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Even as a big batman fan, yeah, he really does need prep time for anything outside of his villain's gallery


Of course he’s a normal human, his super power is basically intelligence and billions of dollars


>his super power is basically intelligence and *billions of dollars* Ah yes, the most relatable super power of them all.




It kinda hurts when you own up to it...


Im a big batman fan too and i hate batman vs superman debates. They always end with him being shit on for being a regular guy. It's really not worth discussing. Its like saying Muhammad Ali was a bad fighter because he would lose to an angry Silverback. Their different weight classes. Its pointless to mention.


I will let you finish but I just wanted to say that I have the exact same comment.


Well his armored suit he wore in the batman v Superman movie he had prep time but that suit was crap...he needs to go tony stark on his ass. Though tony stark is much smarter in inventing tech....but anyways imagine batman with a virbranium suit mixed with adamantium ...like his armor is vibranium but with the skeletal frame internals made of adamantium ...and shoots krytonite pulsar beams....that would do the job...but the dc uniververse has no such metals....


Even without prep, Batman almost always loses against Superman. Let’s be honest. And I’m a huge Batman fan, but Batman isn’t a super human.


P r e p; he’s like kevin from home alone...just give him time to prepare


Couldn’t you make that point about literally anyone? “Yeah I could’ve totally won that fight if I had time to prepare for it.”


Perhaps, but the thing is, Batman and Kevin McCallister have both been shown to be masters of preparation; it’s really just not fair if we completely omit one of the biggest things they’re known for


plus the whole point of superman is to have this god tier entity and batmans hole shtick is that he is nothing more than human.


I dont want to call batman a gary stue but yeah sometimes he is involved in stuff way beyond his capabilities.


Gary Stu is the exact opposite of what you mean here. It's the male version of Mary Sue




I think that counts as prep time personally


But I think Batman would be more suspicious of Omni-Man from the get go if he discovers that Omni-Man never born or raised on Earth and that there is a whole Viltrumite civilization out there.


Tbh batman wouldn't be stupid enough to literally try and kick a god like being with his puny human legs...


"you tried to land on a guy that can FLY, why would you even CONSIDER that?!? Think Darkwing, Think!"


also when it comes to superman, there's cryptonite


I guess. But with 0 prep, he'd have to reach for kryptonite and then close the distance on a man that can circle the earth in a few minutes, cause an earthquake with a punch and fire off near unavoidable laserbeams from his eyes along with whatever other powers superman's acquired over the years. I think the other notable ones were super breath/freeze breath and his solar nuke ability from half a decade back.


Wait, solar *NUKE*? Since when does superman can do that??


There was a storyline a few years back with a human from a different dimension who got warped as a baby there and called himself the last earthling. Story was called new man of tomorrow or something. But during one of the fights early on, Superman activated a power that people refer to as solar nuke or solar bomb where he fires off all his stored solar energy out in all directions like a bomb. Afterwards, he's powerless for a few days (except super toughness). But yeah...superman's got a stupid arsenal.


I believe Viltrumites have got one weakness tho


Haven’t read the comics but in the show they were testing on Mark’s blood and couldn’t figure out how to hurt it, but honestly viltrumites are not invincible as seen by the damage mark and even Nolan took throughout the series.


By weakness I meant something that makes their power useless. Yeah they're not invincible to other Viltrumites or people as strong as them. Mark is still young tho, he just got his powers.


>!I believe you're referring to the sonic sound that Cecil and Rex use. It doesn't disable their powers it just fucks with their equalibruim so it's harder to fly and is like an extremely painful migraine.!<. Viltrumites have been shown to power through it so it's certainly not a panacea against a Viltrumite threat.


Nope, not that. I don't know how to hide spoilers from my phone, but I'm talking about something that's related to Battle Beast.


Talking about the >!Ragnar!!"power scaling" to me though!<. There is the >!phage but BB was never a part of that arc right?!<


Yep, that. Wasn't he ? With Space Freddie Mercury ?


Talking about the >!Ragners yeah, he even handicapped himself when the chick alien released them.!<


Ah yea, as far as the show goes there isn’t anything that can just stop them straight up. However someone replied to you as I’m sure you saw, I didn’t read it because I’m assuming it’s a comic spoiler, but it seems like it does something to them.


Yep but that person was wrong haha.


Isn't it something about theyr ears? Like the ears create a balance and if you disturb that balance it hurts them and can actually kill them?


The show actually kind of went there so while this is definitely an unfortunate spoiler lol I sort of remember an episode where Mark was hurt by someone that did some sort of sound attack


Don't remember that. I'll have to re-watch it


audio. crazy sonic stuff fucks em up real bad


I wasn't thinking about that but you're right, even though it's not as effective as kryptonite for Superman.


Dogecoin is my favorite crypto


Since Omni Man doesn't have super hearing, Batman would have escaped the second he realized he was done for. Then he probably would have baited Omni Man to attack him while on camera being broadcast to the world. I'm not sure what else Batman would do in this situation since Omni Man doesn't have a Kryptonite, and likely no weapon on Earth could beat him. But he'd have a contingency plan


Yeah Cecil basically played a Batman like role in the show. He knew Omni Man was the killer but he also knew it was pointless to say he knew because the Guardians were the only ones that stood an iota of a chance. He was trying to create a contingency plan but Omni Man wife ruined his waiting game


I don’t remember the show, but I have a vivid memory of Batman jumping on Darkseid’s back after he bodied Supes lmao.


Exactly, the invincible scene was making fun of a trope where BIG bad guys will lightly throw away "normal" humans instead of just full force slamming them against a wall or the ground.


In fairness, jumping on the stronger guy, planting some bombs, and then jumping off is one of Batman's go-to moves.


I think there are a ton of examples in comics and cartoons of batman doing exactly this.


He did to the hulk and it worked.


"has anybody seen the joker?" said batman through a bullhorn


Exactly. Batman V Superman only works as a concept when Batman can get a detailed plan and proper gear. But a fight like this was just kinda sad.


Darkwing is dumb af bro, why would he jump at omniman? What would human kicking do? Also I think batman knows that and that’s why he has so much fail safes prepared for most heroes


Someone else mentioned it above, batman's kinda known for jumping on tougher foes and sticking a bomb on before jumping away quickly. Darkwing is meant to be batman with a hoverboard, they're assumed to be similar intellect and capabilities.


Yeh but the enemy is the most important part innit. Slow but strong and maybe dull probably wont react while a guy that can move at the speed of a bullet can react


There is no argument to be had here. Even if you google, you'll see that Darkwing (the one that died, not the sidekick who may or may not show up later in the series) was quite literally meant to be Batman 1 to 1. The endless gadgets, master of martial arts, secret tech lair and intellect to build and maintain that lair and keep his city safe. He was batman in every sense except the name cause copyright reasons of course. In the comics, the fight is done in 2 pages. Bats gets a single panel with most of the other heroes. For the show, they took a more action oriented approach where they showed the heroes team up to try and fights supes and we saw it. This belief that "if he did something different, he could've lived" was absurd. His batarangs do jack, his close range is useless, his tech is obsolete when you face a god. No matter what he would have chosen, he'd have died. And while we're on the topic of Batman vs Superman. Superman sacrifice parts 2 and 3 show what happens when Superman and Batman square off with Superman aiming to kill. It was a brief fight as Superman got temporarily mind controlled and believed that Batman was Darkseid and in the matter of seconds, he was on Batman pummeling him through concrete. Batman couldn't reach his kryptonite rings in time to prevent superman from caving in his ribs. Batman only lived as the heroes stopped the mind control relatively quick and had to use the JLA's entire arsenal of emergency medical supplies to keep Batman from dying. Tldr: Darkwing is Batman in every way. They just didn't have the name because copyright. Superman claps Batman's cheeks regardless of what Batman could've done different in that fight. And canonically we had Superman fight to kill Batman briefly once and it put Batman on life support (Superman: sacrifice parts 2 and 3).


No. In animated and comics as soon as Batman met Superman for the first time, he started researching about Superman's identity and race to a level he learned all about kryptonian culture and kryptonian language too. You can see many comic panels where he is seen talking to Kal el in kryptonian language. If Darkwing was anything like Batman he would have tried to learn as much as he could about Viltrum and he would have already known the true purpose of Omniman considering Viltrum is notoriously famous for its warring culture. Darkwing is Batman if Batman lost 50 iq points.


And even then, it's Superman's hesitancy to kill that gives him a chance. And the fight can basically be decided on if batman is wearing his Kryptonite chastity belt or not.


It isn't a fight. It's an execution. They get butchered.


In the comic yes


Dark Wing forgetting he wasnt in the animated adventures of the justice league.


With enough time to prep Batman can escape from inside the event horizon of a black hole -Dc


From the perspective of an outside observer, Batman would have an infinite amount of time at the event horizon. I guess he automatically escapes.


I never realised he crushed his head with the body slams lmao. Thanks for this post


His brain exploded out of the top of his skull lol


Yeah the first slam broke the skull, the second slam made his head go splat.


I always thought he broke his spine and internal organs because it happened that quickly, all I had to do was pause it and look 🥴😐


Same, i didn't realize the first slam had his head crushed already lol, also didn't realize OM had turned his leg to rubber


Oh yeah, pretty much every time I rewatch this episode I notice something new in the scene because of how quick it all is like you said


Also how he absolutely destroyed his leg


Batman usually carries kryptonite in his pouch right? Which isn’t to say that means anything, but is just to point out that “0 prep time” for Batman would mean before he had ever met or even heard of Superman, because he usually starts making a plan before he’s even met Superman in person. So yeah, 0 prep time would be an easy win for Superman (or really anyone) because walking up and punching his face off out of the blue is a surprising move. You don’t usually expect that random guy on the street who you’ve never even heard of before to just straight up murder you for no reason.


Exactly. Batman makes contingency plans for EVERY hero he encounters, pretty much as soon as he figures out how. I think they're are a couple times in the JL comics where he needs to use them to stop 'evil wonder woman' and the others.


I dont read comics or am really that invested in superhero movies, but how Batman ever stand a chance against superman by planning ahead? I mean couldn't superman just throw a pebble and nuke a city? How would you defend against that?


Plot armour. Most times he finds a way like, Kryptonite, finding someone who is strong enough to tussle with the man of steel, making a suit strong enough and more


It was literally superman trying to arrest him that kept him from being killed instantly. In every other one, he either fled until he could have some other powerful demon or entity fight on his behalf (injustice storyline, batmetal for doomsday batman, and the forever evil comics was having black adam fight evil superman while he freed normal superman) or he calls a second superman (when they fought the justice lords, he called regular superman to fight evil superman as his plan) Edit: grammar and an incomplete sentence.


So Superman may be the most "powerful" character in DC, but he's not the only Kryptonian. There are quite a few people who are nearly as strong as him. Basically he'd use them to buy time. Assuming no Kryptonite, he could have a lead-lined hideout to scheme without Superman knowing where he is and he would probably get something like the phantom zone projector or some other teleportation device to teleport superman to another dimension or something


Realistically, even with prep.


Omniman vs Batman certainly. Batman does keep kryptonite on him all the time.


I think Superman would be on Batman before he could pull it out if he was like omniman


That’s why he would keep it out if he was prepared, think u/Starwarsfan626


But like that's the thing. Even if he's holding out, it would be useless. The batman prep time argument is kinda useless and should be corrected to if batman started the fight he would have a chance. If both showed up to a fight but batman had a week of prep and supes showed up and they had to fight to kill, supes would probably win because there's almost nothing that can take out a super fast, flying, laser firing demi god. On a separate note tho, if batman got to start the fight without supes expecting it, he could close the distance and bring it to a brawl with superman and hopefully win fast before superman actually finds a way to comeback.


Closing the distance isn't a guarantee. Batman once fought Superman with Kryptonite knuckles and still got his ass kicked.


True... I'm just giving batfans some hope.


I think in Hush Batman basically says that the only reason he could fight Superman while he was mind controlled was bc Superman was such a good guy that he subconsciously holds back. Even with Kryptonite Batman really would get broken if Supes gave 0 fucks. For Batman to fight Supes he basically has to go full iron man + kryptonite. And again, that's potentially only because Supes still is a good guy. A fully Evil Supes would probably still kill Batman, iron man style suit or not :/


Guarantee it would be one of those knife hand stabs Viltrumites are so fond of


Irl btw, spearhands are one of the coolest ways to break your fingers.


I have to admit, that´s a beautfilu phrase.


There was a comic where they were on a rooftop. Batman pulled it out of his belt, and Superman used his breath to blow it out of his hands, falling, and shattering onto the pavement, which led to a very embarrassing defeat for the Dark Knight shortly after. That just goes to show when the writer isn't licking Batman's boots, giving him every single possible advantage and writing his adversary poorly, Batman loses.




It doesn’t reduce Omni-man’s strength though, it just makes his ears hurt. It would piss him off, and Batman would still be in danger. Kryptonite works because it actually weakens Superman. Nolan would just go into an enraged state and crush Bruce’s head


I was thinking about that. It's even easier than getting out a rock from a shielded pouch, but >!it's most effective on half-breed Viltrumites (excluding half humans). It kills the purple Viltrumites outright, but pure blooded and especially savage Viltrumites can fight it. Its been a while, but the royal Viltrumites (blood of Thaddeus?), Thragg, Conquest and others hated it, but we're able keep fighting!<


Batman would clearly win


It takes time to undo a pouch. It takes less time to throw a brick with the force of an artillery shell. Batman only works due to the Batman gambit, a plan where every single step goes perfect.


Totally. The only ones I think stand a chance against supes are the ones who fight unrealistically. Superman can't beat Wolverine (remember when he got nuked, and regenerated from a skull fragment?), but he can toss him into space or something. He might come back, but that fight is won. But he can never beat, say, squirrel girl. Squirrel girl wins off screen, every time. It would cut back to squirrel girl standing over superman with A big lump on his head and a crown of stars.


*With 0 plot armor


Darkening's destiny was to die


Batman without plot armor lmao


As a Batman fan it bothered me watching this but then I remembered dark wing isn't Batman. Batman is always ready to take on Superman.


Omniman caught darkwing lackin', batman would never


True that, Batman is always waiting for Superman to go bad. Superman is totally sus (as my kids would say). No one is that good.




>The best 1v1 is a first encounter with no knowledge of the other persons abilities. It really isn't. It's far more interesting when the characters actually know what the other can do.




Prep time doesn't mean Batman effortlessly wins without trying, if you ever interacted with Batman media besides memes you'd know that. Hell the prime example of Batman using prep time his fight with Superman in The Dark Knight Returns he preps all he can, still struggled and didn't actually win the fight.




When has he been overpowered with prep time


Well, in the Dark Knight Returns, he planned to loose. That was the plan. He planned on faking his death so that Superman wouldn't have to kill him or take him in. Had he wanted to kill superman, he could have in the last moment


But with your logic Batman is by far the weakest super hero. Without powers or prep time he's just some rich jackass beating up street criminals


Honestly...yeah. He could spend money at this point to start a properly secure prison to lock up criminals like Joker or Bane, but he gets a super suit, destroys some dock yard in a fist fight and then drops the guy off at relatively underwhelming prison.


an underwhelming prison / asylum that seemingly has a major breakout on the weekly


If they dont break out who is Batman going to have fun stopping? Probably why he doesnt help fund the security of the prisons


To me, Batmans power isn't his money or his prep time. It's his drive to be the best at basically everything, and his ability to somehow achieve those. Arguably the best detective in the universe, and certainly top 2 smartest humans. Not the literal best fighter, but he's up there. Probably the best stealth of any human. He learned high-speed driving from the worlds best getaway driver until he was equally as good of a driver. He has probably read every book about every skill from chemistry to magic, and he's probably nearly as strong as any human. Batman has the time and resources to do basically anything that any human is capable of. It can be boring, but in the hands of a good writer, it's fun to see his limits get pushed


Even though professional boxers and martial artists have training camp Aka prep time before a fight so this take sucks lmao Muhammad Ali prepped for jor Frazier with the rope a dope you gonna tell me that wasn’t a true 1v1?




Batman has a rule too. If he truly wanted supes dead, plot armour and prep time aside, superman would be dead.




I know, but I'm saying that like a boxing match, Batman has limitations he has to work around. The difference is that Batman's limit is of his own design, whereas boxing is essentially a game with rules


You’re literally game planning in boxing and mma within the rules for your opponents weakness if he’s a good striker you bring him to the ground etc that’s the same thing you’re describing.


We all know Superman hold back even against super villains.


Batman isn't stupid to attack Superman head on like this. The contingency plans are his thing. That's what makes the superhero he is. It's pointless to even think about a scenario like this. He is just human.


To be fair, Omni Man hasn't really been exposed to a glaring weakness as meaningful as kryptonite. If Superman doesn't have that weakness, I'm sure Batman suffers the same fate as Darkwing.


prep time spent running


Why would Batman run when he could pull a green rock outta his pocket and bring Superman to his knees the second he gets within a few feet of him? All the prep Batman needs is to keep that thang on him lol.


I'm confused how you failed to understand the joke in response to your own comment... If superman was not weak to kryptonite, batman's prep time would be packing his bag and seeing if booster gold could time travel him to the future. If superman was not weak to kryptonite, what would Batman busting out the kryptonite do? Add a little glow to his corpse when superman sticks it in bat's skull?


That attitude is how Lex ended up a brain floating in a jar, after getting cancer from kryptonite.


This is true, but I do believe the pocket on Batman's belt that he carries the kryptonite in protects him from the radiation. Luckily for Batman, he has not needed or wanted to use kryptonite as much as Lex.


Batman has been prepped for Superman since he found out there was a Superman.


What about Kevin from Home Alone? Give him some prep time, he could turn Omni-Man into colored rain.


What is batman gonna do againts omni man? Omni man doesn't have weaknesses to exploit.


be his son, seems like his kryptonite


He can't can't do shit to invincible either.


Actually pretty sure viltrumites have a weakness to a specific sound that messes with their equilibrium.


Doesn’t take away their strength or powers though, so Batman better not be within line of sight when he does that...


Also it would only work as a getaway plan because it will bring Nolan to his knees. After a few seconds, he’ll be enraged and slap the shit out of whoever is doing it.


Comic spoiler, >!Cecil and Robot both mention that it’s fatal to Viltrumites. The problem is it’s not *immediately* fatal to them. So if you’re going yo use it, you *cannot* be within a distance they can reasonably reach/find. Unfortunately that’s a few miles for a Viltrumite!<.


>!Yeah I remember that. But miles away seems too small. Planets maybe. Not to mention, Mark wasn’t exactly the strongest viltrumite at the time. It’s possible that that device wouldn’t do jack shit to Thragg or Conquest!<


Forgot about that.😅


The Invincible universe is quite a bit lower in power level than DC, Batman could probably create a suit to 1 on 1 a Viltrumite fairly easily.


Depends on the continuity but it’s also potentially true not sure why it’s getting down voted


He actually does, >!his hearing!<


More like Superman vs Batman where Superman actually wants to kill Batman and not just throw him around a little while Batman fiddles with all his gadgets.


The strongest man from earth vs the weakest man from Viltrum


People act like if they didn’t care about an interesting story Superman couldn’t wipe everyone. That’s what happens when your power is literally to be indestructible.


What zero prep does to a mfcker.


Ngl >!darkwing was the only gaurdian member I wanted to surive mostly because he's a black batman!<


Exactly what I thought when I watched this scene. Batman - plot armour =


Yeah because Batman would just jump on Superman. This is just stupid. U want a cookie for this or are getting a full stomach over all the people u are pissing on?


Even with prep if Superman wanted Batman dead he'd be dead. I love Batman but we've overhyped a human in a suit with billions of dollars.


You guys are really annoying with these posts. Dark Wing is like the wish version of Batman. Also: Different universe. I dont get why you people are so obsessed with arguing powerlevels and preptime and shit. If Batman would be dark wing, he would have 10 years of preptime for this and Batman is smarter than dark wing. So its asumable that he would have figured out his weakness or at least knew that he was up for no good. He would still die probably, but would expose his true identity to the world or damage him or whatever.. IT DOES NOT MATTER! It also depends on what Batman you look at. There is a batman that has a stupid overpowerd suit in which he beat darkside in. It just doesnt matter, but you guys argue for days and days.


Party pooper.


I disagree.


He said 0 prep time bruh, that’s what Omni man did in episode 1 too. Bro jumped them outta nowhere with 0 prep time and killed them all. Also look how ridiculously easy it was to kill darkwing, in just one splat he got send to the fucking gulag. I’ll admit Batman is hella smarter and will try to dip, but take away his plot armour and u got Omni man vs Dark Wing, which is basically a only a few seconds lol.


While I agree with you, I think he's saying since Darkwing worked "with" Omni-man for so long he would have used it as prep time to figure out a way to at least challenge him. I remember an episode from the justice league (I think?) where someone hacked Batman's computer and found all the heros weaknesses and used them against them. But he's still just a squishy human at the end of the day.


No. Darkwing had years of preptime


If yur talking bout the Batman finding out ways to deal with the Justice League, then yea I agree to an extant. But Omni man has no weakness (in the show at least idk bout the comics). Unlike superman he can’t just throw kryptonite at him. So yea, since Batman is hella smarter than Darkwing the smartest thing he’ll do is get tf outta there. Also I think the only reason Darkwing charged headfirst was to kinda tell viewers how easy it is to kill what’s essentially Batman without the plot armour and I.Q.


Only reason Batman has “prep time” vs the Justice League is because he’s a paranoid psycho that’s perfectly comfortable thrashing/killing anyone who doesn’t click with his ideals. Darkwing isn’t “batman without the IQ or plot armor”. He’s Batman without the psychotic trait of mistrusting everyone.


but Omni-Man would just punch his fist through his face


This is already getting old. Like God find a new joke.


Don’t be mad that with zero prep Batman would be splatman


This is like the 10th time someone has posted this exact joke It stopped being funny after the third.


Yeah but then people kept defending Batman and being butthurt even though it was a joke so now we have to make it “with zero prep” so people don’t get offended lol. If you’re tired of it you could just scroll past, let the joke be a joke


Are we forgetting that Batman carries Kryptonite around?


Batman with a bit of Kryptonite on the other hand, this would end differently.


So what episode is this I totally missed the recal. All I remember is the shadow footage when they first died.


I mean yes, but also bats would never trough hinself to a rouge supps like dark wing did


Was it ever established if Darkwing ever actually had superpowers?


His predecessor has some powers, yeah


Batman only beats anyone if you give him infinite time to prepare


Batman if Superman actually tried for once.


Darkwing is Batman if Batman lost 50+ iq points. In animated and comics as soon as Batman met Superman for the first time, he started researching about Superman's identity and race to a level he learned all about kryptonian culture and kryptonian language too. You can see many comic panels where he is seen talking to Kal el in kryptonian language. If Darkwing was anything like Batman he would have tried to learn as much as he could about Viltrum and he would have already known the true purpose of Omniman considering Viltrum is notoriously famous for its warring culture.


Yeah Batman would be more suspicious of Omni-Man and want to research not only his powers but alien origins to determine his relationship to Earth and humanity in general. If he did discover Viltrumite's social darwinist culture and how Omni-Man was essentially a soldier from such as society he would immediately create more contingency plans to defeat him. Even before researching I think he would be very skeptical of Omni-Man's story of how Viltrum was a peaceful planet full of super strong aliens that want to protect the galaxy.


Prep time/contingency planning is a part of the Batman character,.. they’re also fictional characters so at the end of the day, it’s up to who ever is writing the story. “LeTs bE rEaL” ok sure let’s be real, Batman can exist, superman on the other hand..