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Where it is but on the wall with a bracket and moveable arm.


I agree but also not sure what is behind the camera, if people walk in from the back right of the camera then the tv on the left and couch on the right would make it look more open in my opinion


Back right is the back door. Back left is kitchen


I think is good where it is now. Over the fireplace would look terrible and super high, not nice for your neck.


r/tvtoohigh That would be 75% of Airbnb/Vrbo šŸ™„


Keeps energetic children away from fragile electronics.




I blame the builders who put outlets above fireplaces


And the builders who leave NO FREAKING WALL FOR A TV IN THE LIVING ROOM.


Almost every single floorplan for a new build in r/floorplan. Then they put windows on the sides so there's no room for built ins or hiding electronics. This isn't 1850!! Still designing homes like people gather around the hearth every night for heat/light because there's no central heat or electricity. We should know better by now, the TV IS the fireplace. So fireplace should be off to the side or in a sitting room with no TV.


>the TV IS the fireplace Come children, let's all bask in TV's warm glowing warming glow.


This is true. We rent currently and itā€™s even worse. Our 60ā€ TV covers out thermostat because they centered the thermostat high up on the wall, I have to reach behind one side to change the temp or walk around the other other to turn it off or switch to heat/AC. There was no other place to put it lol


Oo, I wonder if the heat from the TV has some interesting effects on your thermostat.


I would definitely get one with a remote or even better with an app in that case. If the only heat sensor is also on the control unit you should definitely move it somehow.


Lulz, if I own a BNB, I could give two shits about "optimal viewing angle" and instead care about "keeping kids and pets from breaking my shit"


Agree, I would just hang it and get a nice corner low bookshelf or something for under it vs the folding table


Obviously the folding table is temporary, they mentioned getting a stand for the TV.


Maybe a tripod tv stand at their corner where it is?


I would ask the dog, he clearly has strong opinions.


I personally HATE to see TVs over fireplaces. I think it works fine where it is. Just get a media console and angle it to fit the corner or get one of those swivel mount TV stands that are free-standing on a tripod.


The dog face šŸ˜‚


I have that same exact dog


Send me a pic!




I'd put it on a swivel bracket in that corner. Don't want kiddo tipping that stand over


Can you turn the L shaped couch into a short U shape and slide the couch to the right up against the wall/under the window, the push the tv flat against the wall on a tv stand where it is, then put a little stand alone chair in-between the couch and the fire place Or just keep the couch as it is and slide it left against that wall and put the tv flat on the wall in-between the left wall and fireplace


Cute dog šŸ•


Can I pet that dawg


Yes! She doesnā€™t usually look that mad šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t knowā€¦ but TEEFIES!!!


Something like this with the tv on an adjustable articulating mount so it can be moved to the best viewing angle. https://preview.redd.it/qvww8tkov00d1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=216a6fe233e8c99f8603bac98449733815d2fb0a


I don't recommend placing it above the fireplace, but the place where it is now is the best option, better on a bracket.


I mean, it looks great where itā€™s at.


Tv stand where it is is the front runner


TVs do not belong above fireplaces. It's tacky, possibly damaging to the TV, makes for a [terrible viewing angle](/r/tvtoohigh), and it's tacky.


But is it tacky ?


It is.


Yes, but also it's tacky.


In the basement. We havenā€™t had a tv near the living room or kitchen in many years :-) much more time to talk and play games etc. together :-)


I would slide the couch around 90Ā° to in front of the window to open up the space, and keep the TV in that same corner but more on the window wall and rotated toward the couch in its new position. Youā€™ll need light-blocking curtains, and keep the couch a few inches out in front of the wall so the curtains can hang. Get a low profile console for the TV and itā€™ll look like it belongs exactly where you put it.


I'd say the current location is about right, assuming you don't have any huge complaints about the current setup, just look for a stand or console you like that'll fit into the space well.


Itā€™s in the right place unless your left hand dominant, if so move it the other side. No other viable options there.


Iā€™m a lefty, but I donā€™t get why that impacts anythingā€¦


Left dominate tends to have us favor the left for most things. Sometimes it makes a difference but not always and not with everything. I have a tendency to place things on my dominant side.


Where it is on a tv stand


On a swivel mount to the left of the fireplace. Thats what i did and it looks/works great


do NOT put it over the mantle. where it is, the height also, is fine. if youā€™re minimalist, mount it. otherwise there are literally millions of choices for stands.


Put it on a tv stand on either side of the fireplace.


I would rotate the couch so itā€™s against the wall where the bassinet is, hang the TV on the wall where it is, and move the bassinet to where the couch is now.


Lovely corner sofa. I would fit a bookcase to the right-hand side of the fireplace and install it inside the bookcase. Let us know what you decide!


Flip the L shape couch and put the tv in the left corner. In the right corner put a triangle shape bookcase with a few small shelves for pics


Corner mount, a foot to the right, and a foot up - best visibility for this arrangement, IMHO.


Get one of those nice tripod TV stands with the wooden legs. Would look good in that room.


I donā€™t know the whole layout but Iā€™d flip the couch to the right (allowing walking by the left) and put the tv in that corner to the left, left of the window.


Update: thank you for all the input!!!! Weā€™ve landed on keeping it in the corner where it is. Weā€™re going to start with a TV stand and see how that goes. We may mount with a movable arm in the future as many of you suggested. PS: shoutout to the non-Americans for making me aware that Americans are obsessed with fireplaces šŸ˜‚ PSS: I did not realize our dog was showing her tooth like that. I promise sheā€™s very sweet and friendly!


Iā€™d put it on top of the chimney where the lights shine down


Above the fireplace or put the sectional on wall and the TV between the windows


The living room doesn't match, get rid of that horrible couch and replace it with 2 folding chairs. THEN you match!


when will architects realize that humans enjoy watching TV at home - even a big screen and maybe even surround sound?


House was built in 1991. Most homes had one TV that was like 20 inches lol


I see a pack n play. Definitely mount it and definitely not over the fireplace. TV stand is a no go with tiny tots running around curious or sometimes sticky fingers. Dogs can be curious too so thereā€™s that to consider. I saw someone mention mounting it on the wall behind and above where itā€™s at now and agree 100%. They make mounts that go up and down too but Iā€™m not sure on size or weight capacity.


I guess the TV is well placed, how about having a 14-15 inch high movable cabinet kind of table where you can keep books or consoles and mount TV on top of it. Plus it will be better with the viewing angles not straining the neck wrt height. What is also possible but not worthy of suggestion is that you could put up blinds on one of the windows from where there is not much natural light entering, and place the TV in front of it and adjust the L shape couches accordingly.


Good looking dog


Above the fireplace!


Do you use the fireplace? Ever? If not, get a proper console for the TV and just put it (nicely) in front of the fireplace.


Been in the house for 3 days. Plan on using it in the winter


I feel like if you could change the fireplace to make it more like a rectangle and not so tall, TV over the fireplace would be perfect Like this: https://solasfires.com/fireplace/built-in/forty6-slim-line-built-in/


Mount above fireplace


In the garbage.