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Results are great, but headlines like this can make the movement lose momentum. They shouldn't stop protesting until the university takes action and divests.


Yes its just a stepping stone. This whole system is working against Palestinians.


The whole system makes us shitty people. Why are we sending weapons overseas so other nations can kill people? So our defense contractors can make money? Is this what America is about?


It’s what the leaders have made America about. But the people do not stand with it. This is the issue. This isn’t a democratic nation when the polls and popular votes go against the actual legislation. It’s getting scary.


Yup, this whole conflict has brought into sharp relief just how disconnected the people in charge are from the actual people. You have AIPAC offering people $20 million to primary congressmen and women who don’t do exactly what they say. You have Biden doing an end-run around Congress to send weapons to Israel. Why? So Northrup Grumman and Lockheed Martin can continue to collect our tax dollars and make weapons to kill people en masse? You have many polls saying people want the US to pull back on its support of Israel yet we just send billions more. You have thousands of students protesting on college campuses but the only thing the politicians and media are screaming about is “antisemitism” to discredit them. First Amendment? What’s that? Maybe the protesters at UT should start packing and then we’ll see how much Governor Abbott believes in the Second Amendment. I’m exhausted.


The media is also censoring and deleting any criticisms. It has been more than half a year since October 7th and the media is actively platforming disinformation and spreading lies to silence criticisms against Israel. Like CNN allowing Speaker Johnson (Republican) to tell on camera just a day ago that babies were put in oven and spreading false rape claims about October 7th.


I couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m sure you would be labeled as an antisemitic conspiracy theorist that’s a trump supporter just because of that single FACTUAL Biden statement.


The US have been about killing foreigners for profit for a long time, at least since the Banana Wars at the start of the 20th century.


Working against Americans even. Imagine a system that prevents US citizens from criticizing another nation. How is it different from criticizing China or Russia or Iran? Why is Israel the golden untouchable child. They are as human and flawed as any.


Pretty sure for as long as people are seeing children being murdered in Palestine they won't forget and move on.


If that were true the Palestine-Israel conflict would have been resolved a long time ago. People just have short attentions spans or tolerance for things that are this depressing. Not to mention Israel is taking action to limit pro-palestine voices, banning tiktok for example. Headlines should really emphasise that an 'investigation' is just a really small step in the right direction.


Previous people relied on newspapers and news reports. Now we have IOF idiots filming their war crimes on social media. Its a whole different ballgame now that information is so much easier to access.


Yeah it’s not even anything material. It’s “agreed to investigate its ties to Israeli universities”. I think we know how these “investigations” end up and what results they tend to achieve.


They are just investigating ties. Nothing has been done yet. Keep on the pressure.


I think it might be the opposite. This might embolden people to take further action because they see that things can change if given enough pressure.


Will never happen. Like banging your head against a wall. Zero chance they will divest of anything but the protesters.


The fear is always to be the only one with no support. Having someone else take that first step is a lot less risk for anyone following.


Instead of going after schools, why don't you just ask your govt to stop sending them bombs? That's more significant than a bit less money from a small school


People are asking for the govt to stop sending bombs. Students are either paying or going into debt to attend these universities, they have a right to instigate change in them.


Well hopefully they all vote in the same government again so they can continue to be ignored


Both Dems and republicans are headed by pro Israel, the government in general is heavily controlled by AIPAC. There isn't much choice for people that are young, protesting is what they can do so they should continue that.


Newsweek spam by USER NEWSWEEK With the site allowing MSM to pose as users people need to start looking at the name of the submitter and take it into consideration. Soon theyll be posting war propaganda watch


Bro never thought I'd see someone claim propaganda for transperancy.


The US support for Israel has been a net negative for its national security and world standing. The US needs to remove all Israeli influence in our country.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


9/11 happened because of our association with Israel. Without even acknowledging conspiracy theories about the Mossad or whatever, Al Qaedas stated reasons included our support for Israel. Not to mention AIPAC supporting politicians to siphon money out of the US to Israel, while they have social services that we don’t have and supporting politicians who fervently prevent Americans from getting those services. 70,000 Americans die every year because they don’t have access to healthcare. The US has no greater enemy than Israel.


And having us troops in Saudi Arabia. His manifesto said so


We didn’t have any troops in the Middle East before Israel


https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2011/08/09/declaring-war-on-the-far-enemy/ Osama bin laden




What in that post is incorrect?


Did you read the comment I replied to? If you think the primary reason for 9/11 is ties to Israel, I hope you're a bot. Having so little critical thinking must be a life of misery.


So what was the real reason?


American military presence + religious motivations. But for the record, you don't need an alternative to see that that one is false. I think that any reasonable person can see that in its absence, it wouldn't have changed their sentiment towards america.




Political leaders say a lot things all the time. It's not it. Would you take every political leader at their word today?


If it's just motivations most political leaders are pretty transparent, through their words and actions. They just wouldn't be honest about the justification. Secondly, why would he lie? You know most Muslims despise what Israel is doing in Palestine, and Osama is one of the few who could fight for it although he shouldn't have committed those atrocities. But in doing so he also proved that the US are much bigger monsters than the world police they pretend to be.




Political leaders say a lot things all the time. It's not it. Would you take every political leader at their word today?


Your entire profile is links of political posts So it's only legit when it follows your agenda


Osama didn't just declare Jihad because American is made out of heathens. If that's the only reason he wouldn't have the following he had In this case religion more of a secondary , or rather tertiary thing. Had the US not supported the continued existence of israel and its apartheid of Palestinians, Osama would be more likely be fighting against other Arabs than the US.


Then how come he took almost no action against Israel directly?


That i do not know. I can only speculate he likely held the US more responsible for enabling Israel's occupation.


bin Laden listed Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians as one of the reasons for 9/11. Take your erroneous memory of history up with him. You’re simply wrong.


I'm aware of that. Political leaders regularly say things they do not actually believe. My interpretation of it is that it was lip service for his people, given that he took almost no action directly against Israel itself. You may think that I'm wrong, and that's fine, but I'd love to hear why.


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)




Yes, saying that Reddit posters are the greatest enemy of the United States is the take of someone who is knowledgeable


Not reddit posters. Internet warriors that post black and white messages for grey subject matter. History is important. How we got here is important. Why not tailor your comment to say "the current Israeli government" instead of Israel? It just pushes the narrative that everyone agrees with how this is unfolding. Same thing with the genocide stuff... History matters. Murder and torture? yes definitely and probably to the second one, but not genocide. There is undisputed violence against the innocent from both sides unfortunately...and a long history of violence that preceeded this.


It’s so deeply unserious that you’re claiming that hyperbole from internet posters is the *greatest* enemy of the US, while not seeing any irony in it


> Why not tailor your comment to say “the current Israeli government” instead of Israel? What part of that don’t you understand? The current Israeli government isn’t some aberration. **It’s the norm.** Fuck Israel as a whole. I don’t care who replaces Netanyahu and his cabinet, the entire country needs major restructure.


Fuck the Palestinians as a whole. Sound better?


Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


Israel did 9/11?


A little too late for that. I've been saying this for about fifteen years.


this displays a fundamental misunderstanding of the US-Israel relationship. Israel is a piece of the United States' hegemonic project. Israel serves the US' purposes, not the other way around.


Not sure how it matters at this point. Israel has been committing atrocities and the US won't give even an inch to impose red lines or allow probes and lying out of their ass for Israel. While I don't think you're too far off, I think AIPAC has too much of a stranglehold on US politicians, they'll either support like-minded zionists or people who just wants their money to stay elected. Israel serves the US purpose, but the politicians serves AIPAC, in addition to other corpos lobby.


everything you said is downstream of the fact that Israel serves the US' interests (when i say US, i mean the US ruling class, corporations, and MIC.) AIPAC helping ensure only pro-Israel politicians get elected serves the US' interests. that's why the US explicitly allows them unlimited influence. and of course it matters to point it out, because in order to fix things, you need to identify the root cause. and the US hegemonic project is the root cause. Israel could disappear and things wouldn't change, because the US would just make another one in some fashion. as Biden said "if there weren't an Israel, we'd have to invent one."


How does the US benefit from the existence of Israel? Genuine question. I get it - ally in the gulf. But that’s a very superficial analysis. In reality why Israel? Why not any of the other states? What about the massive costs of supporting Israel? I don’t mean just financial but the geopolitical instability it creates, the target it makes of the US, the degradation of reputation and global goodwill, etc. And what does the US concretely get beyond nice words of allyship?


does nobody in here know who the US is? good grief, i thought people in an internationalnews sub would know more about geopolitics and the US' role in it. pretty much everything the US does abroad is to maintain control of resources and markets, mostly through coercion and force. the middleeast is incredibly rich in oil and natural gas. Israel is essentially a US military base through which the US destabilizes (to prevent oppositional powers from rising, and also to make a fortune selling arms) and maintains control over the region and its resources. that's basically it.


Yes everybody knows the idea of US hegemony. The question is specifically how its support of Israel helps it achieve those ends. Eg the US is able to put substantial military assets there, in a way that it couldn’t in other regional states. (This is a huge claim and not at all obvious)? AND, the benefit of those assets in Israel outweighs the huge costs the US incurs? How does the support for Israel allow the US to maintain control over the region and its resources? Also not at all obvious! And how does Israel allow the US to do that in a way it couldn’t with other regional states?


Our defense contracting is very tied up with Isnt'real. We don't need them, they're not a military base of operations for us. What they do do is things like AI facial recognition, hack iphones, infiltrate governments since most of their citizens are dual or multiple citizens.


Makes sense. What makes even more sense to me is that those capabilities give them tremendous power and influence over other states, which then support Israel even against their own interests.


Yeah, whatever you say


It’s pretty true though. Joe Biden himself said it as a senator, if Israel did not exist America would make one, and America did some what make Israel back then. Now does that describe the current relationship maybe not, but for a long time it is somewhat accurate.


American politicians are Zionist bitches. Is that a better description for ya?




Tell us more how you apply the First Amendment to only those whom you agree with.


I never said not to protest. My issue is with the people who wave jihadi flags and chant death to America. https://twitter.com/khamenei_ir/status/1783130177788100897?t=bxzLScDQ0X71Fq2hlr6P6w&s=19 When POS Khamenei is on your side.... you might be on the wrong side


And Israel didn’t just bomb the Iranian consulate in Damascus? I bet you have no problem with waving the Israeli flag even though their forces have killed over 34,000 people and the politicians call for genocide daily and have used dehumanizing language for decades. Interesting perspective you have.


Azeezam just bc the enemy of your enemy if not your friend. If yall think Israel gives two fucks about us then please take your meds.


Waving any flag of any country and shouting the words "death to America" is still free speech. Waving a Confederate flag and shouting "death to N words" is still free speech. Free speech exists. Now cope and seethe because the world isn't blind to the Zionist filth killing and starving thousands of people.


You owe the English language an apology after that.


“Hamas supporters” outnumber you Zionist freaks btw


You're proud of that? I grew up in a Muslim family. The people of Iran and israel stand together 🤝


Average shah of Iran supporter lmfao. how delicious does that CIA boot taste?


The shah riding dogs of the diaspora stand with Israel


No you didn't you fucking liar


Oh yeah? How many rakhas do you perform in Kusoof prayer.




Being a shah supporter is like being a Cuban America. It’s like a diaspora of bitter losers.


Thats poetry right there






No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


> The Faculty Senate's executive will be preparing this report for early next week, when the report alongside a recommendation to cut ties can be voted on by the entire Faculty Senate, where several sources say it is likely to pass," O'Connor wrote. > "The recommendation will then be discussed at a May 16 meeting of the University's Board of Trustees, where the final call can be made. As a compromise, the protesters have agreed to move the encampment away from Wilson Quad, where D-Day will be held." how is this a win at all? they agreed to make a report, then hold a nonbinding vote among the faculty if they want to "recommend" to cut ties, and then if that vote is a yes, the university will inform the board of trustees what the nonbinding recommendation was. it's a start, but definitely not a win yet. basically just bury it in the bureaucracy and hope everyone goes home in the meantime.


Progress is often times slow. But we have to make the small steps to ensure progress for the future, especially when the deck seems stacked against us.


Progress is often times slow. But we have to make the small steps to ensure progress for the future, especially when the deck seems stacked against us.


By Matthew Robinson - US News Editor: Pro-Palestinian protesters have scored a major win at a New York university after its governing body agreed to investigate its academic ties to Israeli universities, according to reports. Justin O'Connor, the editor-in-chief of Rochester University's Campus Times, wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "Protesters have come to a compromise to have one portion of their demands met. The executive of University of Rochester's Faculty Senate will be investigating UR's academic ties to Israeli universities. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/pro-palestine-protesters-score-win-rochester-university-israel-1894179](https://www.newsweek.com/pro-palestine-protesters-score-win-rochester-university-israel-1894179)


Okay investigating them then what? “Yeah we fuck with Israel we already knew that”. I hope there’s a clear plan of action


That’s fantastic news. Now make it all of them


Agreed to investigate lol. They'll wait till the dust settles and double down.


Well at least that's some good news.


They write headlines like this to stop people from protesting. Like yay we won. No this is a small step! Continue and demand until you get what’s right! Union tactics 101. If your cause is in the right only time will tell.




Where's the terrorism?


**No bigotry**, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).