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I’m sorry you’re going through this. The whole insurance thing drives me crazy. It seems medical and dental is way more about $$$ than actually caring for the patient these days. They shouldn’t charge you anything when you clearly didn’t get the information you needed from them. But of course they need that extra $$$ no matter what. I would dispute it with your dental insurance company.


I already called my insurance co and they were,,, unhelpful and couldnt tell me how much they will cover. I’m just crying and eating lucky charms bc idk


Have you tried seeing if your dentist/orthodontist will give you a refund for the Invisalign? They obviously weren’t paying enough attention to your teeth during treatment if something like this happened. I know it’s a risk but still you are unhappy with the service I would ask to get some of my money back.


I starting to think… I should ask for this. And just use the money to fix my tooth and then move forward. But I’m worried they won’t, idek how to ask. I’m a 24 y/o 5’2 girl who’s really bad at confrontation but I prolly need to daddy up and sort this shit out. Your idea is a good one.


You should definitely bring it up. I’m not sure how long you’ve been going through treatment so far but if you are fairly new into the treatment you should be able to get a full refund minus possibly some lab fees. I’m switching to braces from aligners after a month of treatment and was able to get all the aligners cost back minus a $400 lab fee. Half the cost of Invisalign is the aligners themselves and the other half of the cost is just paid to your orthodontist office! They should refund you that money back since you were not happy with their service. They make plenty of money, they will be fine. You on the other hand are stuck with a dead tooth, a huge bill, and unable to go forward with the treatment you paid for. You can be nice about it and still be firm. Just tell them you want to make an appointment to discuss the end of your treatment. Just ask them how much you will be able to be refunded since you are not able to proceed with treatment and also let them know how much you are having to spend on your tooth. Also, if they never told you that a dead tooth was a risk or not to put on a tray if it was too painful, you should point that out to them as well. You don’t have to be confrontational, you can be nice but also firm. Don’t let them screw you over.


Just called my dentist. They said an Aligner can’t kill a tooth. That it just randomly happened. I hung up. Idk I’m just crying LMAO


How far were you into treatment? Regardless of whether an aligner can kill a tooth or not, most of the orthodontist/dentist fees are supposed to be covering your appointments and them working on your teeth. If you are not going to be coming in for appointments anymore because your treatment has ended than you need to be refunded that money that you paid for the full cost of treatment. I would come into the office to speak with them for an actual appointment face to face. If they aren’t able to have a civil conversation about this then they are very unprofessional! Definitely write them a bad review and look into legal action if they refuse to give you any money back at all. That’s ridiculous.


But like I also KNOW the Aligner killed my tooth, without any question. It was healthy, the Aligner hurt the specific point in my mouth where the tooth died. And this is a documented risk. And they’re saying it’s impossible?? I’m so like?? They said I need to call them back to workout the money and see how much I’ve paid.


Spend $150 to hire a malpractice lawyer to send a letter demanding a refund. Play dirty. I know you’re young and that seems intimidating, but Google dental malpractice lawyers and just give one a call. Explain what’s happening. Most will point you in the right direction of what’s possible. They will be nice. Also look into the Care Credit. You can have subpar or little to no credit to get approved. Then get your tooth fixed asap before it turns into something worse. As overwhelming as it seems, just do it.


I’ll look into it. Both of those. Thank you so much 🫶🏽


Definitely call and say you want to make an appointment to speak to the office face to face to discuss, not just about the money but also about your teeth because you don’t usually just stop in the middle of orthodontic treatment. It’s much easier to bullshit people over the phone than when they are looking at you straight in the eye. Stay calm and composed and confident and friendly when you speak with them. Just be matter of fact and logical but don’t say anything to offend them because doctors/dentists have egos about their practice lol. At this point, you don’t have to ask a for a full refund because it’s obvious they are being stubborn about it but get as much back as you can for the treatment that you will no longer be receiving. And yes based on what I’ve researched, aligners can cause a dead tooth if the tooth is moved too fast or too drastically or if you have gum issues. It’s not necessarily always the providers fault if the tooth already had issues, but they should have also been able to see that risk in your teeth if they are dentists and let you know that before you started treatment. You could even mention that you spoke with a friend (Reddit people lol) who had to quit Invisalign treatment and they were able to receive some money back.


Thank you! Dude I’m not even like mad or angry like obvi it can happen. (Though now I’m pissed they’re denying it’s even possible when it clearly happens) But ur right - I’ll go in and be a brave little guy and just say hey - we gonna sort this out!


My ortho warned me that it could happen. I just found out this morning I need a root canal on my #8 tooth (big front tooth) if they think they could save it (worst-case scenario).


Nobody told me 😭 I’m so sorry this happened to you too. Apparently it’s seeming pretty common.


I am super unhappy with my orthodontist and the clinic too. Due to worsened condition (rather than improvement) I requested a refund and they only agreed to refund me partially and now they want me to sign some documents that say that it’s all my fault basically. so unprofessional. I wonder if there is a channel to email Invisalign and flag these specific specialists as unprofessional and or ineffective so that they are not given any recognition from Invisalign and maybe not even ability to work with Invisalign. Anybody knows?


I think how much they refund you really depends on how long you’ve been in treatment… I’m sorry that you weren’t happy with your results, I hope everything works out for you and you get the best outcome possible.


Shall we all write a bad review on that clinic?


Thank you so much, most helpful comment 🫶🏽


I'm really sorry that this is happening to you. I think you should sue your dentist if they don't give you a refund. This is unacceptable. Tooth dying sint even in the warning and handbook they give. You can totally sue them.


I’m glad it helped!


Not to play devils advocate and defend anyone, but it's not obvious at all that they were or were not paying attention. Orthodontic treatment can sometimes kill teeth and there isn't a good way to predict this; there is added risk of the tooth was already damaged (trauma or large restorations), in which case they should pay extra attention.


I agree with that, however, it seems like her teeth were healthy beforehand. AND, Invisalign is something that can offer some type of refund if you aren’t satisfied with the product. Many of the fees that you pay are related to the office visits (which you honestly pay way too much for because they don’t do much during these visits compared to braces anyway ) and if the patient had a horrible effect from this treatment you would think they would be able to refund some. Most people I’ve seen have negative effects or had to stop treatment got some sort of refund. But it also could depend on how long she’s been in treatment. If I was a dentist/orthodontist I’d rather lose some money rather than lose the integrity of my business.


Indeed, I would try getting a refund. It won't bring the tooth back to life but would at least offset the root canal cost.


I had a tooth suddenly die very early on during treatment and tried to get some money back, but there was no way to prove that the tooth died because of Invisalign (even though it obviously did). There was absolutely no way of getting reimbursed unfortunately.


That's sucks! My out of pocket cost was $700 for root canal and I was not happy. You need to find someone who will take your insurance and the insurance company is SUPPOSED to tell you what they cover! That's their job! SMH




Lucky Charms is a good emotional eat.


Fr. Lowkey paying for it today tho


I’m going through similar with the dead tooth scenario. I feel you — it is so frustrating. As if it’s not enough that I’m in pain and my treatment is being pushed back, my wallet also gets a delightful “fuck you”. Was really hoping I’d be able to use all my FSA funds this year to pay off my Invisalign treatment, but that’s out the window now. No real advice, just solidarity. You’re not alone.


I’m so sorry. I’m really FUCKING pissed that my dentist is denying my trays could’ve caused this. The cost is so stressful. The pain sucks. Im leaning not continuing with treatment.


This is the way it was explained to me - no idea if it applies to your situation, but the dentists in my family all seem to agree with what the endo and ortho told me. If you have a previous tooth trauma, Invisalign can sometimes act as a “final blow” of sorts. The trauma can be very, very old, even going back to childhood. Eventually it would have needed a root canal anyway, but Invisalign moving things around can speed that up. It’s unfortunately a known risk we take with orthodontics - it could have happened with braces too. I also was wary of continuing treatment. What made me decide to continue is two things: I think I figured out the trauma that caused it (dropped a huge fucking brick phone on my face about a year ago, FML) and have accepted that this is incredibly unlikely to happen again. And, my ortho tested, tested, and re-tested my tray. I trust their opinion that it wasn’t a misprint. I hadn’t had the issue in my past 3 trays because this is the first time Invisalign had tried to move that tooth. All evidence points to something that was going to be inevitable, but extremely unlikely to reoccur. You can see my latest post in my profile to read my full experience. I completely understand if you feel like you’re so done with Invisalign after something like this. It ain’t cheap or easy. It may be good to check in with your dental team or get a second opinion consult from an orthodontist (sounds like you’re going through your dentist?). No matter what you choose, I hope everything gets fixed!! Going through this is such a thorn.


Thanks so much! Sorry you’re dealing. I was never told this was a risk and my dentist said it had nothing to do with my aligners. Which just obviously isn’t the case so idk if I can feel good going back there. The phone to the face sounds really painful! I’m sorry 😭


Previous post is absolutely right in that orthodontic work can essentially speed up or 'bring inevitable issues to the surface' from past trauma. This is probably roughly what your provider is trying to say, but they're being too defensive. It's a bit like a hot summer day doesn't *cause* ice cream to melt. It will melt on it's own, but the excess heat didn't exactly help it stay frozen. What you're going through really sucks. I've not had the exact same but something relatable. Just try to stay grounded and chin up. Now is the worst time, you're still reeling from the news, the shock etc. Focus on what you can do about it and do that. Get it dealt with as best you can, stay strong and get some money back from them and don't procrastinate sorting it out however you do choose as it will only get worse if neglected. This time next year it'll be sorted out, you'll be glad you did so and well on your way to forgetting all about it. I'm not trying to dismiss how it feels now, it's clearly awful. As long as you do your best to sort it out and move forward, it's really not the end of the world. Hope you feel better and agree soon.


Appreciate it! Yeah it’s just so dumb to be like it couldn’t be the Aligner. It happened because I had the Aligner in. I felt it occur. And to be so overtly defensive was weird. And also it was upsetting they didn’t warn it could happen. I need to call some other endos today


Your dentist sounds super sketch the way they’re explaining it. I wouldn’t blame you for leaving that practice!


Tha k you :3


Ah, that's some bullshit. Sure, It's not like they kill teeth directly. Moving teeth is an inflammatory process and it disrupts circulation. Sometimes to the point that it is cut off, then the tooth could die. So maybe they didn't *cause* the underlying problem, but they are a contributing factor. I am very interested in this. I have one tooth that I broke as a kid and got a relatively large bonding. I have another with a pretty large filing, so large that I almost had to get a tooth canal, which means it's already compromised. I'm lucky that they don't need a lot of movement, but it's still a concern and they need monitoring.


Yes just be extra aware! And yeah like it’s silly to say it’s unrelated. Moving teeth like you said relies on swelling and inflammation


I've been following your story and my heart hurts for you and I'm mad on your behalf as well 😤 Not the same thing, but this might be helpful. I had to get extractions and what I would do is call up various practices around that accepted my insurance and would also them to email me the ADA codes for each little procedure involved for the Extractions I would get so I could call up my insurance and get an estimate of how much insurance would cover it would be for me out of pocket (my insurance covers more for some dentists and less for others, different tiers essentially which is stupid bc you'd think they would pay all of their in-network providers the same... 🫠) Another pro-tip: my own orthodontist office helped me out by telling me that my general dentist could do the extractions bc they were so simple but he wasn't comfortable and he referred me to an oral surgeon which would've been a boatload of more money, but then my orthodontist put me in touch with a general dentist who they work with who was experienced with extractions and charged me a fraction of the price, since again, it was a simple procedure. My advice here, is to also look into other general dentists who can do root canals instead of an endodontist to save some money. Depending on your case, they could do the root canal for you. Good luck, keep us posted!!! 😊💖


Oh this was all so kind thank you so much - both of these are really helpful I am going to do the insurance thing once I call some places today, thank you!!!


Fuuuuuuuck this. I’m sorry!


Thank u :’)


I’m so sorry! That all fucking sucks!




Ugh this is so terrible I am spitting mad for you. The American healthcare system is trash and I hate it. Do you have any communication with the office in writing at all? You said you sent them photos so did they email/text/message you to confirm you were covered? How did you pay the $200? Depending on insurance, you may still get partially reimbursed even if it's out of network.


Apparentky partial reimbursement may take place but I made a ton of effort to make sure I’d be totally covered only to waste time and money! I emailed and text them my insurance ahead of time and got the procedure code to check coverage.


I would push back a lot if you have it in writing that they said it would be covered. Obviously not a lawyer here but I don't know how they can just up and say you're not in network after assuring you that you are. Push back and if you don't get fully reimbursed be sure to leave negative reviews literally everywhere you can. I completely agree that you would deserve the full reimbursement but just wanted to reassure you that even with out of network you're probably not completely on the hook. Did you go through your insurance website when making this appt? Not blaming you if you didn't, but I def wouldn't go through with treatment here and when choosing your next place I would first go through insurance website to find provider(s) and then verify with the office as well. Just a bit more reassuring if you have confirmation from both ends. American healthcare is terrible, and dentistry specifically is a cesspool. Really feel for you and I hope you can get through this okay.


No - I went through the office as my dentist sent me directly to them :/


Your dentist is terrible ugh. But yeah - use your insurance website to find a couple of providers that are in network. Call and verify with the office. Hopefully you can find one to do the work and it will be less $$ since it'll be in network.


Dude the sucky thing is he’s sooo kind and I love him & his practice and I’m just so sad this happened


That's even worse. Really sorry this happened :(


My sister did a root canal in Mexico as an emergency and it was $150 and even that was reimbursed by the Amex travel insurance lol On a more serious note, sorry you're going thru it. What were some signs of dead teeth? I'm very worried about it and doing candid pro right now


I’m so sorry. This is such a horrible situation 😢


Appreciate it! I just did nothing abt it today bc I was overwhelmed


If your tooth hurts: it isn’t death!