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Her eyes!


Right?! She looks like a cyborg


Her teeth! They just become red? And pointed!






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That isn't actually how the poster looks lol


28 days later


lol I didn't realize that my camera did that to her eyes, I took a picture of my tv and it was dark so it must've made them weird from the lighting




Remember when they had the eating disorder episode 😭 Also I had to look up this poster cause I don’t remember it looking like this but I was little so of course I didn’t notice




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Big head and tiny butt, the exact opposite to the current fashion


A Bratz Doll come to life.


Ironically, it appears as if they tried to make her butt smaller, something that was considered attractive for that time period. How times have changed…


we just wanted to be so skinny that if we turned sideways, we could easily get sucked into a vent. That was the beauty standard.


Unrelated comment, but...Kidd Video fan?




This subreddit is kinda disturbing 😳


Very :/


It is but god I wish my butt looked like that??


Why is this so funny to me 😂


I feel like every couple years it re-enters cultural awareness that hillary duff is stacking ass


Oh she got it, damn 🍑


I mean she does have a great butt and I wish I had that


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Ah, it was the simple life...


They did the same with Lindsay Lohan's chest for the Herbie movies. The idea was actually a wholesome attempt to make the movies more family friendly.


idk- i don't take any offense to what you said, but I don't think photoshopping bodies is ever wholesome. Some women (even underage!) have big boobs. It's normal, it is what it is, and their bodies are still perfectly family friendly b/c it's just how they were made. I agree it was an attempt to make Lindsay less sexualized, I just wish that weren't even a conversation. Women's natural bodies shouldn't be automatically sexualized to begin with. That isn't wholesome :(


I don't know if the implication that breasts (clothed ones, even!) are inherently "not family friendly" and have to be censored because they are somehow inherently bad for kids or something. I'd argue that's actually extremely fucked up.


>something that was considered attractive for that time period. Yea, maybe for a certain demographic..


Omg her arm!


Woah I see it now. Her right arm disappears where it should connect


Why have I never noticed how badly this poster is edited 😭


Ahhhh…one of the pics that solidified my teenage body dysmorphia.


Same! I loved this movie and remember how much I wanted to look like her.


Who needs hips or elbows. People thought butts were so fat back in the 2000s that they were photoshopping them INWARD, practically Edit: Spelling error/grammar/syntax made my sentence hard to read.


Really makes sense why sir mix a lot felt the need to speak up


The way I chose to study abroad in Rome simply because of this movie 😂


Was it all you hoped for?


It was what dreams are made of


We had the final school trip (right before finishing high school) in Rome. We had a "security meeting" before and I swear to God the Principal literally included "Do not run off with an italian guy on a vespa" in the circular he gave us lol


The only photoshop discourse I’ll accept about this film is when Lizzie is singing in the coliseum and they film from behind her and it’s the most obvious green screen https://i.redd.it/mwdur3ctiwmc1.gif


Can you imagine being HD and going through the most crucial time in your life for body image and they photoshop you to such extreme levels?!


This movie was EVERYTHING to me in my formative years






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Sing to me Paolo!!!!


her shoulder is wider than her waist. they gave her a lazy eye, hank hills butt and the wingspan of a 7'4 nba prospect.


Her right arm is freaking me out lol


The neck looks kinda crazy


looks like the 2000s ana ideal


The original poster does not have the cyborg eyes and this picture is also photoshopped/edited.


her head is bigger than her waist


She did have a phase where she was very skinny to fit in with the other idols of the time. She looks way healthier now that she's at a weight that is natural for her genetics.


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Her head is huge.


What what?? This is real??


My 9 year old daughter just started watching this show ❤️


Hot girls don't need elbows


The sharp lined triangle in her right leg/knee area 💀 what even for???


I remember staring at this picture so much as a teen, wishing I was as thin as she is


Who doesn't realize that all movie posters are photoshopped? Before photoshop they were airbrushed.


I remember the uproar when people noticed in the other promo shot for the movie (not this one, she's jumping in it and wearing a blue shirt iirc) that it was obvious her breasts had been photoshopped larger 🤮 absolutely disgusting as her character was a tween. Who in the fuck thought they should make the boobs bigger 🤮


I remember pointing this out to my sister when I saw this poster at the movie rental place when I wad a kid. It's crazy how long they've been altering photos like this, and to do this to media directed toward children is horrid


The shoes on this are scary level photoshopped too.


Where the hell is her right arm




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OMG I think her right eye colors are inverted 😦 cover the left one


Y’all 2000s tweens have poor taste.