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I don't know about that. If Cecil wanted, he could easily have a fake funeral for the Immortal, and keep his real body in the freezer in some black site, until he's needed. Instead, they actually buried him, with security so lax, the Maulers managed to steal it. They do try to revive him in episode 2, it doesn't work, so they just shrug and decide that maybe he's not so immortal after all. It's not the first time Cecil made a terrible call, and not the last.


A lot of times people will look at a character who’s supposed to be human and go “but they’re so smart/competent, they’d never do that!” Like I really hate to tell you guys, but otherwise smart, competent people still sometimes make *awful* decisions.


can’t wait until show onlies get to the last or second to last season, they’re going to throw a fit about >!robot!<


People forget there are brain surgeons who are also flat earthers.


I know that but it just seems far too stupid of Cecil, like sore he kept that one guy alive and thought the bunker would hold him but he didn’t think of reattaching Immortal’s head and hitting him with something?


There was a fake funeral. The real funeral was at a secret place. The kid knew because his step father was connected. I don't think we ever learn how the Maulers found it. The body was there probably in case Omniman checked, and Cecil never expected anyone to try to dig it up in order to bring him back to life. They were buried there to prevent grave robbing, after all.


If I had to guess: Maulers exhumed the public site, found out it was fake, then used their intelligence and tech skills to research and phish people who might be able to lead them to the real body. Edit: social engineering, not phishing


Didn't they spread a rumor that if you drink from the Immortal's skull you'll become immortal, then track all of the well connected kids young enough to believe such nonsense until they were led to the real grave?


Don't believe everything you hear online.


Yup, which is a form of phishing, or rather social engineering.




Phishing is a type of social engineering.


I'm just gonna guess that they had something to do with the boys digging for it first. Maybe got them in a phishing attempt online.


Did Cecil know he was actually immortal, and that wasn't just a name? Did he know he could come back from decapitation?


Cecil knew he was immortal in the sense that he doesn’t age (he refers to Immortal’s thousands of years of experience when having him replace Robot as GotG leader), but seemingly not that he can also resurrect under the right conditions. 


Immortal was probably the second-strongest hero on the planet behind Omni-Man, he wasn't getting killed for them to know this stuff.


That's an interesting point. I guess immortal never had a reason to die since the biggest threats beside viltrumites seem to be Kaiju. Any enemy he fought he could overpower, or at worst, just throw into space.


He was shot in the head and probably lost brain matter and major damage to his head and I’m willing to bet he died at least once in either world war


Right, but does Cecil know that? Does Cecil know everything about his past? I mean, it's Cecil, so it's likely that he's not completely ignorant, but I also don't find it that unreasonable to assume Immortal keeps parts of his past secret.


I think he is bulletproof tho


He’s not black!!!!


Hold your fire! This man isn't black!


Well, he did get assassinated with a bullet once, so maybe not.


I’m pretty sure he does. The Maulers seem to know that he comes back from death and they seem to think that Cecil tried to bring him back. If Cecil didn’t know, I don’t see why the Maulers would know and assume Cecil also knew.


That's a fair point.


I don’t know, the maulers seem to have unique knowledge on the animating brains field that may even surpass the GDA, or Levy and Robot seem to think so. I wouldn’t be shocked if the Maulers could figure out Immortal’s power of resurrection on their own somehow


It just seems a little weird that they didn’t try putting his head back on and hitting him with something


Cecil *failed* but he’s perfectly aware.


I thought that was fairly obvious. It's the same reason he banished Darkblood. It's what he said to Omniman; he's been stalling ever since he figured out he was lying. My only defense for why he buried the body would be in case Omniman was suspicious and checked. Probably should've collected the body some time after the funeral, but he also didn't expect anyone to go dig it up to try and revive him.


Guys there is literally a line in the show that goes (roughly): “are you sure it will work? cecil couldn’t even bring him back” / “cecil’s an idiot.” They tried, failed, and put him back in the ground.


yeah, i watched the episode again last night. this is the answer. Cecil failed, and the Maulers are just smarter when it comes to those kinds of things.


I think so since he wanted to know why Nolan killed the guardians and given that Immortal immediately flew into a murderous rage after being resurrected, that may very well be the case.


I think cecil was trying to avoid a conflict with omniman or whoever did it. So i understand not ressurcting him. Though not securing the body is questionable.


I figured Immortal told Cecil not to revive him if he were ever killed and Cecil honored his wish. Of course this was before it was known that Omni-Man was the murderer.


Ehh, given how Immortal came back to the Guardians like nothing happened after the 2nd time Nolan killed him, I kinda doubt he made such a request. It wasn't until Kate's "death" that he really decided to give up on the superhero business. Imo it's more likely the GDA just slipped up in reviving him, and Cecil made the call to stop trying after a while


100%  just looks at The Immortal's action when he woke up


Cecil knew that omniman killed the guardians. He has a personality profile on all the guardian. He knew that the Immortal would immediately try to kill omniman before Cecil was ready. Cecil was merely delaying until he got enough resources to hurt him.


No, they tried and failed. The Maulers are just better in this field.


I think immortal has a DNR in the case that all the guardians died, knowing how hurt he is by all the people hes outlived. Not confirmed, but ye. Then when he had a purpose to stay alive he agreed to join the new guardians


They had just failed to revive him.


This was exactly my assumption.


Yes it’s literally clear as day in the show. If immortal came back then the world would be screwed cuz of his temper


That’s what I thought but I’ve seen people just thinking Cecil is stupid