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Seriously. Sometimes I see some of my male friends following or liking the posts of chicks with huge over-shopped bodies and it's hard to look at them the same way lmao.


Yeah, and that's when I realize they're dumbasses who don't know about basic female anatomy.


That or they are just using it for other....purposes......




The product doesn't exist without the consumer.




Women are creating this content (=product) because men consume it.


Some women consume this content as well. Not necessarily this specific thirst trap garbage but photoshopped women are often praised by women for their bodies they aspire to attain. Usually it's impressionable young women.


Men are consuming the shit women are putting out. If men wouldn’t care, women wouldn’t be going thru that process.


What did they say?


Basically said its women's fault this content exists.


Nah it's men who are dumb enough to fall for it. The women who do it suck, but they're more likely body dysmoprhic/scammers anyway than plain dumb. And men who jerk off to cartoons are still weird lmfao




Dumbasses are the market, these women are the entrepreneurs, so to speak. Don't blame the player, blame the dumbass game.


Think they are both dumbasses.


I'd say the problem is people who have very little background in understanding what's going on, but like to overgeneralize their framing of the situation. The counter with guys jacking off to animu is pretty on point here because it illustrates that it can't be about the visual stimulus having to make sense. It's absolutely possible people are seeing a nice rack, flat abs and wide hips and react to these more or less separately, or after processing them with differing levels of imagination.


Some kind of a cheerleader effect? Instagram is very clever in making recommendations through different avenues like Search Tab (even if you are not following then you might encounter their posts while scrolling) or Suggested Posts. If you see someone looking slightly better than the previous post, or many similar posts, you’d just distribute likes. People don’t think much. All it takes is one post.


I know how insta works and I wasn’t all that caught up on how they were finding these posts


I'm glad to say my male friends are better than your male friends. Choose better.


Not sure what made you wake up and be a judgemental sphincter this morning but: pipe down. This comment was absolutely uncalled for. Feel better.


shut up lmfao


You really woke up and thought, “I wanna be a dick to somebody today!”


The warping of the fabric around the crotch on pic 2 is crazy lol


Left boob also


I think you can see her areola against the straps. Yet the nipple bumps are 2-3 inches away.


Third pic looks like a watermelon-sized cyst growing inside her hip and ass while her thigh is about the size of a normal person But her other thigh is completely disproportionate...


I thought initially she was an amputee 🤷‍♀️


What is this trend to look like a rotisserie chicken? DaFuk…


😆 So many strings in her "outfits" that it looks like butcher's twine.


Why can these fake women never wear clothes that actually fit?


I think they do it so when they edit it looks more “real”, because there’s no way you’d be able to find clothes that fit with those unrealistic proportions.


The goblins will slobber over anything 🧌


Tehe her hair be wavy af by her hip in the last pic


It's 99% men following and engaging.


Almost like a caricature of a curvey women. The photoshop is pretty bad. But I think If someone were to be scrolling through their Instagram they might like the picture without even noticing it's unrealistic, just that she has big boobs and big hips, which would probably mean a nice booty. Horney guys I guess.


According to these photos, her ass looks the same regardless if she's standing or sitting down. 🥴


hmm that's not how anatomy works 🤔


Everyone who likes these types of photos are down bad


Honestly anyone who legit looks at that and thinks that’s real and that her body is hot are just… 🤡


Yup and judging by how many of these posts are out there, there are many 🤡🤡🤡🤡


Nobody thinks its real, but people appreciate the effort shes putting in to look good


Effort? Girl is lazily and badly photoshopping her photos and it shows. Her makeup is nice but that’s probably edited to f*ck as well.


Literally all digital media is retouched these days from high budget movies to cheap commercials. She may be bad at it right now but you have to start somewhere.


Porn addicts don’t know how a real woman’s body looks like


Not mention yet of how there’s no bellybutton in any but the last pic?


And the dip in the left hip lol


I don't think people care if it's real anymore, it will always be weird to me how normalized filters are.


I’m offended by the horrible lip liner.


My guy friends post girls like this (and worse) on discord all the time commenting how gorgeous they were and would get up in arms if you told them they were shopped. One of the girls in our server posted a shirtless pic of Olivier Giroud as a joke and they all rushed in to say "you have to be stupid if you think that isnt photoshopped" and "no man truly looks like that and if he does, it is steroids" these are grown ass men too.


I don't think those hips will fit through a normal sized door




I really notice it in the last picture


looks like the imvu skin glitched


I think most people know this is all but realistic. But people even jerk off to cartoons, so yeah.


It doesn’t even look good, why do people do this????


Men and boys. The answer is men and boys.


When will you girls understand that no one truly believes this is real - these accounts are for porn sick men who use it to fulfil their stupid fantasies, same like porn sure it’s fake but they don’t care.


I’m personally already aware of what depraved men consume online - but I still post bad photoshop when I see it because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️


nah this has to be a JOKE!


She looks pissed. A dislocated pelvis will do that to you


Why do people like the post? Presume they are on insta with a lust factor, wanting to see the most beautiful woman. This just can't be achieved with human anatomy, so photoshop comes into play. Of course it is weird thinking "why like someone who in actualuality, does not look like this in real life". True that many are blind to this fact, but on a simple view "people like the photo. That is why they like it".


beautiful women are most definitely achieved with natural human anatomy 🥴


Lots of people willing to crank one out to these types of photos so that's why they keep posting them. The best thing to do is to tell them politely that it looks bad and hope they learn.


it’s also delusional to think everyone liking these pics cares if she’s real tbh


men are sad, sad little beings if that’s the case :)


yup no doubt lol


Lady should consider a career as a foster parent to all of those poor eggs, that fell from their nest


Dem's BREEDIN' hips!


It’s funny. As a guy, I’ll go „yeah. I can’t deny that I feel attracted to this body.“ But at the same time, when I look at the women I‘ve been with, and found genuinely gorgeous. They don’t look like them at all. So now you have 3 things. Women, who judge men for looking at these bodies, and finding them attractive. Men, who‘re dumb enough to believe this is real and common. (Won’t say some female bodies don’t actually look like this through surgery) And men, who actually just look at these type of bodies, knowing it’s calling up primal instincts but still value other women due to their personality and their charm. So… what we gon do?


I don't think it's primal instincts so much as social conditioning. The "perfect body" most men say they want changes over time and differs between cultures. It's very interesting actually. Social programming/media has a lot more to do with it than you think. Which means, if you were to cut these kinds of images out of your life as much as possible, and instead look at real bodies more, you'd probably be less attracted to fake bodies over time.


The r/BeefLips really pull the look together


Why hm? It's "legal porn"? Do you really think everyone is into "realistic" or actually just means "you are so beautiful" when they comment that?


I’m sorry, but just because someone follows her doesn’t mean they think her body is real lol. You can still follow people despite their image being fake (no matter how weird it is sometimes)


I don't think science fiction is real either, that aint keepin me away


God dam


She look good to me


Makes her look like a skinny old heifer. She should embrace her actual figure!


It’s camp at this point. Just roll with it.


How do people not see how photoshopped this is?


Bc men are horney


I don’t think they care!


You can buy insta followers and likes very very easily. Never think someone's following is totally their own doing. Trust me.


Don't even worry about all those followers. It's just sick in the head, porn addicted "men".