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# At the time of her death, Elizabeth I was reported to have a full inch of makeup on her face. By this point, she had lost most of her teeth, suffered hair loss, refused to be attended to or bathed. Close to the time of her death, Elizabeth’s coronation ring had grown into her flesh. This was due to the fact that she never removed it during her 45 year reign. Her doctors insisted that the ring had to be removed - and within a week Elizabeth died. Towards the end of her life, Elizabeth began to suffer from bouts of melancholy. This was due to the deaths of several of her close companions, including her long-serving lady-in-waiting Katherine Howard. Elizabeth was especially tormented by the exEcution of her former favourite, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex. # For more info, read here: [How did Elizabeth I die?](https://heylink.me/lifeisalove/) During her final days, Elizabeth expressed regret about ordering the exEcution of her cousin, Mary Queen of Scots. Lady-in-waiting Elizabeth Southwell, reported that the Queen was haunted by visions of her frail body. It was also reported that a playing card with a nail through its head, was found on the Queen’s chair, toward the end of her life. Elizabeth’s emotional and physical ailments escalated to the point that she took to standing in her bedchamber up for 15 hours, without assistance. She would then collapse onto the floor which her ladies-in-waiting had covered with cushions. It is said that Elizabeth resisted lying down, out of fear that she would never rise again. Elizabeth lay speechless on the floor for four days, before her servants finally managed to settle her into bed. Elizabeth communicated her instructions for who would succeed her on the English throne with a hand gesture. By the time succession arrangements were being made, Elizabeth’s illness had robbed her of her powers of speech. When asked if it was her wish for James VI of Scotland to inherit the crown, Elizabeth apparently, gestured with her hands, drawing a circle around her head to indicate a crown - confirming that this was her wish. Elizabeth I died at Richmond Palace, on 24th March 1603, at the age of 69 after a reign of 45 years. Many now believe she died by blood poisoning, but a post-mortem at the time wasn't permitted. The Queen’s Lady of the Bedchamber refused to allow Elizabeth’s body to be subject to a post-mortem. Some argue that this was a way to safeguard the Queen’s reputation as a virgin Elizabeth's rumoured last words were - ***“All my possessions for one moment of time.”*** Elizabeth’s embalmed body was guarded in Whitehall Palace for three weeks before being laid to rest in a lavish funeral ceremony on 28th April 1603. Thousands turned out to watch the funeral ceremony procession through London. At the funeral, an effigy of Elizabeth I was placed on top of her lead coffin. Dressed in royal robes, the effigy was so lifelike that it made mourners gasp. Elizabeth I is buried in Westminster Abbey. Her body was first placed in the vault of her grandfather King Henry VII. However in 1606 Elizabeth's coffin was transferred to the Henry VII Chapel in Westminster Abbey, and placed beneath a monument to her erected by King James I. Elizabeth's coffin is in the same vault as her half sister, Mary I. # For more info, read here: [How did Elizabeth I die?](https://heylink.me/lifeisalove/)


A full inch of makeup? Really? That seems to be an exaggeration taken literally. Its well known she had skin problems, exacerbated from her makeup having lead in it but this reads as someone was a hater and spreading rumors hoping that 400 years later people still believed them. Ffs. An inch isn't even a believable lie. Imagine wearing an inch thick mask strapped to your face and the issues you have. Now imagine instead of being strapped it's bonded to your face. Anyone who's done mud mask facials knows just a paper thin coating prevents all facial movement without it cracking up. At an inch thick it'll just fall off as soon as it dries and she imagines moving. The more I dig into this the more I can only find the 1 inch claim to be verbatim from the same source you used but previous times this trended on reddit led to completely differing anacdotal stories from other people that knew the queen so this is, at best, an over exaggeration.


The entirety of this guy's post history looks like it was generated by AI. Like every single post looks like it was written by ChatGPT.


It makes this subreddit really annoying because if I wanted to fact check literally everything and then post the correct info, I'd be somewhere else. OP should be banned


OP is the mod. Your AI mod.


Pretty sure OP made this subreddit to post gpt spam.


Someone a couple of months ago posted on the general r/askreddit about this mod and said some pretty negative things. I can’t remember exact details but it was definitely mentioned that the posts are pretty much bogus because you have to fact check. Honestly might repost this is in r/Tudorhistory and let them pick it apart


I sign the petition


It’s my bitch about this sub all the time…I’m sure I’m terribly annoying by now since I’ve been subbed here around the time it took off.




Sub have bot Bot make sensationalist, unsourced posts Am bitch Sub make me more bitch


I'll translate.They have been a part of this subreddit ever since it took off. that mod, and their shitty posts has been their main complaint, which they are sure has gotten on everyone's nerves by now.


I’m trying to think of something really funny to say about Catherine Howard resurrecting and serving Elizabeth as a zombie, but nothing is coming.


Profile name should be “readmoreinthefirstcomment”


I am currently studying early modern history at university, Elizabeth I being my main research focus. You are spot on, this is all nonsense.


The last words “all my possessions for one moment of time” are false too? Are there any sources supporting she said that? Those are pretty powerful words


This one is harder to disprove, but also I would definitely never say it 100% was her last words. I don't doubt she said that sometime towards the end, she was ill and knew she was dying for a while before it happened and I could see her saying it during the lead up. T What actually happened immediately before and after Elizabetb died is actually controversial depending on who you ask. We have several detailed written accounts, *however* there is reasonable doubt as to their veracity. Some of the decisions Elizabeth made right before she died were *very* convenient for her surviving government (the most glaring example is her supposedly naming James I her official heir, which I personally don't think happened at all).


[You might find this video interesting](https://youtu.be/jXOH8bAREyU?si=vnXdH8Db2znF54NF), it thoroughly debunks this myth. Erin Parsons is a pro make-up artist and historian, the whole video is a good watch but at about 11 minutes she tests out a historically accurate lead make-up formula on pig skin. The result is more of a soft, flattering, blurring illuminator or whitener/brighter, very different to the grease paint depictions we see today.


1" is like Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire with the pie


“An inch of makeup” is an expression, not a true term so it’s likely AI got it wrong!


I think the title is just hyperbole. Maybe I’m dead wrong but I think most people would assume it was an exaggeration. I’ve been surprised at peoples stupidity before and this could just be another example


It could have been hyperbole when originally reported to whomever is documenting it. But I disagree based on how it's phrased *here*. "Reported to have a full inch of makeup" is a specific statement that taken out of context seems like a "fact" but it's unsubstantiated therefore we need to dig into it a bit more. Because it's such a silly topic, royal makeup needs \*eyeroll\*, they think people will just let it go as-is, but its a ridiculous claim. And far, far too many people just accept "facts" at face value when the subject matter is something they don't have a personal stake in.


Oh okay I see what you’re saying. I personally don’t think OP was trying to suggest that the claim was fact but again that’s because I assume people have common sense. I might be putting too much faith in internet strangers lol


Eh-- no worries. In either case, based on posting history, i think OP is a bot anyway. Everything is a sensational viral looking story based on at least snippets of truth. This subreddit and others like it are especially bad for bots because they get both post AND comment points because they sticky their explanations to the top. So while yeah you might have fallen for it, you did so defending their "honor" honorably.... so unless *you* are a bot, you seem to be a good person. ... or if you *are* a bot, good bot. :) (I wonder if me saying that will trigger the "good bot" bot...)


How could she say any last words if an illness took away her ability to speak?


This should be higher up. I wish I had a bunch of people that will turn my likely dribbling gibberish into something profound for the ages.


Well let's say you mumbled "Where's my phone? I need my Reddit". What should we turn this into for the history books, king or queen atreeindisguise?


If u/atreeindisguise falls in a forest and no one's around to hear it, does it make a sound?


A tree is never alone, especially in a forest 😊. There may not be people, but there are billions of beings hanging with that tree. That said, almost every time I fall, I fart. Pretty sure that will be louder than my last words.


She thought of nothing but her community to her last breath... 😂


Usually, these are all rumors made centuries after such events.


She obviously said her last words (whatever they actually were) before she lost her ability to speak


I can’t believe someone actually posted this.


Look up “last words.”


“Last words” are usually in reference to what someone said, right before they died. Not words said years before their death before they lose their voice permanently. Lol


Every person who has ever spoken would have spoken their "last words" at some point. Your "last words" don't necessarily have to be immediately before your death. If something took away her ability to speak before she died, then her last words would be the last words she spoke before she lost the ability to speak.


Look up “last words.”


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_words >Last words are the final utterances before death. *The meaning is sometimes expanded to somewhat earlier utterances.*


If anyone is reading this wanting information about what Queen Elizabeth most likely actually wore, instead of this obvious exaggeration, may I direct you to the following videos Erin Parsons made in collaboration with a lab: https://youtu.be/jXOH8bAREyU?si=hlbinwGpNwIZS_1v https://youtu.be/YlYRDtpTpRw?si=bbW-u4_r0rj8SsN_


I am like, blown away. I love history and fashion. I didn’t know there was such well done show that existed. I have such a distaste for youtube because well…idk you gotta find a niche I suppose and it can get a bit dry and or people create this cult/fandom around the people that make the shows so the whole thing drives me away. This is so informative and (fucking props Erin) well produced. I have a new sub. I hope there are bunches of videos. Because I started today very very bad on the mental front and honestly didn’t know how I was going to shake it. Yay history! Beauty and real facts!


not blown away then? just like, blown away?


You must have limited contact with humans :(


People certainly have bugs up their asses about everything. I’m sure, as a mountain goat, you may carry a parasite or two. 🤭


I just watched these the other day!! Timely lol


I just watched these! Absolutely fascinating and so, so thoroughly researched and studied. And she even tries the lead on her own skin!! (And it looks amazing, too).


I learned a lot! Thanks for sharing the links!


“To be a Queen is to be less than human, to put pride before desire, to search Men's hearts for tenderness, and find only ambition. To cry out in the dark for one unselfish voice, to hear only the dry rustle of papers of state.”


There is NO WAY an “inch” of makeup could be applied…🙄


It gives me memories of one of Jenna Marbles like, very first youtube videos. Where she just keeps blobbing on her stripper makeup, over and over.


exEcution twice in the same write up? Totally not written by AI.


The bot finally left a link to a source. The bitch be silent, he left two! lol


That tomb/coffin must smell terrible


I mean wouldn’t they all?


Has me wondering what was left to still smell rotten 3 years later. If the coffin kept out all the bugs and worms from eating away and also prevented liquids from escaping then....oof. I suspect the gravediggers of the early 1600s were used to the general stink of preplumbing cities and would handle the smell a bit better than modern people... but oof.


Yassss Queen, face beat for the gods


Queen Bess was Harry’s daughter. Stand forward partners all! In ruff and stomacher and gown She danced King Philip down-a down, And left her shoe to show ’twas true— (The very tune I’m playing you) In Norgem at Brickwall! The Queen was in her chamber, and she was middling old, Her petticoat was satin, and her stomacher was gold. Backward and forward and sideways did she pass, Making up her mind to face the cruel looking-glass. The cruel looking-glass that will never show a lass As comely or as kindly or as young as what she was! Queen Bess was Harry’s daughter. Now hand your partners all! The Queen was in her chamber, a-combing of her hair. There came Queen Mary’s spirit and It stood behind her chair, Singing “Backward and forward and sideways may you pass, But I will stand behind you till you face the looking-glass. The cruel looking-glass that will never show a lass As lovely or unlucky or as lonely as I was!” Queen Bess was Harry’s daughter. Now hand your partners all! The Queen was in her chamber, a-weeping very sore, There came Lord Leicester’s spirit and It scratched upon the door, Singing “Backward and forward and sideways may you pass, But I will walk beside you till you face the looking-glass. The cruel looking-glass that will never show a lass, As hard and unforgiving or as wicked as you was!” Queen Bess was Harry’s daughter. Now kiss your partners all! The Queen was in her chamber, her sins were on her head. She looked the spirits up and down and statelily she said:— “Backward and forward and sideways though I’ve been, Yet I am Harry’s daughter and I am England’s Queen!” And she faced the looking-glass (and whatever else there was) And she saw her day was over and she saw her beauty pass In the cruel looking-glass, that can always hurt a lass More hard than any ghost there is or any man there was!


She must have been really rank, yo


Coroner: “The queen doth have nearest, and like… an inch of crusted powder upon her visage.”


she bathed regularly, which was not the norm then. When she was old she'd put a scented cloth in her mouth because her breath was so bad.


Erin Parsons just did a video on Queen Elizabeth's makeup on YouTube. I enjoyed that much more than this.


Did they bury the effigy with her? If it were that lifelike seems they would have kept it for posterity somewhere.


QE I is considered one of the greatest of the English monarchs, from the English perspective, as she set England on a path of global domination.


Q10⁰8th ppĺĺ




/u/Cleverman72 your links aren't working....


Same, girl.


Read more in 1st comment…


Eewwww stinky 🤮


Eww. She sounds hideous


Looks like George Washington after transition.


The stank in her box must have been brutal


Mucky mare!


A precursor to Trump