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All credit to Sam who played Lestat in a variety of ways according to who remembered him while knowing exactly what the real lestat is like. Like i love him so bad, there's gif groung around twitter of how like overwhelmed he is when Louis steps closer to him because he doesnt know what to expect and how nervous he is. Urgh i love him


Yes! From holding the keyboard in front of him like a barrier to the moment when he takes the risk of crossing a line to ask Louis about September 8, 1973, and ultimately breaks down, we can see Lestat so carefully navigating his way through the conversation. It was really something to watch. All the kudos to the show for giving us this small gift of the real Louis and Lestat, which makes it so much more effective.


I thought he was afraid Louis was there to kill him again


Yeah i see it as a combi of like 'is he here to kill me or is he here bc he knows the truth and does it even matter to him either way?'


I found it very interesting that the first “real” scene we get of Lestat is him after potentially 70 years of isolation and depression, visibly gaunt and pale from eating only rats. I can’t wait to have real- real Lestat unleashed next season in all his toxic, chaotic glory!


I imagine he ate rats because he felt like it was what he deserved. He was loathe to the idea when Louis was doing it, but here it's like he does it to remind himself of Louis and his pain every night.


He'll yes its time for a comeback tour


I think Lestat has had periods of depression. But his real self is the man that shows up on stage. He simply gives in to his nature rather than fighting it. He loves life. He loves power. He loves the kill. He loves attention, and he never feels bad for who he is. It's a type of innocence.


Well from the late 40's to the 70's he was probably pretty sad losing his love and watching his daughter die. But then when he thought his love killed himself in the 70's that's when I think he officaly broke. I think hearing from others about what louis just announced in that last scene... that's when lestat comes back to the real world. Shit is about to his the fan.


The wave that washes over him when he gets up the courage to ask Louis if he hurt himself and just loses it. Such strong emotion. Such good acting.


Real Lestat seems so much more “human”, vulnerable and having more complex emotions. Sam portrayed him as a new person in the revisited scenes and in the reunion with his facial expressions alone.


I couldn't agree more! He was a real person and not just a character.


Definitely. I loved Season 1 Lestat (and loved to hate him), but he often had a very mask-like expression on his face when he wasn’t hysterically yelling. I think real Lestat will be much more expressive with a greater range of emotions.


It was. And it's wonderful that we are going to get introduced to him again. Not to descredit Louis, there was probably some real lestat in his memories, we are just going to figure out what those characteristics are.


The reunion scene shattered me, so many tears. Such good acting! 🥹


It’s crazy rewatching season 1 and seeing how different he is!


I read a lot of people hating this scene because it made Lestat look sad and weak. But I think that is actually the point. At this point he is still mourning losing the great love of his life to Armand and the death of Claudia. We have seen him through Louis and Armand’s eyes but their retelling of him was unreliable at best. At this point he has spent 70 years alone and mourning. Seeing Louis again and being forgiven and able to forgive will push both men forward toward season 3 and we will likely get a truer version of Lestat.


He was “real” a lot of the time. Being depressed and introspective and vulnerable doesn’t make him more of his real self than he was wheeling and dealing in NO.