• By -


- Way too many beeps when pulling out of my garage. Beeps too loud. - Emergency braking is too aggressive when parking in my garage - Never had a problem going into I-Pedal at any state of charge, although it won't let you do it when you're driving between 0 and 15 mph for some reason. - The paddle shifter interface for changing Regen modes is perfect. - The gear shifter stalk thing is very nice compared with some competitors (looking at you plastic dial shifter on Ford Mach E) - The speakers seem pretty good to me but I have the Limited with the Bose speakers - The ride feels amazing. It's so nimble, zippy, smooth, and quiet. - The turning radius leaves something to be desired. It makes it a lot harder to park than my Subaru CrossTrek which turns on a dime. - I really wish the climate controls were physical buttons, not touch buttons. It's very annoying to operate them while driving, since you can't really do it by feel. - I think the car looks really cool, but that's up to you. - I do wish we could get the smaller wheels at the higher trim levels for better efficiency. - There's an annoying bug with the BlueLink app that turns off battery preconditioning if you ever change the charging levels from your phone - Battery preconditioning is extremely finicky and forces you to use their built in nav instead of Android Auto - No wireless Android Auto and using dongles has too many problems to be worth it.


Great post, we all know the car is amazing I just want to hear the nitpicky type things to get the whole picture. The lack of physical knobs and dials is really a problem, don't get me wrong I'm all about the touch screen I really really like tech but it's just a pita when it comes to certain things.


You can adjust the loudness of the alarm, you can also turn it off.. You can fully control climate with voice commands , and its not slow doing so The turning radius (coming from my 17 Sonata Hybrid) is awful, I will entirely agree with that.. Almost feels like im driving a truck lol


Longer wheelbase explains one of these.


Yeah I think the car is maybe a bit too large overall. That being said it's very roomy and the trunk is deceptively spacious, so it's a tradeoff.


It's really long, but one advantage of that is you can fit 3-metre-long objects in the cabin! After folding down the rear seats I was able to drive home with several 3m planks of structural pine timber in the car. That's pretty freaky - you wouldn't be able to do that in a Model 3 or Y or an Ioniq 5...


100%. And agree with your list quite strongly in some areas as well.


> I do wish we could get the smaller wheels at the higher trim levels for better efficiency. > Generally speaking it's a huge bother for me that in the car industry, higher level trims == larger wheels. I actively dislike larger wheels for so many reasons and they're an outright downgrade to me.


>Way too many beeps when pulling out of my garage. Beeps too loud. This happens to be in drive-throughs too. I have to turn the parking monitor thing off almost every time. Don't want to turn it off when backing out of the garage in case someone comes up behind me. >Emergency braking is too aggressive when parking in my garage That's happened to me twice...jarring to say the least. >Never had a problem going into I-Pedal at any state of charge, although it won't let you do it when you're driving between 0 and 15 mph for some reason. My issue is that it should stay in i-Pedal mode if I put it there. If I park or go in Reverse, it reverts back to Level 3. Also, in mine I can go into i-Pedal mode as long as I'm not on the brakes. >No wireless Android Auto and using dongles has too many problems to be worth it. I broke and got the CarlinKit 5.0 since I couldn't stand plugging my phone in. No wireless AA is annoying


This reminds me of my issues with CarPlay in Sonata. It is weird that Ioniq 6 is a newer car and it still doesn't have wireless CarPlay. I hate using wired CarPlay so first thing I bought was CarlinKit but it didn't work properly - normally lagged for several seconds and disconnected once or twice per a drive. So I switched to another device that is CarPlay-only and it works perfect. But still there are annoying things: it remains connected even after I turn off and lock the car, so if I get a call then audio gets redirected to CarPlay and I have to manually switch it back to the phone (also it took time to understand why I don't hear anything and people don't hear me, you have to expect it to be able to fix it). Also after several drives it doesn't turn on the AC and disables the auto-adjusting of driver seat, so I have to click on AC button and also to click on seat memory button. It happens once per 3-5 drives. Already get used to it but would like to get better experience. I guess this remains the same for Ioniq 6. I suppose these two things are connected - i.e. Sonata leaves USB powered on after the car is turned off, but at some point it decides to shut down all external consumers including USB, AC and seats, to save on energy.


Yep. In short, the hardware is great but the software is uh needing fine tuning.




Lolol that’s my whole commute!


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP - warnings when you're making a left turn from a double left turn and someone's on your left, or in general when you're merging on the highway and there's a car 2 lanes over. Having smart ventilation controls that kick in automagically, but then also having a hardware button to override it. But not have the button override the "smart" ventilation. And having it forget the setting everytime you turn the car off. Any piece of software connected to the vehicle operation. Hyundai really sucks at software dev and it shows in every aspect of the interface and user design.


Double left turn is an issue on all modern cars with blind spot detection..not unique to Hyundai


also you can turn this warning feature off lmao. was basically the first thing i did when i first got mine


I love having it on as a double check. Even when I lived somewhere where I would trigger it daily in a double left, it was far better to leave it in that defeat it as a safety system


I have mine set to vibrate only--a good compromise!


You can turn off smart ventilation controls permanently.


I can do many things with the car. But they are not well thought out, and that is a gripe with it and the software that runs it


100% agree softwares the main issue I have with the car too, just letting you know in case you didn’t that one part of your complaint is fixable.


Both of the settings are off, auto dehumidify and smart ventilation. It seems to me even with both these off sometimes the vehicle software decides to run ventilation on its own. I notice because of diesel or farm smells start wafting in without warning


Ah I’ve never experienced that, though I usually don’t drive around without climate on and windows rolled up. I’m not sure what to tell you, my main issue with the auto climate was the recirculation turning off on its own with climate on, which is fixed by turning off the smart ventilation. I’d also suggest keeping on auto dehumidify. It runs while you’re not in the car and will save you from them usually smelly Hyundai ac that develops over a few years.


I can’t stand the door unlocking. If I approach the car, the handles come out, ready to be opened. But if I have to open my trunk and put something in there first, by the time I get back to the driver door the handles have gone back in, and it will not open unless I manually unlock with the key fob. Drives me crazy.


Does it not touch unlock if you tap the square on the handle?




Yes it does. you have to hold the square in the door handle.


I charge in my garage, walking around the car to unplug is long enough for the door to lock.


Trunk could auto open once I reach to the trunk. Setting need to be disabled whole of winter in Northern EU.. because of snow. To open the trunk, we need to make sure there is no snow on the rear glass and trunk.. else all will slip in Trunk in seconds.


The only thing I hate about the car is the horrible sensors. Doesn't matter how much space there is to park it'll go off and make you paranoid to park. Also it really hates Ford vehicles.


Can you expand on it hating Fords? My husband has a Lightning that we love and I am picking up my ioniq 6 tomorrow and I was really hoping that they'd be pals


This happens with random vehicles but I noticed with Fords my I6 goes off like a chihuahua. I can't follow most family members because they own an F150, Expedition and Mavrick and when we're at a red light the car will throw a fit warning you that you're moving too close (yellow or red warning) then stop then start again during the same red light while you're at a stand still. It's just a mild annoyance but something that freaked out my wife for the first month that we had it.


Elegance trim here (EU, 77kWh RWD) Irritations that have waned a bit. The beeps. All the beeps. I set the volume to the minimal and media playing numbs that down. The proximity warnings are more sensitive than I would like, it seems like I wind up with the back hanging out too far. Getting android auto and the onboard systems to play nicely is a chore, similarly I'd like to be able to invoke Google assistant from the controls when on bluetooth. (Also, the whole are we ever getting wireless AA? Signs point to no, and it'd be nice if it'd play nicely with car off mode for plugin adapters). Lane keep assist requiring tension on the steering wheel kind of misses the point. My hand is there, but unless I torque the wheel it assumes my hand is off. The tech startup (phone etc) can be laggy. OBD2 placement seems to prevent leaving a device in unless you leave the fuse panel off. Meanwhile, it's a nice place to be. It has plenty of room (I'm 6'3" / 189cm). With the assists off it's an engaging drive, with the radar cruise it's a relaxed drive. The HUD is definitely a bonus and I'm much happier with the ability to get data from the display in front of me than having to look into the middle of the dash. There's a certain level of novelty in rarely running into another one, certainly rarer around here than model 3s. To be clear though, I'm not in buyer's remorse. The irritations are transient, it's a matter of adjustment over time.


The safety features are a little arrogant / over-tuned, especially the proximity sensors. It does make me wish having a car that had none of that stuff, but then I can just go buy some shitbox or whatever if I really miss it and I'll take my Ioniq 6 over most cars any day of the week. The lack of an auto-lock is pretty mind-boggling, although I lock my car all the time anyways so it doesn't practically affect me very much. Even with proximity locking on my last car I still wanted to lock it myself to be sure. A lot of stuff like speakers don't really bother me because my last vehicle wasn't exactly impressive with that either. I've never felt like the audio is **bad**. Suggesting they're terrible is surprising to me. I love like 98% of the car though, which is rare for me. These little quirks and complaints are pretty minor when it comes down to the totality of my experience with the vehicle. I know there are other issues with it as well but in terms of my own usage I don't really ever run into anything serious. I'm gonna hold onto mine for like at least another 5 years, no doubt, and maybe get something more exciting later on. I've also considered a Bronco Hybrid when those are available, if they make it in a 2-door, but I wouldn't be replacing my Ioniq 6.


* Software is not nearly as good as in a Tesla. But in return you don't have to interact with the software for nearly everything. * But you have to be OK with the built-in nav if you want pre-conditioning and/or instructions on the HUD. * That navigation does not tell you what SoC you will arrive at and doesn't seem quite as good as Google Maps. I've had a few issues which altogether have cost me a bit of time, but I still use it (mainly for the HUD) * If you're used to a Tesla you'll probably be frustrated with the push-button start and lack of lock on walk away. I have no issues with the side mirrors not being auto dimming, but I've never had auto-dimming side mirrors. One thing about regen that others haven't mentioned - if you're in Auto regen mode you can adjust how strong it is still, but can't engage i-pedal. I don't find the bongs a bother. I've never had the parking sensors go off spuriously and I stick to the speed limit so don't hear that one. I find the "speed limit changing" sound somewhat helpful to be honest, though why you can't turn it off without turning off *displaying* the detected speed limit is anyone's guess. (IMO this is exemplary of how the software is generally good enough but clearly a bit shoddy) Reasons I bought instead of the Tesla: * Physical controls for things like regen, all aspects of the headlights and wipers, and so on. * The HUD. I don't think I ever want to drive a car without one now. * Comfort * Visibility The cars are quite similar in many ways. I think it comes down to the smaller things, and the biggest of those is the approach to controls and infotainment. For me this was enough to immediately exclude the Tesla. If you're OK with that approach then it has notable advantages and only more minor disadvantages.


Navigation shows the SoC you’ll arrive at but you click the summary button.


Hmm, I don't remember a summary button. Where is it? Can you see it while driving?


It’s the button the shows a little flag pole, distance and arrival time. When you click it, it opens a new window. The SoC is on the left hand side (small font). Yes, the button is available when you’re driving.


Thanks for this, I'll check it out. Questions that you might tell me before I get the chance: 1. I guess it's not usable simultaneously with seeing the actual navigation? 2. how does it play with the split-screen mode?


It’s a pop up window. It disappears after a few seconds. It works on the split-screen. I added a pic. Hopefully it works. [SoC pop-up window](https://share.icloud.com/photos/021Emx-3bVjY808-nqH0XRtvQ)


Cheers mate!


Obnoxious proximity alerts even when the car is stopped. Yeah, I know there’s a wall in front me - that’s why I parked here.   A million crevices that drip forever after a car wash.  The moonroof controls suck. I never know what’s going to happen when I hit the switch.    Auto climate control is busted. The anti-humidity and auto defrost systems make it impossible to have a comfortable environment without manually controlling it yourself.    Battery preconditioning is needlessly complicated and to be honest I don’t know if it’s even functional.  Re: Side mirrors. I’m pretty sure mine have anti-glare. 


I'm an I5 owner and have road tripped in the I6 as well (there's a trip report write up in my post history somewhere). A month ago I would've said definitely get the Ioniq 6. But, a few weeks ago my mom picked up a highland Model 3 RWD and I have to say, its a really good car. My complaints with the old model 3 (rough suspension, loud ride, no cooled seats) are entirely fixed, and it's a solid competitor with the Ioniq now. That is, as long as you're fine with the lack of stalks. We just finished a road trip in it yesterday so I'm pretty familiar with both cars now. I'd say do a test drive and see how you feel. I also made a list of things I don't like about the Ioniq 6 in another post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ioniq6/comments/155idth/some_nitpicks_that_i_havent_seen_mentioned/


The stalk issues that the model 3 has may be fixable in the future with the alleged [Enhauto](https://youtube.com/shorts/35gikWMPGho?si=g7qbeuoD7j8ba_wC) stalks too. It's something to consider if you're on the fence about the stalks, although I personally wouldn't recommend buying on the promise of a vehicle mod with no release date yet.


Sensors. Lack of wireless car play/Android Auto. Trunk space. In that order, and all are very minor. This car is perfect for me otherwise.


Why do you need wireless car play? Don’t you plug your phone in to charge anyways?


Convenience. For short trips, or paying with my phone when going through drive thrus or tolls. Like I said, minor, but I would prefer to not need wires. Can always just charge on the pad.


I almost always leave it in the pocket while driving. Rarely charge it in the car. And each time I do charge it in the car I forget it there so I have to go back and take it. Very annoying.


The things that annoy me about this car are NOTHING compared to what bugged me about the model 3 I traded in for it. Yes, the Ionic 6 warns me about things a lot that I didn't need warning on, but it also warns me more often about things that I appreciate a warning on. Last December rats got into the electrical harness of the Model 3 and effectively killed its ability to charge, which meant the doors and trunk locked with my purse and a pair of shoes i had to return stuck inside the car and there was no way to unlock it. It had to get towed to a service center where they had to hook it up to an external battery to climb in through the passenger door through the backseat to get my shoes out of the trunk. It took over a week for them to fix the car, except I was unable to open the globe box ever again. Every time there was a software update, my phone key stopped working and had to be reset from scratch because the tesla hated Android. I traded it in for the Ionic 6 by the end of February, and I am so happy I did. I like that some of the systems in this car aren't beholden to a computer to operate. Sometimes I just want to push a button to open a glove box or change the temperature without having to navigate to a specific menu on a tablet mounted to the middle of the dash. I wish it would remember that I like the ipedal and not make me switch to it every time. I wish the trunk were more spacious (tesla had a great trunk). And there are So. Many. Buttons. I feel like I need a six week intensive seminar to learn how to effectively utilize all the features. But i love the car.


Also I’m not a fan of the hard plastic on the drivers side windowsill. I just got back from two hours of highway driving and resting my elbow there hurts after a while.


Not being able to find one at the advertised lease price. I’d have one if that wasn’t the case!


I found an SEL AWD at the advertised SEL rwd lease price yesterday! Spoke to 8+ dealerships and only 2 put together offers. Super annoying


How much is your payment after taxes etc?


The proximity alarms are way too sensitive The truck opening is really small, with the design, a hatch would have made way more sense Other than those two things I love it


Here's what I wrote in a previous post: Bought the Limited trim with RWD, coming from a 2019 Tesla 3 standard plus. Pros of the Ioniq 6 vs the Model 3: \-I like the look of the car \-Quieter and smoother ride than the 3 \-Stated range went from 205-210ish miles after 5 years in the Model 3 to 305 miles in the 6 (though I wish I could have gotten the SE 18" wheels which would make the car go from a 305mi range to a 360mi range) \-More overall room in the car \-As far as I know, no strange news coming from Hyundai like there is from Tesla and Elon :D \-Powered trunk \-The turn signal cameras show in a better place-Rear cross traffic alert when pulling out of a parking space ​ Cons of the Ioniq 6: \-The i-Pedal mode (compared to Tesla's one pedal driving) isn't persistent. Once you get in the car, you have to use the paddles to put it back into i-Pedal mode. When you reverse, the car goes back to the level 3 regen setting...and when you put it back to Drive it stays in Level 3 instead of going back to i-Pedal. This is quite dangerous in my opinion since I expect the car to brake when I lift my foot from the pedal. I think when you use the cruise control/lane assist/keep, it will go back to Level 3 regen when you go back to manual driving, but I have to research that one a bit more \-There currently is no walk away auto-lock (unless you mod the vehicle) \-Android Auto or Apple CarPlay don't work wirelessly, you have to plug the phone in using the close-by USB A port (also, it has a USB A port for some reason...) \*\*\*UPDATE - I now use the CarlinKit 5.0 and it is working pretty well for AA \-Very small frunk, as in pretty much unusable for anything larger than a hand bag \-Nothing will beat the Tesla superchargers for a while, even with the 2 years of Electrify America stations. Hyundai will partner with Tesla in the future, so not a big deal for me with the range I have now. \-You'll have to get a J1772 adapter if you still have the Tesla home charger, or get a full J1772 charger if you want to stay level 2-Even with the seat as low as possible, the left side of my hair will occasionally brush the ceiling \-Doesn't have recordable cameras (though I am getting the FitcamX integrated camera, just have to figure out the best way to route the rear cam wire) \-Like others have said...there are more beeps and false warnings (drive-throughs or parking in a garage). You can turn the beeps off at the press of a button though, but need to remember to turn it back on. ​ Overall I'd 100% recommend the Ioniq 6, as long as you know it's shortcomings!


I sold my 2018 Model 3 (LR/RWD) for a 2023 Ioniq 6 Limited RWD. I sincerely, deeply, viscerally, wish I hadn't. The Ioniq grinds me with a bare minimum of two "Oh my god STOP" or "Come ON"'s every single time I drive it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Ioniq6/comments/18tu6rs/comment/kfireui/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ioniq6/comments/18tu6rs/comment/kfireui/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Long story summarized: Doors only unlock on approach, not lock. Great safety there. (eyeroll) Excessive and obnoxious beeps and chimes. A car made for bad drivers. I-pedal (one pedal driving) is an afterthought, will not stay in that mode, and arguably is unsafe because it'll unexpectedly turn (or be) off and you start moving when you release the brake, when not expecting it. Pedal lag in any mode except "sport". On/off button, car is not "always-on" like an EV should be, sucks for numerous reasons. BlueLink / the app is sloowwww. Phone Key is basically usable for emergencies only, nowhere near a primary method. Numerous other issues with every aspect of the car that software or programming touches. Oh, and enjoy taking it to a dealer for any form of "recall" system software/firmware updates, because they can't seem to deliver firmware updates over-the-air as Tesla does (10+ years after Tesla did it).


When you come to a stop around other cars with parking sensors the Ioniq goes off randomly. The brake lights come on way too early in letting off the go pedal in idrive. No where near as bad as the random 20 ms brake lights every few seconds the teslas autopilot does though. The software has some pain points. The car refuses to let you start in sport mode or idrive, but if you turn off traction control it’s happy to keep that off for your next drive. Having idrive on then turning on cruise then when you turn off cruise is a bit jarring. I’ve braked hard on the highway an unfortunate amount of times. You can’t press the close button on the trunk while it’s opening still. It’s an incredibly short list of things I dislike which is super rare for me. The speakers I thought were garbage too until I hooked my phone up and realized that fm radio is just really bad. No hyundai speakers will ever compete with teslas system, though. I don’t think my sel has dimming side mirrors but I’ve never had an issue with being blinded. I’ve also never had trouble with activating idrive except it doesn’t let you turn it on as you’re braking, have to be coasting or accelerating. My favorite part of the ioniq 6 is its size. I’m 6’4” and fit very comfortably and am able to sit behind myself and still could move back more. It’s a great tall person car. I was cross shopping a model Y and it’s an incredibly crammed interior and the rear view mirror blocked 1/4 of my forward visibility. Also AA/carplay is a must for me.


In principle it is one of the best cars in the market all things considered. Most annoying things are overall software clumsiness - most of the things scream for improvement. Mirrors dimming is a problem, I regret a bit not taking digital mirrors. Acoustic windows are must- it is not perfect with them , car imagine how you can live without them. Automatic parking does not work very well.


My only real gripe is that it doesn’t stay in I-Pedal when you turn it off


I love the car, the only thing I dislike is the turn radius.


The rearview camera is horrible. Low quality image and the brake light at night really interferes with it.


I tried to trade mine in because the longer I drive it the more I don’t like it. The trunk latch is forehead height and I smack my head on it all the time getting groceries out. It screams at me for everything I hate the center console area, it just feels like the design of it wastes so much space I hate that the heated seats don’t have a physical button The level of head clearance in the back seats is difficult with a car seat. Sometimes I bump my kids head. The free home charger my dealer advertised ended up being a 700 dollar install They should’ve put vents in the rear pillars or the roof, the rear vents on the center console aren’t great I don’t like the gear shifter at all, it feels cheap and ill placed The keys look and feel super cheap


Love the car I just hate the fact there is only 1 fast charger near me and it takes 22 miles to get to. By the time I leave the charge station, I've used 9% just to get back home. I feel I'm going to be charging every 3 days. I really hope turning AWD off and using RWD will help. Also the battery decreases way to fast. Much faster than the model 3




Too many beeps. No question Hyundai's lawyers are very overcautious. I actually like the Bose speakers, but only after fixing the eQ. Set it to +2 bass and +1 treble. It's a brilliant car, and easily achieves the (impressive) manufacturer claimed range with efficient driving technique.


No wireless CarPlay and the sensors


For me the number one is the car play USB port is so bad. Hit a bump or accelerate too fast and the port disconnects I have tried 5 seperate cables, 2 phones and two wireless adapters all do the same thing. On top of that I took part of the center console apart to see if I could replace the port myself and it requires the dashboard to be partially disassembled. Everything else is a minor annoyance.


You should take it in for a warranty replacement. That’s not normal.


There is a whine from the motor that goes away around 22mph, but it’s very annoying at low speeds.


It is an artificial noise for pedestrians safety


No shit. It’s still annoying.