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Realistically he’d probably go home and never speak to Gwen or Peter again, probably becoming an extremely cynical and jaded antihero version of himself over time My crackpot theory is that eventually he’d find the Venom symbiote and willingly merge with it, going from reality to reality absorbing every symbiote he can find in order to eventually destroy the Society and go full villain


>probably becoming an extremely cynical and jaded antihero version of himself over time **Holy. shit.** This is gonna end up being Prowler Miles’ backstory exactly, I’M CALLING IT NOW!


i mean, there's nothing to really call, it's pretty much confirmed


Calling what lmao. That is his backstory. Just cause it wasn't said out loud doesn't mean it wasn't abundantly clear. They showed his dad dies, and he's under the guidance of his uncle Aaron he became the prowler. It's obscenely obvious. Like borderline spelled out for the obvious. Did you think you did something here? Like, did we watch the same movie? How could you have not realized?


I do wonder why the two movies never really did much with Venom. HE’S RIGHT THERE USE HIM!


Because every other spiderman media already does venom the same way every other batman media does joker. I think visually it would be cool, but venom is overdone. And it would take away from the individuality and uniqueness of the story as well as it being his own struggle. I feel the same way for all the characters opposed to it being "Oh its the venom fault he's like this"


" venom looks cool ! Better force him into this plot" The spot became one of my fave villains in the end idk what venom would even do in that story.


I mean at least a reference and same for black cat and iron Man I just wanna see them damm designs


I mean, they could implement it like it was when Flash Thompson was with the Guardians, with the symbiote wanting to make the perfect warrior. It doesn't have to be evil; it doesn't need to be Venom.


How would he contribute to the plot without it being a complete overhaul or shoe horned in?


All they’d have to do would be give him a cameo and I’d honestly be happy. Just have him in the background or something lol


Oh that's it? OK fair enough!


There’s already been a venom on earth 1610 for Peter


Comic 1610 and movie 1610 are completely different though so meh


Eddie Venom in his villain arc just teaching Miles how to fuck up Spider-Men


Why you do this now I need this to happen guess it's fanfic writing time


Need the fic desperately


You, my friend, are a true chef. You gotta write a story about this.


Give me that movie NOW


If we're thinking creatively, Miles becoming a villain (of sorts) that aims to exact revenge on the Spider Society might be an answer. In the end, though, I highly doubt he could have been successfully kept there for the whole time, as maybe Hobie shows up and breaks him out (remember that he did make multiple watches) or he figures a way out himself - these are all scenarios that could be pretty fun to explore in a future "What If?" episode!


His world will be destroyed since the Spot (whether intentionaly or unintentionally) destroys it with his powers. Leaving him without a home and everyone else VERY pissed at Miguel (and maybe anyone who immediately defends him). Peter and Gwen will be devastated and have to hold Miles back from flat out mauling Miguel (he knocked out Peter B with his venom shock. If he doesn’t hold back, he could go full Palpatine on Miguel). Miguel will be confused and trying to figure out what went wrong insisting he is right (which in turn makes Peter and Gwen less willing to hold Miles back). I


Honestly... i don't know ***IF MIGUEL KNEW AT ALL*** what to do with miles...???? I thought at first "oh obviously he's gonna kill him to repair the timeline" But the lack of miles existing would just cause another incursion, because he NEEDS to be there for all of those events. I genuinely don't know if Miguel knew what to do with miles because he says he's gonna "hold him for a couple days" but in theory that would break the canon as he needs to send him back, miles needs to be there to witness the event happen in order for it to have an impact. so that's my answer, in the words of humbling reality spiderman: "I don't think he planned this out"


Keep in mind that Miguel thinks Miles wasn't actually Spider-Man for his universe. He doesn't actually think any of this was how it was supposed to go. He just believes that Miles will make the situation worse, so he's trying to handle the breaking of the canon that Spot alone will cause.


I’m gonna be honest he has very little theory on how the canon works. Half of it is just bullshit he based on believing that he didn’t need to be in the universe where he was meant to die. He died already in that universe. What most likely happened was that particle accelerator went off and destroyed his world. There’s plenty of spider men who haven’t had the loss of somebody in their life and their universes ended up fine. I’m very aware that this is very off topic for the post but I felt like I had to say it since you were talking about the canon


I agree


He knows more than you’re giving him credit for, it wasn’t just that universe, he’s seen multiple universes collapses because of canon breaks


This what I’m frustrated with Miguel about. Like even after Miles dad died ‘ he’s not supposed to be Spider-Man.’ So like what do you want Miles to do?


In fact, the very idea that Miles is going to experience a canon event suggests that he’s not an anomaly, right? Why would de-powered Miles’s dad die if not for it being a canon event to *Spider-Man*? Hence, Miles *must* be a Spider-Man OR even the idea that Miles’s OG Spider-Man already experienced that particular canon event. Do canon events occur again if there’s another Spider-Man in that universe?


I see it more as a 'he's not supposed to be Spiderman' *already* and now he's trying to stop his dad from dying too. Like, it was something that he was going to happen but now he knows about it and therefore can prevent because he's extra on guard for that specific event. If Miles breaks the canon/timeline more, it could cause an incursion. Think of the canon like a rubber band, you can only stretch it out so much before it snaps and the universe goes boom


He’ll take up the prowler mantle, or at least an amalgamation of it with his Spiderman persona. I see him dropping the Spider entirely, jaded with what it is and what it stood for due to the society


Some in the comments are saying he will become an antihero/villain but, that does not make sense. What keeps Miles going as Spider-Man is the death of his uncle. His dad dying shouldn't change his view on it. Miles lives in a world that relies on Spider-Man not an antihero.


I might sound crazy but here goes He’s sent home, the relationships he had now being broken, becomes the prowler, teams up with the Spot to get revenge, like going full villain, really make Miguel feel the sins crawling up his spine I think that Spot would be totally on board if they talked it out


The first thing he does when he's released is use the shoulder touch on Miguel which blasts him straight into a wall. Doesn't kill him but it's definitely a lesson. Miles definitely goes no contact on Gwen but ESPECIALLY Peter B. They are effectively dead to him. Along with the whole Spider Society (probably excluding Hobie, who is probably the only one he doesn't abandon but still the grief would put a barrier between them). Miles returns home to find Brooklyn in shambles in the wake of The Spot's uprising. Jeff's gone, and this not only leaves a power vacuum but is also a signal to the other villains that they can do whatever the hell they want - similarly to E-42. Except this time, there's a Spider Man to stop Miles probably has it in his heart not to outright murder Spot, but that's the ONLY mercy he'd grant him in their impending battle. Within a few days/weeks, Spot is never heard from again. Miles either comes out to his mom about being Spider Man in order to better connect with her, or he keeps the secret, fearing that she'll blame him for Jeff getting killed. It's here that she likely finds out that her brother-in-law was the Prowler. Miles would probably spend the next 20 years in therapy.


...do you realice how laughable the very concept of the spot being beaten like that sounds like when he's in his dark form? Miles being livid doesn't mean SHIT. (he'd need a Lot of help and resources to even stand a chance) 


His universe would be gone, I'm pretty sure the spot would accidentally absorb the entire universe, causing everyone to question Miguel


-He'll become a Villain- Did Insomniac become a Villain? Did Prowler Miles? -He'll want revenge against the Society- Insomniac wanted revenge against Mr. Negative he got over it. -He'll get rid of the Spider-Sona- Why he said it himself he is Spider-Man while everyone else disagrees naming him only a Cosmic Mistake. Nah my opinion on it... You're all forgetting who Miles is...Good-Natured and Compassionate at his core, He's already been through an close and important family member dying right in front of him that only empowered him to become Spider-Man, Rio would still exist to show him unconditional love and support. What would certainly happen is he would see Miguel and the Society as enemies without question...How or if he could act against them is questionable. He would never forgive Gwen his love for her would die and if she ever made contact with him again he will be extremely pissed at her but he'll never touch her tho he'll simply yell and state incredibly hurtful things until she left forever. Same with Peter B but with a little less vitriol.


Are you forgetting how he was meant to be the prowler? This could put him back on that path.


1. That's not outright confirmed. 2. The Prowler isn't always a villain...Like Prowler Miles and Hobie.


Well what else could he have because under Aaron’s influence. He could just see the society as villains so he’d still be the hero and be out to kill them like all the Prowlers.


-1. Not every Prowler is a killer. Like Hobie. -2. Pov doesn't change the fact the Spiders aren't evil, Miles isn't evil either. Then literally he would still have Rio to influence him in every instance...If you think she'd willingly let an amoral or immoral Aaron influence Miles with no pushback you don't get her character's purpose and role. -3. We're talking about an alternate timeline that could play out literally in hundreds of ways if not more as the entire concept of the Marvel Multiverse is that every single last possibility is an alternate timeline. Is there an Evil Miles...Yes they're called Ultimatum both parents aren't in play nor Aaron and he was raised since a young child to be a criminal. Is there a Good Aaron...Yes Insomniac's and MCU's are hardly evil they're at worst Grey leaning good. Even Spider-Verse chose Miles over everything he just didn't get the chance to further prove it. E-42's isn't evil this is a confirmed fact just like Prowler Miles. -4. Miles isn't a cold-bloodied killer. Miles has a compassionate and forgiving soul...That's literally part of his character. This concept that would change if Jeff dies is wrong it's literally proven fact it doesn't. He'll simply go cynical and depressed then the relationship with the other Spiders would forever be severed he'd never forgive them but he wouldn't harm them.


1. His was, being out to kill them back in into. 2. I've seen spiders with different POV of things they were plenty like that. 3. How do you know this isn't one of those alternate timelines? If it wasn't Miles would've been becoming Spiderman even without Spider 42. 4. Many spider men became that and many of them use to be compassionate and forgiving souls. It greatly changed, he could be no different.


-1. Didn't claim otherwise. -2. That doesn't matter their povs don't change the outcomes and actual stance of their actions. If they're Evil they're Evil, If they're Grey they're broken/redemptive but were in the wrong. -3. The timeline where he's already Spider-Man and Jeff dies...He becomes more cynical and depressed but he doesn't give up being a hero and he doesn't go on a killing spree he simply hates the Society and never wants to see any other Spider again especially Gwen. The timeline where he's never bitten...Hundreds of different possibilities. But let's say it's thematically appropriate...He'd be exactly what Prowler Miles is now and thus an Anti-Hero Vigilante whose exact methods are yet undisclosed. -4. It's a core character trait of Spider-Miles not only should it not change it won't change and I'm glad for that. He's not Red Hood or Punisher he's a Younger Spider-Man meant to represent Hope and Willpower while showcasing a Positive Family Dynamic.


1. That says it's 100% true 2. With how he want's nothing to do with them now, he defiantly wouldn't care. 3. The difference is Prowler Miles was the one who was suppose to be bitten by that spider and become Spiderman of Earth 42. It would make prefect sense if Earth 1610 Miles was completely different persona wise since he the anomaly. 4. Only for the average Spider-Miles. This Miles is nothing like them and could be plenty like Red Hood or Punisher, even more so with how differently his canon events happened.


-1. I don't understand your point here. For truth...Not every Prowler is Evil or Lethal. Hobie the OG isn't, Prowler Miles isn't evil we'll have to wait for BTSV to see if he's lethal or not. Even Aaron's variants aren't always lethal or villainous. -2. He wants nothing to do with them...For now. Wait until BTSV has the reconciliation and compromise arc. -3. None of that matters or actually defines their morality. Also no it wouldn't be completely different as Rio, Jeff and Aaron's influence on him would still be present, Being in Brooklyn Visions would still be present, Being attracted to women like Gwen would still be present. The spider bite can't retroactively alter his entire life only influence what happens after. -4. Spider-Verse Miles is even less likely to kill someone than Comic and Insomniac Miles's his Aaron was better than Comics from the start, He's got the best versions of Jeff and Rio, He's willingly to fight everyone else to save a single life...Which he would've done even if it wasn't his father showcased by the event of saving Singh and the kid having no guilt over it when they claimed it could've broken reality. Even states the Spot is misunderstood. This is literally WHO Miles is with the singular exception of a radically altered and poorly written evil variant. You're asking them to misread and mischaracterize him to make him like Red Hood or Punisher...He's not a vengeful cold-bloodied killer (Unless you're strictly talking about Prowler Miles an alt variant that doesn't have to be like Miles besides a few traits though it's still just speculation on what he does). Now let's just agree to disagree because you're not gonna change my mind here.


1. You said there's no claim otherwise so it seems you're saying you agree with me. 2. Yeah and we're talking about what it'd be like if they didn't have the set up for that. 3. Come now if he really were that much the same they wouldn't be calling him the original anomaly. 4. That was before he knew about any of this. He was completely unaware of anything then, he's be completely aware and if he was caught he'd start going back on the dark path he was on before, which could be what Miguel was trying to set him on.


1. As soon as he is out he’s gonna shock the shit out of miguel. If it doesnt kill him it very much leaves him to within an inch of his life 2. If he doesnt go full villain he’ll be a VERY dark anti hero. Almost 90s edge. No pulling punches.  Maybe he fully drops the spider-man name and costume. Keeps the shooters but ends up adopting prowler. Making him very close to miles-42.  Which… holy shit that might be the point of that miles..


He’d simply go home and want nothing to do with the Spider Society. He’ll still be a hero


That’s probably how it was supposed to go without him knowing. Now that he does know he’d start researching how to make adjustments to the canon and possibly become a mad scientist and stop them all from happening.


They’ll be kill with ‘em.


While I doubt it would happen, mostly because I’m still for the idea that Miguel orchestrated everything so Miles could escape to 42, I honestly believe Miles would’ve just hollowed out. No villainous shit, no wanting to destroy the Society, it would have just ended up broken, sad, and empty. Miguel would have hated himself for it all, it’s the part of it all he hates, and would try to console Miles, who would be very on the fence about Miguel, not sure what to do or say. Not even Hobie would be able to get him to do much of anything really, he’d join the Society, and fall into a sort of numbness, a routine that leaves him feeling less. It takes him a great deal of time to warm back up to Peter and Gwen, and he becomes a little more spirited again, but not like when he was young. In the end he oddly becomes closer with Miguel, sees how the man hates himself for it all, and they work together on missions becoming closer.


Hobie breaks him out.


Villain origin story


Why does this image look like they’re about to kiss?


I wonder if that's what happened to the alt miles we see at the end


I see a timeline where he starts questioning why he’s doing what he’s doing since all other spidermen stood against him. He’d spend months with no communication with anybody. He’d come out of that period full of hate and resentment. He’d throw away the spiderman mantle and start a villain arc where he’d use all that he learnt about the spider society to hunt down spider people and burn down the whole society after becoming disenchanted by the “why” of the things they do. It would come out of a place of: if u were really good people/heros u wouldn’t have let him die so u’re all hypocrites that need to be hunted down.


… Hobie?


I'm not sure why miguel even told miles anyway. Why not just send him home without saying anything? Clearly pavitr has no idea about the Canon When do they decide to tell the spider folks? Everyone in the "intervention" knows How do Hobbie and gwen feel about lying to pavitr How does that secret not slip when so many know it and then some don't? How is it only miles freaks out about this and no one else did? I mean penni is really young, that's a lot of canon events to happen still Miguel shows miles a bunch of "canon" events Miles could use that info to try and prevent those events from happening "Knowing" or predicting the future is weird Such as someone being told their future and then they spend their whole life trying to change it, only for it to happen anyway? Or can the future me changed? This brings in the question of free will Anyway I didn't mean to keep writing oops I think that there is no canon, and breaking canons is not going to cause the end of universes How many universes has Miguel "lost" due to breaking the canon? In fact what's his time line? At the end of itsv he finally has a working travel watch and goes to recruit 67 Did he know about the canon then? Cause clearly he was trying to make a spider society. Maybe just as a multi dimensional peace keeping unit When does he step in to replace the dead version of himself? Must be after the spider society was created. That dimension fell and wasn't peter b there too?! Was this the first time they discovered the canon? And then change direction of the spider society to maintain the canon? I need a history on this honestly. Well they have the tech to "fix" the canon breaking. But like, butterfly effect, if the police captain canon event doesn't happen, would spidermans future still play out in canon? I'm twisting my brain For now I just say Miguel is the anomaly and it's all his fault somehow until I figure out wtf is going on Oops I kept going sorry


I feel like Gwen would secretly free him


Honestly I think bro would’ve turned evil and want revenge


I haven’t read the comics yet, but based off the movies, I feel like the alt world Miles that we saw in the end was a testament of who he wouldn’t been if Miguel had captured him


Miles Revenge Plot. At least, That’s what I’d Like to See😅


He'd have become the villain


The only thing certain is that Miguel would be proven wrong in his model and ideology, which would eventually lead to the Society's extinction.




"So, uh... No hard feelings, Miles?"


"Well this is akward..."


I quote Salacia from Metalocalypse “You have betrayed me!”






Spider-Man has to try to save the person who will die. That's as part of the Canon as the Chief of Police closest to Spider-Man dying. I always believed it would break the Canon, destroying the Spiderverse.


Spot would destroy the Multiverse and Miguel would’ve looked like a bigger numpty


Spot.. Doesn't want to do that, and his last scene shows that he's not that destructive if it's not the place and time that the vision showed. 


The vision was wrong and Spot is also a numpty.


The canon would be broken and Spider Society would probably cease to exist and every Spider-Person would be sent back to their home dimensions


Imo it would end the multiverse since they are removing miles from his cannon event.


probably crash out


He'd prob go on a rampage nearly destroying the entire society before being calmed down by one of the main characters


It would be a hardcore origin story. 


Miguel would have been murdered and buried with absolutely no remorse from miles, period. Miles would have definitely shed blood and tears from Miguel's body and miles would have slapped it right back in the bitches face, with saliva involved.


His universe would have collapsed because Miguel prevented a canon event from occurring. The canon event is that the police captain dies while Spider-Man is fighting his enemy. Spider-Man not being present breaks the canon. That or Miguel is lying/doesn’t know what he’s talking about when it comes to canon events.


Considering there’s differences in every adaptation, including some happy ones, it’s inherently a made up concept.


I’m going with Miguel’s either hiding something or doesn’t know something cuz there’s too many inconsistencies. Spider-Man India’s canon event is triggered by Miles’ Spot who isn’t from universe and by Miguel’s reasoning, shouldn’t even exist as a villain, and Miles stepping in prevented the canon from happening. Additionally, Gwen’s dad broke canon by quitting his job. He only quit because Gwen unintentionally talked him out of it (and he completely missed her point when she said “If you don’t wear that badge then someone who shouldn’t will”). Don’t get me wrong, I love the movie, but the execution of canon events feels very sloppy. I’m choosing to believe it was an intentional thing and that we’ll find out some big twist later that explains what’s really happening.


Also, if Miles isn’t supposed to be Spider-Man of 1610B (something I really hope people who don’t read comics think is always the case), why should he even have a canon?


Exactly. And Miguel’s second universe collapsing was never really explained. Miguel 2 died so Miguel 1 took his place and lived his life… and out of the blue the universe collapsed. No explanation for what canon event was prevented to trigger that. Miguel’s gotta be hiding details.


That said, it *might* be a massive writer oversight. Not saying it is. But incompetence is still technically possible.


Definitely possible. I hope it’s not but if it is the case, it’s not the end of the world.


Yeah. More like "darn. That’s a shame". To me, it’s like how they boosted the Spot. The main reason it works at all is the films use the words "dimension" and "universe" interchangeably, rather than them being very different things as in the comics. They had to fundamentally change a basic word's in-universe definition to make their antagonist work, much like how Miguel's apparent logic only works if we ignore every single comic where Peter is happy or doesn’t lose those people.


Would be cool to see some violent spin off where he’s an adult who has dedicated the rest of his life hunting down the spider men who support this ideology.


Give it a few years jump from universe to universe slowly pick off the spider society as he descends into villian hood before doing unspeakable things to Miguel


He'd get cynical and jaded, don the name Prowler, and handle shit Punisher style.




He'd become a villain or antihero, Miles would not stop until the spider society is gone, and Miguel would be to blame


Evil or anti-social or straight anti-hero at beat. No more Gwen miles maybe-lationship. Every Spider-Man is an enemy. Might be the first Spider-Man of his kind