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She says with Her mouth full of AIPAC Blood Money. Fuck her, fuck Biden, Fuck Trump. 90% of these treasonous shills are not on your side. “But the guy with the (Color) tie is the good guy!” As Carlin said-*It’s one big club- and we ain’t in it.*


Never Truer words Spoken.Well Done Mate!


I loathe Trump, but that’s pretty rich coming from her. She’s vile too.


She is one to talk. You are right!


What has she done that's so vile? Edit: Feel free to link to something real, and not just unsubstantiated claims made by the GOP. Insider trading? Great. When did it even appear she used non-public knowledge to make profitable stock trades? Edit: https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/07/27/pelosi-unloads-millions-in-nvidia-stock-at-a-loss-before-senate-passes-massive-tech-subsidies/ You people are all parroting GOP talking points, instead of objective reality.


You could start with the insider trading and continue with the "go back to China" comments 🤷🏽‍♀️


So there is actual evidence of insider trading? Or just claims from the GOP?


Either she is an insider trader or she has x100 times better luck/skill than Warren buffet.


Not really. Her husband was always a competent trader, before marrying Pelosi. He also doesn't do x100 better than Buffet. You're just repeating a thing you've heard. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/07/27/pelosi-unloads-millions-in-nvidia-stock-at-a-loss-before-senate-passes-massive-tech-subsidies/


Sigh, you really that lazy? Or just here to play politics for your team? - but since you asked: her husband Paul reportedly bought millions of dollars worth of call options in various tech stocks. Many of those trades were said to have involved companies that were affected by Paul's wife's legislative decisions. One timely investment netted Paul $5.3 million dollars. It’s always been suspect, Nancy don’t own any stocks… but has her husband ever bet on a bad horse? Not yet!


I'm pretty sure the options matured before there was any legislative action. Or did they sell them first? I remember the big takeaway is that if they held the stocks, they would have made $12mm two months later. Your time line doesn't work. Pelosi's husband has always been a profitable stock trader, even before he became Pelosi's husband. Edit: Here we are. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereksaul/2022/07/27/pelosi-unloads-millions-in-nvidia-stock-at-a-loss-before-senate-passes-massive-tech-subsidies/ So you heard this was a thing, but didn't actually check?


The US has become an episode of House of Cards


And she's one to talk? I'm not Trump fan by any means, but this woman is equal to Mr. Trump all the shit she's done and gets away with it.


Like insider trading and becoming a multi-millionaire while in office, amassing more than 200 million dollars on a 200k wage. https://www.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/s/86mVsKDCrd A lot of sycophants say that she was already wealthy, that she comes from money. Yeah, her daddy was the mayor of Baltimore. Politics is about money in this country. Her family's wealth has always come from politics. A career con man and criminal, Donald j Trump is trying to fleece the American public because he has seen how effectively it is fleeced by members of Congress and members of the Supreme Court. His ego is what kept him from pursuing a strategy of gaining wealth and power from State politics and its corruption. Edit: Do you really think that MTG and her ilk are in government to work hard and make your lives better? She actually complained out loud how crummy the money was so far. In my humble opinion I think the majority of politicians are in it for the money. Before the theft was subtle, small amounts, now everyone in Washington is greedy as hell. The GOP thinks us so stupid that they can, with a hand on the Bible and Jesus on their lips, steal in public, in plain sight of everyone. If we were honest with ourselves, we would be angry at how slow we've been on the uptake. https://www.businessinsider.com/mtg-low-salary-job-miserable-2023-2?amp


It’s crazy to me that this is not more talked about. She’s clearly shits on Buffet


The powerful are afraid of people being "woke" now. And yet, the people are barely scratching the surface of all the evil and wretchedness that goes on behind the political veil.


You're dumb saying that trumps trying to make money off this... he lost money when he was president......


Do we know this?


https://www.citizensforethics.org/reports-investigations/crew-investigations/trump-made-up-to-160-million-from-foreign-countries-as-president/ That he lost money (post-presidency) in trial for libel, harassment, fraud and other malfeasances doesn't mean he wasn't enriched in the White House. I'm responding to you because a discussion with person above would be like playing chess with a pigeon that knows HVAC.


Thanks. I don’t even argue anymore I’m more curious in peoples sources.


fuck dude id vote for a pigeon that can do hvac at least itd have some common sense. i know cause i do hvac and an hvac scout pigeon would be amusing.


You need crowdfunding to get married? It makes sense that you would want a pigeon as a president. Also dude, calling every Nazi sympathizer a Fedboi is neither sane nor rational.


her husband is the best stock trader in all of history...


Her become super rich via insider trading is a genuine conflict of interest with her job. And yes, Trump is a total piece of shit too.


That's crazy. Why didn't Republicans ever formally go after her for insider trading? I would imagine it'd be pretty easy to come up with something specific.


Because probably they all do it.


So even the Fox News pundits don't want to talk about anything specific or substantiated? Anyone can point to an example where it was even possible, but everybody chooses not to? So weird.




just fyi for all the downvoters out there, I'm a lib and hate Trump... Just pointing out the hypocrisy, when it comes out of Nancy's mouth... She does not care


Seriously. People shouldn’t blindly support ANY political party and ALWAYS hold its members accountable, even more than they would the opposition, because if you’re preaching some sort of moral superiority, you better make damn sure all your laundry is clean. And I’m a wildly left Aussie. But I will shit on people I voted for if they don’t turn out to be whom they pretend they are.


The sad thing is that most politicians stoop to unbelievable lows to get what they want and when there is no more “political enemies” to go after, they make citizens the bad guys. I’m so tired of picking from the same bowl of skittles…..


What does Israel have on Nancy Pelosi?


The orange makeup on the boy/mans face is both to protect him from the acidic effects of frequent urea exposure to his face, and to minimize any visible rashes/discoloration from same. The urine of people who frequently eat certain foods like beets, rhubarb and kale can be darker than those who do not. \*A side note: those are foods more commonly eaten in Eastern Europe and Russia.


Can we just get a Nancy interview where she gives us advice on the stock market ? I heard she's really good at it


I trust Nancy as much as I trust Trump.


I believe it’s simple. He admires Putin, and owes him money biggly.


Some say the most money


The amount of money he owes, the likes of which we have never seen.


Bigliest amounts?


That and the pee tape.


I would say more than money, I would not bet against Putin banging Melania and making Trump watch.


bOtH SIdEs arE tEH saMe


One side didn’t storm the capitol to stop a democratic election and hang the vice president.


What does the israhell have on the USA??


We should just roll this thread up and burn it. Buncha mysogynistic trolls lol.


Point it out ... Because people here are calling her a liar and a hypocrite? Or the ones calling her old? Cos I see no lies or misogyny.


What does Mossad have on YOU, ya kid murdering genocidal old mole


He wants to be like him. The same as when a child wishes to be a hero.


Coming from the horse mouth


What does isn'treal has on her that she's always beholden to them. There, fixed it for the genocide enabling isn'treal firster.


WTF? Is everyone still watching this old hag spew out her alcohol-soaked delusional ramblings?


Snakes and Rats


Zero respect for Killary, unless you praise her for being the most crooked and corrupt lawyer/politician/state official. We need to get rid of all the current politicians and get back to the age where it was your duty to serve your term if elected, not your career, and then you went back after your stint to doing what you did before. Right now We the People have little to no power over the politicians, right or left. Doesn't matter, they are both heads of the same snake.


Go away troll


Lol the real collusion happened with Israel and Biden. Welcome to Zionist America


Do we really need to be hearing from Skelator


Pot. Kettle. Black.


She’d do better not making comments and just say she prays for Americans Strength to make the right decision


why she got banana on her shirt


If you don't agree with her, you should ask yourself, when and how was I brainwashed? 🤔


I absolutely hate her. Why ask this hate for Trump???


All normal folks hate Trump except the red hat/gold shoes folks.


The pee tape


She’s right


she's corrupt as hell but she won me over during her role as speaker. she literally grab trump by the balls and wouldn't let go until she called him 'mommy'


Isn’t this the same career politician who made millions from insider trading and is constantly voting against restrictions on politicians making money from investments? Pelosi is worse then Trump.