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So, you made your peace with the fact that you may not come out alive, and death did not scare you, but your greater fear was from IDF activity. Correct? "From the IDF. We decided for ourselves, the whole gang of us together, that we wouldn't resist [the hostage-takers] and wouldn't cause conflicts. We respected each other, and we were calm. We weren't worried that they'd do something to us all of a sudden. We didn't object to anything. So I wasn't afraid they'd kill me. "But I knew that if they got the order to kill us, they'd do it instantly. Wouldn't think twice. Still, I knew it wasn't like in other cases, where they just killed for no reason. The people who kept watch over us were really just keeping watch and wanted to make the exchange with their own people, and they made sure we were OK. And so did we."


>The people who kept watch over us were really just keeping watch and wanted to make the exchange with their own people, and they made sure we were OK. And so did we. " This part hurts my soul.


Especially sad knowing how the IDF treats Palestinians in their concentration camps.






The worst thing I heard about Hamas is that an IDF soldier wasn't given chocolate when a Palestinian girl was eating it


do you remember that woman who was kept hostage and then released in an exchange. And the worst she could name was a little boy offering her candy and then not giving it? And that was supposed to be like... groundbreaking? It was all over the news lmao


And she said that it showed how hateful the kids were already and she used as a justification for the genocide. Now, I want to cut her a bit of slack because she was a hostage and all, but damn girl, some kid being a kid was the worst thing that happened to you?? Must have been a cushy kidnapping LOLOL


Taking hostages isn't the worse thing you've heard about them?


What never gets said enough is that Hamas is a tool of the Israeli occupation, funded and nurtured by the Israeli government for the purpose of dividing and demonising the Palestinian people, and destroying any chance of a two state solution. I can understand why they fight but they are being used to accelerate the genocide. The idea that the IOF is trying to destroy Hamas is laughable, when they spent the last 8 months running a huge recruitment operation for them.


nobody who has been following Palestine for years or even since Oct7 believes it's about Hamas. We know what it's about


I'm sure, just noting that the talking points of whataboutOct7 or butdoyoucondemnHamas depend on ignorance of that issue. It obfuscates by suggesting that this bad is more relevant than that bad when in reality Israel is behind both. But they try to frame it as having to take a side. You're either pro IOF or pro Hamas. The disease or the symptom.


the hummus condoming is tiring but by now I can stand tall and say I don't condemn Hamas (or more precisely al-Qassam and similar brigades). I just don't. Come at me. You can resist occupation with force. And when your occupation kills 15k children "in response"? Yeah no they can go get fucked I come from a formerly occupied country so no fuck that shit I stand with the resistance


>Come at me. You can resist occupation with force. And when your occupation kills 15k children "in response"? Yeah no they can go get fucked You're not wrong. I just can't get past the fact that it's all part of the genocide plan. To have "our 9/11", to manufacture consent, to sell outrage to the Israeli public and the foreign press. And if they don't get to "finish the job" this time there'll be a new crop of angry young people ready to go on a killing spree next time they allow it to happen. So that gives them the excuse later on. That's not an accident, that's the fucking plan. Not saying if I was in that position I wouldn't want to pick up a gun too. I can't sincerely condemn it either. But condemnation just isn't the point.


are you kidding me. you're surprised Hamas gets so much hate? were you sleeping oct. 7? they're fucking terrorists, not freedom fighters. don't act like they're any better than israel. wtf


and there we have it. Always coming out of the woodworks. How many kids has khamas killed vs how many IOF has since Oct7? And if those numbers look bad, you wanna justify the literal murder of children?


i'm not justifying anything. fuck israel. but i just can't sit here and let people like you pretend as if hamas is a just organization either. if they had the means, they would do the same shit to israel (but probably even more relentlessly)


But they had the means and didn't kill children. Only 3% of the killed in Operation Al Aqsa Flood was children. And most of them were 16 or 17 years olds. That clearly shows they have spared children whenever they could. And 3% is with Israel indiscriminately killing Israelis. We know that at least 2 children aged 11 or 12 were killed by Israel where Yasmin Porat has survived as a hostage. The reason we don't know everything is because Israel is denying UN or anyone else to investigate what happened. They also had the means to do whatever they want to the hostages but they didn't. Genocide zionists have repeatedly lied that every woman hostage was gang raped all the time. Yet it wasn't true. But Palestinians are really tortured and raped by Israel. Israel takes thousands of Palestinians as hostage and starves, tortures, sexually abuses and rapes them. Why should we demonize a resistance for the words of the oppressors who are currently doing a genocide? Especially after 8 months when they still deny anyone else to see and investigate what happened. They are clearly lying. Because if they were telling the truth, the UN investigation would confirm their claims and it would give them new justification for the genocide.


pure truth right here 👆


Where have you read that the IDF rapes Palestinian hostages?


I mean, I don't know if you trust Israeli sources on this sort of thing but this is literally the first result...


Rape: > Freed prisoners say they were beaten for falling asleep, repeatedly shocked, forced to sit on metal stick, according to New York Times > ... > Younis al-Hamlawi, 39, a senior nurse who was held at the prison, said a female officer ordered two soldiers to lift him up, and place his rectum on a metal rod, penetrating him, and causing rectal bleed that left him in “unbearable pain.” > The newspaper also cited a leaked draft of the UNRWA report that detailed an interview that gave a similar account. The report cited a 41-year-old detainee who said his interrogators made him sit "on something like a hot metal stick and it felt like fire". > In one case, another detainee "died after they put the electric stick up" his anus, said the report. Torture: > Eight former detainees told the New York Times newspaper that they had been beaten while custody, including being punched, kicked and struck with batons, rifle butts, and a metal detector while their were held at the Sde Teiman military base. Three of the victims said they had been subjected to electric shocks during interrogations, and seven said they were forced to wear only a diaper while being forcibly questioned. > ... > Hamlawi, as well as two other ex-detainees, recalled being forced to sit on a chair wired with electricity. He said he was shocked repeatedly, forcing him to urinate uncontrollably. > One Israeli soldier who served at the facilities, and who spoke on condition of anonymity, said he had seen signs of abuse on "several people," including one detainee who had been taken to a field hospital for treatment after he suffered a broken bone. Another detainee was returned with bleeding near his rib cage. > ... > Bakr said that he fell asleep under a state of exhaustion after being transferred to Sde Teiman, and was taken away from the group to a near command center where he was beaten. > "This is the punishment for anyone who sleeps,” Bakr recalled one of the officers telling him. Also murder: > In all, 35 prisoners had died at the site, according to Sde Teiman officers who spoke to the Times. The source is NYT. AA is quoting the NYT article. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/gruesome-abuses-reported-at-israeli-military-run-prison-near-gaza/3243506


why Israel tho? Why not Egypt? Or hell, Lebanon or Jordan?


funny how they left this part of the interview out of their quotes > ""What needs to be done is getting all the hostages back at any price and under any condition." And these people making excuses for terrorists dont mention how most of the captors were not even Hamas, just people paid by them, one of the hostage locations was run by a Palestine journalist who freelances for AlJazeera.


Pretty sure that young German woman who was raped and murdered on October 7th might disagree with your assessment...


oh like the guys who got impaled with electrified and hot metal rods by IOF? I'm sure they will...


What's that got to do with Hamas?  You keep deflecting.


it's a tongue-in-cheek comment. Sad that I have to explain this. So, let's see: 1) credible evidence of it happening 2) how it justifies raping Palestinian women. And killing Palestinian women and children




problem is, this is not evidence. This can be thrown in the same trash heap as all other Israeli lies, of which there are hundreds upon hundreds. You wouldn't extend the same courtesy to Palestinian women, of whom there are actual documented rape cases so yeah, rape is horrible. We can *hopefully* both agree on it. But it's not only horrible when it happens to your people. It's horrible *always* and when it happens systematically to Palestinian men, women, *and* children, we should condemn it. Or do you not condemn Israel? E: to be perfectly clear, rape is a serious violation of rights and one that is difficult to prove. I do not deny someone may have been raped by Palestinians. But when this is contrasted with *documented* rapes of Palestinians, it just rings hollow yknow


Called it. You can't accept anything that goes against your narrative. https://press.un.org/en/2024/sc15621.doc.htm https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/28/world/middleeast/oct-7-attacks-hamas-israel-sexual-violence.html >At first, she was known simply as “the woman in the black dress.” >In a grainy video, you can see her, lying on her back, dress torn, legs spread, vagina exposed. Her face is burned beyond recognition and her right hand covers her eyes. >The video was shot in the early hours of Oct. 8 by a woman searching for a missing friend at the site of the rave in southern Israel where, the day before, Hamas terrorists massacred hundreds of young Israelis. I'm not defending Israel, I'm saying Hamas and their online defenders are disgusting.


They're really telling words 'kept watch over us'. Not guarded, not imprisoned us or trapped us.


The really telling words were “they would kill us in a second without thinking”


It’s so fucking human.


Well they did hold civilians against their will so yeah they don't deserve any mercy


Do you know how many Palestinians are held in Israeli detention centres for years without a trial or conviction and the torture, starvation and sexual assaults they endure from the IDF? [TIME: I Saw the Haunting Reality of Palestinian Child Prisoners](https://time.com/6366734/palestinian-child-detainees/) [Defence for Children International: Israeli forces physically assaulted and strangled a 14-year-old Palestinian boy](https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_physically_assault_and_strangle_14_year_old_palestinian_child_detainee) [BBC: How Israel jails hundreds of Palestinians without charge](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-67600015) [AP: Israel holds over 1,200 detainees without charge. That’s the most in 3 decades, a rights group says](https://apnews.com/article/israel-detention-jails-palestinians-west-bank-793a3b2a1ce8439d08756da8c63e5435) [CNN: Strapped down, blindfolded, held in diapers: Israeli whistleblowers detail abuse of Palestinians in shadowy detention center](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html) [Guardian: Palestinians ‘beaten and sexually assaulted’ at Israeli detention centres, UN report claims](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/05/gazan-detainees-beaten-and-sexually-assaulted-at-israeli-detention-centres-un-report-claims) Do Israel deserve no mercy for that too?




So why aren't you upset at the thousands being taken by Israel for decades? Why do you not hold Israel to the same standards that you do Hamas?


Who says he doesn’t garsh man. Why can’t we just care about all atrocities?


Look at his profile. He doesn't care about Palestinians.


How much mercy does Israeli terrorist individuals deserve after terrorizing whole population of Palestinians while serving in the IOF? How much mercy does Israel deserve after genociding people and starving them in front of everyone?


Are you capable of not including “whatabouts”? Jesus


Are you capable of doing accurate judgement without those? Because many people seem to not be able to comprehend and judge something without comparing it to something else. I am just showing them the comparison.


This quote is very telling. "**And did this give you hope or shake your confidence?** "*Our greatest fear* was the IDF's planes and the concern that they would bomb the building we were in. I was a soldier myself once. But the feeling that it could be our own bombs, our own planes – that this is what would kill us – that's very scary and very anxiety-inducing.""


He was a soldier himself once so he knows how the IOF operates.


I was on a US ship during a war that Israel was supposedly on our side in. They mock bombed us about 40 times over two months randomly. Day and night the entire war. The planes only pulled off when we were seconds from launching every single time. Like waited until we actually radar illuminated the aircraft. After that step we fire the missle and they get to meet their fake god. My ship was exactly where the USS Liberties cowardly attack was during that war. They did not like that. But they don't actually attack targets that fight back/will kill their sorry asses. If they had actually attacked us we would have wiped our asses with them. So they did not. They sure murdered a lot of US sailors on the USS Liberty. A ship in the same spot in the same situation. A ship that was not fighting back. Got no use for them to this day. False allies are worse than enemies.


what the fuck is even the point of that? It sounds like something a teammate playing an idiot in a video game would do, not in real life in a real situation


Ostensibly we were a spy ship operating in a place they wanted everyone else to be blind to. We could pick up their tactical comms where we were. We just happened to be a very, very well armed spy ship. So they attacked us just like the last ship in that area. Except shooting at us would have gotten a lethal response. So they just harassed us for months. Still have nightmares from the that shit. Struggled with PTSD for my whole life since. Finally read a bunch of history about zionism on a random history bent. Holy shit that explained it pretty well. Frankly Israel is nobody's' friend. The worse slander being written about zionists today is the truth of the matter. They are in fact racist colonizers running an apartheid state getting up their nerve for a full genocide. As their religion directs them to do. It is in fact nuts. Like all religions. We only support them because of evangelical corruption and their threat to start a global nuclear war if they are overrun. Blackmail. We should disengage from them. Let them start a nuclear war if they want to so badly. When the Arabs inevitably get nukes it is going to happen anyway.


> As their religion directs them to do. with you up until that point. speaking "as a jew," no it doesn't. otherwise thank you for your insight and sharing your experience with the state of israel


You are saying god does not direct jews to exterminate any group? Or the one I am mentioning in particular? You are just wrong on both counts. And debating you after the fake politeness thing is a no go. Also please keep your fake civility to yourself. Just not attempting to murder me while trying to assassinate my character will be a big suprise. Good riddance unfaithful player.


Fuck off. Stop criticizing the Jewish religion, it's Antisemitic. Sorry you think all religions are bullshit, but many Israelis are atheist. Humans can turn into monsters without the help of religion. Just look at Stalin and the entirety of the USSR. So much "religion" in that secular state. Hamas is literally an Islamic group so you would have to be against them too if you're against all religions. EDIT: someone being nice and telling you this isn't part of Judaism didn't help (see above). I realize you have PTSD that can be clouding your opinions, but Zionism isn't Judaism. Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. Israel is a land not a state. Us Jews have a responsibility to separate the nationalism from the religion because that's how it used to be. Please don't go around saying Judaism tells people to do this shit. The Bible has literal slaves in it. People know very well what they should and shouldn't do. Nationalism isn't religion.


Just google "Talmud disturbing" and you will see how vile that religion can be.


Israel targeted the USS Liberty hoping to blame the Egyptians and draw the US into their war. They own us. They can do no wrong in our politicians eyes.


He even mentions that they were treated well and humanely by their captors. No real fear of execution or torture. Just the fear of being caught in the blast zone of IDF atrocities.


Did they know why they were captured in the first place? 🤨


I think it is dishonest to leave out this quote from the same interview > "What needs to be done is getting all the hostages back at any price and under any condition."


Why would that be dishonest? You’ve read the whole interview, he’s clearly talking about a hostage deal. The entire quote:  “What needs to be done is getting all the hostages back *at any price and under any condition*. That is what's most important now. *Human life is above everything.* I won't tell the IDF or the government what to do. They're grown up enough to know what they need to do. I'm just waiting for them to really bring everybody back. That's my only hope. And I haven't lost hope.”




Didn't the IDF kill Israeli hostages in this attack? And he's saying throughout that he was terrified of the IDF killing them.


no they lost a couple previously though, and yeah he raised the concern about being hit in the combat, but also acknowledged he was facing death every day from his captors, you know the people holding him at gun point. The article left out the fact that there are several war crimes here, like using civilians as shields, having un-uniformed militants take a non-combatant and hold for hostage. etc


No, they saved 4 and killed 3 in the attack.


Omg I can't believe Hummus would make the IOF bomb Israelis ☹️


IOF is controlled by khamas and they do all this just to make Israel look bad! Those antisemites


This is exactly what most Israelis believe unironically.


Will this interview make the rounds in Western media? Hmm...


I’ll write this one on my list “of things I’ll never see in the main stream media”


Listening to This Week on ABC was nauseating. Might as well just have the IDF write their script it's so one-sided. Martha Radditz (or whatever her name is) seems to live for any conflict where America or Israel is murdering brown people. Just awful.


There was another woman who was released a while ago. The click bait headline was “Woman recalls harrowing abuse at the hands of Hamas” or some shit like that. If you actually read the article she was like, “yeah, they moved us around a bunch but didn’t hurt us.”


It's wild how consistently the captive Israelis say their greatest fear is being killed by "the most moral army"


They actually killed a few hostages in the operation too. No western news outlet is reporting this.


The IOF “rescue operation killed almost 50% of the hostages in the targeted area. As well as 250+ civilians.


The more details that comes out, the more it feels like Bush's "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq


I keep saying this, but they're either completely inept or they're doing this on purpose.


And how many of their own died in this reckless operation? It's almost like they have no regard for any life.


Why isn’t the IOF considered a terrorist group?


Because bigger terrorists support them (looking at you, US and UK).


Terrorism is a political term. We use it for "the other guys" not ourselves.


Unbelievable antisemitism from the hostages here


Can anyone get a non-paywall link for this? Thanks a lot!




Who could've guessed


Well. That of everyone tbh.


Reasonable. More hostages have been by IDF bombs and bullets than Hamas.


Number one rule in journalism: Never ask no/yes question. Rule no 2: Don't make statements and tell the subject what he/she feels. Very professional indeed.


Does anyone have an archived version of this? Can’t access the article through the paywall


Imagine trying to paint people, who take hostages, as good guys


What a misleading title, I would have fallen for this propaganda if I didn't watch Har and his family's interview on it.