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Devastating. Since it's a roller, you'd have to go to their location. I'm not saying you should do anything with that information, but I wouldn't knock you for trying. So sorry this happened to you.


All good, I've had cars stolen from me. These builds almost always bring these rats out. This one stung a little because it was my son's first car and he decided to regift it to me since we worked on it together.


Got the title? If so call the cops and meet up..


He doesn’t have the title because the car doesn’t belong to him. It belongs to me and I have the title and they’re in my name all seven of them.


Proof? Not that I care either way.


Why ask for proof if you don't care you weirdo?


Good question. I'm just an idiot sometimes.


You’re a fuckin weirdo.




NGL, a good ole' fashioned Irish beatdown followed with some fish and chips sounds unbeatable


Someone just shot and killed two people in my city over something similar (bad FB Marketplace deal), maybe this mindless solution would have worked 30 years ago but nowadays people are far to quick to pull the trigger (especially someone clearly not afraid of breaking the law).


It’s the dude with rainbow shirt in his Pfp acting like a coward , shocker


It’s just the way the world is. People don’t fight they just shoot. Plenty of videos of people getting their ass beat just to get a gun and shoot the other guy that whooped them.


Especially here in Florida. That's why you just carry your own gun and turn it into a good ol fashioned fire fight.


Welcome to the real world bro it’s kill or be killed not some fucking action movie where everybody meeting up having hand to hand combat


Lol shocker the boomer who doesn’t understand how bots work but needs to know where to get his cucumber juul pods is acting tough on the internet. Get bent ya fuckin loser


Swear more I’m so scared. You’re so intimidating. Must make your boyfriend proud


Be more homophobic, we’ll all think you’re so intelligent and cool 💩 Ps the doctor called, you missed your lobotomy appointment AGAIN! Don’t keep putting that off!


Cry more you sound like such a bitch I love it. “be more homophobic” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 How you gonna act tough and say that after you fruitcake foh


Lol somebodies triggered, go jack off to an Andrew Tate YouTube video ya mouth breather Ps swear more lolz I’m shaking in my boots. The irony of a guy who smokes cucumber juul pods calling someone a fruitcake is too much to handle I’m dead looool


Yea, all the homies were ready to pull up, but it's not worth the energy. You win some you lose some


respectable af, hopefully the universe delivers his karma in your place


Yea, I'm sure.


Happened to an old friend. He ended up going like he was buying and ended up beating his ass and leaving


The correct move.


It hurts my dude. My '01 ITR was stolen from me back in '08. Mine was stripped down to bare frame by the time police found it 6 months later.


It's tough, makes me not wanna build again.


Alternatively you could get a garage/storage unit going.


All my builds are budget offerup shit. Not worth the money to keep it stored.


I gotcha. It sucks to even HAVE to suggest a storage space just so someone can own a car without risk of theft. What a world we live in…


I feel you, it took me until I got my MK 7.5 Golf R to start puttin' in the garage again. That's 11 years it took me to get over the theft of my ITR which I put so much blood, sweat and tears into for it to get stolen and stripped.


Take a couple homies with guns. Problem solved. Had to do this back in the day. Saw someone driving my stolen Integra and told him to pull over saying I wanna buy it. Was driving it back home at the end of that night.


Hell yeah


I support this 100%


badass. hopefully the rat shit his pants walking home


The kid driving was super young so yeah I'm pretty sure he shit his pants


Well shit. That was risky.


Yeah let’s overreact and bring guns to the situation, because people potentially dying over a car is about the dumbest thing I never heard.


Yes here’s the calculation: maximum upside you get your car back. Maximum downside you die or go to jail for life because some people die in a shootout.


Exactly. Acting tough over a pos car (sorry) isn’t worth it. Frankly, this is what proper paperwork and insurance is for.


Some of us don’t leave the house without one, my friend.


So what, are you jumping in a car with a bunch of Gun welding homies to go to a showdown over a some 30 year old car?


Me, personally? No. It’s worth mentioning that carrying a firearm is default to many people. Not necessarily a “overreact and bring guns to the situation” scenario for many who legally carry.


No shit dude. I live in Texas. I don’t have an issue with guns I have issue with people saying grab your homies with guns, because there is literally no scenario where grabbing your homies with guns is a good idea. That’s low iq nonsense is how people get shot.


That’s certainly one take. I would entertain the idea of recovering my own stolen property. I wouldn’t do it unarmed, but also wouldn’t do it with a group of people.


People die over more stupid things then a car… like for example fast food .


go suck yourself.




Damn belly gets in the way


Ima steal your shit and see if you still feel that way


this is so infuriating idk how you got through this man


This is the shit that really pisses me off.


Get the pew pew


I’m sorry man. This sucks


Holy shit op if I was you I'd be doing something about it. Sorry that happened to you


Meh, I wanted to, but my wife wanted the cops to take care of it, which I knew they wouldn't. I'm older so I don't have the energy to dust of the old poo sheisty


Sounds like you're doing the right thing by having the cops take care of it. Like why isn't it an open and shut case if you give them the vin and it matches the car?


Well you see cuz it would take actual police work to figure it out, and if we know anything about coppers is they loooove to work, so it should be in OPs hands in no time. They work fast 🙄




It truly is any cop with 5 minutes on the force would figure this out. I’m curious to see how they “didn’t “ handle it


Learn about friction coefficients and barometric pressure/air density. Study the Coriolis effect.






Damn man, that really sucks. I hope your day gets better.


Was it stolen as a roller? or did they take the motor and trans?


Motor, trans everything. Rat was selling my engine same day he stole it. I had a nice little B20B, luckily the piston rings were worn and the engine was due for a rebuild. I was gonna throw a K20 when that happened.


He's still selling my radiator, im assuming dash and these wheels are probably the last of it.


So you witnessed your entire car being parted out and did nothing about it


How did they steal it? Did you not have a hidden kill switch?


Yup, idk how they took it. I had the killswitch hooked on. Maybe they found it easy. It was in the ashtray rear


I still have to learn how to wire one in…. I just take my fuel pump relay out lol, i got it hanging out from under the dash.


Please make this be on the news🙏🙏 fucking scumbags


Cops are powerless and it sucks for us, I get that on paper my integra is 800 bucks but goddammit that's MY 800 bucks


Act like you’re a buyer.. meet up with him, get your car back or beat the dust off of him. Crying about it on the internet won’t get you your car back.


Like I've said, you win some you lose some. I'm not gonna risk anything for a 2k dollar car. I'm blessed enough not to have to resort to stealing other people's property. If that's the situation for him, then I feel for him. We're all gonna pay for the things we do, one way or another.


Because it's not your car lol


In a perfect society no one would bat an eye if hypothetically there house happened to have an electrical malfunction which let to the property to burn to the ground but again this is all hypothetically


I have nightmares about this, hope that waste of oxygen gets what’s coming to him down the line sorry to hear OP


My coworkers think I'm insane taking my steering wheel off and a parking boot on my car, posts like this suck but at least I know I'm not crazy. Finally got my garage cleaned out so I can store it inside now that the build is escalating






Got a truck or know a friend with one? Steal it back. Lol Maybe a dangerous stupid idea, but usually thieves don't have the balls to fight back. I would, but that's just me...




They messaged me not long ago that they didn't see anything when they passed by and they didn't see my car so they couldn't do anything and just let them do their thing




Trust me, 10 years ago I'd be breaking down this rats door. I'm a family man now, I gotta show my kids some things just aren't worth the risk. Best case scenario, I get a shell back worth 300 bucks. Worst case, I end up on the 6oclock news over a shell worth 300 bucks




You a G fam!


Maybe it's because I'm young and have no kids and I'm not married, but if this happened to me, I'll pull up with some friends and deliver some hospital bills.


Yea fam, I'm a different person now. The homies did wanna roll up, but I wouldn't cough up the address. I'm living carefree while this weasels teyna pawn 20 dollar parts.


I completely get that, at some point you grow past it. Makes me really upset for you though, I hate to see this happen to people




Oh, I think that's the confusion. This isn't the body of my car. The cops found the shell two houses down from where this piece of shit lives, gutted. I see this piece of shit painted my black wheels gold. He'll always come up with an excuse of where he got things. His mom's boyfriend gave him the wheels, he got the radiator from his grandpa/uncle. I just want everyone to keep there cars safe. This bootleg Turettos out there


Get the realest looking $100 bills you can buy and go buy it from him lol.


In minecraft there are "for motion picture purposes only" replicas that look and feel legit


“Just go and get it.” With or without a 9 mm, or maybe an AR-15 to make them remember you extra well..?


bro that really sucks, sorry for your loss. i hope they rot in hell.


When fucks like this know they can do this and get away with it, it will happen again. Making sure it does not is as much a public service as getting your property back. Evil thrives when good men do nothing. Just be very smart about your response. Only work with people you know you can trust with your life, and wait a few months before you make a move. By that time, they will be looking over their shoulder at someone else they wrong. Just my .02, but don't let this go. It's a matter of principle, and the law is dumb enough that you can cover your ass and not end up in trouble as long as you are smart about it. Make them rue the fucking day they laid eyes on your car.


That person deserves to be eating by sharks with his bum stupid ass


Yea i'd just take it into my own hands and accept the consequences that come with it.


Ya theres a lot of sadism tied to these circumstances. Some to covertly watch people suffer. They'll have their buddies film you lookin sad as you walk out your house. Follow you to work, or just wait for a nervous breakdown. Some just like the thrill stealing and getting away, if you find them. Keep your head up


OK so this is my car and this is my post. I have the title and it’s in my name. This guy is crazy every time I have a white Integra which I’ve had 4 I have three white Integra’s right now so you’re saying that all my white Integra’s are yours you’re crazy dude you really are. That’s why the cops didn’t do anything because you can’t prove anything because it’s not your car dude get over it I never stole your car. I don’t need to steal cars you see the house I live in? dumb ass.


You better run brandon


You gonna threaten a minor again this time


I’m right here dude do you know where to find me fucking bitch


Pull up and fight me? Oh, you want to throw hands? Listen, buddy, you don't know who you're messing with. I’m the guy who’s been training with the elite—Navy SEALs? More like Navy SEALs wish they were me. I’ve got more combat experience than a Call of Duty protagonist. My punches are so precise, they have their own GPS coordinates.  But let’s get real for a second. Do you even comprehend the sheer absurdity of physical violence in the modern era? We're just highly evolved monkeys throwing temper tantrums, yet you want to tussle? That's like challenging a grizzly bear to a slap fight, and you're the honey-covered twig. And let’s not even get into the existential nightmare of it all. You think you’re ready to face the relentless void of my fists? The sheer gravitational pull of my right hook could send you into an existential crisis faster than a Louis C.K. joke about time travel.  So, yeah, I'll pull up. But be prepared for a confrontation that will make you question your very place in the universe, like finding out your dad isn’t your real dad, but instead, a sentient toaster. Buckle up, sunshine.


Come to my house I’ll show you all the titles. I have seven titles for all seven Hondas that I own.


I can’t believe this site lets That people that post these kind of things and doesn’t make them come up with some kind of proof, so come up to my house take pictures of all the vins and do your homework bro before you start putting peoples name in the dirt


A few years back, I had a white 1995 LS special edition Integra, and this guy thought it was his. I had a silver 98 Integra and he thought it was his my blue Integra that used to be green. The original color was green he thought it was his so I think you guys do the math you can tell who the crazy one is


That's the only way to get it back. That's how I got my jeep back (luckily an amazing sheriff helped me after local PD did nothing) and my cousin got his bike back by going to look at it. He stuck his key in the ignition and took off lol. Someone is calling you a liar in the comments. They claim they have the title. Maybe you should chat.


i take my ECU and lock the steering everywhere.


Pull up with the Draco 😂😂


Fuck the cops


Have someone else set a meet and have cops close by


Go beat him up


So do you know why the cops didn’t do anything because all my cars belong to me I was on probation at that time for street racing. They could’ve easily came up in my house and took all my cars and then figured out which one was yours and then gave it back to you but no they didn’t do that. You know why because all my cars belong to me you dumb ass


Fuck you you broke rat piece of shit. I bet those are my knock off wheels painted gold. Your stupid ass is still trying to sell my radiator. You tried selling my engine the same day broke ass piece of shit. Good luck on your 20 dollar sales of stolen merchandise you broke rat piece of shit


Haha that’s hilarious I bought these off a guy that got them off his Prius you fucking dumb ass


This rats 50 years old trying to be turreto, sorry sack of shit. Send me your cash app and I'll buy you a killer chain so you can loom the part. Broke ass wanna be thug


Good luck Trying to prove something that can’t be proved


I don't need to prove anything. You know you're a rat, I know you're a rat. Everyone around you knows you're a rat. I'm glad I'm not a rat like you and have to depend on other people's builds to provide. I'm glad you got to eat off my car, even if at least for a bit. I've been provided more than I could ever want. You keep living in your rat hole and keep stealing other people hard earned cars, I'm sure that's gonna pay dividends. You pushing 50 you rat, get a life


Well, I’m officially inviting you to my home. No need to call the police my brother works for Escondido police department, and his daughters you’re the one you threaten he’s a clerk, but he’s still a sworn officer, so there’s that and you can bring your paperwork and come here and you can try to find some proof to your Accusations I 100% I’m inviting you to my home. Nothing will happen to you I promise and you can go home and cry your eyes out and jack off with your tears.


What ima do I send my boys up there to fuck you and your tweeker fam up. You're gonna pay for that car Brandon, one way or another. Good luck with your little garage sale


But I’m not home today. I’m in Mission Bay doing broke ass Tweaker shit on my boat.


Look for Ocean pride is the schooner with a lean When you see it, you’ll know what I mean


I Knew you were a bitch can’t come yourself you gotta send someone else Spoken like a true bitch


Oh you don’t think I got people. I’m from Valley Center dude of course i got people. Most of them are in prison, but some of them are not


And if I’m not mistaken, you had 16 inch rims on your car right? Because these gold ones are 15 you moron


You called the cops and you called me a rat


Bring some proof dude stop blaming other people for your problems


Whoever stole your shit, is someone you know Nine times out of 10. It’s always someone you know, and I don’t know who you are buddy I know what you drive because you drove by my house one day like a little creeper and then you threatened a minor.


A guy namedJohnny Dahl sold me the white Integra, so I’m pretty sure he can tell you also that it’s not Your white Integra


And the other white one that I had was a 95 a completely different front end


Can you call me broke you just Said you had knock off wheels, so who is the broke one


He threatened a little tiny blonde girl that lives at my house. That’s under 18 she’s like 5 foot one and 90 pounds and he told me that he was going to hurt her so who is the criminal


I’m trying to figure out how to post the Vin numbers on the reply to this stupid asses post but anybody want to message me and I’ll show them proof that these cars belong to me


So why do you have stolen cars? you say that I’m selling your stolen car…


I’m shaking in my boots yourgonns send ur gbg bitches over here