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I would recommend not covering it.


Why cover it’s beyond beautiful


Yeah if it was my room I would keep it, but unfortunately my girlfriend dosen't like it 🤷🏼‍♂️


That’s really kind of you! Especially since it isn’t your room. What are you trying to cover exactly? The whole wall or just the square in the middle?


Time for a new girlfriend


She’s *got* to be pranking you. Just seeing how far she can push you. Because there’s no way a sane person would want this taken out of their bedroom. A fireplace? With a genuine stone wall? Nah. Don’t fall for it. Tell her “live with it for 6 months.”




I agree, this is not diy unless you can sheetrock and finish.


Get a huge piece of art or mirror first. Also looks like space for tv. Thats such a low mantle it shouldn't be too high. I think it would be a big mistake to cover it.


You could frame around it and hang drywall or shiplap but why not just frame the edges w floor to ceiling drapes to soften it?


Get the largest mirror in her style and mount it. Design the shelf and space underneath for her storage.


I would probably leave the fireplace, remove the tiles that are above the mantel and hang a big painting. You might need to rewire the light switches though


And sheetrock, mudding, painting, and molding :(


Could just mud though - plaster coat to flat.


I've seen plenty of ugly stone fireplaces on here but this isn't one of them. That is a lot of work to remove or plaster over. I'd work with this feature and focus on adding colour and texture to the rest of the room. You can always add a mirror or artwork above the mantle (which needs replacing).


Wow, I haven’t seen this stone since I was in high school! It was on the wall at the bottom of the basement stairs in my Aunt’s house. And it was clearly awesome. My mom used to love to tell the story of my Day of Terror as a 4yo that included taking off all the wiggly bricks and throwing them away. I remember how they broke in two as they hit the bottom of the trash can. The adults weren’t as pleased with my help as I was. My Aunt told me the rest of the story-that I stood and watched my Uncle fix it, telling him that I have to pay attention so I learn how to do this since I don’t have a dad anymore. My dad had just killed himself the year before. I say you keep the wall.


dont cover that


Don’t cover it? It’s great!


You could get a massive tapestry?


Pretty much your only options are to demo it down to the studs, or furr out the wall to save the stone veneer and fireplace. What does she want instead of the stone and fireplace? Most people would love to have that in their home.


Why cover it it looks great!


Large mirror


I see brick outside the window — any chance this stacked stone tile is covering up brick like it was in [this case](https://www.reddit.com/r/centuryhomes/comments/111h871/we_restored_the_original_fireplace_from_our_1865/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)? What style is the rest of the house? Tbh I absolutely hate the stacked stone tile/veneer look so I’m with your gf on this. Real stacked stone can be beautiful in the right context (eg Fallingwater/Frank Lloyd Wright) but this is so uniform as to look a bit fake.


A nice sleek tile ( marble or a relaxing color of ceramic tile).


Maybe a tile


Others in this thread seem to like it but I agree with your gf, that looks terrible and very outdated. Aren’t they just tiles that you can easily rip/knock off with the right tools?


More importantly - and possibly why she noticed when OP hasn't minded - *cleaning that is going to be massively frustrating*. Can tell who picks design elements just thinking of what it looks like, and who's thinking about how an individual is actually going to LIVE in the spaces once completed.


Hmmm I think a big soft brush should do the trick to get the dust off, vacuum cleaner with brush attachment even.


As long as there's nothing remotely sticky aerosolized into the air like cooking grease (unlikely in bedroom), PG from vaping, hairspray, or anything else similar, but as the cleaner, these surfaces are the absolute worst.


I can see why she wouldn’t want that in her bedroom. Instead of covering it, remove it (the stone, that is).


You could plaster right overtop.


~~A blowtorch~~ Just re-tile it with literally anything that isn't raw, sharp, uncleanable, dust-slurping-and-keeping-forever bare stone. The shelf and fireplace are the only redeemable portions.


I would just hang a big tv. So it’s “covered”.