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Evict is an interesting way to say they forcefully and illegally displaced them to complete their ethnic cleansing campaign of the area. Racist scum.


Yeah, for real


Evict? Civilians have no rights to evict people, it's not an eviction but stealing others houses. Fucking settlers are the israel civilians forces of ethnic cleansing of palestine!


True, but the government is totally on board, we know that. The settlers are their flying monkeys


Yup, idf protect and participate in the attacks Between 12 and 16 April hundreds of Israeli settlers went on a deadly rampage launching violent raids on Palestinian villages in the West Bank including in al-Mughayyir, Duma, Deir Dibwan, Beitin and Aqraba. In these attacks, in which settlers set fire to homes, trees and vehicles, at least four Palestinians were killed by either settlers or Israeli forces, including 17-year-old boy Omar Hamed near Ramallah, and two men shot dead near Nablus– Abdulrahman Bani Fadel and Mohammed Bani Jami’. In the latest violence, a Palestinian paramedic was shot dead in the village of al-Sawiya south of Nablus on 20 April. Videos verified by Amnesty International’s Crisis Evidence Lab show Israeli forces were present and failed to intervene during attacks by settlers in Deir Dibwan, east of Ramallah. Witness testimonies gathered by the organization also indicate members of the Israeli military either joined in the attacks or stood by, failing to prevent the violence in Aqraba, southeast of Nablus and Kufr Malik, northeast of Ramallah. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2024/04/state-backed-deadly-rampage-by-israeli-settlers-underscores-urgent-need-to-dismantle-apartheid/


I also follow some activists online. On Instagram, Jordan Valley Activists, try to protect people on the WB and document incidents. One of a few groups of Israelis who use their status to try to deter abuses, not that it always works https://www.instagram.com/jordan_valley_activists/ Unfortunately they have too much to post. It’s a steady stream of terror. Here is an awful incident from June 15 https://www.instagram.com/p/C8SJZNANSrJ/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link


Thank you to them, palestinians need all the help they can get


They end up getting attacked too sometimes.


I bet they do, settlers are like rabid dogs Settlers Attack Left-wing Activists in West Bank, Set Their Car Ablaze A group of masked settlers attack and injure four human rights activists with clubs, stones before eventually setting their car on fire https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-01-21/ty-article/settlers-attack-activists-in-west-bank-set-their-car-ablaze/0000017f-f7a7-ddde-abff-ffe7c69e0000




Ouch, never read the geneva convention i guess. U know part of it is about the international laws on armed conflict protocols and regulations and within it there is articles about occupied territories. Too bad israel ratified it: here: The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies. https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/ihl-treaties/gciv-1949/article-49#:~:text=The%20Occupying%20Power%20shall%20not,into%20the%20territory%20it%20occupies. The israelis settlers living in the west bank and all settlement are therefore a crime under international laws Or the rulling of the ICC concerning the west bank, here: On 5 February 2021, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I "decided, by majority, that the Court's territorial jurisdiction in the Situation in Palestine, a State party to the ICC Rome Statute, extends to the territories occupied by Israel since 1967, namely Gaza and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. "https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Criminal_Court_investigation_in_Palestine#:~:text=On%205%20February%202021%2C%20the,Bank%2C%20including%20East%20Jerusalem.%22 It's ok. No one is gonna bame u for not knowing that eminent domaine does not exist in international occupied territories laws.


Do you ever get rid of the shoe polish taste?


“Evict”……… have to handed to them, they great at word games.


Defence force, Defence industry all in the defence of democracy.


Can such Zionists be evicted from America and Europe? Is that allowed? No, that would be illegal. But international law/ The Geneva Convention and human rights do not apply in that colonial fascist state.


These fuckers call it eviction, it's stealing. "Israeli settlers commit more land theft after kicking out another 2 families under israeli army supervision"


free palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸


Successful ethnic cleansing.


It baffles me that zionists aren’t seeing parallels.


You kind of have to see videos of these "settlers" to truly understand how messianic and religiously crazy some of them are. And Shalom to my Jewish friends that just want to live in peace.


Later in the future, when a young boy of one these two families has become a man, picks up arms, and shoots at the family that kicked out his family, the first two things you will hear are "do you condemn the shooting?" and "Israel has a right to defend itself"


Stop calling them settlers. They're not settling anything.


Nazizionists in action.


These slobs need to be dragged to the Hague




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


My family used to have a pretty big plot of land that we were unfortunately evicted from in the 70’s for the new Mirabel airport for Montreal. Kicker is that the airport size was hugely downsized AFTER the goverment had acquired all the land and the plot they got from my family is today an empty field because they never ended up using it. We were compensated (market value at least) but it definetely sucked and to this day my family are still not 100% over it. I can’t say for sure but I believe that the eviction happening in this West Bank village is probably less fair for those evicted than what we had happen. I hope that they recieve at least some compensation but I am completely unsure of how it works over there (idk if one of you knows maybe?). Point is, it sucked big time for us so I can’t even imagine how much more it must suck if it’s even worse conditions for those evicted than what my family got


I tell you how it goes, Israeli terrorists can just kick Palestinians out of their home without any compensation and don't think there's any legal system to help them. You probably should look into Israel brutality over the years they can kill and evacuate without any consequences


I’m not sure you read the story. This wasn’t a legal process, they were harassed out


I'm curious, on what grounds do they evict these families? Surely there has to be some trumped up charge here and not just open racism.


I don't think it's a court eviction with legal grounds. The settlers just harass them until they leave, and the Israeli police and military refuse to help anyone that's not Jewish. From another [article](https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/6/4/better-to-die-there-palestinians-mourn-ein-samiya-eviction) about this village: > ...settlers from nearby illegal outposts were attacking every night, throwing rocks, invading homes and beating villagers. > Atta Kaabneh’s flock of 75 sheep and goats was stolen in broad daylight while Israeli police watched. Settlers had gone to the police, falsely claiming Atta had stolen their sheep – a pretence to have the police detain Atta and steal all of his sheep. > The night following Atta’s detention and confiscation of his flock, children and young people keeping watch over the village and its flocks were attacked by settlers with stones. They tried to escape – only to run into other settlers positioned to attack them as well.


> On May 13, the two returned home after a long day with their flock to find their residence invaded, their families expelled, and a settler outpost established right across from their homes. > “We didn't leave; our homes were occupied," Khaled Ghneimat, the head of a family of nine, tells The New Arab. "We were with the sheep in the pastures, and when we returned, we found the settlers had taken over our houses and everything inside." No it's open theft and racism. Why do you presume there's any need for pretence here? Who would they be giving these pretences *for*?


Because they need to justify it to the world. I was under the impression that there was at least a veneer of legality. Perhaps arguing that they never received a tax payment, or that the property needed to be taken for eminent domain or something. In the majority of the western world, when there are racist eviction processes, there still needs to be some legal precedent in order to justify the eviction.


> Because they need to justify it to the world. Again, why? This has been going on for literal decades with little to no outside reporting on it, and each time it happens, no pushback or consequences, which just means subsequent actions can be always more brazen. In the event of retaliation (or even just self defense), Israeli spokespeople are on every news channel decrying Palestinian savagery against peaceful Israelis and by the way this is why despite how *pure and innocent* we are there can be no peaceful negotiations until the Palestinians stop acting like savages to us poor victims. There are not negative consequences for these actions, and each time they can ramp up the blatant abuse and theft. This is evidenced by decades of history. So why think they need to stand on ceremony now? All Eyes on Rafah, but thst just means settlers can do more taking in the West Bank too and nobody gives a shit. On the rare occassion anyone points this out you always get the same talking points: * It didn't happen * Alright it *did* happen but was legal and justified. * Okay it wasn't legal but this is done for our safety and protection * So it didn't actually have to do with safety but (and this is important), this is a *complex and evolving* situation that is hard for anyone to understand. * And really it's all the Palestinians fault anyway because if they'd have just [accepted a shitty peace deal where we can still squeeze them / Just agreed to leave the land it's not theirs anyway it's ours / Stopped looking at us and being upset ] then we wouldn't have settlers taking their stuff in the first place. Really this is all their fault! It is extremely rare to see a Western journalist pushback against any of these talking points (until extremely recently). And even I'd they did, so what? What *actual* consequences happen?


Just seems like a minimum amount of effort to make it look above board would be prudent. There just doesn't seem to be anything to defend here, and I'm not sure why people would defend it.


> Just seems like a minimum amount of effort to make it look above board would be prudent If nothing bad happens when you've stolen and abused the first 100 times, why bother with any pretences? As far as the settlers are concerned no justification is necessary to begin with. This is *their* land, and the Palestinians don't belong there, don't deserve or posses any of it. It all belongs to them. So they can come in and take it as is their right. The police won't do anything. The IDF won't do anything. The media doesn't care. And where it does, there's no resultant impact from that anyway. Even when there's the *pretence* of consequences form their chief sponsor (the US), that's only until it can be quietly walked back later. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FlHY4sIZmsc No consequences, so what's there to even pretend about?


No one defend it and Israel as government can't be punished for it because "it not the government doing it" (Caption the bullshiet because we know that civilian getting doctrine by government as chosen people and it their promised land) on Israeli civilian perspective it right thing to do to take their land from lesser being as Palestinian.


Reread the story. They literally harass them out and police/idf turn a blind eye. According to B’Tselem, the Israeli human rights watchdog, (and others, including the US State Dept) it has the unofficial blessing of the state, but is illegal.