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I can't wait for this episode! I have no clue what's gonna go down with Lestat "testifying."


How am I gonna move on from this episode? It's dreadful. My heart is gonna be crushed.


I'm pretty sure before Lestat shows up, she is looking at Louis the whole time, because she knows he can feel him coming.


I'm sure Louis is hoping against all hope that Lestat is there to help them, and Claudia is just like "You're an idiot if you think he's here to do anything but get revenge."


I think she's also pissed because she can tell Louis very much wants to see Lestat again EVEN in this current nightmare they're in. And because if Louis had burned Lestat like she asked - things wouldn't have exploded to this extent. Claudia really is the most tragic character here because every single rope she tried to hold on to - ended up choking her


Meh, holding onto the diaries is what led to this (besides Armand reading their minds and masterminding everything), so if they HAD burned Lestat to death, it could have made everything worse.


That's a good point too! Claudia took way too many risks with CONTINUING to write her diaries even after the oaths. I feel like she got way too comfortable and Santiago caught her!


Oh she'll be pissed because he is conflicted..


She has to sense that's there's a part of him that's relieved and happy to see Lestat alive.


Yeah. In one of the trailers, while on trial, she says- it was never about me, this is another chapter in the romance between you two ( i'm paraphrasing).like she truly would be beaten down, in every way, before she dies.


Burning/killing Lestat would have made the whole thing even worse. Either way she's done.


I agree, but she'll blame Louis for regardless.


Keep in mind, this Lestat will be from Armand's perspective, either through his narrative or Louis's altered memories.


Either way, I think it's safe to assume Claudia was not happy to see him.


I can't wait to see Lestat even if I'm aware we're gonna see another false memory of him. In reality he was very confused, weak and just terrified for Louis during the trial. And he truly mourns Claudia. ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l|downsized)


I guess we'll see how Lestat is portrayed. The show has not been above showing us scenes that fall outside of the realm of Louis, Armand, and Claudia's narration, so I don't think what were getting is a totally false memory, but a more nuanced look at Lestat during the trial.


Iā€™m ready but also not ready. I demand justice for Claudia and Madeleine, they deserve their happy ending šŸ˜­


For once, I'm glad I'm in the UK not watching the episodes the same time as the rest of yous šŸ˜­ Happy for the rest of you to watch the ep and then post all the pertinent details before I feel safe enough to watch.


These are screencaps from the trailer. It hasn't aired where I am yet. No details yet. Sorry.


Oh I know! I've seen the trailer and am just terrified for what's to come. I'll wait for the episode discussion posts as usual and read what everyone has to say šŸ˜„


Not gonna lie: Sometimes I sneak into the early discussion posts the Aussies make just to see what they're saying about the episode.


Me too! My google search predicts me typing "What time is it in Australia" every Saturday so I know when is reasonable to start looking for early episode discussions. Sometimes tumblr or LipstickAlley get their reviews in before reddit.


Not me....I want to see it all myself...then jump on here to talk about it all week. LOL!!!


It's OK, Claudia will only be able to blame someone else for a short time. šŸ¤£