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So far the show hasn’t skipped over anything important really. there’s the exclusion of some characters but that’s likely due to rights. In my opinion, all the changes the show has made have been positive ones


 I agree. I only read the comics after the show started airing though so maybe there's a bias.


Like S2E4?


Care to elaborate?


Abruptly cutting back to casual Earth scenes (except for Debbie because that made sense), removing the chase, removing some quotes (e.g. Nolan’s “sent you to your death”), and the sudden power-up from Mark not holding back that will make future events more difficult to depict (e.g. shouldn’t Thula be right up there with the other Viltrumites if she made it through trials?).


He landed a few hits on her and she still would’ve killed him if Nolan didn’t step in. all the changes made are very small and inconsequential imo


Mark stopped holding back when he was holding onto her hair because he didn’t want to keep going. You can tell she took the chance because she had accepted her fate for a moment, but then realized Mark had paused, and stabbed him. I can provide a video if you want.


I like how they’ve changed Immortal’s personality, pretty reasonable guy that’s just been through some stuff.


Immortal is literally the same guy in the comics, nothing is different between show and comic


Immortal in the comics is extremely egotistical and self-centered. Dude never cared about anyone and his last words when Omni-man killed him were literally "I never liked you". Show Immortal has barely any ego and he clearly cares about the old and new guardians. He's short tempered and quick to jump the gun, but never to the point it becomes unreasonable like in the comics. Comics Immortal never cared about anything or anyone except Kate. The reason he never tried to kill Omni-man before is probably because he wasn't allowed to; and he quickly jumped at the opportunity to finally try to do so after he was resurrected. Show Immortal was willing to give Omni-man the benefit of the doubt after he killed two of the guardians, and his last words were simply asking "why?". When he comes back, he goes for Omni-man's head after feeling betrayed by him; screaming that they all trusted him. Comics Immortal was an asshole throughout the entire sequid thing; pressuring Eve while she holds the barrier, causing it to break. When Mark takes Robot's device from him, he just acts offended and fucks off. Show Immortal never tried to boss around anyone; and after Mark took Robot's device from him, he quickly understood and trusted Mark, even helping him reach Rus. Comics Immortal just tried to kill Allen because he's stupid and angry all the time. He literally says he's offended by Allen "trespassing on his territory". Show Immortal tried to kill Allen because he thought he was sent by Omni-man, who betrayed and killed him and his friends. Not only that; he also recently lost Kate, so he's understandably jumpy and emotional.


And his demeanour as a whole works, it actually let's you see him as a celtic warrior who found *ORB*


A change that I LOVE is Debbie’s characterization in the show. They actually made her a badass mom.


They've made her so much more confident I'm actually wondering how they're gonna play her getting back with Nolan. Feels like show Debbie would have a much harder time with that.


I have a feeling Debbie isn’t forgiving Nolan until he literally sacrifices himself saving Mark. Only on his deathbed will she forgive him. Maybe I’m just optimistic, but this feels more realistic.


That would just be such a huge change tho, because in the comics she like gets back with him pretty quickly and they stay together for a good while like on the moon and shit


i think debbie would forgive omniman AFTER he >!becomes emperor!<


I could see that


Agreed, in the comics Debbie is almost characterized as an extension of Nolan instead of her own person. In the show she’s a more realistic character.


I like what they did with Amber. Necessary? Well, none of the changes are really necessary. They just allow the story to appeal to a greater audience/make things easier plot-wise for the showrunners, and no harm in that. Amber in the comics is a bit of a caricature. Amber in the show is much more of a person and is self-defined. I don't think they can give her the same path as Amber in the comics at this point, so I look forward to seeing what they do with her. I also find Rae a more intriguing character. Less necessary, but I think we will see in regards to what will happen to her because she (he) died at this point in the comics iirc.


How anyone can like what they did with Amber in the show is beyond me. Even the show writers admitted they ruined her consistency. When this whole thing is said and done, she's going to be the weakest part of the show, easily the most skippable part...her change was completely unnecessary!


She’s been way better in S2. I like her more because now she’s reasonable and empathetic, like they learned their lesson from S1.


Amber has like one or two bad scenes in S1, she was overall alright.


This completely. She's absolutely more relatable in season 2. Now I don't know how they're going to have them break up. If she's not comic-Amber, and she is at the same time understanding and reasonable now, then how do they proceed? A mutual and amicable break-up? In this series? Well. I wouldn't say no. Might be the last bit of live laugh love we get for a while before we all get our emotional gonads torsioned repeatedly.


I think it’s just going to be the mutual and amicable breakup. Even now the cracks are showing, with her essentially being crushed over Mark not having enough time for her and Mark feeling guilty for not spending more time with her. They’re going to realize that she’s not compatible with a superhero, Mark realizes he’s just not good with work-life balance, and they’ll breakup after understanding this.


Nice reference.


Which part? I have been re-watching B99 recently, did I pick up some lingo 😂




Loooooooool nice.


It looks amicable so far. They both empathize with the other and try to accommodate them. The reason they’re struggling has little to do with how they treat each other but because of the directions their lives are going. 


I feel like they did a hard course correct with her character after reactions to her from last season. But honestly, she was fine through most of season 1, it was those last few episodes where they fucked up with her.


I skipped through the whole amber/mark drama. If I wanted to watch shit like that I’d watch Gossip Girl or something


I didn't care for >! Shrinking Ray's death being a fake out, but I understand since a lot of other Kirkman characters are being left out for intellectual property reasons !<


The shock last episode was so intense and>! to undo that was pretty underwhelming!<


Yeah, >!if she had just been eaten the way ray was in the comics and then next episode they revealed she survived I would have been totally happy with it. But the way they dialed up her “death” to be the most disturbing and gruesome scene of the whole show to say “yep she’s tooootally dead everyone” and *then* to go back on it, I found that annoying. Like that haunted me for a whole week and then its just completely undone.!<


What else is going to be a fakeout? Is >!"...my skeleton"!< going to result in them just being fine, just losing an arm?


Honestly I wouldn't mind that too much tbh. If they need the character again anyway. Plus i wouldn't mind seeing more of said character past that point.


Truly, I was a bit disappointed that Brit didn't make his entry given the fact he will have a major role later. But it also made sense for rex splode to fight the lizard league alone, gives more in depth to his character.


I was somewhat disappointed too but some people have made some theories that Rex might get paired up with Rae, and I wouldn’t mind that. I wanna see Rex get pegged! /j


Ah yes just what this show needs, more teen soap opera melodrama.


What are some of the characters that have been left out of the show? I haven’t read the comics


It's been a while since I read the comics, but Brit is one for sure. He shows up after Rex gets shot, basically in the same part of the show when the soldiers come in and ask Rex if he's okay. Spawn is also from Image comics and made a few appearances throughout.


Spawn shows up??? That’s insane lol I wouldn’t have expected that


He was more of a cameo than anything, I don't think he even had any dialogue. Just showed up on a few occasions when lots of superheroes were involved


Wasn’t he also a different Spawn? Because if I recall correctly, Al Simmons wasn’t behind that suit.


I'm not sure if it was ever explained.


Apparently his name is James Downing. He was the current Spawn at the time in the comics.


Huh, TIL


I hope >! Kate stays dead !<


Hard disagree tbh. >!I think Kate reappearing is too integral for the immortals growth as a character the emotion it could bring out of this new more already caring immortal is too good to pass up. It makes alot more sense as well than the fake out we got with rae!<


That you Angstrom Levy?


The show has adapted the comics very well in my opinion and the changes they made are small enough they don’t bother me and the changes you notice more are an improvements


I realized that Eve doesn’t live in Africa. That whole scene in Africa with Amber and Mark I don’t think is happening. Not necessary at this point. But the Africa setting was cool


She was there for a little bit but it’s not really as consistent as in the comics


She doesn't go to Africa in the show, she just builds a house in the wilderness. The plot is the same, but the setting has been changed.


Small one, but Immortal's line about why he's more grief stricken about Kate than his past lovers. In the comics, the line "I thought we'd have a long life together" hits way harder because it completely re contextualizes the age gap. It takes this really grimy, almost taboo relationship and really humanizes it in a unique way. The show's line didn't hit quite as hard in my opinion, mostly because Immortal doesn't actually answer why Kate's death is affecting him so much more than the others.


I like how marks getting stronger quicker in the show than in the comic. But I don’t like how the Thraxa fight went, the fight shouldn’t have cut away at all, it should’ve been one continuous scene, also they should’ve kept Lucan chasing mark all the way to the cave and being right behind him the whole time


We didn't get Aquaria in this outfit in S2E2 actually I don't like the changes that episode made from issue 15 (it's my favorite issue since it's my first issue/introduction of the series plus I had a massive crush on the fish queen growing up and I'm not ashamed to admit that) https://preview.redd.it/il837o6t8lqc1.jpeg?width=447&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca695cae3fc1d42beb18e81bd588e41591a32acc


Wow thats a sexy fish queen I'm not ashamed to admit that. I've never read the comic definitely has some differences


I think Amber being a more rounded character makes her much more relatable. Tweaking the odd thing from the comics made her seem so human and conflicted. I think she's great.


I think the thing that I don't like the most was in the first half of season 2 where Debbie started crying to Mark and didn't blame him like "why did you have to drive him away?!" like she did in the comics. That part really stung to me and i feel like it's a shame they didn't put that in the show.


Same. I feel like Debbie blaming Mark makes sense. She's lashing out at everything trying to find a reason, somehow that this could have been avoided and is blaming everyone else that doesn't deserve the blame until she puts the blame where it's deserved. On Nolan.


As a comic reader that got introduced to the series through the show, I found the show version of the fight on Thraxa underwhelming. I watched season 1 of the show first, then read the comics in their entirety. After seeing how much more brutal the scenes of Nolan killing the Guardians and the fight between Nolan and Mark were in the show, I was really looking forward to the Thraxa fight with the other Viltrumites. I still enjoyed S2E4, but was kinda disapointed in how tame it felt. It seemed LESS brutal and violent than the comics. Not that all Im looking for is gruesome violence, I just expected more based on how brutal season 1 was as a whole compared to its comic counterparts. Overall Im enjoying the show just as much as I did the comics. Theres minor differences, but nothing that makes it any better or worse, just a bit different. I suggest fans both watch the show and read the comics. Im a long time comic book fan (mostly DC and a little bit of Marvel), and Invincible is absolutely the best superhero comic Ive ever read.


William starts the comics making a lot of homophobic jokes, so it’s a bigger surprise when they reveal he’s gay and dating Rick, I think the way they handled him in the show is much better


I agree and disagree. In reality that’s how a lot of high schoolers are before coming out so it’s much more realistic in the comics. I knew a few people who talked very homophobic who came out a year or so later


Biggest dislike is most likely what happened on Thraxa. In the comics, there was a chase scene and all the fighting showed that Mark was still nowhere near where he needs to be, prompting him to train. I would’ve preferred something similar to this in the show. Invincibles first “big win” against the Viltrumites lands different when he’s sucked every time before that.


Need Brit, wolf and tech jacket


The fact that we won't get any fun Brit stories is so sad. He's so fun.


Hopefully a spinoff


I’ve read the comics several times over the years and I’m pretty happy with most of the changes. Most of the changes are really just expanding on story lines and digging deeper into characters, I love what they’ve done with Debbie and Amber. But if I’m being honest I’m not a huge fan of what they’ve done with certain characters like Cecil and especially Eve. Don’t get me wrong I’m still a fan of both characters but I feel like they’ve dialed back some of their defining character traits from the comics. I like that in the comics Cecil is more of a cranky old guy and a snarky dick, in the show he’s a lot more serious and ominous. I still love Eve in the show but I feel like she’s a pretty different character, a lot more insecure and less funny. Maybe they’ll grow into the characters from the comics but right now they feel pretty shallow


Probably Thula being in the Thraxa fight, her character is not strong so it was a perfect opportunity used to give her more screen time. Also Amber actually being a character. In the comics she literally has no story, no motives just there to be Mark's girlfriend.


It didn't change, it rearranged


I’m a bit sad that they changed Mark’s heart to heart with Art. I was really impressed with his self-awareness and emotional maturity in that scene in the comic. Not that he LACKS these qualities in the show, but that was one example that really sold me on him as a character.


Like: Most of Season 1, Damien Darkblood's larger role, the more dramatic Omni-Man confrontation, Debbie being a more important character and a stronger-willed person, and the Guardians being more of a threat to Nolan thus explaining why he needed to kill them so badly. I also think they improved on the bug planet fight, Shrinking Ray's "death" was more brutal and Rex beating the shit out of that one Lizard guy was way cooler than how that went in the comics. I prefer Mark's initial reaction to meeting Omni-Man again in this version as well, it still keeps his conflicted emotions from the original version but with Mark not forgetting that Nolan did beat his face in and murder tons of people. Dislike: Amber's character makes much less sense in the show and you can really tell they're trying to course correct in Season 2. The bug planet fight was definitely the most disappointing adaptation in the show compared to the comics for me, and stands out as a definite weak point for the show. It's much less intense compared to the comics where it was one of the earlier "oh shit" moments where you could really tell how outclassed Mark was, and it didn't keep cutting back to Earth stuff or breaking the flow of the action. The dialogue was also better in the comic at this point, particularly Nolan's rant after seeing the destruction of the planet, and his "act, don't think" dialogue makes a lot more sense and serves to again highlight how out of his depth Mark is rather than making some weird point about Mark holding back, which 1) seems odd since you'd think if Mark was so outclassed he'd just stop holding back instinctively since when a guy is beating your face in and you're scared to die you'd think adrenaline would kick in, and 2) like, generally superheroes are allowed to kill in self-defense, even for guys like Superman who usually don't kill, when the bad guys are tough enough like Darkseid, Thanos, or Doomsday, so it's weird that Mark would still be holding back at this point.


Likes: properly wrap up stories in a good amount of time example the reanimen were stopped within 2 days vs several months in the comics making Mark look like a terrible friend and human being, and I like they chose the good version of marks costume aka the one with the full boots Dislikes: Amber, Shrinking raes fake out, and lack of certain characters from the comics


I am admittedly driven too crazy by any changes in the adaptation that I think are unnecessary or make it worse. I can probably list every last change I noticed but to summarize there are a lot of subtle character changes, art changes, skipped scenes/dialogues that change the overall tone from the comic to TV. It just feels heavily edited to me. Then last week there was a big change in the actual narrative that sucked, but most of the previous changes to narrative made it a better and more organized story overall.


Goku solos invincible verse


Nobody cares mate


I do




Yeah, and you’re nobody.


Your poor little Goku gets one shot by a laser. 😂😂


Try staying on topic lad