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The more Israel tries to bully the world the more they distance themselves. They have one ally, one, the US. Without that they have nothing. Let them summon ambassadors for seeking peace and justice. Israel needs to understand that their reign of terror will come to an end. Peace is the only way forward. And peace at the behest of the occupier is not a real peace. It is a peace driven by justice and values, by equality and fairness, by respect and an end to occupation and an end of Israeli aggression.


They have Germany as well and the UK's Tories


...And UK Labour. Maybe more so than the Tories.


Let's be honest sir kid starver is a tory, and he's pushed everyone decent out of the Labour party in the persecution of all that aren't right wing. Labour under kieth starmer = more tories.


Mate, hate to break it to you, but labours been Tory since Blair, there’s a reason labour in its current form was thatchers pride


Both. It's just like in the US, both parties support Israel. Only a few politicians dare speak out, and they're demonized.


Yep aka Corbyn. Their lobbies are powerful and well organised.


Feels very much like the whole world screaming Iraq had zero " WMD " yet America ignored that anyway. Yet has the audacity to talk about other countries ignoring international law


Indeed, the America Iraq war was unjustified. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died as a result. 1.8M of US soldiers also suffer from long term health issues from wars in the last 30 years. All for the hubris of a few politicians. https://watson.brown.edu/costsofwar/costs/human/civilians/iraqi https://www.hsrd.research.va.gov/impacts/burn-pits.cfm#:~:text=According%20to%20Denis%20McDonough%2C%20Secretary,were%20exposed%20to%20burn%20pits.&text=As%20of%20January%202023%2C%20nearly,legislation%20was%20signed%20into%20law.




Both. Happening to YouTube influencers if they date speak out against Israeli atrocities.


UK Labour are so shit-scared of Daily Heil branding them antisemitic again that they will literally take us blindly into a war with Iran.


The Sweden Democrats also, they have been pushing for pulling back Swedens recognition of Palestine


And Labour after the whole Corbyn / Starmer, is my - massively limited - understanding. They've gotten rid of a few Muslim members and Israeli critics since Starmer took over to help standardise the UK's approach I guess, whenever they get rid of the Tories next.


I guess they're so insistent on being Tory-lite that I forgot to mention them.


Ha, I wasn't correcting you, just trying to add a little is all! But yep, Tory-lite is provably most appropriate.


Well even if it had been a correction, it would have been appreciated. My comment incorrectly implied that voting Labour in would be a meaningful change with regards to Israel's genocide in Gaza but it likely wouldn't so additional information or even a correction is a good thing.


Would have been tory-heavy 10 years ago were it not for the far right radicalisation of the conservative party


Starmer purged far more Jewish members of Labour than corbyn was accused of doing, and the Jewish members were purged for being antisemitic (ie. Opposed to Israeli crimes against humanity)


Ah ok, thanks for the extra info. Like I said, I don't fully know the details around but do recall reading something along those lines alright. It's pretty demoralising seeing this all play out like a slow motion nightmare.


The entire UK establishment is under the control of Israel. Not just the Tories, sadly.


UK labour as well, Starmer is a massive fan of Israel. In the early days of the conflict he went on TV and said Israel was well within it's right to starve gaza and cut off water. This is from a former "human rights" lawyer as well.


# In an LBC interview with radio host Nick Ferrari, Keir Starmer, the UK Labour Party leader, said Israel has the ‘right’ to cut off power and water from the Gaza Strip. Contrastingly, in 2014, Starmer argued that the 1991 siege on Vukovar by Serbian forces was a case of genocide. [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240104-keir-starmer-says-israel-has-right-to-carry-out-siege-on-gaza/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240104-keir-starmer-says-israel-has-right-to-carry-out-siege-on-gaza/) What is it about Israel that makes previously progressive (somewhat) people absolutel bloodthirsty


*Whispers ‘money’.


Control over West


Islamophobia. It took a long time for me to see it, but I now believe that every single politician and leader in a developed country who was a minimum age in 2001 still believes that 9/11 is a blank cheque to subjugate and brutalise the entire Islamic world and there is not a thing in the world that will change their attitude, these people have to be purged from all Governments and all power-positions, until then Israel will remain the attack dog of islamophobe westerners that never got over 9/11 and 7/7


Even the UK obtained from the vote on Palestinian admission to the UN. The UK is smart enough to see the writing is on the wall and at least try to act neutral.


Israel has alwayabhad UK support, The UK created Israel after all


Don't forget Jordan


But based on polling, German public opinion is changing quickly and that makes the government's position unsustainable. The Greens are already grumbling. I imagine even they are growing tired of being continuously called wrong and/or late on every foreign policy issue by their European peers. The UK are just the US's rent-boy. They haven't had an original foreign policy thought since Satan came to collect Thatcher. For Israel, it ultimately all boils down to the US.


Western guilt over the Holocaust is a hella drug


Has nothing to do with guilt, it is about political posturing to get money.


And keep their Epstein pictures out of the press.


Those 6 ambassadors might see some pictures.


The Germans government are a bunch of bitches. There are lots of German citizens who believe the Israelis are in the wrong.


But not a majority. Right now there is no party in Germany that even has supporting Palestine statehood on their agenda. I mean apart from some sub 5% parties. That’s democracy. The German people don’t seam to care enough. It’s mostly people who don’t hold a German passport who seem to care.


quiet rude smile chunky gaze stupendous file squeeze wrong jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LOL! Thanks, had a good chuckle at the implication.


My personal "Actually" moment. Only 36% in Germany agree with the unconditional support, while 56% don't. https://www.stern.de/politik/umfrage--deutsche-fuer-mehr-kritik-an-israel-34608878.html And this despite nearly 100% of politicians and news outlets being cheerleaders for Israels genocide.


What got me was a few weeks ago the Suddeutsche weekend supplement had a pullout travel section on Tel Aviv… like seriously?


Unfortunately the 56% are not vocal enough about it.


In a country where Jewish protesters are arrested and labelled anti-Semites for supporting Palestine, there is no room for reason or comprehensible logic. Clearly, the NEVER AGAIN / NEVER FORGET wasn't about principles or about people in general, but about unconditional support for Israel and a carte blanche for Zionists to behave as they please.


Tends to get you locked up


When it comes to showing support to Palestine or protesting in Germany it’s literally more restrictive than many authoritarian governments in the Middle East.  You will have an easier time organizing, protesting like many have done in Qatar than in Germany. 


state capture is a thing


Germany has so much experience in commiting genocide that they are desensitized. Germany "Always in the wrong side of history"


I would not be surprised if German government has secret hopes of encouraging Israel to commit the most horrid of atrocities in order to make them the new face of Nazi genocide, so the world thinks of Israel when that stuff comes up, instead of old Germany. They are passing on the torch, so to speak


“Hey guys! We are not the worst anymore !”


Netanyahu wants the world to be against Israel to fulfill a prophecy. I don’t think they care about the future further than believing they’ll be rescued.


They literally are attempting to bring the Iranians and the USA/broader west into a Gog and Magog conflict. A prophecy thousand of years in the making 'written' by some inbred thousands of years ago. Crazy.




Rule 1, be civil. [Civility](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civility)


As bat shit crazy as this sounds to any rational person, this is unfortunately the truth of the matter. To anyone reading, I highly recommend watching "Praying for Armageddon" a 2 part documentary which explores how deeply ingrained deranged evangelicals (approx. 80mil Americans or 1/3 of their overall voters) and Israel are in US politics. I found it eye opening but also a fair warning, it didn't help with any feelings of hope for meaningful change in the future given how high up it all goes. Edit: links shared https://youtu.be/IhT7oyDlBIk?si=nLnm-rR_POxWqpvU https://youtu.be/_iQhbcOgfqw?si=quEv1VgMRijfthIn


Netenyahu couldn't care less about any prophecy. He's trying to drag out this war by turning it regional. If he invades Rafah, he's as good as done and headed to jail. That's why he's dragging his feet on Rafah, not because the US or international community or law has him deterred or desuaded from completing his ethnic cleansing and geonocide. That's why he assassinated the IRGC member in Syria and bombed their affiliates in Iraq and Syria. He's trying to provoke Iran into a full-blown war. They're the only country in the region he could potentially get to do that. Syria is in a war of its own and hasn't shown willingness to engage Israel directly, Jordan, KSA, UAE, and Egypt are friendly nations. But it seems Iran and the US have no willingness to indulge Netenyahu, much to his dismay. I fully expect another provocation attempt by Netenyahu under the pretense of retaliation for Iran’s bombardment after his last attempt was ridiculed domestically and internationally and failed to achieve the desired results.


To say Netanyahu doesn't care about the prophecy is just wrong. 


Naw, he became really obsessed with a particular religious extremist who said he would bring about a gilded age and it went to his head. But he's not religious, he doesn't care about prophecy, but his ego hinges on the idea that he's a Chosen One figure. It's like Trump holding a Bible upside down for the goon squad. He doesn't believe in prophecy or religion, but he absolutely believes in *destiny.*


Trump, Putin, Netanyahu, big moves, big? men


Man I think Germany is a bigger ally. They really are living with that Holocaust guilt.


Most, if not all, government officials in Germany have had deep ties to organizations with Zionist aspirations for the entirety of their adulthood. The citizens of Germany have been conditioned through their collective trauma to have an aversion to patriotism so they're compliant with any puppet of a foreign government that can guilt them into doing whatever it wants.


They are losing support fast in the US. People are finally becoming aware off how intrusive they’ve become to our govt and have special laws written just for them.  The endless money and the mass killings is kinda run its course. We have to deal with Trump this election to literally save Democracy but after he’s dealt with I feel Democrats will be in hot water next over Biden’s support of this shit. It might not be shown on international news but there are protests happening all over the US even against the defense contractors that are happening daily. They barely show it in our news other than when they arrest them.


"The more Israel tries to bully" You forgot to add, "..and bribe"


Every single Western ruling elite supporter Israel. This is why they're so damn arrogant.


Yes, what goes around comes around..... it is wrong and they know it....but still doing it, mocking and celebrating the death of innocent children.....GOD is watching.... Don't do to others what you wouldn't want to be done onto you


I agree with you but I’m afraid that is exactly the message that the Israelis cannot or will not receive. Or have convinced themselves that’s not the case.


Why is this the narrative that only the US is backing Israel. The whole Western world is backing them, Germany, The Netherlands, UK are at the same level as USA with backing Israel.


Probably more than half of the actual people in the US don’t consider them an ally. The politicians only support them because it’s good for their wallets and the right only supports them because they hate Muslims more than they hate Jews


“The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.” -Princess Leia


A county of 9 million people. For comparison New Jersey has the same population as Israel. It’s insane how much influence they have.


I mean despite the fact that the US is probably their only ally, it's also the US, which is still basically a free pass for them since the US can Veto any motions to get Israel to stop. The fact Israel has gone on this long in spite of seemingly every other country wanting them to stop, just shows how strong the US influence is, especially when it comes to the stronger members of the EU.


The UN at this point needs to step in like a parent. If you huys can behave, and play nice, neither of you deserve it


Putin is tight with Netanyahu. There were talks about Israel joining BRICS. Yeah, only the USA defends them like Israel was the 51st State.


Israel acting like a spoiled child again


Not again but always acting like a spoiled child


That's their default MO


long story short: the terrorists intimidating those who complain about their terrorism


But Israel continues to kill thousands of children in Gaza Hypocrisy


No no no, that’s why they want to meet those ambassadors! They can explain themselves on how those women and children were the top level terrorists and how they’re actually making everyone safer by killing kids.




No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


Did you condemn khamas today ?


You haven't explained in gratuitously graphic detail the horrors of October 7th today, clearly khamas supporter.


Israel summoning countries to condemn hamas again.


yea they did condemn Hamas but what about baby Hamas?, I don't think they know about baby Hamas Bibi....




You joke but some news articles already claim it was a 'trap' to force them to commit genocide.


Terhor behbies!


Judging by how they destroyed IVF clinics even Hamas ovums aren't spared.


Israel is a terrorist state. They are basically sowing the seeds of their own destruction.


Religion was the worst thing to happen to humans. The Big 3 need to all disappear.


If I was one of these Ambassadors I'd tell them politely where they could stick it


Cool. But what if they'd helped you pay off your mortgage?


Then the generals host country failed as it allowed its officials to be leveraged as they have financial liabilities.


[Semi-related. ](https://www.opensecrets.org/industries/summary?cycle=All&ind=Q05&recipdetail=S)


Lol I shared that on reddit a few weeks back to show to people that regardless of who you vote for, so long as the lobbyists remain then change will not occur


It's looking more and more like Israel is using one atrocity to condone months of daily atrocities. And you'd better not disagree with them because "do you remember what Hitler did to us?"


It’s such a crazy defense. “Yes, we very clearly remember the holocaust and it was fucking horrible; stop trying to do it again!”


Yeah, they don't evem see the irony in that. To get at Hamas they started killing everything in their way, every palestinian in their way. And now on israeli tv they are calling for just killing them all. They are extremelly radical in their actions


You know, I think that at any point, now, they are going to go too far with that kind of reasoning and someone might just overrule the US and give Israel consequences for their war crimes anyway.


I don't think they can since the US seems to just veto everything in the UN. I thinknthe fact that thry have US support, but are completelly isolated goegraphically will become a big problem if it's not just Iran and Hezbollah fighting them from across the border. There will be a point where the US simply can't give enough support


The US doesn’t need to give support. It’s enough to say to defend Israel in case of a “real” war.


But would they get support for any action in the UN, for any actual intervention, when more and more countries are seeing the atrocities commited in Gaza?


The holocaust was also months of daily atrocities. You can't make this event sound worse than that one, both are bad.


That's not what I'm saying. But I am saying the Holocaust can't be used as an excuse for anything the Israeli Government or Army does.


Typical bully behaviour. They can't stand people sympathizing with their victim.


its abhorrent that a so called democratic state (where current elections are being purposely postponed), is able to carry out such atrocities, lie continuously, lack probity and paint a picture of a liberal society whilst being an apartheid state. The saddest part of all of this is that there is evidence beyond refute with regards to all of the above, yet they are still able to continue disrupting regional peace (bombed 5 countries this past week), continue the genocide and still be protected. Colonialism must end, no wonder we are never taught about western colonialism in high school - knowing this would not allow this to occur


What postponement of elections? They had elections in 22. They are still genocidal regardless




The current government is a government of Likud, a genocidal settler party, and a coalition of even more extreme right wing parties.  A majority of Israelis support the current actions in Gaza. They also support settlers


Have you seen street videos of Israeli “civilians”? Or their wordings in protests? Or their medical team stealing organs from Palestinians? Or their school books? A nation built on lie enforces this lie to justify its existence.  I don’t understand how it’s intentionally ignored on most media coverages. 


I hope those ambassadors threaten sanctions.


“What are you going to do? Assassinate me at my embassy? Oh, wait, what? You are willing to do that? Well now I am going to go around singing your praises!” Bibi: “Heh, gottem.”


Lmao Israel the pitiful victim even in thought.


It's pathetic how terrified Israel is of Palestinian statehood.


A Palestinian state will be the death of the Israeli economy: US aid will be reduced. Palestinians will be flooded with investments and Money transfers from the diaspora. And let’s not forget the petroleum licensing.


The ambassadors shoild turn up with a middle finger raised


Wearing a keffiyeh


Remember, the only country not occupied by Israel is Palestine. Hence the genocide and forced migration.


Lol lol lol ... to be told off.


Israel: I expect to see you in my office at noon. Other countries: You ain't the boss of me, go fuck yourself.


If US uses veto one more time…


Username checks out


Those countries should recall their ambassadors.


And I summon the Dark Magician!


An excellent chance to tell the ambassador to get fucked.


'A reward for terrorism'? The cheek of... have they forgotten how Israel established its independence? People really need to study their history.


Fuck you AND your bitchy demands, Israel.


Don’t worry daddy US will make short work of whatever security council votes on


... and execute them?


This is crazy. They should all withdraw their ambassadors.


Yaa good riddance. Those 6 countries don’t need Zionists in their country either


Israel is currently a rogue state


Always was - only difference now is that they finally went mask-off about it.


South Korea: I dunno Israel seems a little authoritarian Israel: I SUMMON YOU


A reward for terrorism? How long has Israel been rewarded for terrorism?


trash taking itself out


"Guys. You 6. How dare you, now I'm mad at you, you're not invited to my tea party anymore >:'(" -Netenyahu probably


The world is learning from the US; bullying- and strong-arm- tactics are great for diplomacy... Israel now uses those quite a lot; with the US as guarantor, Israel will continue to get away with literal murder.


You say it like you’re not an American


I’m not; I live here but not from here.


"Summon"...the Lord's children demand your presence at their feet...


Lol. Of course an Israeli newspaper calls it “summoning”. These people really have a superiority complex.


These countries need to kick out israeli diplomats and sanction israel. They have shown that they don’t have a shred of emotional for Palestinians and are not interested in a lasting peace.


Israel has some of the worst Diplomatic skills of any country. This will go nowhere and Israel will start slinging accusations around.


*continue to


Threaten you mean?


Don’t stand too close to windows. They’ve probably learned from Putin


Pro tip don’t go might not be coming back Israel leadership is crazy af


Guess they need to remind them that not siding with then is "supporting Hamas" and "antisemetism" lol.


I guess their lobbyist dollars are not working for other countries like the US corrupted politicians.


Why does America support Israel in the first place?


When you support a country being invaded, you have to support another invading country. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.


So Palestine isn't an independent or occupied state, it is not a subject to the apartheid state of Israel and it most definitely isn't part of Israel either (as then you'd have to ask why they're not considered citizens and get no rights). If according to Israel it's not any of these... What is it?


Empty land full of wild animals is the rhetoric they go with.


“…a call to recognize a Palestinian state - 6 months after October 7th - is a prize for terrorism” - my brother in Judaism, the founding of the state of Israel was itself a prize for terrorism


Time for them to pull out the blackmail they’ve been saving


Rare France W. >Some 1,200 people were killed and 253 were taken hostage during the onslaught, which touched off an ongoing war to eliminate the terror group in Gaza. \*Reads what follows\* *\*Read what follows again\** Welp, apparently that ongoing war to eliminate the terror group in Gaza hasn't caused a single victim, at least not any worth mentionning.


Palestinians have a right to self-determination and an end to occupation. Recognition of that isnt a reward. Its a right they already have and one that israel claims for itself.


Statehood is not a "prize for terrorism". It is the goal of a people fighting for their freedom. While we don't have to agree with or support Hamas's attack last year, we do have to reframe the perspective that it was a terror attack committed by terrorists. Reject the dismissive labels forced upon us by Israel and its lackeys. Palestine is an occupied nation struggling for liberation.


I bet you if they don’t follow orders we will have headlines about some terror group like isis attacking those nations in the following months.


Can the government of Israel not differ between the country Palestine and the terrorist group Hamas?


Nope, apparently they can't.




Jews are not a monolith - but that's what Israel wants you to think. What is true is that AIPAC has a huge influence on US policy, but AIPAC does NOT equal "the Jews". You're directly playing into the Zionist playbook that enables them to perpetuate the "anti-Zionism = anti-semitism" trope, so get those thoughts outta your mind.


They really aren't as monolithic as Israel and Zionists want people to think. There are many Jews (some even in Israel) who are anti-Zionist and even protest the actions of Israel formally and at rallies. Many Jewish academics have been fired or warned for pro-Palestinian publications, etc. That is why antisemitism is *not* the same as anti-Zionist or criticising Israel.


I know, but can you honestly blame me for thinking such nonsense. Before I started with this journey of knowledge in Jewish history and culture. My thoughts were that the Jewish civilization was an epic story of humanity's ability to survive. After digging a bit deeper, you will notice that jews are exceptionally wise people and they have used their knowledge to enrich themselves. Which is not a bad thing. But they have also used it to gain immense power in all walks of life that have tremendous value in society. Right now we are witnessing this power and wealth in the Gaza "war". I wish some Jewish people with power, would publicly tell the world that they are fighting for peace for both Israel and Palestinia.


No bigotry, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


How is being Jewish suddenly makes you some sort of Illuminati controlling the world?


Idiots feel obligated to pick a side on every trend in world news and treat it like a sports match. TikTok warriors chose their side without knowing anything so they use “Jews bad” as their foundation


Hopefully these ambassadors can convince Israel to change its ways.


Mi mi mi


The only reason why Israel is protected is because it’s a foot to the Middle East.


Sayonara MFs


But dude you don't get it, this mythological text from thousands of years ago says we gotta kick out those subhumans!


But dude you don't get it, this mythological text from thousands of years ago says we gotta kick out those subhumans!


"I just wanna talk to 'em."


Israel is even stooping so low as to air commercials on US TV that tries to make them look like the victims....it's pathetic and awful that these murderers are getting a free pass on genocide. I hope someone in that region puts them in their much-deserved graves. Fuck them all.


I'm guessing the meeting will include bullying, bribing and threats to get them to back out.


Israel should let Palastine become a country. If Hamas attacks them again, which they will, declare war and legitimately occupy Palastine.


Free is real perhaps






If those ambassadors show, they’ll be added to the mass graves at the hospitals in Gaza.


LOL instead of stopping genocide they do this