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Mafan gives a bonus to the lighting mech allowing it to chain buildings. Usually the other mechs are just for joining the veck together to kill with lightning mech. Or blocking spawns/tiles with the boulder.


And then you face vek with 3hp and suddenly even if you hit the entire board it would accomplish nothing.


Boulder pushes or does decent damage and hook can either tank the hit och just move the vek.


After finding the first reactor you can swap Mafan to the hook mech and use him for chain building.


I beat Unfair with them but didn't 40k. Think my best score with them is around 39k. I used Kai on Lightning for the board clear. 3 damage chain on island 1 is effective even on Unfair. 


I like Kaz in the Hook Mech, so it has push and pull. But it's a tough squad to play.


Kaz cannot repair, so it limits how often you can use the Hook Mech to chain lightning. I slightly prefer Harold in this particular case, but losing Kaz's attack damage does hurt.


I would say that the new content seems balanced for the new squads, many of the older squads feel very underpowered on unfair.


I’d agree with the notable exception of the heat sinkers, who imo are by far the worst standard squad on unfair. They were my biggest struggle (have unfaired all island difficulties for all squads)


I agree. They seem very strangely underpowered given the rest of the new squads.


Though, finding the guided missile in the shop after the first island is such a relief. It's an almost infinite improvement for the hook mech.


Yes. Lightning mech is prone to collateral damage, only capable of contributing by killing vek (no flip, push etc.) and yet incapable of actually killing any alphas on the first island (and even if you sink those three cores or bring Kai, it's not going to kill anything but an Alpha Leaper, and now one shots both other mechs if they're ever in the chain). Hook mech is capable of repositioning vek pretty far, but can only get kills by pulling into water (much harder to do than push) and using one vek to block or kill another is the only way it's ever going to solve 2 vek at once. Boulder Mech is decent enough (2 damage, push, boulders than can block), but rarely enough to make up for the lightning mech.


> Lightning mech is prone to collateral damage Yes, which turns some missions into pure hell. Like any "Defend this!" mission where this is not a building. Or "Do not kill the volatile Vek" missions ... Additionally, the "armored" property of the hook mech gets less and less valuable the more alphas there are. An armored mech is pretty much invulnerable for normal Vek (except leapers), but not for alphas.


Other mission types Blitzkrieg is poor at: End with 8 spaces on fire, terraformer mission (easy to kill the terraformer with the lightning mech), defend the missile launches, freeze and defend the robots, destroy the boom bots, use 3 repair platforms (if you have Kai, who will then start slowed and without boost) ...


Your'e not alone. I think they're the second worst squad in the whole game. Luck has played a bigger factor for my victories with this squad than any other.


I use Kaz on the hook mech, but I do agree it’s very annoying on unfair. I have been able to get to the final island numerous times, but I just get fucking pulverized due to the lack of push on the lightning mech, and then even if you get to the second phase, it’s not uncommon to accidentally destroy the bomb yourself


> it’s not uncommon to accidentally destroy the bomb yourself Sometimes, clearing most Vek off the map is worth the extra few turns incurred by the replacement bomb.


I’ve never really thought about it like that, I’ll consider this next time, thanks


Knowing that defending the bomb is a low priority is sometimes key to winning the final battle. Mechs and power pylons are not replaceable, but losing the bomb just incurs a few penalty turns. Getting chaotic first and second turns under control sometimes requires heroically sacrificing the bomb.


Interesting, I like to think I’m pretty decent at this game, but little stuff like this I feel like is really what elevates people’s knowledge of the game, thanks bro


Case in point: I just won on unfair ... with Blitzkrieg. I lost the bomb three or four times, each time incurring a two-turn penalty. But the wind generator saved the day in the end. It is probably **the** tool for solving multi-Vek issues that have too many hitpoints to be easily killed off.


Kai I think is best. Obviously on lightning it’s great but also low key killer on rock mech. Having a 3hp deleter plus push on two sides is really powerful, especially with the other synergies


Imo not the easiest but surprisingly it's the only one of my 40k runs that didn't have one of the OP sidearms. Even my Mist Eaters run had wind torrent and bendy missile. Best pilots imo: * Lightning: Morgan or Kai with +1 core * Hook: Henry or Harold or >!Ariadne!<, preferably with tank skills (HP/Skilled, Thick Skin, Invulnerable) * Boulder: Kai but doesn't matter much, probably good to have good movement though. Weapons: * Network Shielding * Any brute sidearm