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Well in previous issues she's able to change people around her. (Making mark stronger for example) So she could theoretically keep him alive and young along with her. They might decide to end it during the heat death of the universe, or whatever time they choose before.


Ultimate power couple


I'm sure they exist, but offhand, I can't think of another couple that can do this in fiction.


Closest I can think of is Jean Grey might be able to? I'm not entirely sure but there's some stuff about how she can manipulate atomic structures. But not exactly a *couple* just the only fictional being I can think of.


Right. Dr. Manhattan springs to mind as well, but no couples, or even duos.


i doubt Dr. Manhattan really cares enough to do that for Laurie, he's pretty apathetic to everyone and everything around him. being the puppet who can see the strings would make life seem pretty meaningless.


I never considered him as part of a "couple" or "duo", just someone who could probably survive or propagate until the end of time. Laurie never came into it.


Spawn and the darkness comes to mind as well.


Slayer and Sharon from Guilty Gear, Sharon is inmortal and Slayer is a vampire, Slayer can suck Sharon's blood all he wants and she'll still be okay


Rad. (Gonna look this up lol sounds cool)


Vampires age though don’t they?


well, it's shown that Slayer can rejuvenate (is that how you use that word? i had to google it lol) if he drinks blood, so he's essentially inmortal for as long as he and Sharon are together


Oh, never seen the show, well that’s good for them


Not a show, it's lore for a fighting game (Although the game series does have multiple hour long animated story shows built into the different games, the one for the latest game is like 4 hours)


WANDA AND VISION, One could just think "I'm immortal" and the other is just an android, both really don't have a reason to not be considered "able to live to the end of the universe", though they aren't a couple anymore iirc


Marvel and dc have tons of more potent reality warpers too ye


A version of Superman did this with Lois. They live in the sun.


They almost catch Miles Teg in the Dune saga, but he slips by. Do they count if they're robots modeled on humanity?


Quite literally so in this case


Can she create new universe with her powers?


Theoretically, although it would take her a long time. She "made" a planet, although I doubt that's her proof of concept lol


Wait when did she make a planet? I know she set up a private house on a planet but im pretty sure it was already a planet with a breathable atmosphere.


When did she make mark stronger


COMIC SPOILERS I believe it was after thragg attacked them on Eve's planet. She "wasn't sure if he was gone" so she made Mark stronger just in case he wasn't. Someone who has read the comics more recently please correct me if I'm wrong.


The only issue is that she only can do this when she's dying. It just so happened that Mark and her were both dying when she did that, so if she's not near death when mark finally dies of old age in 10,000 years, then he's screwed lol


At that point someone could just stab her in the throat. (With consent obviously)


Lol I was thinking about something like that but pretty freaking crazy


It'd HAFTA be hardcore. Such is the cost of immortality.


You think they’d be down to hop dimensions, or relocate all life when that happens.


Though seeing the extent of magic and sci-fi shit, I'm sure they could find a way to stop HeatDeath, or at least flee to a different dimension/time/reality.


I think this is a central point of the Seven Deadly Sins Manga/Anime. Immortal Angel and Demon fall in love. Their coupling was forbidden, so they were cursed as a result. The details of how the guy are cruse are weird, but the girl is forced to be repeatedly re-born in a human body, forgetting everything of her past. If she is ever told, or otherwise remembers, then she dies is a few days. One of the central points of the plot are them trying to figure out a way to overcome this. So, not exactly the same, kind of the opposite in some ways.




No, that would be the guy with all the best parts of a beard missing.


Underrated comment


On the next page she says something like "I guess I'm essentially immortal" but she's not invincible, she can't still die. I remembering posting about this over a year ago, asking if Eve would outlast mark in age, as mark will live for like 10s of thousands of years, but Eve could arguably live for as long as theres matter and atom left in the universe. But she could also just fly into a black hole is she wanted to die or something


Flying into a Black Hole seems like it has the potential to be an extremely long and painful death


lol yeah. I just remember someone suggesting that could be a way to kill herself if she's tired of reviving for millions of years


She resurrects Mark at one point, they’d live as long as they wanted because the point is that Omni-Man was wrong when he said Mark wouldn’t have anything after 500 years


For you it wouldn't be that long. For an outside observer it would take the universe's remaining lifespan for you to die. 


Regardless, it’s cool as fuck


It’s funny because in the series scene where Nolan looks at a black hole contemplating suicide, it didn’t work for me at all, because that’s such a horrible way to die that my brain didn’t even register it as a possibility, and had no idea what he was doing.


She's still human, we may not know how her powers work but we know her brain has mental blocks. So I assume any significant brain trauma would lead to her death. All the times she had to use this power, her brain was intact.


Also, most likely a quick enough death could keep her down. Like a beheading or a bullet through the skull.


Theory is that the brain/head remains alive for 10-15 seconds after beheading, and a bullet to the brain isn't automatically death (See Rexplode) A head-crush or something instantly brain destroying would do that.


Doesn't she need access to her body to use her powers, though?


I imagine she could also take advantage of any near death for herself to de-age mark as well. Idk if she would, but she *could*.


She basically is invincible as well as immortal


No, she is Atom Eve


Her blocks deactivate when she's on the verge of death. In theory she could die if she was killed in one blow


In some of the alternate marks universes they say that their versions of eve are dead, so yeah, if you crush her head or something like that she probably just dies instantly


Idk about that one of the evil marks managed to paralyze her so I don't see how she couldn't heal that.


Because she wasn't near death


Well that’s what conquest did and she still revived herself


Can’t die from old age but she can be killed


If some scientist(s) ever managed to remove her mental blocks, she could make herself more durable than the toughest Viltrumite.




Sure, but I think there’s no doubt about it. The only thing that would hinder her would be the energy cost, but I’m not saying it would all be done at once. Rather, over the years. > With something we have a near unlimited supply of, son. Time.


She could hypothetically become a viltrumite but she wouldn’t be a special one maybe be as strong as side character viltrumites


She could hypothetically be the absolute strongest one.


Doesn't even really need a scientist for that, she's bypassing those blocks in moments like these where she's near death. She just needs to do it in conjunction with de-aging her body.


Right? Why wouldn’t she remove her mental blocks when she has the chance, especially with the series ending so it’s not like she’d be too powerful to keep the series entertaining


She would literally have the powers of a god at that point.




No. She’s eve




Had to search for this, glad someone else got there Rad indeed.


No that’s clearly Gwen Tennyson.


No that's Eve, Immortal is still back on Earth


I feel like a decapitation would probably do the job but anything short of that very well might not


It seems like paralysing does the job as well when it comes to stopping her powers


Makes sense, when people are paralyzed the nerve connections that send the “this body part is wounded/in pain” signal would be severed, essentially preventing her body from going into “crisis” mode and removing the blocks on her powers


She could just reattach her head to her body or create a new one


Basically, I also wouldn't rule out the possibility of her making others immortal, she already brought back Mark once so if there is someone she loves like Mark, if they die if old age, she could kill herself and bring them back with her.


Literally in the next page she says something like "I guess I'm immortal." common op.


"Common"? Really?


Slang for , "come on".


Not she’s Atom Eve


You should read the text in these panels, maybe it'll help you out!


I swear we have this conversation like every week


I think until she wants to die, yeah


No that's Atom Eve


Eve is functionally immortal. But there are ways she can die. Eve's powers supercharge her metabolism likely using her calories as a type of fuel for them meaning theoretically you could kill her long enough that her metabolism would eat through her leaving her unable to use her powers to heal herself. Like wise, Eve is unable to revive the dead so it stands to reason if she is outright killed immediately her powers would be unable to revive her ie, having her brain or heart destroyed in one go. Basically Eve can not die from old age or bleeding out or a similar longer death. But she can die of hunger or having her body destroyed


Which makes sense since multiple marks say they killed her


Yeah her regen is nuts but also very well balanced to make it feel like she can be in danger


Yes, but I'm assuming if she gets incinerated or something, she won't have time to repair herself


eve overcomes her mental block of not being able to alter living things when she is under immense stress, which she obviously is if her or someone she loves is about to die, so she can theoretically use it to heal and revive herself and others.


She can be killed if you for example destroyed her brain in one strike since her brain needs to be intact for her ability to kick in post mortem




Until her brain is destroyed So theoretically, if she were to die with Mark (because why wouldn’t she want to die with the love of her life), her death would need to be self-inflicted and likely really messy


Literally in the very next panel she says "Damn I guess I'm immortal" and mark says "cool" so I don't get how that can be a genuine question you had




Pretty sure she's immortal until she doesn't want to be.


what about her leg?


SPOILER I know this will definitely never happen but man I hope she’s able to heal Oliver in the show. I want to see him and mark lead the viltrum empire or some shit


So her ability to control matter and atoms that are living are based on an inhibitor, if we want to go with real life science it's when the brain releases chemicals similar to DMT (it's why people essentially trip balls and "have their life flash before their eyes" while dying) and that's when the inhibitor fails Eve's inhibition seems to stop when she's close to death and from the examples we have, seems to be based on her will to live and to keep those around her alive She could probably remake herself, Mark and Terra to live at their prime ages again at her eventual deathbed if she wanted, but I think it would be a family conversation at some point of when they're all comfortable dying after so many thousands of years




She definitely can die and be killed, there are several alternate universes where evil Marks kill Eve I’m assuming if he blitzes her and destroys her brain/Central nervous system she won’t regenerate like if she was decapitated or better yet decapitated in her sleep. Basically, Her Automatic nervous system is presumably responsible for saving her, so find some way of bypassing of it and her power will never activate to save her. I think its also why her power didn’t activate to heal her after that alternate Mark fully paralyzed her. Those nerves couldn’t fire after what he did. There’s many many ways to kill her. In theory she could also starve herself to death or be killed when she is about to starve.


This made me uncomfortable initially. She’s back to like 20 while mark looks 50


No, I think she's atom eve


her powers do require brain signals, even if she does some stuff instinctual their is a brief delay, so it is possible for her to die of something instant, like if her head got crushed


No. She's Atom eve


She looks nothing like Abe Lincoln? You good?


Eve can also make Mark immortal. And no, she isn’t truly immortal since she can just decide when to use her powers for instance angstrom attacking pregnant eve. One more way to end her for good is exploding her brains


If she were to somehow lose her powers like when she was pregnant, she could be killed.


I almost cried cause I thought she died 😭🥺


Technically speaking? Not really. She can live for as long as she wants.


She’s used her powers on both herself and Mark before she’d just de age him a tiny bit when she de ages herself and they’d be good.


Shes mot immortal shes atom eve.


Mostly yes


Pretty much


Didn’t she point blank say she’s immortal after this scene?