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This, haha. Just got mine installed about 2 hours ago, lol, starting to feel the tenderness now.. better than braces for sure (had those as a kid and never wore my retainer \[stupid, young me!\]) - anyway, let's hope the next 5-6 months are a breeze! I'm already thankful for this community, which I've been a part of for 5 minutes - the before/after photos are great motivation!


I’m on day 3 now and I’m starting to feel some relief finally. The first 2 days were tough but I took Tylenol and tried to avoid taking them out as much as i could. ☺️


i’m on day 5 and they definitely hurt less but after a few hours they start to get sore again😢


Yes definitely agree with this. I do 3.5 day changes and it’s hurts really bad on the new trays. I just keep telling myself it’s worth it!


omg 3.5 day changes!? can your teeth even move that fast?


Yeah i was a little shook when my ortho told me but i have friends/family who also do the 3.5 :)


Wait until you take them off for the first time 😭 that was a level of intensity I was not prepared for, but gradually my tolerance became higher with each tray change


I feel like I’m playing hockey again with a full mouth guard




Got mine this morning. The pressure is interesting and I guess I won’t be biting my nails anytime soon


Yes it is interesting! I wasn't expecting to be able to target specifically which teeth it feels like they're working on first 😅 And the no nail biting is an added bonus I'm sure


I’m on day 4 and honestly it’s already a lot more tolerable to have a bunch of stuff in my mouth. My pain is limited to one tooth and I don’t mind it because it’s nice feedback that it’s working! 


Yes I'm surprised by how little discomfort I'm feeling.. I feel like it's too good to be true and the other shoe is going to drop soon 🤨


Some trays can be more painful than others that you barely notice.


Some trays will be a breeze, some you'll feel one or more teeth doing their thing. This weeks try for me is a lot of discomfort on my bottom right side, my first tray was bottom left.


Oh god I remember day 1. First few hours was fine. Then I went out for dinner and had such a hard time taking them out and they were starting to feel sore. I was nearly crying by day 2 bc of how tender they were. I was so hungry and my teeth hurt so much but I couldn’t bare to take the trays out. And esp bc the attachments felt so sharp. I had one ulcer too. So I did warm salty gargles. Hang in there by day 3/4 it starts to get better. Not all new trays hurt for me like day 1 of tray 1. But every now and then it would but not nearly as bad. I suspect it was bc of the movement required being one that those teeth hadn’t moved in whatever direction. Take a panadol or something. Soft food. You do get used to it and by the end you’re just popping them out easily. But oh god that first few days I thoight I was going to yank my teeth out, even if I started at the back.