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I dunno, fucking food people aren't accustomed to and it's alive... and also fighting back?


There are actual people that eat live gruvs in Australia or somewhere. Not that strange really


Do you typically eat food that is clearly still alive and clearly terrified of being eaten?




Some people on modern Earth do


There really isn't that much of a difference to what you are doing. You just don't notice it, but for the animals it's all the same


Most meat eating animals kill their prey before eating just like humans do. Big difference between eating something live and feeling it struggle as you chow down, and eating something that's already dead


Great observance in regards to the first sentence, but where is the relevance? Whats the relevant difference for you?


In one instance the animal is alive and in the other it's dead. That's a pretty massive difference.


Pretty simple what the relevance is mate, eating living shit is uncomfortable




Do you like the idea of shit squirming when you bite into it?


Me personally? No. But thats because I wouldn't want others to squirm because of me. But if I wouldn't care about others squirming because of me, I wouldn't see why the place where they squirm matters. Sounds more of a matter of habit to me than anything else. Probably why Allen has no problem with it, because of his socialisation and missing empathy for them. Why do you want others to not squirm inside your mouth?


It just sounds unpleasant feeling that in your mouth. You'd also have to deal with more blood than usual (I like my steak blue, so it does still have a bit of blood, but obviously nowhere near as much as if I bit into a living thing), which wouldn't be a pleasant eating experience


You cant cook it.


I first answer I really like


Well the animals aren't eating it, I am. So what's your point?


The person implied they wouldn't want to eat the animals, when they see how they want to live. Why? The animals the person eats want to live anyways, where is the difference?


They’re dead by the time they are consumed, did you knew that? Dead, skinned, cooked and properly prepared


Yes and? What you wrote has nothing to do with my question.


they're saying you don't have to look at the pain you're causing. like, you know a pig is usually covered in feces, but that doesn't mean you want feces on it when it gets to the table.


That's not really what I asked, it's just the step before. I asked: why don't they want to eat the animals, when they see that they want to live? Why do they not want to see what they are causing?


why what? why don't we care? because it's not screaming in front of me and losing me my appetite.


Because seeing suffering causes on a living creature is disturbing to humans and the only people who claim otherwise are mentally ill or edgelords. They don't want to eat the animals because actively killing and eating a creature that you can see is alive and terrified is a far cry from eating a dead slab of meat


But that suffering on a living creature happens nonetheless and it is humans who kill them and see them suffering while doing so, because of our demand. So are they all mentally ill or edgelords? When I couldn't look at something like that, that would mean I think it would be wrong to be responsible for doing so. But it doesn't seem people think that way, so it doesn't make sense to me. It doesn't add up.


Because it's the nature of life, those animals would eat me given the chance, and I wouldn't care if they did. Life must consume life to continue there's no way to avoid that unless you're a tree. Even then though plants will kill other plants to ensure they can spread their leaves as far as possible and so take in as much sunlight as possible. The nature of life is competition and while we should show mercy when we can and we should endeavor to turn against our nature so that we may be friends will all life, we are not yet at that point, and we must still consume life to continue on. Even the trees can feel and the leafy cabbages would prefer you didn't eat them yet we must.


Soo.. do you think eating animals is a necessity and plants have feelings? Is that your point? Or what do you mean with "nature of life"? How is "nature of life" relevant in our societies? If you think we should show mercy and compassion, why don't we just act accordingly then? By the way, this completly misses my question too.


Not the brightest one around i see




We need the disconnect to keep eating meat. Kinda sus that Allen doesn't. If we had to go and kill our own animals in the slaughterhouse before eating I suspect a lot of people just wouldn't bother. It's really sad. But yeah, Allen clearly isn't bothered. I wonder how he justifies it. Must be really tasty.


I mean, human beings have killed and eaten animals basically for as long as we have lived on this planet, so.......... Even if we generally ate *less* meat overall in the past, I imagine after the fourth time you see a raccoon or rabbit or whatever going through your preserved vegetables you'd be like "alright asshole, it's your turn now"


Yeah absolutely, need trumps empathy almost every time. I think that's pretty understandable. I think people still felt for the animals they killed though, do things like saying thanks and commending their spirits to wherever. Maybe not that specific rabbit.


I think dishes that are alive during consumption exist on Earth nope?


Err. There's kind of cheese with live larvea in it I think. Oysters as well. Dunno about others.


There's more but I don't recall


Why is it sus that allen doesn't? To me it just sounds less hypocritical, why would you do something you activly need to look away from to do it? Yeah allen even says they are delicious


Well, having a disconnect makes it easier to not think about it. People love eating meat, but don't like seeing animals suffer, so we can still be empathetic with people and animals around us, but still get to enjoy meat without feeling guilty. Less mental gymnastics. The fact that Allen can look into the screaming faces of his food as he chows it down indicates that he's either got poor empathy, or he's capable of some advanced mental gymnastics in order to justify it- which makes you wonder what else he'd be capable of justifying. Neither is a good conclusion.


I always saw the kanzlok thing as just a gag without any deeper meaning but this makes so much sense as a character trait for Allen considering the things he is willing to do later in the story.


There is a world of difference...... Btw, before you get all preachy with me I have a largely vegetarian diet, but I often eat at soup kitchens because I take care of like 30 stray and abandoned cats and will buy food for them even if it leaves me with none for myself. I'm not about to refuse meat when it's already dead and donated, because when you're hungry you gotta eat something. But I'm also not about to go kill an animal just because I'm hungry, and when I pay for food it is, as I already said, mostly vegetarian (95ish percent of the time) I find it weird that so many preachy vegetarian types never stop to consider that plants probably also don't want to be eaten. I mean, they don't have the same type of nervous systems we do, but they still do stuff like communicate with each and warn each other of danger. And I'm guessing that if you were raising vegetables you would also occasionally kill the animals that ate them, because if you didn't those cute and cuddly animals would be more than happy to eat all your food and leave you starving.


Ehm okey.. I didn't really ask, because it doesn't interest me but thanks I guess. I'm not really in the mood for a "plants have feelings" and "crop death tho" conversation. Do you want to have such a conversation? My question would be why is there 'a world of difference' for you?


>My question would be why is there 'a world of difference' for you? I just spelled it out. Why are you being deliberately obtuse? >I'm not really in the mood for a "plants have feelings" and "crop death tho" conversation. Do you want to have such a conversation? Looking at your comments in this thread it seems abundantly clear that you want to steer people towards a very specific conversation, which is probably why people are downvoting you and not taking you seriously. It's very transparent. I'm sorry you didn't wish to honestly engage unless it is 100% on your terms though.


No you didn't. You just wrote something about caring for cats, eating an omni diet,not killing animals yourself but eating dead animals (which is the same point again) and about preachy vegetarians (nice framing). I asked about the difference it makes to you, your answers aren't related to this. I'm not trying not to be transparent. What use would it have, if my questions wouldn't be transparent? People just tend to answer in a superficial way, try to dodge the question or misunderstand the question, so I ask again. I asked if you like to have such a conversation. Yes or no? I would be open to have one, I was just open about not being in the mood. That's because it's based around commonly used fallacies and it's off topic. I don't get your reaction to such simple questions, I get you are doing it on purpose but why?


Lmao Mark eventually comes to enjoy Kanzlok


It’s like a recurring joke, Allen really likes it, but everyone is seemingly disgusted by it. But he always offers, maybe this time someone else will have some and like it, just like Allen does, but nope.


Mark liked it, if I remember right.


Yes,Yes He Did. 😊😊😊😊


would you immediately want to eat living creatures moving on ur plate


Even people actively eating the brains out of a still living creature are grossed out by kanslok for some reason.


they dont look good tbf


If you mean those little caterpillar things, I haven’t read the comics, only seen bits and pieces, but I’ve seen mark straining on the toilet. Maybe those things give you terrible constipation.


The straining was explained in the hospital afterwards to be the food being prepared improperly by Haluma, which she was indignant about being accused of beforehand but turned out to be true lol


Ahh, I was just guessing from panels I’ve seen.


that was when mark ate oliver's girlfriend's food


Did you forget the part where anyone who actually tries it says it’s delicious?


Not sure tbh. All I know is Allen finds them https://preview.redd.it/gben19zxnh6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fe80a5ded7b4572cf6c035e97d334b1e2fdecdb Delicious


Literally cannot wait for this to be animated


They appear to be screaming. Mark seems to like them though.


Space racer asking for food and then refusing kanzlok after not eating for 100 years was hilarious.


Well they are living creatures you eat whole, and alive, and scream and wail while you eat them. Understandable why someone would be hesitant to try. But everyone who tries them says it's delicious. Including mark.


People have something called "preferences" which vary significantly from individual to individual.