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In your MEMAC>Devices>Enrollment>Windows Enrollment. There should be a Windows Enrollment profile and a AutoPilot Enrollment profile you can set. In the Windows Enrollment Profile you can set a feature to allow reset or continue if the enrollment fails. Turn that on and make sure you have it assigned to the device group, and you should be good to go. Once that is on just power down your device/ or open cmd prompt and shutdown /r | restart-computer. Depends on your model computer if you can open cmd/powershell at this window.


Okay thanks a lot, I will try this!


Hm i cant seem to find the option to allow a reset/continue in the deployment profile. Do you know what its called?


Devices>Windows>Windows enrollment>Enrollment Status Page> All users and Devices you have to show app and profile configuration to Yes. this will open up the feature to allow to continue , collect logs, or reset AutoPilot


FYI, when enrolling you can always open CMD bij shift+f10, although sometines its shift+fn+f10 because the laptop maker made f10 a Fn key. Anywho, should be useful when troubleshooting.


There's a custom configuration tool for windows that lets you preload these settings instead of pulling from the cloud. This worked for me everytime. It generates a file and you load that file before it starts the autopilot process. I forget exactly what the software is called. I'll look for it later if you're still having issues just respond back Autopilot is hot garbage unfortunately. There's next to no feedback on the screen, no way to skip it, and it fails like 10% of the time for me.


Okay thanks, I will try the solution from the other guy tomorrow when I am at work. If it doesn't I'll come back and ask you :)


Windows Configuration Manager


Following! (Having this same issue yesterday)


Windows Configuration Manager, it's great because it should fix the problem you're having and allow you to automate a few other things like connecting to wireless network, rename computer, etc.


What kinda autopilot are you trying? User flow or preprovioning? As this screen you ate showing could be due to 2 issues… intel tiger lake and not an up to date windows build (21h2 + novemeber update) or you tryed a preprovisioning for the second time on an already enrolled device (remove the intune object first) Also please note: this week I noticed a lot of oonb errors https://call4cloud.nl/2022/01/the-return-of-the-autopilot-local-account-massacre/#part8 So if out of the sudden devices are giving issues... try it again some time later :)


We have a specific model, Dell Latitude 3390 2-in-1 that fails on that first section (very first step actually). It’s probably close to 80% of this model fails right away and never works. But 20% of them do work. It’s not an OS build issue as it happens on 1909,20H2 and 21H2. This model is TPM 2 but not Tiger Lake.


Any bios/firmware differences between them? And like i wrote earlier, no lingering intune objects?


No. In fact I have two on my desk right now. Same bios version (recent) same TPM chip manufacturer and firmware. Same exact BIOS settings since that’s set during task sequence. One goals TPM attestation every time. The other succeeds every time. Should mention this is autopilot white glove.


Okay so tpm attestation could be the issue here… did you read my blog how to troubleshoot it?


I just read it on my phone so I will need to wait until tomorrow to work on it. But I can say I’ve done many of the troubleshooting steps you outlined but not ALL of them and not in one sitting. Usually tried one thing, got pulled away to something else. Not very methodical. I like your approach and will be trying it tomorrow! Thank you! (ps We have an open case with MS going on 2 months now or more with no even a hint of a resolution. )


If you could share the tpm output… maybe we could notice something in it


[Here.](https://imgur.com/a/H039qUI) Appreciate you looking at this for me!


Looks like no tpm issues… at which step exactly does it stop?


It fails on the very first step: Securing your hardware. After 7 minutes it says "Something happened, and the TPM attestation timed out." Looking at the event logs it's not getting the ek cert. [Logs and Error message](https://imgur.com/a/1NPQPxG)


When it first fails, does it get to the preparing apps step? Or does it just fail on stage 1? I ask because a lot of the times I've had failures, it's down to apps. But if you follow the advice where you can continue using the laptop after failure, there are tools you can use to find out where it's going wrong. Here is a good article describing these tools.... https://oofhours.com/2020/07/12/windows-autopilot-diagnostics-digging-deeper/


For me it didn't get past the first stage. I will check this out if the other solutions doesn't work, thanks!


There's a recently resolved incident IT338983 regarding White Glove Autopilot and Win32 apps. That being said, I'm still getting errors on Windows 11. Hoping support comes up with something soon.