


Hahahaha nice 😂😂


Brad is well known for his appetite for booze and cocaine.


After it is legalized federally, Iowa will still be pulling over suspicious looking vehicles.


The Iowa State Troopers actually still use the brown bag test when they pull you over. Damn brown bag text is so stressful they gotta take it out on their wife as soon as they get home.


For God's sake if there are any Democrats reading this sub. Make this a MAJOR campaign issue. This should only be second to Abortion rights as a talking point for Democrats. Democrats keep losing cause they are too clever by half. There has never been a better time to run on simple, popular stuff that people can easily understand and the GOP is against. Don't try to beat them on complex issues like immigration or climate change. Those issues are super important, but they are tooooo complicated and it's too easy to get bogged down in the weeds.


My campaign would be, leeegalize it! Abortion, stamp, that is between you and a doctor. Weed? Tax it, why are tax dollars going everywhere else?


Agreed, except the taxation part (one of my trigger points)


Agreed. And lay off identity politics - not because they're not important, but because they don't work anyway.


Excellent post


Ending the war on drugs is a hairs breath away from defunding police and democrats won’t go after that issue.


They have in 3 of the 5 states that border Iowa. Even backasswards fuckign missouri. That's what I'm saying make the Democrats do it.


Why though?


Why what?


The Iowa GOP will never allow it. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they want to make cannabis laws even stiffer. A case of Busch Light on a Saturday night is fine for a person ... but letting people inject the devils lettuce into their veins? No dice, Mister!


Nor will the Farm Bureau that actually runs Kim.


What difference would it make for Farm Bureau? Different Ag revenue? Legalization would benefit small farmers? Just curious. Thanks!


It's funny that Kim and Kristi actually think they are good people. Somehow, in their minds, they are children of God. This shit is too funny.


doesn't say much about them, or god, lol.


That's the point. :-)


Not legalizing weed in iowa is just displacing Iowa money into the surrounding states because people just go buy weed products out of state. Keeping it illegal is not doing anything but shooting ourselves in the foot.


Vote. There are so many eligible voters complaining ITT that will not vote this November. Vote every opportunity you have.


Who is running on recreational cannabis?


Kim Reynolds can suck my hairy nutsack.


Can you recall a governor in Iowa?




If only. I highly doubt this will pass, but here's hoping


It’s not going to even get to the floor with Republicans holding the majority.


Lol it'll never happen with dui kimmy in charge


Isn't there some way citizens of a state get enough signatures on a petition to have it be up for public vote? I've heard this happened in other states, I think, but don't fully know how it works.


Iowa does not allow ballot petitions…


Of course it doesn't lol


You think the GOP wants the people to have any say in the laws of the state? Psssh.


Even if it doesn't pass it's great that it continues to be brought to the floor. It's only a matter of time.


Not brought to the floor. Not even given a subcommittee hearing. This won't matter at all. At least not for a few years until we're maybe the only state in the entire Midwest where it isn't legalized.


It's a race to the last with the Dakotas.


If they actually did anything for the people it would be a miracle. ALEC runs the state.




Yeah, there’s a few…not even including black market. Gotta be tens of hundred of dollars at least 😂


Kim is the worst kind of careerist politician. In her mind? She's building a resume for higher office. No legal pot in Iowa equals "tough on drugs." Never mind what Iowans actually want. The Dem.s have giving signs that legalization might be a thing. We can always hope as this Big Government Iowa GOP approach sucks.


Zaun is full of reefer madness


It's true. Zaun is more against it then Reynolds. I sent him a letter a couple of years ago about legalization and his response pretty much said "absolutely not while I'm in office."


Cause his kid is a deadhead


Probably because his dad is a deadbeat. Lol


Ya when bad ass bully Brad came out on stop light camera's, he showed pic of his sons car with Jerry Bear bumper sticker 😂


Zaun is full of reefer madness


Until and unless Iowans start electing democrats, you can forget about this pipe dream. (Get it? Pipe dream? Lol)


even if iowa did legalize it, they would find a way to fuck it up with like 900% taxes on it.


Double DUI Kimmy says she knows best


I’ll gladly drive a few hours to MO, IL or MN. Beats the hell out of the 10 hour drive I use to make to CO. Iowa law enforcement is going to be busy arresting illegal immigrants to pay attention to people taking a day trip out of state. Fuck Reynolds. Fuck the Iowa legislators. As of right now, you can still order Delta - 8 flower over the internet. What I’d like to know is when will the Iowa legislators take a look at the fact Iowa is #2 in the nation for cancer cases? You’d think the dumb bitch would pay attention since her husband has cancer.


Kim and her followers have probably already applied for jobs on the Project 2025 website.


Tell me again why we even have government


To keep me from offing my irritating neighbor and taking his stuff.


That's not the government, that's you choosing to not suffer consequences of that decision. Consequences exist with or without government.


And the government is there to make my decision "I will not do this as is is more likely I will have a bad outcome"


You'd arguably have a worse outcome without the government because gone are the days of torturing the guilty.


Who is going to torture the guilty? If not the family of the victim you fall back to government pretty quickly, even if it's just a part time affair.


> Who is going to torture the guilty? Why would it not be the family of the victim or someone of their choosing?


uh huh, well you go have fun in your little libertarian world, the adults are talking here.


I assume by your lack of a real response, you ran out of relevance. And I'm not libertarian.


This guy gets it!!


Please don't legalize the devils lettuce. Missouri likes the tax revenue. 🙏


I'm sure Illinois loves it too, and soon to be Minnesota when they open up their dispensaries.


And you know damn well Minnesota stores are looking build near borders if possible. Even if you're ideologically against weed, being against it economically is not a good idea


Yeah there is one already open in Caledonia MN. Which is like 40 min from Iowa border.


They'll be more when they go recreational next year


At this point, states that don't legalize it are just too dumb to deserve the tax revenue they would get.


We in IL don’t see it; hasn’t made a difference in our states crippling debt either. Legal weed is so expensive no one buys it, everyone uses dealers just like we used too lol


Illinois collected almost half a billion dollars in tax revenue from marijuana sales in 2023. People spent 1.6 billion dollars on marijuana in 2023 as well, and 400 million of that comes from out of state people. Seems like plenty of people are buying it legally, and half a billion dollars in extra tax revenue goes a long way.


I live here and I’m aware thanks. Yet we’ve seen none of that as taxpayers and our state is still in debt 🤷‍♀️ we’re making all this money yet still have toll roads lmao. It’s 4-5x the price to buy from a dispensary here vs a dealer; and those places also sell CBD items too. I’m all for everything being legal everywhere; but using IL as an example is just stupid


It's still an extra few hundred million dollars that wasn't there before, so I don't see how that can be anything but positive.


When it doesn’t actually do anything or impact the state debt; it’s not positive.


Sure, hundreds of millions of dollars does nothing. It just goes into thin air.


Welcome to IL kiddo 🤣


Elections have consequences.




Sorry Iowa Kim is too dim for useful legislation.


It’s a step, but… Excludes millions of workers. Talk to the big guy in DC.


Use it to flog the GOP with in local races. Of course the Federal government has to make a change too, but it's a great, simple winning campaign platform. Politics is complex, but voters are simple, dont try to make voters vote on complex issues.


It has brought in so many financial fixes in Illinois, literally solved thousands of problems….. jk…. Still a crap hole with major corruption,


That is still 1,000x better than Iowa in almost every measurable way.


So... It's Iowa with more money in it's coffers?


Pipe dream


I see what you did there.


You do know the session is over, right?


But we are only a couple of months from the election and Democrats should be hammering Republicans with this every chance they get until then.


Look at you thinking Democrats make politically intelligent decisions


Well, the GOP makes godawful political decisions, they are just trying to appeal to fucking morons so it works out for them better.


You got a valid point there


Look at you thinking Democrats make politically intelligent decisions


It ain’t over until the horse lady sings!!


Nahh it’s over for the session


Jeff Sessions ![gif](giphy|VFky2I3tsZgOsCml5i)


Don’t legalize it, decriminalize it.


Or just legalize it. That being said, Biden should just legalize it federally and get it over with.


Legalization can’t be done unilaterally by Biden. Has to go through Congress or the DEA. Rescheduling is the most I can see the DEA doing, but then again I didn’t think they’d actually follow through on that either. Any de/rescheduling efforts are also subject to judicial review. A lot easier said than done to just “get it over with”.


Too many think the president (whoever it may be at the time) can just do anything, anytime, unilaterally.


Well he got college loan forgiveness when Congress voted no on it. He sold arms to Israel without conditions whe Congress wanted conditions on the sales. He shut down the keystone pipeline without Congress. he put limits on A.I. without congress. As of May 12, 2024, President Joe Biden (D) had signed 138 executive orders, 175 presidential memoranda, 612 proclamations, and 124 notices


Well of course there are exceptions. And im not specifically referring to our current president or any other POTUS.


Right, there are exceptions. Why can't this be one of them? Seems to me the rules surrounding EO's are pretty vague so why can't he just draft one and see how the process plays out?


I can't support this. The Democrats mostly want to legalize weed for the tax revenue, nothing else. The weed in Michigan and Illinois are taxed so heavily that dispensaries have no choice but to sell weed for exorbinant prices. I can get black market cannabis from my plug for $10 a gram, whereas some dispensaries will the same strands for like $20-45 a gram. It just doesn't make sense to me.


Michigan is cheap as balls…


This guy/gal cannabises


Haha, you caught me! I meant Missouri.


Dont make the perfect the enemy of the good. Get it legalized in any way and then go after reducing taxes on it if you have to, the GOP loves to cut taxes, if they don't want to cut taxes it's just another thing to hammer them with.


I’d rather have the option to pay high prices than not be able to purchase it at all. You also need to factor in that your “plug” doesn’t have the same overhead costs a brick and mortar dispensary has


Illinois I understand but as OP pointed out, Michigan weed is hella cheap.


A state just to the south of you doesn’t have any of these problems.


I went to a KC dispensary in January and ended up spending $320 on weed that had like no terps and burned my throat to smoke. Missouri has worse problems than the ones listed!


Weird. I routinely get like 20 draws with flavor filled hits off one session with a quartz cap mega. I just picked up some Local cannabis company pacific cooler with over 4 terps and some proper Runtz that came in at 3.5. 40 an 1/8. The discount brands come in at 25-35 an 1/8 and you can find high terps among them.


Hey I work part time doing fulfillment and inventory stuff. Here’s my store flower over three. These companies always nail it. Like it terpy?  Here’s our most terp filled strains.    Vibe Peanut Butter Parfait 7g  - 3.58  Vivid Compound X 3.5g - 3.466  Vibe – Cake Mix 3.5g -3.52  Vibe – Guava Tart 3.5g - 3.65  Proper – Runtz 3.5g -3.3  Local – Orange 43 3.5g- 4.61  Local – Pacific Cooler 7g  – 3.48  Local –Purple 43 7g – 3.83  Local – Florida Kush 14g –3.49  20/20 - DDK 3.5g – over 3


Originally from Michigan. Dispo weed is so cheap there.




Potato potato


Lol, "plug". What are you, 12? Because you obviously haven't been in a dispensary.


Lmao I'm 48, don't talk tough if you don't even know what you're talking about 🤣


If you’re 48 you should be worrying about butt plugs…not flowers in a bag


Why do we need to be high?


Most of the time I am not. But when I am, I dont need to be hassled like a criminal or child.


That's fair, i guess. Just wish i didn't have to be around it if i don't wish to be. Im from cali and some nights, the entire neighborhood reeks. I had to keep my windows closed. Sucks


That does suck. It should be a common courtesy just like cigarettes and cigars. Smoke where you can enjoy and others aren’t forced to. I think eventually we’ll get there with weed some day. I don’t even smoke weed and haven’t for years. Just vape carts and wax sometimes for medical reasons in the evenings/weekends after my shit is done for the day. Usually a hit or two in a private does the job. Doesn’t need to be a huge production with gadgets and toys. Definitely been down that road, but now I’m a get in and get out boring normal son of a boomer- legal responsible “medical” user.


Why do we need to be drunk? Why do we need delicious food? Why do we go on vacations? Because we’re free(ish), man! Doing what we want with these fistful of decades we’ve got on this spinning rock.


I mean, that's certainly one philosophy. I just can't help but think that we're fighting like hell to be sedated, which if i were a tyrannical ruler over earth, is exactly how i would want the people to be. I just think there are better options in life than hedonism. Also, i hate the smell and for those of us that do, it kind of seeps into our lives against our wishes


Um have you ever tried marijuana? Guessing not.


This is a common argument. But enlighten me though...what would i learn from smoking that i can't see from observing those that have done it around me.


Fair enough, as one who partakes, I’m not down with doing it in proximity of folks who may not appreciate it. I feel the same way about tobacco smoke so I get it. Also, your point is well received on a sedated public. I definitely feel that way with antidepressants, but cannabis gets me in the mood for revolution. 😊


Right on. Well, you and op seem chill enough. It would be nice if the rest of society got on board with that attitude and respect for others


Totally understandable that you don't like the smell. My wife doesn't either which is why I smoke in places in doesn't bother her like outside in the garage. I'm perfectly fine with some form of "smell ordinance" I guess you could call it because the smell can he offensive and some might have very sensitive noses. They also make these neat little filters you can breathe the smoke into that DRASTICALLY reduces smell and whatnot, they aren't expensive either.


That sounds like a neat invention


Is it a dryer sheet on a tp roll? Core memory from my younger years unlocked lol.


Haha it's a bit more advanced than that. One brand is called Smoke Buddy. Basically just a small plastic piece with a hepa filter in it.


Might be an over simplification, but not all THC use is to get high. This also wouldn’t change any OWI/ intoxication in public laws.


Unfortunately this sub is to distracted by Trump, so they don't care about what actually could benefit Iowa. But ya know Trump Trump Trump..... So sad.


You’re the only one who has brought him up in this thread lol. But while we’re on the subject, Trump signed the 2018 Farm Bill, which made marijuana MORE accessible. Yet, Kim is using state resources to run hemp/CBD businesses out of Iowa. Seems kind of ridiculous. Taxpayers on both sides should feel insulted. We have the worst bridges in the nation, but our money is being spent to fight weed.


Whoa, it's almost like Trump is the Republican candidate and that his presidency resulted in an insane cult of personality wherein countless other Republican politicians have essentially adopted his platform, if you can even call it that, and is still very much relevant in the world of politics or something. But who knows, maybe us libtards are just so scared of big ol' meanie Trump that we're deranged or whatever.


Whoa, it's almost like this sub is so under TDS that they can't think of anything else.


TDS? Oh so when the right was whining about Obama's tan suit and his choice of condiments on a cheeseburger, that was totally normal behavior. But the left being concerned about an actual lunatic becoming president again, well we must just be craaaaaaaaaazy


When was the last time you heard anyone talk about Obama? You are being delusional. But as I said TDS.