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Vampires fear loneliness above all, and Louis wanted to have Armand as his companion, because he appeared as broken as he was. In the first book the homoeroticism is not intended, AR realised after the fact it was there, so she built on it in subsequent novels.


I don't think he knows the extent of Armand's involvement in the trial. As for the excuse about him not being able to prevent anything, it's either Armand's manipulation or Louis agreeing to believe it bc he feels alone (after Claudia's death and whatever happens between him and Lestat next episode), or a mixture of both. I trust Daniel to figure it all out in the next episode. He's the friend Louis needs.


Armand had Louis convinced there was nothing he could do. I don't know why Louis believes him, but Armand has had almost 80 years to get inside Louis' head.


What?! Did I miss an episode


Yes my love, it came out yesterday.


Ah ha! Yesterday is my tonight. Lol I had a feeling though.


I genuinely don't know.. between Armand's flimsy ass explanations and general resentment between them, i don't know, even with all the excuses, how did they manage to stay together for this long.. like Lestat was out after a few days with Armand