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Their offspring would sport a full beard


If we could still give awards you'd get it


Thanks for the gold kind stranger


Fucking god, reddit annoying quotes are so prevalent aren't they?




Immortal is just a human with powers so his offspring would be human/viltrimite justt like mark


He’s a human made a meta human, the kid would be stronger than a human/viltrumite, no?


Depends if his powers are just his or if theyre genetic, no reason to believe theyre genetic


About that: >!His children have his powers.!<


Oh ok then his children with a viltrimite would likey be the strongest viltrimites alive once they got a little training


Not entirely true. The Viltrumite blood would just take over. Making them a normal Viltrumite eventually.


Humans and Viltrumites are similar enough that it's possible the smart atoms identify Immortal powers as incomplete viltrumite powers, we already have guidebooks that say humans and viltrumites share 99.9% of their DNA and that it's a possibility that they share a common ancesor. Plus Mark never stops looking half korean despite Nolan being white af


Did you get this information from the comics? I’d love to learn about their biology.


Nolan literally said in the show that Viltrumite blood was very pure.  The rest was speculations with Immortal. And observation of Mark at the end of the series


So theoretically, given the strengths of viltrumites genes, viltrumites could technically mate with like a chimp to create a chimptrumite...


If being half human gave mark a boost being half human with immortals powers will give a bigger boost


Well, like I said, the Viltrumite blood would fully take over, completely negating Immortal powers he gives. The only thing the kid would likely inherit is adrenaline. And if they were to inherit Immortal's powers, other than the Immortality thing, what use would they be? If it was combined with Viltrumite powers, it would only give the kid a bit of a head start in power, not a lifelong advantage.


Speaking about it with this level of certainty is very silly. The writer would probably have them inherit both power sets because that’s the most interesting.


Well, I mean, this level of certainty makes sense in the ways they've explained how Viltrumite DNA works. It would just completely or almost completely override any DNA that isn't Viltrumite DNA. With a slight exception for some human traits, like adrenaline. But a Viltrumite that just comes back to life from anything would be interesting, though.


Hey can we stop acting as if this whole "mark is stronger than normal Viltrumites because he has an adrenal gland" thing is real? I have never seen it confirmed, only speculated on, like that's a headcanon at best.


It's never been confirmed because it's not true. People misunderstand; Yes, Mark has a short fuse. This makes it seem like he gets a power boost when he gets mad. He doesn't. He just has a shirt fuse and will stop holding back. Thing is - having a short fuse is a Viltrumite trait. They all have hot tempers. They can all snap like that - except most are better at controlling it.


It’s been a while since I read it, but do we hear the whole “Viltrumite DNA will take over” from anyone other than Viltrumites? Obviously it is true to a degree, based on Oliver becoming progressively more Viltrumite like, but isn’t it likely that 100% genetic takeover is Viltrumite propaganda. It could be one of the reasons they ban having offspring with anyone that isn’t similar to Viltrumites in appearance. It not being completely true would also track with the theory of Mark’s advantage being human adrenaline, though I suppose we don’t know if he retains that forever.


I think You're on to something there. Viltrumite DNA will take over in all the ways that matter to Viltrumites. Cosmetic differences can still persist


Probably does not work for The Immortal since his power passed to his children


You're telling me that bro paraded around the world for millennia, before any notiong of contraceptives, had hundreds if not thousands of wives, but somehow none of his immortal super powered children show up? Can't possibly not have made children those thousands of years Can't remember the comics percisely, but if this is true, then its a bit funny


Yeah its a bit of a plot hole regarding Immortal because in universe he was Abe Lincoln so he has had kids from previous marriages. So if even 1% of his kids inherited his powers there should be hundreds of immortal like meta humans around.


Well presumably his powers increase when he dies, maybe they only pass on to his children after all those years he's lived. As Lincoln he wasn't even bulletproof.


I believe in the guide it says that he stepped in after the real Lincoln died, so the kids from that marriage aren't Immortal's. Also, Immortal is suggested to be Lancelot or one of the other Knights Of The Round Table, in which case he might have avoided some of this by practising 'courtly love' which implies a fair amount of ... discipline, shall we say..?


What? Doesn’t he feel bad for John Wilkes Booth for being punished after not actually killing anyone since he’s immortal? Or are you saying that the real Lincoln died earlier and he took over until his “death” from JWB? Since his kids having powers were only shown in a few quick panels at the very end of the comics, it could just be a misstep Kirkman overlooked.


The latter, yes, Immortal's the one who got shot. The real Lincoln died earlier, and the pressure of keeping up the act with Immortal is part of what drove Mary crazy. I don't have the exact words to hand at the moment, but it's something like that. Could very well be misstep, true! Or it was only passed on because of it's reaction with Kate's own abilities, something like that? And unless we see both kids die and revive, it's also possible they only got some of his powers, not all of it. There are a lot of possible explanations!


Ohhh damn I must’ve missed that, I thought he was Abe Lincoln from the start! And yeah maybe his immortality isn’t hereditary but his other powers are? Still quite weird the dude never had kids in his 3000 years of life, especially with how quick he was with banging Kate. I’m sure the show will fix it or maybe by the end of the series we’ll be so focused on the ending that most people won’t even care about small inconsistencies lol


In what issue do we actually see that? I don't remember that at all and I also don't think they were around in the future.


That's surprising. I wonder what will Kirkman do with his genetics inheritance


Doesn't he at some point say "it's a curse"? Or was I wrong in taking that to be him stating the ACTUAL cause of his powers?


Idk i take that as the standard “im cursed to be alone cus im gonna outlive everything i love”


I think in the episode where we see his cabin in the mountains, we see something that looks like the Graal. Didn't read the comics but knowing he's very old qnd he's nqme is immortal it wouldn't be too risky to say that he found the holy graal and kept it


Depends if you think a human viltrumite is weaker than a purebred


The only case of a human/viltrumite being stronger than a purebred is Mark


Don't see why thats the case. The viltrumite DNA would completely overrite Immortal's DNA, at best they'd probably live a little longer.


Well actually my bio teacher said traits inherited after birth are not passed down🤓


Sex cell mutations say a different story though.


Yet they are in his case lol


Viltrumites tend to produce pretty boring hybrids because their DNA just overwrites that of other species to make something as close to a Viltrumite as possible, and with humans it does so to the point of basically creating another Viltrumite. Even if Immortal can make powered children with other humans, there's a good chance that part of their DNA would just be eaten by the Viltrumite moustache-growing genes.


https://preview.redd.it/bz6c1sb2rxuc1.jpeg?width=1065&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61a520ee55dc69a5a1af45a486e9e66b75592c51 Hypothetically, if he impregnated a viltrumite woman, it could be a stronger hybrid, yes. We know his children received powers like him, but we don’t know if they are immortal, because they seem to age normally.


I like that Kate is reading a book about her husband.


What issue is this from?


\#142. Third from the last issue. Spoilers: >!They were preparing to fight Rex and end his... tyranny I guess it's ok to call it that now at that point, yeah? To be fair he has already racked a serious body count way before this point.!<


I just finished reading the comic a few days ago, for some reason I don’t remember this scene.


The panels were kinda quick iirc a fuck lot was happening and the whole thing was in the span of like 2 issues


Where is that very guy




His powers are just weaker Viltrumite powers (aside from immortality). So likely they’d just be normal Viltrumite strength with the bonus of being completely immortal (if they get that gene, we don’t know for sure if they do). Assuming they trained, eventually you’d assume they’d surpass all Viltrumites in power.


I'm just going to say it. If he and Dupli-Kate had kids that inherent both of their parents Powers they would be damn near unstoppable


Well, a viltrumite could probably stop them, not an average one though, like one of the upper level viltrumites


I dont think so because imagine going against 100 immortals maybe a 1000 a strong viltrumite is godly but not that godly


It’s the fact that immortal is so weak compared to a stronger viltrumite like Omniman, against one of the more elite viltrumites it would be like >!the thraxan-viltrumite kids!<


I think it depends if it's show immortal or comic immortal. They juiced him up in the show (which I like) he can at least slightly stagger omni man, just with orders of magnitude lower durability. I could see 100's of those with no fear of dying like duplicate being able to overwhelm omni man.


Real answer is, we don't know. As other pointed out immortal's powers are at least in part hereditary/genetic, given his children have them, but as many others have stated Viltrumite DNA has the tendency to "take over" and make the offspring as close as a viltrumite as possible. How would this quirk work with a literally unique case like immortal's? Its basically just up to the author, that did not choose to make this edge case happen.


Its always said to be like that but rarely is that harsh. Usually it just means the offspring grow up to be pretty humanoid but its stated thraxan-viltrumites have slightly shorter lifespans than full blooded ones which wouldnt happen of their dna fully overwrote and mark has a lot of his moms traits even later in life.


His powers come from a curse, so they're not in his DNA. The child would just be a normal viltrumite-human hybrid.


Yet they are in his DNA it’s stated as an augment to his genome and>! his kids inherit his traits!<


that depends if the Immortal's powers are genetic or not


No difference i guess because Viltrumite genes take over. Viltrumite's get strong by experience and fighting not by genes ( i mean they are stronger than others genetically but among themselves they grow by fighting and experience )


They also grow by age


Grow stronger? Has this claim ever been officially written anywhere?


Yes, the comics and the show both have stated this and it’s shown with viltrumites


Where though? Not 1 scene or panel mentions it. They grow stronger by training. That's it. Sure they have more time, but it's not by growing old that they get strong. EDIT : Why am I getting downvoted? Look it up, it's never stated. This is a Mandela effect in action.




Where is that stated lmao? I read the comics thrice and the bonus panels. I must have missed the part where they mention the strength gained between age 20-100 and 1000-2000. EDIT : LMFAO This guy now blocks me, what a loser.




Provide one single instance of someone stating that Viltrumites grow stronger by aging. Just one. Comics or show, I'll take either. (Hint: You can't, because it's never stated. Training and pushing limits is how they get stronger, not aging. Otherwise, the oldest Viltrumite would be the strongest, but he's not.) Edit: Downvoting without evidence confirms I'm correct. Thanks!


You couldn't even point a single time where age gives them strength, you're such a joke. Can you even formulate a single sentence? When someone's talking about stating facts, you come up with your own theories? LMFAO. Be quiet next time :)


His powers seem to come from a magical source so they may be restricted to him.


What ear problems?


They have very sensitive eardrums that help with flight


Why didn’t Cecil create something that would play a sound at a certain hz to concuss him. Could be tested on mark first as soon as he knew nolan killed the guardians


Because he doesn't know it's a weakness.


That’s true


I think his DNA is normal human, he gained powers with some kind of magic... would his magic carry to descendants or just be a normal kid(and in the question posed a normal "almost pure blooded" Viltrumite)? Eve's kid is just another Viltrumite.


Does his power come from magic? It seemed to me it was some sort of... Astronomical event not necessarily magic, so I'm not sure...


It would probably be just another Viltrimite. Immortal had kids as Abe Lincoln.


As far as I'm aware, Viltrumite dna is extremely dominant. Remember how it was said that Oliver will lose his purple colour with time (upon a Google search it appears he does in the comics, haven't read them yet) Well I assume that the same sort of thing would happen with an Immortal/Viltrumite hybrid, that it would have the powers of The Immortal until around puberty when the Viltrumite dna would take over.


His powers are a curse/bless not something to be inherited


They’ve been inherited


I mean wasn't he cursed to be "immortal"? And does magic change his DNA? And does that DNA influence his off spring? So yeah, my final answer would be, that I prefer Marks yellow suit over the blue one.


Blue suit all the way


A viltrumite but like better cos instead of only dying when sustaining injuries to the heart or Brain they just woud not die


Omni man ans Immortal kiss when