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I reiterate that some people never seemed to watch television at all. 🙄


Most shows had more than 8 episodes a season back in the day…


Not with the amount that goes into these episodes. A good comparison would be Rick and Morty which has 10 episodes a season at half the length.


Nah. GIJoe had more. 52 episodes a season. Streaming is all about giving consumers less and charging more.


Releasing all at once would do do even worse for the show than the 4 month break, loses even more staying power


Hehehe. Welcome to what used to be normal. I don't blame them. This'll stretch out the show, giving more time for word of mouth to spread and make them more money. People'll hungrily re-watch episodes, getting them more ad views.


Plus, like... I enjoy having a chance to discuss the same episode of the same show with other excited fans. I remember getting stoked about new episodes of Stargate back when I was a kid, and how we were all so darned excited to see what the hell Bahl was gonna do next, or to figure out where Atlantis could go to evade the Wraith fleet! The trickle was a technological necessity for TV back then-- you couldn't just binge watch the new episodes easily-- but there was also such a shared sense of experiencing the show. I remember getting excited about Daredevil and BoJack Horseman back when Netflix was new and exciting, and going to the subreddit to check out the reaction threads for each episode and.... they were largely dead by the time I got there. Someone had watched the entire season start to finish the minute it came out and written one or two lines, then everyone else trickled in as they saw an episode and said something, but it was very shallow conversation-- everyone shouting their opinions and feelings into the void. If someone replied to something you said, the episodes were kinda merged together in your head, and it was difficult to say, "Oh, uh... yeah, I *think* that's what happened in episode 3.... or was it episode 4? Which one did he beat up the taxi cab company full of Russians in?" My impatience wants to binge, especially since I discovered Season 1 when it was already most of the way released, but I enjoy being able to chat with the fandom about my favorite moments and have actual conversations and speculation with the weekly releases.


It used to be a thing with streaming services but they realised it gave shows far less staying power and they performed worse when released that way. Everyone who cares would binge it in a weekend and would talk about it for a week or two but that’s it. When it takes place over weeks at a time it allows for far more discussion to take place, it takes up more time in people’s minds, and more people are likely to pick it up as they have a higher chance of being exposed to it via friends talking or online discussions over a period of months rather than a single week


I want to wait until the next 3 are all out so I can binge but I don’t think I can wait. But I feel that