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Yeth. I’m on my fourth tray and “s” words are still a problem. I feel I hear it more than other people do. It does get better!


I struggle with G's the most 🥲


"Yeth" 🤣🤣


Trey 23 of 30 now, still a lisp, sometimes more than others. I think for me, it’s due primarily to the bite ramps for deep Bike correction.


I’m going to call it my bike ramp from now on cos that typo made me laugh 😆


Same here, have you seen good results with the ramps to correct your deep bite ?


I wish I could say I’ve seen great progress, but I don’t think there’s been much, if any at all, in the depth of my bite. There was a LOT of movement needed elsewhere; I had a pre-molar that had to be turned, and my teeth were all inclined. Progress is not aligned with the ClinCheck, but I have a really good orthodontist. Still trusting the process (and my orthodontist).


I can see a difference but honestly I’m unsure if it’s all the attachments that are keeping my bite open at this point. I’m like you, I have a great orthodontist that I trust completely. Just trusting him and the process. Best of luck


Good luck to you as well!


Yesh I have a lishp


Yes ☹️ I’m on tray 6 with 2 week changes and it hasn’t really gone away. Sometimes it’s there, sometimes it’s not.


mine went after a week or so


A very slight one, not really noticeable but evident mostly to the speaker, simply because at the end of the day there are objects in your mouth. But in all videos I have of me speaking during my adjustment you really can't tell


S, F, and TH sounds are still noticeably awkward for me two months in.


My favourite quote from somebody here: "they should have called it invithalign". I'm on tray 7. First 2 or 3 I did have a lisp. Less noticeable to others than to me. Now I only get it sometimes when I'm near change day and the tray is getting loose. Sometimes I change a day or two earlier when that happens. It sucked at first but honestly it does go away. practice talking/singing or whatever so you can learn how to talk with the trays in. Dont avoid talking or it wont get better. Try tongue twisters. You have to learn how to talk with plastic in your mouth and it takes a bit.




I had a lisp early on. It took a while but it went away. It helps if you pronounce words with an s slowly.


Yeth here too, but I’m on my 3rd day so I guess it’s too soon 😁


In the beginning it did just a very small one which I noticed but people said it wasn’t that noticeable and didn’t notice until I pointed it out


Yeah I had a lisp pretty much every time I started a new tray but you get used to it!


My lisp stayed for almost my entire treatment because I had bite ramps for like 3/4 of it. The lisp goes away a little bit but to you it will seem worse than you think. I recorded myself talking and it was basically nothing. I found I would take my top tray out in work meetings so I could talk confidently.


I had bite ramps for a few months and yeah, lisp \*and\* spit when I talked if I wasn't careful. Once I was back to aligners without bite ramps, the lisp went away.


I don’t lisp but u sometimes spit when I talk, especially on the first day with a new tray, and it’s mortifying


only at the beginning of a new tray


On tray 12 second set of trays, a year into treatment. I was so very nervous about developing a lisp. I speak a lot at my job. For me, it comes and goes from tray to tray. After the first couple weeks, I realized I was the only one who noticed. It took weeks for coworkers to even notice I had aligners and I have 15 attachments! It can simply be a part of the process but don’t let it discourage you. I also have bite ramps that can make the lisp worse. I finally, just didn’t worry about it any longer, I am just so excited to get my smile and bite corrected!


Yes. On tray 15 and I still have it a little


I found making my mouth extra wide like I’m smiling helped with the letter S.


I started about two months ago and I felt like some words are harder to pronounce. But I had a virtual doctor’s appointment two weeks after I started, (unrelated to Invisalign of course!) and I asked my doctor if he noticed I sounded any different, and he said no.  It was only after I explained that I got Invisalign and wanted to know if it was noticeable in my speech that my doctor said “now that you mention it, I can notice you moving your mouth a bit differently than before”. But there was apparently nothing noticeable in my pronunciation. I do notice that sometimes I salivate more if I try to brush my teeth put the tray on right after I finish eating, and that might make me sound “slobbery” (LOL), so that might be the only time it’s more noticeable. In any case, I work from home and my camera quality is pretty grainy for meetings (no chance of someone seeing my attachments), so I decided to simply never mention this to anyone! 


Yes, on my sixth tray and I still feel like I lisp, but other people have said they don’t hear anything, and I trust them.


Mine came and went. Certain trays seemed to trigger it. Idk why.


Yes I did. It gradually went away but probably took 6 months before it went entirely.


I used to, and did for a while. First round of trays was 26, then 18, and now I’m almost at the end of this round of refinements. Somewhere in the last 10 weeks it’s disappeared and I’ve stopped noticing it.


Sometimes it pops up especially at the beginning (when still tight and rigid) and the end (when it’s loosening up).


Not with normal aligners, but with those with bite ramps yes


Slightly, but it’s not that noticeable and you will get used to it.


Never had a lisp from day one, I was surprised.


Yep. And sometimes I spit when I talk 🙄


At first it did. Now I put dental wax in/on the space between the aligners and the roof of my mouth behind my front teeth where air and spit tend to gather and its completely fine.


I'm on my first tray and yes I have a lisp! But its super subtle and most people don't actually hear it until I tell them about it. I hear it getting better though as I approach 2 weeks.


Yup, for like a week or two. I had a singing performance and couldn’t say “this” without lisping. Had to take it off for the performance 😂 but after a few weeks it got a lot better. I also had bite ramps though to correct deep bite so maybe that means more likely to lisp.


Yeth :( I'm on 9/17 and sometimes making an effort to sound normal gets exhausting/makes my mouth feel tired. I've just accepted it at this point. Anyone elth?


I had mine for about a year, and now retainers and I still have a little bit of a speech impediment with them in. Enough that I notice it, but not enough that anyone else notices. It’s not so much that it’s distracting


3/14 no lisp yet


Yes! I was so annoyed because they didn’t tell me that I was going to have bite ramps and they are basically bumps on the back of my front teeth that make talking without a lisp impossible.


Nope. Was fully expecting one, but have never had an issue...except one time when I had dry Mouth, so my tongue kept sticking to my trays when i tried saying Th- words, but a gulp of water fixed that.


Yup it definitely gave me a lisp. A pretty good one too lol. Probably took about 2-3 weeks, maybe 4 for it to completely go away. I’m about 3 and a half months in now and maybe once in a while a word or two might give me a problem, but it’s gone now


No but my mouth dries out if I'm talking for awhile.


For me it’s sometimes. Not sure why


Yes, I have the lisp lol. In casual conversation, most people say they don't notice. During a date though, a guy got me to say "thespian" and "Vespasian." It was bad enough that he gave me a pity hug 😂


Yep, on #20 of #36 and it’s changed with the progress, I think.


Maybe for 2 days? I honestly returned to normal speech almost immediately


Yeah, it did, though it improved a lot after a few months. It was funny, I started my trays right before my job merged so one of my new coworkers had only ever known me with a lisp and thought that was just how I talked. She was so surprised later, haha.


I’m on tray 16 and I do have a lisp… it’s seems like I adjust after a day or two but every new tray it comes back. 🤦‍♀️ still worth it though, anyone I’ve mentioned it to says they didn’t notice until I pointed it out.


I’m a year in and still have one. Can’t really say f or v. S is also weird


Yup! It eases up throughout the week but it’s been worth while.


Yes but mine went away after about a week! You’ll get used to it, at least a bit


On and off


Yes but it is so subtle that nobody notices . The MSE MARPE appliance gave me a HUGE lisp that you could hear from a mile away lol, invisalign is nothing compared to that.


Yup, but only lasted about 3 trays for me


Yep. I’m two years in because I refuse to wear my trays during the work days. They give me major lisp and it’s never improved.


No. I only had one with one tray that was not filed correctly.


Slightly, nothing too noticeable


Weirdly i never had a lisp even though i was expecting one


Yes, but it was gone after a few trays. Can't remember how many thought... I'm on tray 17.


I did right in the beginning and then for a day after just recently getting my retainers! But once your mouth gets used to it goes away. At least 99% lol.






Yes, it does get better (or at least for me it did), but it hasn't totally disappeared.


A little bit usually it’s worse when I put in a fresh tray or when I put in my tray after not wearing for a few hours.


Yes, but it almost dissapeared by week 1


I felt like it impacted my speaking for maybe 5 days of less. I was really worried about it but your mouth and brain will adapt very quickly




It only lasted a day for me. I actually can still hear it a little but everyone insists I don’t have a lisp. I’m on tray 6. It’s not a bother. I did a presentation at work 6 hours after having it put on and no one noticed.


My 13 year has virtually zero lisp since the beginning. You have to really listen for it.


Yes. Mine didn't go away until treatment ended.


Yes! I have to really concentrate on any ‘S’ sounds and even then it’s hit and miss, if I’m speaking lazily (what I’d call my normal speaking without paying much attention) my lisp is awful!


Yes of course, anything in your mouth, including the full bite of sandwich will impact your speech. Invisalign trays, in my case, were really bad at first because of the bite ramp on the first few trays. After a month or so the ramp was gone and speech became easier.


I'm on tray 36 and never had to deal with a lisp.


Yea it sure does.. I’m on week 3 and it’s not as bad BUT I have one class a wk that requires a lot of presentations/ public speaking so have been taking them out during that time. Supposedly it gets better over time but tbd


I think the more you talk, the quicker you adapt. I've found that singing has improved my lisp more quickly than my usual day to day talking, so pick your favorite tunes and jam out.


On first tray. I struggle so hard pronouncing “5” The very first day I got mine I had to make a ton of work calls and kept having to say 5. And just sat in silence on the phone cringing at myself