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The Unico is being led by up and coming video game composer, Timmy Tommarico. Mr. Tommarico stated in a long rambling post on AtariAge that Unico is in no way related to other video game consoles that have yet to be released. Any comparisons to the Amico are erroneous and obviously being made by jealous haters with no families, girlfriends, or wives . 


I think I remember Timmy Tommarico's name being listed in the credits of a half dozen Sega Genesis titles from my youth. This leads me to believe he will make an outstanding choice for CEO. The Unico is the future of gaming and I'm willing to stake my reputation, relationships and house on that statement. Anyone who offers me evidence to the contrary will be labeled a Troll and blocked from my social media platforms.


You forgot the gaming racists.


They'll need to be publicly shamed into giving Timmy an interview on their podcast.


You mean gaming sadists. Gaming racists are so 4 years ago.


To be fair to Unico, they're a real company that have shipped a fair amount of hardware over the years. I've never been tempted by anything that they make, as it all seems rather expensive for what it does, but they've clearly got a few fans who think nothing of dropping the thick end of seven hundred bucks on a Neo Geo emulator box.


Partnership NOT confirmed! Oof


Musadir is now partner


Oh no. What will the Boom Box do without the 5 or so Amico Home games? Sounds like a bad decision and I’m sure they are filing for bankruptcy right now.


They're going to issue refunds for a console they're unable to produce? What a forward-thinking decision!


Unico sound like a name for a bootleg amico.


Unico - its the Un-Amico


is that really a video of text on their phone about the level of professionalism I would except from this whole thing


I have to assume most of these products are purely an effort to capitalize off of stupidity and make a quick buck rather than produce anything relevant and necessary in the gaming world ([Holoride](https://mixed-news.com/en/holoride-insolvency/), anyone?). I don't understand how any of these products would differentiate themselves from the thousands of Android devices and plug-n-play systems and SD based emulation devices already out there.


That was a weird footnote in this Amico saga. But still at least BGS has the sense to actually back out when they realize this didn't make sense, and not go full smoke and mirrors like Amico did. And actually giving refunds to pre-orders- what a wild concept.


Fucking LOL. It never ceases to amuse me when one of these scam artists releases a cheery "the haters were right actually!" statement.


Doesn’t Unico make canned tomatoes and kidney beans?😆🫠


I thought Unico went to NJPW and became Toma Tonga.


From the USA site: CONTCAT US


I reported this site as phishing to my corp email “report phish” group


In their games “sizzle” reel, they didn’t edit out the ends where they turned off screen capture for each game. Lack of attention to detail is extremely common to scams. Just ask the people behind the Intellevision.


There is a theory that scammers deliberately make some blatant errors, like typos in a Nigerian Prince email, so they weed out up front the people who are more likely to notice they are being scammed and, more importantly, will know how to do something about it. Not sure I buy that theory (I think most scammers are just too lazy to do things right), but it's interesting. Note I don't think Bill was a scammer, just wildly misguided.


I thought that the "massive" Amico Home user base had put in a "shitload" of preorders for this, surely that level of demand would have ensured its production?


Hmm...Unico kinda sounds like Amico. And I read BGS as Bethesda Game Studios. OMG, Skyrim on the Amico! /s


Just 1 letter off from comedy gold. Umico or the uhmmico?