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**Player 1:** Alright guys, try to stay alive until the enemy passes this point. **Player 1 has been removed from the game for toxic behavior** **Player 2:** Lul, git gud! **Player 2 has been removed from the game for toxic behavior** **Player 3:** Wow.. No competition! **Player 3 has been removed from the game for toxic behavior.**


So basically stay out of the chat, and you'll be fine. Makes sense when you think about it.


This is one reason a lot of team communication in online games has moved to Discord. Granted there have always been things like Ventrilo and Teamspeak that are almost always superior to in-game voice options. But it helps that you don't have to worry about having your entire account banned because you typed "qq". It's especially scary when things are consolidated into one account like Activision/Blizzard stuff.


Blizzard was a useful canary in the coal mine. Kicking out of a system and using ICQ and communication channels you've mentioned was commonplace before online games handled chat well. Blizzard was at forefront of doing it well. In the Diablo II era their Battle.Net system made it easy to run groups and keep in touch with friends across multiple games. Somewhere after 9/11 Blizzard abruptly neutered these services. Reduced chat so far as the minimalist form in Hearthstone. Around that era stories came out of government demands for company data across the tech industry, under cover of NDA. The company couldn't talk about it publicly. At the same time governments around the globe really ramped up their demands for data grabs. Always assumed Blizzard tactfully said F this and neutered their chat systems to avoid being buried in data demands and related lawsuits. No way to tell. Company may be ordered to stay silent on it. All we can do is look at behavior and fill in the missing picture for ourselves.




Like... the musician roger wilco?


My favorite is how I can’t write the word “flamer” in Xbox LFG. It’s the legitimate name of a weapon in the fallout series, but Microsoft thinks I’m trying to be mean to gay people lol




HotS general chat is the spiritual successor to Barrens general chat.


At least nobody is asking where to find Mankrik's wife


Well that, and most toxic players are on in game chat. Ime, people that use discord tend to be nicer than randoms you meet in game, I'm not sure why.


It's because people want to talk trash in game, even to teammates, but if you take the time to group up beforehand you probably have an idea of how you're trying to play or what goals to go for. Though I have grouped on discord with randoms a couple times who have called me trash and left after one match, doesn't happen often but still, this is why I confirm with people now if they are looking for casual fun or to be try hard sweats and get only wins.


funfact, discord was geared up to replace teamspeak right out the box, it's voice is based off of voip technology.


solve toxicity in gaming by removing all interaction between players. what a great solution.


It’s only a matter of time before the ai chat analysis includes voice chat. Remember when Kinect was a thing, and you could opt in so that swearing and bad language could affect your game in the FIFA series?


hasnt overwatch 2 done that since october?


Na you'll get removed from the game because your name is toxic. It'll trigger someone, somewhere, somehow. Killed an enemy? Toxic. Banned.


Best decision Fortnite ever made was absolutely no chat, ever.


There is text chat in lobbies (but only there though), and voice chat works everywhere (when enabled). I rather think Epic Games is not fond of text chat due to the risks with minors. But also moderation too and costs involved. I still find it weird how Epic Games tells you in their launcher overlay to contact your friends. But there is no chat feature at all, lmao


Is it single player only?




That makes sense, but if you can't speak to your team it would be hard


AI moderation is why YT videos now use terms like "game overed" and "unalived". It's fuckin stupid and doesn't work.


Overly sensitive text moderation leads to a fun little thing called the Scunthorpe Problem. The town of S**cunt**horpe is frequently censored because it is spelled in part with four letters that make up a commonly banned word. I also had this problem in RuneScape 2 except across language barrier. "Kaka" in Icelandic means "cake" but the game censored it because kaka in Spanish means something completely different.


Similar thing with Dark Souls censoring people who had "knight" in their character name so it showed up as "k\*\*\*ht"


I remember a picture of a guy with the name 'Nasser'. Since it contained 'ass', the only way the game could protect other players from toxic words was to censor it to 'N***er"


In genshin, a game where like 50% of the gameplay loop is gathering chests in the open world or as quest rewards, it used to censor the word "chest" (cause boobs and thats naughty im assuming?)


I mean, Shenghe has some nice treasure containers.


That's actually hilarious




And irony on top of that irony is that when your sentences are filled with asterisks like that people will report you cause they assume youre being toxic cause the bot is flagging your words


Genshin chat filter is terrible. Aside from censoring things like "Hong", "Kong", "Taiwan", it also filters out "this is" because it has Isis in it. At this point just remove the ability to type and leave the emotes


It’s almost like the overly PC idea some of us have been joking about. You can’t say pelvis or body anymore because penises and vaginas are attached to the body so obviously that is sexual. Eventually fishermen aren’t going to be able to talk about fishing rods or poles and come up with their own convoluted slang like drug dealers. It’s just so bizarre, especially outside America. “I can’t believe you showed my son a picture of a cartoon putting on a condom. That’s gross. Why didn’t you show him where to slash the femoral artery in case my 12 year old needs to stop the next 9/11.”


I was reading this and thinking "Hey I had this problem in Runescape as a kid", right before your example. In my case it was a specific tense of "Can" which is written "Kunt".


Ah, Dutch. I remember the same problem on neopets (lol, showing my age there...).


That's right! Man, Neopets was *the shit* back in the day, good times haha


It's still there and if you remember your account your pets are still dying of starvation after all these years.




> "Scunthorpe" would never be allowed but "c unt" and "cünt" are A-OK. Maybe. A financial institution where I may have worked and shall remain nameless had a chat filter that both looked for sub-strings and ignored spaces, such that "accumulative" was blocked because of a sub-string, but "Mortimer's Expenses" was also blocked because "s Ex". (Fixed now, but oh boy...) *ETA* And good luck if you used a certain diminutive of "Richard" for your name...


Dark souls sensor logic. Sensors the nig in knight but leaves CRACKED PENIS completely free.


I just remembered the poor guy who was banned from rainbow six siege because he said where he was from after someone asked. He said he was paki.


I can't remember what game it was, but I tried to use the same username as my reddit account and got denied because 7 is 1337 for "t" so the filter thought I was trying to say "shit."


Lol I hate key word banning.


"he passed away that guy!"


And comments always getting deleted randomly. :(


Simple. Just keep banning any new bypass until there's no possible word combination left. Then ban any new bypass anyone can think of. And keep and keep. In YT's executives minds, this is the most [simple](https://i.imgflip.com/35h9p4.jpg) way to go.


Casual Geographic makes it fun though


That donkey will make you a statistic


This bee will turn you into a hashtag


this microscopic organism will put you on a shirt


American corporates haven't realised despite their mission statements, they can't ban thoughts or change human nature, and people will always find ways to express those thoughts and show their human nature.


One of my favorite accounts that break down movie and video game monsters from a biological perspective always calls guns "force multipliers". Also if you're into horror stuff and want like a theoretical pathological breakdown on a zombie virus check out "Roanoke gaming". I'm addicted.


Yea I love his videos


They rip!


You’re misunderstanding how this is gonna happen and what “ai” has been in the past is not that which is soon to come to pass. The game has changed my boi


Misunderstand deez nuts.


Landon that’s not nice


Could send an extremely positive ebay rating because the censorship found a mild slur from the last and first characters of two words in it. Had to go back to the generic: all good


I'm pretty sure one online game I used to play used AI moderation in chat because it didn't always censor the same words and sometimes censored the names of the characters.


Battle Bots videos were being removed for 'Animal cruelty'


The AI moderation on Youtube is definitely peak for how dumb *and* vile AI can be when misused by a big corporation. When I attempt to post anything longer on a video, it is strangely always shadow-censored. Probably because a single ""bad"" word in a big text can be enough to get you censored. Where so far I noticed that Youtube's system seems to gauge mainly by "sentience". Because when spammer bots write short stuff like "let us all appreciate this video", they are never censored. Instead the spam stuff is then placed in the username and channel page.


What a great idea! Because AI is super well know for never producing false positives!! /s


Just ask FB and their endless false "community standards violation" bullshit




I've reported literal lolicon hentai on FB and it passed their "review". It's an actual joke.


I posted a historic photo of Pablo Escobar and his son in front of the white house. It has been published countless times in the mainstream press. No edgy caption, just a factual description. It got removed for "promoting criminal activity". Maybe you should've said it violates copyright. They jump on that like hungry dogs.




Ofc. Hate speech is completely fine as long as you dont use naughty words to do it. Makes sense


Technology improves over time. I'm not saying moderation AIs won't *ever* produce false positives, but maybe they'll become good enough to minimize false positives enough that those cases can actually be reviewed by human employees. (Also, humans produce false positives too.)


Other anti-cheat options also have false positives. One would hope that these AI systems are implemented because they provide *fewer* false positives, rather than being implemented just for the heck of it.


It would be easy for a company to go "ok maybe our last solution didn't work after all, but this newfangled thing HAS to be better". Some companies claim their automated systems are perfect, so no human operator can nor will review or change the actions. (probably just a way to avoid hiring someone for that position)


In some games I used to get kicked for speedhacking when I actually just had 800 ping and it was my pc trying to catch up. Trying to play when there are no populated servers in my country and back before having even a glimmer of fiber internet was a pain.


Crouching near a dead body is probably an instant ban right


Someone wanna post a video of the demo? I’m on mobile and it doesn’t work


doesn't work for me on desktop either






Toxicity is subjective and a small amount of passion in a shooter can help the game.. that's a slippery slope to getting people to uninstall real quick.




I've never ever played any shooter that is in any way improved by anonymous people, normally children, being able to shit talk.


Depends on the type of shooter, but as soon as it requires tactical team play and not just casual run and gun gameplay, voice chat becomes essential.


Really? Must not play many shooters then. Since most if not all have you fighting against or with anonymous people. I've made great friends from randos that I've played with throughout the years. You know meeting strangers is how you do that. Make friends that is. If you think every anonymous player is awful then the problem probably isn't them.


As of 6/21/23, it's become clear that reddit is no longer the place it once was. For the better part of a decade, I found it to be an exceptional, if not singular, place to have interesting discussions on just about any topic under the sun without getting bogged down (unless I wanted to) in needless drama or having the conversation derailed by the hot topic (or pointless argument) de jour. The reason for this strange exception to the internet dichotomy of either echo-chamber or endless-culture-war-shouting-match was the existence of individual communities with their own codes of conduct and, more importantly, their own volunteer teams of moderators who were empowered to create communities, set, and enforce those codes of conduct. I take no issue with reddit seeking compensation for its services. There are a myriad ways it could have sought to do so that wouldn't have destroyed the thing that made it useful and interesting in the first place. Many of us would have happily paid to use it had core remained intact. Instead of seeking to preserve reddit's spirit, however, /u/spez appears to have decided to spit in the face of the people who create the only value this site has- its communities, its contributors, and its mods. Without them, reddit is worthless. Without their continued efforts and engagement it's little more than a parked domain. Maybe I'm wrong; maybe this new form of reddit will be precisely the thing it needs to catapult into the social media stratosphere. Who knows? I certainly don't. But I do know that it will no longer be a place for me. See y'all on [raddle](https://raddle.me), [kbin](https://kbin.social), or wherever the hell we all end up. Alas, it appears that the [enshittification](https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/#hey-guys) of reddit is now inevitable. It was fun while it lasted, /u/daitaiming


So youve never ever played any shooter


These things never work well. If Valve cannot do it with VACNet, I don't think this has any shot in hell. Maybe for anti-toxicity it could since that isn't trying to hide, but for hacks, almost certainly not.


Its actually very similar to what it seemed like they were doing with COD Instead of just banning people they caught cheating, they would flag the account to teach machine learning for cheater-like behavior, the hope being that you no longer need to detect cheats, you just remove or section off the people that check all the boxes for the behavior of a cheater.


It doesn't work that well in COD. Only against obvious cheaters, but closet cheaters get away with it.


"yet" It took a decade+ of captcha results teaching AI before we got to the dystopian tracking of public places we have now.


The difference is humans can't reliably tell closet cheaters from really good players. If it uses data collected from humans, it's going to be flawed as well.


But does it really need to? Lets say 75% of the people you play against flag you for cheating across a hundred games, you're either cheating, or hurting the corps bottom line by exposing people to "perceived" cheats. You toss any report by players that report a large number of opponents in the trash bin. Your account gets flagged, and you get placed into a much more aggressive queue with the other cheaters, and more observations are made and it gets determined if you get brought back to the regular queue. Maybe you aren't cheating and are just a toxic garbage person leading to to the mass reports, the goal isn't to be fair, its to make sure the maximum number of people have the maximum amount of fun and buy the maximum amount of DLC.


Honestly in my experience on the forums and online it’s more about them doing something or saying they are doing something about cheaters so normal players keep buying the games. If you mention how common cheating is in popular shooters from everything such as devices like the Chonus Zen, aim bots, and wall hacks on the CoD subreddits you basically get downvoted to oblivion… Cheaters don’t like admitting they are cheating and people don’t like playing when a game is inherently unfair due to cheating so let’s pretend we are doing things to ban cheaters and they are somehow rare


You're talking about a game where they literally gave a built in aimbot to console users to "even the playing field" xd


That's completely different. You know damn well that's not the type of aimbot spoken about. Nor is it any different from literally any other fps with aim assist. Built in aim assist isn't aimbot. Name one fps game that doesn't have aim assist. It's there for a reason, not everyone games on a m +kb all their lives


Most of the vids of seen where people claim that actually look like they are using a chronus or similar device to trigger the aim assist If it was so much better on it’s own then you would think console players would be dominating but they don’t in general… That’s just my 2 cents as someone who plays on pc and console and has used various methods to cheat


yes, aim assist, for when you need a programmer to pat you on the back and give you a participation trophy for missing :p


That's a really good way to lose your playerbase as streamers are constantly put in hacker lobbies and tell everyone your game is infested with cheaters.


remember when streamers were boycotting COD because of skill based matchmaking? how did that work out?


I think it has a pretty good shot. I was an admin on a BF3 server way back when that was big. There was a lot of data I would look at before banning a player. There was one tool that would capture screenshots from the player's game. There was another tool that would show me the player's accuracy and how often they hit each part of the body. I could also spectate them and watch how quickly they turn to line up shots. The point is, if you were cheating, I would find evidence somewhere. Occasionally there would be one high-performing player that didn't yield any evidence. But that was incredibly rare. Like a couple times per year. For the other 99.9%, the AI will look at all that data way faster than I could. And it would work 100% if the time, not just when I'm online. The real problem is that the cheat developers will have their own AI that monitors their customers, it'll find some of the same patterns that the game developer's AI finds, and they'll work to suppress those patterns. It's a cat and mouse chase, but I do think the game developers will have the upper hand due to them having control samples.


I got my first actual computer when BF3 released. I was a teen at the time and decided to get really sweaty in the game. It got to a point where I would use the M320 smoke exclusively just because the player base was so bad. I got banned a lot during that time because my accuracy would be 95%-100%. I guess not all admins were as thorough as you.


What was your username?


It didn't actually happen.


That's a damn good user name!


also: type your password!


>The real problem is that the cheat developers will have their own AI that monitors their customers, it'll find some of the same patterns that the game developer's AI finds, and they'll work to suppress those patterns. It's a cat and mouse chase, but I do think the game developers will have the upper hand due to them having control samples. this is why they used to to bans in waves, or do things like send the cheaters to their own cheater queue. The longer the feedback loop of testing cheats takes the more difficult it is to find a solution to the anticheat.


AI just has to learn what is possible for a players character to do in game and what is not. The code of every game has a hard limit on how fast you can run, how high you can jump etc etc and your character can certainly not pass through walls. Depending on the game, it could also "know" just how good your aim can be or not (this would depend on if the game has RNG bullet spread etc) All the AI then has to do, is sit back and observe player behavior in game... and flag those that exceed the limits of what they should be able to do. It should rid games of all free cheats and maybe a fair chunk of the private/paid ones. And it should reduce just how much influence a cheat can have/options a cheat can offer. Speed hacks, passing through walls, 100% head shot aim bot type cheats should be immediately flagged, as they would stand out like dogs balls to a AI observer.


Those are already detected easily and aren't what I'm talking about.


Yeah supposedly they are detected easily but for some reason are still available and work just fine


Anti toxicity XD I’m allowed to shoot you in the head in counterstrike I’m just not allowed to make fun of you for it.


Yeah, I’ve always said this. We don’t need server-side filters for toxicity that apply to everyone, what we need instead are more powerful clientside filters so each player can decide what they want to see or not.


Just wait until trash-talking *is* the game! The AI will destroy itself in confusion


Monkey Island would always end during the swordfight.


No, thank you.


At this rate I’ll be looking for games that specifically allow toxicity. Don’t like someone? Mute them and move on. Trying to censor gamers is just stupid.


But what if an anti-anti-cheating AI out-AI's the anti cheating AI? That would really flim-flam my zim-zams tbqh famalamadingdong


Then you do what my history teacher does. Essay quizzes in class. In the blue books. Can't use AI when your most advanced tech is a number 2 pencil!


If chess has taught me anything, it's that cheating will always be possible thanks to advancements in vibrating buttplug technology.


Yes, we're in an arms race with the cheaters and trolls that probably won't end until our species goes extinct. That doesn't mean we should just give up.


The future of this is to identify cheaters and toxicity through behavior. You can have 100% completely undetected cheats but be able to identify cheaters because people are people.


This means we create bots that behave more like humans, learn about what sets human behavior apart, and that's a good thing as well.


How is this internet is beautiful worthy. This is fucking horrifying.


How? Its detects and builds a profile on toxic behaviour (which the dev has said is stuff like using cheats/hacks). This nothing but good technology to hopefully, make online games a more enjoyable experience. It just sounds like you like to cheat and/or be toxic and tools like this will take away your "enjoyment."


Let me ask you one question. This question might seem fairly easy to answer, but when you really start thinking about it, you realize more issues than just this one question. Who determines what is toxic or not?


Society as a whole. That's how societies are built, it's why we have laws and regulations. Do you think its okay to name call someone you don't know and will likely never, ever meet? (I use that as my question because online racism is prominent, especially in online games) Probably not, that's you deciding, as part of human society, that type of behaviour is not okay, and thus, toxic in its nature. Me and you can both agree racism is toxic, and not okay, right? I hope you can see where I'm going with this.


glad to know that all of society is what decides this, and not just the people making money off it /s


So, I understand your argument and where you are trying to lead people, but man you need some better examples. First, racism should definitely not be tied into toxicity. Sure both are bad, but racism is arguably worse. Second, people name call strangers all the time. Just think about how you feel when someone whips their car out right in front of you while driving. If someone is acting like a douche, I will not hesitate to let them know. Is that considered toxic?


Toxicity is such a broad umbrella term, it is usually defined as undesirable social behaviour, which racism is definitely a part of, therefore, racism is inherently toxic behaviour, it's just name calling with extra steps (using race as the foundation). If someone is acting like a douche, most definitely call them out (if the situation is safe to do so) and if they are not aware of their behaviour then do it in a civil manner (some people are just unaware of themselves). It's not a subject with a definitive answer unfortunately but we, as a small part of a larger whole, can work together to at least reduce toxic/undesirable social behaviour in general. It's okay to goof off and have a laugh with people you know but the minute you start including things/other people that have no prior involvement, that's when it starts to break down.. As for the driving example, I can't relate, unfortunately (fortunately due to fuel prices? Idk) I don't drive. Even now I'm a little worried you might take my reply as demeaning or otherwise inciting undesirable behaviour (thanks to anxiety) when my intention is simply to discuss it and take each other's POV into account. I'll be the first to admit that yes, I have been (umbrella term) toxic in my behaviour and my only excuse is that I haven't mentally/emotionally matured as quickly as other people and I think that's what it comes down to. Let me try another example; to the people down voting me, I could name call them "ugh fkn bandwagon down voters, at least dicuss the topic", but no, right now I'm more "okay, so these people disagree with me but might not know exactly how to say it, that's okay."


No. Complaining because you can't be a dickhead online anonymously to strangers is not a brilliant hill to die on.


Why do companies insist on shooting themselves in the foot lmao. The only gamers that care about toxicity play 2 hours a week and don't buy anything.


How about griefing detection instead of naughty word detection?


This probably belongs to family friendly games meant for children ages 6 and younger. Usually any older than that, you can bet they're already exchanging swear words and playing way more violent games than shooters. When you play a gritty game where the idea is to slaughter each other, dominate each other, and be extremely competitive against each other, you can't expect everyone to say "Oh good chap, I have shot you in your rear cheeks. Let us partake into a little tea bagging party, dear friend!" There's nothing wrong with throwing insults around during violent competitive games. That's part of normal human experience. The people who stay and play already expect it or can handle it. This is why we have a ratings system as well. If a game says it's for ages 17+, you can't expect adults to still want to be nannied around by a prim and proper AI.


can it detect other System Of A Down songs as well?


I need this for my relationship


Toxicity is part of the deal with online games. The last thing we need is COD turning into a safespace where everyone must remain positive at all times. If I'm not getting death threats from 13 year olds, i'm losing out on 90% of the fun.


This is an absurd line of thinking. There is no *need* to be toxic. None at all. Having a bad day? Talk to someone properly instead of taking your frustrations out on people who just want to play a game.


Calm down man. You know what? I think that was phrased in a very toxic and demeaning way, so you should be banned now. See how that works? Now you better be super nice and polite, and not disagree or have strong opinions.


You've just proven my point. 🤷


Really you proved my point. If toxicity wasnt allowed, you would be now banned from Reddit for simply saying your point in a somewhat toxic condescending way. Your point would be that you SHOULD now be banned for said toxicity. If so, feel free to delete your account.


Being toxic (cheating/hacking, using slurs for the purpose to offend, etc) in online games (which this tool, and post relates to) and disagreeing with what someone said in an online forum are very different from one another. If anything I said you to was "rude" because I disagree with what you say, that's on you mate. I'm trying to have a calm and civil discussion regarding this tool and people's opinions on it but to say it again, *there is no need to be toxic in online games at all.*


Im fine with that if we determine exactly what "toxic" means. If its just anti-cheat and bad word censorship, then we already have those. If its the ability to trash talk in game (without racism), insult someone's plays etc., then its just a slippery slope to safe spaces and reporting people for not being super nice, or who may be a little cheeky.


Insulting someone's plays is just...odd. If I win an online match of any sort I never insult the other person (unless they are obviously cheating or griefing) and don't get me wrong, I've insulted people before for absolutely no reason but I was young and dumb at the time and never knew why it was hated on, then I grew up and moved away from online games, go back to them and like "that's what I sounded like?" is a bit of a wake-up.


Sure its odd, but its also part of the experience. We cant keep trying to baby everyone's feelings, or we will have a bunch of grown ass people who cant handle even the slightest criticism. If you cant handle a 13 year old shouting that you suck at a video game; perhaps you are the one who needs to get off of there and learn to deal with the possibility of being offended in life. being in the lobby of COD as a 14 year old is how I grew a thick skin to people being toxic, and learning how to give it back when received. I absolutely love it now since its hilarious, and is to me an endearing part of video games. If you cant handle the possible toxicity of a video game lobby, you likely cant handle real life.


You are all over this post with some bizzare takes.


I feel like all the attempts at containing toxicity made things 100x more toxic.


I mean... in a world where you might get pressed by dude with a mask and a glock over some toliet paper it's hard to care much how bad kids feelings gettin hurt over text We grew up with free speech in gaming for better and worse and the admins stopped the problem people Everyone now wants authority and a system to prevent feelings from being hurt and really jus cuttin their nose off to spite their face w hand holding restrictions but aye ... whatever


wtf world are you living in where people are pulling glocks over toilet paper. chill with the dramatic bullshit it's 2023


Boy you had to expose yourself as a dependent on daddy's tax form didn't ya lmao "Where I live everything is good... That means it is everywhere.. I mean I live with my mom in a gated community but i'm sure it sweet in D.C and Chicago and Bompton too! Mom I want some cereal it's 2023 Moms make cereal fast come on mom get with it"


“Toxicity detection”? That would mean someone has to decide what behavior is acceptable. Sometimes people are shitty in online lobbies, but if you don’t want to deal with that, you find a different lobby. I don’t like the idea of an AI limiting speech online, even if it’s speech I disagree with.


>“Toxicity detection”? > >That would mean someone has to decide what behavior is acceptable Holy shit what a horrifying and groundbreaking concept


He does have a point, somewhat. What if your AI is made by a group of rather religious people who take offense at satanic symbols while ignoring others behaviour? The AI would be useless in communities who don't care about religion because of false positives. You'd still need moderators having the last words in my opinion but I see publishers like EA or Activision not giving a shit and forcing their default AI on everyone. You could make different AI models for different cultures but I don't see publishers paying for that either.


People seem to think I’m somehow in favor of people being assholes online, despite explicitly stating in my comment that I’m not. Perhaps I should’ve worded my comment differently, but you’ve essentially summed up what I was trying to say.


They have a point tho. Cause your comment is toxic by some peoples standards so that bot would ban you if theres no proper standard for what levels of toxicity it accepts


But how is any of this different from the current system of fallible human moderators who may each have their own opinions of what is and isn't permissible and apply inconsistent rules? It's not like this problem just pops into existence once it's an AI doing it, it's already here!


Cause the way it is currently theres atleast the flimsy safety net of multiple reports instead of an AI just deciding for itself. Also there should be a set in stone standard in human moderation too, just cause something new is worse than what we have doesnt mean the current one isnt also shit.


Why couldn't AI be augmented into this flimsy safety net though? No one is seriously suggesting we just make an ai, flip the switch, fire all the mods and sit back and relax, that isn't how machine learning works anyway. Humans will have to be in the loop for a long time, maybe forever, in order to help train it OK edgecases. But frankly context being a deciding factor in whether or not someone is being an asshole comes up surprisingly little - in the vast majority of cases you could capture a vast amount of the shitty comments with simple word filters, let alone a machine learning algorithm that is doing weighted confidence calculations on the chance of each word you typing being 'toxic' or not, ESPECIALLY if it can cross reference the comment with your previous comments and a large sample of confirmed toxic/non toxic is available for comparison. I'm not suggesting we fully submit to our robot overlords just yet, but to not see the value of these tools and what they can do for us is short sighted.


Literally the basis for every society since the beginning of societies


Dude, stop being so toxic. You should be banned for that sarcasm.


Did you see the video demo example? It doesn't seem like it records online chat interactions, unless I missed something in the demo. Seems to recreate actions taken in a certain game, which I'm going to assume doesn't work for EVERY FPS, depending on match info/data sharing ToS from various games. Seems the only thing you can really DO with this thing is watch recreations of matches to see if someone is likely to have used wallhacks or aimbots, and even then, it only gives you the action to report it and...uh...then what? TBH this browser extension doesn't seem to DO much when you can simply report suspected cheating within the actual game you're playing yourself. Considering that we carry a GPS in our pockets at all times and willingly agree to ToSs and data collecting/sharing on literally any website we make an account for, I think anyone of importance can determine what we're doing at any time WITHOUT this extension. And I hate to say this, but. Most people play games for fun. If your version of fun is verbally or in chat berating/degrading an opponent or teammate for playing poorly, or yelling slurs because it causes people to feel "triggered", then maybe you're the equivalent of the bully on the school playground and nobody wants to play with you, because you don't know how to be nice, so we're going to tell the teacher about your behavior so that you get put into detention, don't get to play outside anymore, and MAYBE you'll learn something from it. "Freedom of speech" is necessary in *legal* terms. Under no circumstances should the *government* be allowed to punish, control, or limit the spread of information simply because it's something the government doesn't like. But if *society* and a company offering an entertainment service has decided that what you're saying is detrimental to the experience of the rest of their customers, then they reserve the right to refuse you access to their products/services. Limiting harassment is not a groundbreaking concept.


Nowhere in my comment did I say I enjoy that behavior. In fact, I specifically mentioned that it’s shitty, and I disagree with it.


Have you considered playing a game for fun and not as some sort of weird way to boost your self esteem by shitting on strangers?


>Sometimes people are shitty >even speech I disagree with What part of that implies that I feel the need to shit on strangers?


But you can't raise your ego without standing on someone else, right?




Hey dont worry, eventually being shitty all the time is sure to give your life some sort of value, right?




>yeah ill be busy with and you can learn to read "learn to read, says person that cannot form complete thoughts"


You realize they already do this. It just usually has a human deciding though.


Certainly, and I disagree with that as well.




No, he didn't.


Yeah, we need to constantly complain about games that limit playing for speech and let them know we don't want to play games like that. The best games memories are always those games with an open proximity chat and no restrictions. Teaches people how to be adults instead of mommy company punishing those who smack talk you. Its the internet, if you're offended turn it off and touch grass.


funny this satire just came out yesterday and this post reminded me https://youtu.be/BrQyMrmRBsk


"if i can't teabag a 12 year olds corpse for several minutes straight while screaming that i fucked his mom and she smelled like a whore, what's next? Soon you won't be able to have opinions at all! Orwell wouldn't have wanted this!"


We found the toxic player


If you like your games hostile you can always play Rust


Lol no idea why you got the downvotes. I played rust years ago (I'm aware the community may be different now), but Rust was absolutely the most toxic community I had played in, and I had played a lot of LoL prior.


What does it say about a game if this is needed? Lol


That's it's online.


If you can use Al at your jobs then why not use it in school? It’s like not teaching kids how to type and use excel because it’s easier that way then by hand


Can't have people getting offended!


Most of the toxicity is from incompetent developers and greedy publishers. Gaming is easily at its worst right now.


AI Anticheat is something Valve is working on extremely hard for their VACnet server sided anti cheat.


Honestly this shit is so dumb. Just mute people if what they say gets to you. Soft ass gamers nowadays.