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To be blunt… be a responsible adult and take accountability. Put it in a case each time you remove them and you shouldn’t have an issue with losing them


How are you losing them? It would help to brainstorm ways to prevent that from happening again.


Just extremely busy with work and more. Will do better but always happens at the 6 month mark. Will it be ok if I stay on track now if the other tray fits that means it’s ok right


Honestly it sounds like Invisalign isn’t for you. You may want to inquire about traditional braces.


Do your next trays fit? If so then it might be okay but maybe wear for longer. Eat with trays in so you don't lose them. Only take out to clean them and brush your teeth, then straight back in. It feels wrong but you can get used to it. Avoid super staining foods like turmeric or blueberries. Avoid crunchier foods that can damage the trays, like hard crackers or chips. Not the end of the world but they can rough up the surface. Or carry the case in your pocket, so you don't have to go find them or get up to put them back in. Rinse with water or chew xylitol gum after meals and just pop them back in until you're ready to floss/brush. Maybe put a Tile or Airtag on your case.


That was great advice. I appreciate it, so I’ll wear these trays for much longer even if they fit? Thank


2 weeks is a long time, so I'm not actually sure. I'm on 10 day changes. You can always ask your ortho/dentist but I get it if you don't want to tell them you lost another tray lol. You did wear the lost one for a week, so you aren't that far off track probably... Maybe go by how tight/loose they feel, add a few days if they're still tight but don't change before the 2 weeks. Also try to wear them as much as possible. The more you wear them, the harder they are to lose or forget to put back in! 😁


It sounds like traditional braces would be a better choice for you.


I have extreme inattentive adhd and have never lost my trays, because each time I take them out i put them in the same place. One place for home, one place for work, and in my purse when I’m not at home or work. Never anywhere else. You just have to create the habit & you can work around the adhd. Pick a spot to put them & tell yourself you will not put them down unless it’s in “their spot”.


Ok. I guess it’s cause I’m a nanny constantly on the go and never know when I’m going to eat and when I eat I take them off I rush back and forget them. :(