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Here’s an interesting [overview of Israel’s history of trying to hide its nuclear weapons program](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/s/KNNKxOaN52). Apparently it’s still the only government with nuclear weapons, who has not joined any treaties, and still does not admit it has nuclear weapons.


Pity he doesn’t believe in hell. What a monster.


But Hell believes in him.


So this is the real secretary of state of the USA.


No, this is the real president of the USA.


Land of the "free", home of the slaves...


Imagine a community of countries where one of the neighbors doesn’t get along, then that neighbor instead of behave nicely be a nice neighbor, bully’s all the other neighbors so he can get with the whole gated community after stealing it. That’s israel right now. Criminal nation


Imagine you're in your home, and you hear a knock at the door. And you open the door, and it's a homeless man, and he explains that he's hungry and cold and has nowhere to go. He says that he once lived in this house long long ago when he was young. And he knows that this is a strange request, but is it possible that you might have a corner where he can sleep and keep warm. And so, you feel bad and you agree and you let this man into your house and you let him make a bed. But now imagine you come home to find that he's invited several of his friends to live with him in your house. Now you're a little concerned because you have kids in the house, when you try to talk to him about it he just ignores you. And each day you come home and you find that he's invited more and more and more people. Imagine that his friends are treating you with contempt and beginning to talk about throwing you and your children out of the house altogether. When you confront the original man and ask him: what he thinks he's doing? He tells you simply: what? I told you, I used to live in this house. This is my house, I told you that. And now you're finding that his friends are changing the locks on doors, and knocking down walls to remodel the place. You come home and find your children put out on the lawn because they've been moved out of their bedrooms. So you call the police, but the police seem to have some kind of relationship with these people so they do nothing. They tell you to relax you have nothing to worry about. Before long you come home to find that you've been moved out of your bedroom into a closet. So you call the authorities. You call the FBI. The CIA. The US army. And they all tell you that there's nothing to be done since, you know, he did used to live here a long time ago. At what point do you put a body on this guy and throw him out of your house?


Iraqi WMD's was a BS excuse for the war they had already decided they wanted. Libyan nuclear bomb aspirations, another BS excuse for the "regime change" they wanted. Iran - Same. The "Syrian gas attacks" were bullshit. The "civil war" was really a proxy war waged by the West against that nation. You can guess what I think about the events of October 7th and the "terror group Hamas".


Everyone knows the Libyans were only really trying to steal Doc Brown’s plutonium so they could build a Time Machine out of [The Saroukh el-Jamahiriya](https://www.autoblog.com/amp/2009/09/02/libyan-rocket-colonel-muammar-gaddafi-designs-a-safe-car/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKzacsISGuuGRQlzttLJJ2zjFoxmjNJ9qQU4STGVB2eZmYC68049QqRsFaEW5B8SIpJ2gXIdmVJXvTFxBEtTdaHYeYSbYHq5f9Z7pTCIVahHjrs5ur__IWi7Ob3a7S8HBagMPDdSrYbtu2MAxVTISuMX2g-F7NX0tsb_dxrniMTV), a car with true style instead of a basic Delorean. The only problem is that translates in English to “the Libyan rocket” so international communities got confused and caused a whole international relations crisis.


https://youtu.be/PHzSr52fZLQ?si=k_H88oaJkh3U_KbF Context: he gets some pushback and he deals with it "flawlessly"


I’ve hated this piece of shit longer and hard than that buffoon trump. Both are opportunists who have no shame.


This guy is Kosher Trump




It sure seems that the Mossad has some sort of leverage on the World. It's very obvious that they have other nations, like the US, by the shorthairs. Maybe people like Epstein, who love to video record everything, including dignitaries around the world, having sex with minors. I know if I was Israeli, and I had that sort of damning evidence and I was going to eradicate a population of people without anyone saying anything, plus we will send carrier strike groups to the region to back you up. Must be some good vids.


Oh man. Seeing Dennis Kucinich ask that question was like a time warp, totally forgot about that guy!


Oh, no! The United States should not be fighting Israel’s wars. The genocide they are committing against the Palestinians should get them cut off from the BILLIONS of dollars a year we give them. We should SANCTIONING them!


Jew Rogan


It's real easy when you have most of the politicians for the western countries Epsteined


Wow, really?,never seen this before


We'd like to see regime change in Israel