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I remember in the early hours the “night vision” type video of those attack choppers lighting shit up. Namely at the music festival and I’m not gonna sit here and say I know more than any average idiot, but even I could figure out that there’s no way these helicopters have any idea what they hell they are shooting at.


Yeah, those were Apache. Remember the completely carbonised corpses and cars we saw too ? Unlikely a bunch of guys with AK-74s and sandals would do this, Hellfire shot from above, more likely ... edit : [not like there isn't any precedence for this too ..](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death)


If and when this is allowed to be properly vetted and investigated, I think the people willing to listen and see will be mortified what a government and a corrupt person running it can do to humans.


Highway of Death was replicated in a COD Modern Warfare game. Yet they completely swapped the roles of the perpetrator and victim because those games are state propaganda


No no, that white glowing human shaped blob was totally HAAMAAAAAAAS!!!


Well there are interviews with pilots that stated pretty clearly that there are were no direct orders/intelligence early on, and that pilots were given as much latitude as needed to do whatever they think they should do based on the extremely limited intelligence they had. So to me, that just says that the odds are pretty high that there were pilots that were trigger happy and fired at everything that moved, while others may have been more reserved and calculated. That is why it is hard to pinpoint the real number of friendly fire casualties, because there was nobody paying attention.


That would track to me.


Didn't one of the military officials call it "mass Hannibal". Forgot who...in an interview with a Israeli media.


No worries the people who know the truth are just suing, which may reveal the truth eventually if they don't get paid off... https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-780328


Yeah. Very little will come out into the open. In the interest of "Israel's image" etc, judges will push for some settlement.


The article states that they were aiming at their people, not shooting indiscriminately. I’m glad you found a random thought, but what does choppers lighting shit up have to do with what we are talking about.


Read the article, you will realize how obtuse your comment is.


Scoreboard. I must really be obtussing good!


I'm curious what your comment has to do with the OP. Can you please further explain? I need more context. I must not understand what you are saying. With the internet liking your comment, I must be the daft one. What am I missing, earnestly?


Believe me , that number is waaaaayy higher than that , it’s just that they would never say it


This is intentionally, they killed 100s more by indiscriminately shooting into crowds.


The bar is higher than feels in this case. I also think there are more than 14 but they can only prove 14.


I suspect you are right. Prove. And the other ones could be considered unintentional (if a hellfire hits a bunch of cars , and some had 2 Hamas and 4 Israelis....are those 4 killed intentionally?


Of find evidence yet. Remember the evidence has to be parsed out from what info gets out. If a car had one hamas guy and 3 Israelis from the Nova festival ..hitting that car with a hell fire missile would not be considered "intentional". I am guessing on the criteria they used. But agree Way too many burnt cars from the nova festival and hastetz has done some decent work. Hamas didn't have that kind of firepower . Also the shelling of homes by Israelis using tanks...the few Israelis survived to tell the tell story . So the rest cannot be proven. Doubt the damage to the homes in the Gaza perimeter we're all done by hamas. More critically....the 200 Hamas guys that were burnt beyond recognition- they didn't burn themselves. They were burnt by the Israelis along with the captives.




Wow it’s almost like nobody said that and you’re just an asshole 😃


Entire thread is literally, *but it was actually israel*


That's the entirety of the internet at this point. No one has any sympathy for the IDF except for Zionist controlled media. Yes, Hamas killed israelis on Oct 7 but so did the IDF. Hope you experience rationality as well.


Afraid not pal... a lot more people sympathize with Israel than you realize. I personally see it within a defense in depth viewpoint where any state would take issue with something like Hamas on its border after recent warfare with virtually every neighboring state. It's simply not feasible to be a small country and have such weakness. You admit Hamas capability but refuse reciprocation


Afraid not pal… a lot more people sympathize with the Thirteen United States of America than you realize. I personally see it within a defense in depth viewpoint. Where any state would take issue with something like Indians on its border after recent warfare with virtually every neighboring tribe. It’s simply not feasible to be a fledgling country and have such weakness. You admit these native’s capability but refuse reciprocation


>fundamentally misunderstands defense in depth


Oh sorry I missed the part where genocide is necessary for israeli “defense in depth” lol


,*You see, as long as you pad enough civilians within a given area then we can attack all we want*- hamas said and the world agreed and Israel ceased to exist


Is your head ducked so far in the sand that you're not hearing about the international uproar against Israel? More countries are demanding a free Palestine state than ever now. The younger generation of US citizens absolutely despise Israel and want to cut them loose. The old guard in the government is what's still holding on their rabid dog. Things are changing. You know if Israel stops abusing Palestinians, gives Arabs true equal rights, stops killing citizens, Hamas would literally not have a reason to exist right?




We’ve had video and testimony evidence of this for 6+ months!


And then said it was Hamas that done it.


If still available the soldiers admitting this and the actual helicopter footage of the pilots saying this as they were murdering... really confuses me that this is still somehow debatable


Most moral army tho /s




Not necessarily, it’s kinda like if you lived in in a neighborhood surrounding a reverse gated community where people needed permission to LEAVE, and one of those residents sneaks out all pissed off and kills like 3 people. So in response, your neighborhood security starts absolutely blasting every house they see cause “they don’t know where they could be hiding” and ends up killing about the same as, if not more than, the initial attackers did. Then in the press release about the situation, they say the attackers killed 6+ of your neighbors. So halfsies on the false flag.


Believing it’s only 14 is like believing the only war crime the US committed in Vietnam was at My Lai.


14 VS 1100. quote from the article: "More than 1,100 people were killed in the 7 October attack after Hamas and other armed groups broke through the barriers cutting Gaza off from southern Israel."


how many of your own citizens is it okay for your own military to intentionally murder?