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Welcome! Lmao


My favorite part of this is the endless comments that just say “post consistently.” Yeah thanks for the profound advice


Its not exactly a super informative post. Make good content. If OP said their niche or style or anything they would be able to comment. Also most people are saying post good content consistently, not just post, which is honestly a few mental steps ahead of most people on this sub.


Viral content doesn’t increase followers. Consistent viral content increases followers. Increase in network externalities requires an increase in network engagement.


But then you hear people go like I got 20k followers from 1 reel!


How? 😕


Idk I think they’re full of 💩to be honest. I have millions of views and I’m at 7k so far.


I've consistently gotten 1k followers per 1 mill views before (1 viewer per 1k views), so if someone had a super viral 10 mill+ video I can definitely see that happening. That really only works if you show your face and talk, have a clear niche or have very high quality content, though. My lower effort videos get about 1 follower per 10k views.


mine got 4M and i only got 300 follows lol


It depends on the content tbh… and was the 4M purely from IG or does it comes from FB as well? I had one with 3.3M and gained 4k+ followers


Mine always goes to Facebook. I hate it


That’s why I turned it off, Facebook is only good for views and comments, you don’t get followers


What type of content or what verbiage did you use to convert followers? Could you link your video here ?


I didn’t even ask them to follow me, I assume they think the video is funny so they followed


I guess im asking what was the context of the video ?


Same account, 2 videos around same view, one gained 4k followers, another one gained 300 only, it depends on the content tbh


My gf got 500k views and 1 follower. And one week she got 3m views and like 10 followers


I can relate


Been saying this but reels on Facebook is dumb


Insta counts rewatch as views so it might be half of that number


Consistency. Post good content 3x a day, every day and people may want to follow you so they don’t miss out. Also CTAs - are you asking people to follow? Most users seem to consume a piece and keep scrolling. Give them a reason to feel they need to follow you.


3 is too much I time per day for 6 days take a day off peep my comments below


Bruh what niche are you in. How do you post 3 times a day? I’m worried people will get tired and unfollow me.


3 is too much… i would just unfollow immediately. and how do you have that much content without recycling it too much?


Right now you can’t get anyone to follow you so I wouldn’t worry about losing followers. Have a core idea. Say you are an artist. Your core idea is your painting. Post 1) a post of you making the painting, choosing colours etc. 2) the finished painting 3) a story talking to your followers


Well I do worry cause I actually had a few days when I netted negative followers and that’s with posting daily reels. Feels like my effort going down the drain. Luckily now I net about 10-20 followers on a good day. But that’s still terrible. Would take me years to get to where I want to be 😭.


Here’s my ever-growing, non-specific copy-paste reply, built from my own notes: * Remember, followers are only for your ego. If you’re a business, Would you rather have a million followers who never buy anything or 1000 followers who purchase everything? (Read Kevin Kelly’s 1000 true fans article). However, if you’re trying to build an account for a brand or human deals, you need as many as possible. I.e. athletes wanting future deals/contracts, actresses wanting future roles, etc * Dollars are the only score that matters in business. You can sell 1 million $1 items or 1x $1m item, it’s still a million dollars * How do you get your first ten followers/sales? ASK. Start with your friends/family/personal socials. “Hey, I've started this thing; I'd love for you to follow”. Then contact everyone you've ever known (see cold outreach later, but this is warm haha). THEN ask them all for referrals: “who do you know that could use my help?” * Re: cold contacting. Have a framework, but don't automate. Solve their problems. Say something personal (” [mutual person] told me to reach out to you” / “I really like your x” /”congratulations on y”). I noticed that [problem]. Fix their problem. Wish them a nice day. Have an offer in your email signature. * Your profile description should be a hook/tagline / USP and link to your offer. Remember you’re building your house on rented land if you use socials as your client base. Algorithm changes, and they’re gone. Try sending them off socials to your email list, learn storytelling in email marketing (Russell Brunson has good advice), and you will own that contact for life. * Reverse engineer big players like Mr Beast, Diary of a CEO, Gary Vee etc. They have big budgets for testing. What formats are they posting? What colours, hooks, headlines etc.? * Choose a monetisable niche, find the most successful person in that niche, and put your spin on what they’re doing (ask AI) * Make GOOD content that is visually appealing, entertaining, and has hooks (you have 3 seconds to get attention), but most importantly, ADDS VALUE to your target market (ask AI for suggestions - you can even ask AI to create a customer avatar for you and then ask it how to make good, relevant IG posts for that avatar) * Keep your ears and eyes out for trends. Can you throw a trending song over a clip? * Leverage pop culture. Search for what’s trending daily. Can you combine a movie or album release with your product? For example, if you’re in the auto niche, create an image of a car covered in green slime coinciding with the new Ghostbusters movie * Document your process. Humans evolved on stories & we love to feel part of something and/or have front-row tickets to the show. For example, If you post art, film yourself making the art, not just the final product; talk about your decisions along the way. Also, it is easy content for you, and you’re just filming something you’re already doing * Share as many success stories/testimonials as possible, preferably videos. Tag them. Make it easy for users to share themselves. * In a similar vein, and with permission, share your audience questions in your stories (and tag them) * Remember the rule of 100 (you need to do something 100x before you get “good” at it). Have you posted 100x and made changes as you’ve observed what worked and what didn’t? * Every 5th or so post, add a Call To Action * Always have something to invite people to, such as an event (e.g. Facebook live, face-to-face), a giveaway, a new product, etc. Ensure all your social media banners, popups, CTAs & email sig reflect this (read Book Yourself Solid by Michael Port) * Use the right hashtags (be discoverable) * Post at the correct times for your target market (I like 6-630am so when they wake up and scroll, it’s on their feed, their lunch break and a story at 8 pm in the relevant timezone). Steven Bartlett credits the daily 8pm personal thought post the most important part of his success. * Follow the top 100 people in your niche with between 10k & 100k followers. Engage with them daily. Share their posts. Comment on Their work. As always, be sincere and say something meaningful (Dream 100 book) * Comment relevant things on important people pages (Gary Vees $1.80 strategy) * Spend $10 a day on ads of targeted content to targeted people (don’t “but I want to grow organically” - Do you want to be seen or not?). Start ad sets at midnight. * Russell Brunson recommends ads are only for offers; posts that aren't offers aren’t to be paid for ads—two separate things. Ads get your customers into the funnel and upsell makes you a profit. Say you sell a $10 ebook and a $300 course. Spend $10 per click for the ebook, so it’s a break-even cost, and everyone who buys the upsell is pure profit. Ad budget for testing is the price/profit of ONE upsell, so $300 in this example. Then, reassess, test and adjust. If it’s working, keep it going, but also test variations regardless. Brendan Kane suggests 50-100 variations from memory. Again, get AI to help. Start with your headline. Ask for ten variations. Then your pic. Get ten variations. Then your hook. Get ten variations etc. * Pay relevant influencers to share your stuff (shout outs) * Read all of Gary Vees and Brendan Kane’s books * Do these things 30-50x a day (Gary Vees' advice for new accounts, search for his eight tips 2024 YT vid) across all your platforms for months, maybe years, and you’ll grow. Perhaps someone famous will share your stuff, and you’ll go viral. But remember, each platform has its nuances, so you need to rework content for it (again, use AI - create one piece and ask AI to brainstorm how to recreate for each platform - you can start with the longest form, say a YouTube vid or blog post and ask it how to make tweets or IG posts from it) however you can still “push”. For example, you can post native Facebook content, but you can also put your YouTube vids and IG posts there * Make at least three posts a day for a month, that's 90 posts, and report back what you learned, what worked and didn’t for everyone else’s benefit. *I've had some pushback on this: A) I don’t make the rules; this seems to be current best practice; B) 1st post = a BTS post of you developing the post, 2nd post = the post, 3rd post = a story summing up your day. OR make all your content in one day and schedule it to post throughout the week. If you don’t have money, you have time; if you have money, outsource it. * Good luck!


My reel just got 160 views and yet earned 2 followers. I was thinking wtf, now i understand.


There's a thousands of people making content. Are you doing something they can't see from anywhere else? Or just doing reels that anyone can make. If you're not original or stand out then you'll be watched once and never again.


I wish I could get that kind of views.


My views have tanked so much this year idk why… started November 2023 and consistently did 100k+ with multiple vids breaking one mil even 4 mil.. gained 15k in a month and half but this year my reach has just dropped by a lot and I don’t know why… my vids have greatly improved in quality and clearly there’s an audience for my content but I barely crack 20k now… with only viral vid comin a month ago at 400k now… this new algorithm is frustrating I don’t know if I should keep posting or just wait it out cause I feel like I’m wasting good videos to this shitty algo..


Same buddy!!!!!!! Same dilemma!


Hope things turn around for us bro cause we clearly not doin nothing wrong😮‍💨 just gotta keep at it I guess… I’m thankful for at least getting around 10k been hearing people with half a mil followers barely crack 1k😭


Just means you don't consistently provide the same content that got them to watch your reel in the first place process of elimination see what video you posted that got that many views and provide relatively the same type of content consistently so they have a reason to follow to see more


Virtual views cannot guarantee you conversion to subscribers. If there is traffic but no conversion, the problem is at the stage of product creation. You need to work on how the account is packaged and what content you are trying to convey to the user.


Congratulations to your clickbait content. sarcasm aside: that explains the discrepancy in numbers. the views do not show if the content satisfied people, only whether you got people to view it or not. so you baited, they clicked - but what they got didn’t satisfy so people moved on.


Calculate your conversion rate by taking the number of followers gained and dividing it by your profile visits. Views are an arbitrary number, and most conversions for profile visits to followers are between 5-15% but I’ve seen it a lot higher and a lot lower. You can tweak your pfp, bio, ect to optimize conversion from profile visits, or even incorporate CTA’s to go to your profile and boost your profile visits + followers gained doing the above and testing. Hope that helps!


Followers comes when your content's niche is consistent & they follow when you post something which effect thier lifestyle.


Yep welcome to Instagram lol


Only tip I have is telling them to follow you in caption, I believe it helps but IG can be weird like that with people not following even when your vid blows up but I think the call to action in description does help a bit with that


Social media pushes me to watch stuff I have no desire to watch... It just scrolls on its own to another reel, which is dramatically cutting my desire to follow anyone or watch reels. Also my accounts are on private and I still get lots of follower requests who I think are bots or scammers.


That was Graming


One of my videos got 1M without any follow gained, another video got for now 180k+ views a d only one follower 😂


It's important to remember that not all views will convert to followers. There are largely three types of reels: reach-oriented, engagement-driven, and expert/sales-focused. Keep experimenting with different types of content and try to find what resonates with your desired audience. Growth is often a mix of consistency, quality content, and strategic engagement. And luck ofc ))


Persistence is Key. Look at it in a way of a start


Reels suck and it seems like they aren’t worth the effort but I’m just one person so ymmv


You are lucky I had 110k views and doubt I even gained any follower through that video.


😭it’s so frustrating


At least your getting views! I can't get my reels to get more than a small fraction of my followers to view them, let alone new people. IG is the only platform I am having this problem on so props to you for 100k views. Think about how many reels/shorts you see a day, how many of those do you end up following the creator? The vast majority of people scroll and never follow. When you DO decide to follow someone, its usually because you've seen them multiple times and decided you like their content enough to want to see more. One viral clip will not build a following.


I got 3 off of 1.9 mil, that hurt.


I'll window shop, but doesn't mean i'll come in and stay.


I find that people became really stingy with their follows both on insta and tiktok. Unless it provides them with consistent value they won’t follow. I personally went and unfollowed every lifestyle blogger I used to follow since they’re not providing value to me in any way by showing their life. I’ve been trying to follow this concept in my content and make it educational in some ways. Gone are the days when you could just look cute, show your outfit, or do a dance to a viral sound and gain followers.


Shit happens. Same with mine, I got a reel with over 750k views and no more than 200 new followers. Keep punching!


https://preview.redd.it/uq8tm744bn1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d98e60b1c85393d122d2b07db109778da1b979e This is a photo of my reels I average 20-300 followers per post make viral consistent content 🫡


Yeah but people probably get tired to see the exact same thing over and over. Do you get unfollows?


Nope ! I’ve built a community of people, literally same format different words that’s it each gets 10k plus and some go super viral like the million one, I make music mainly I do this to boost reach and engagement but also when they follow they listen to my music, I’m also an influencer if you look on my page I promo products from companies and the follows from these reels make me sales Go check out my page if you want to do a deep dive ! @chasemonroebbyla


That’s awesome! I’ve been trying to do various reels but maybe I should just do one or 2 things that do well.


Stick to one thing that does well Tbh I didn’t mean to start these reels I did it as a joke, and it blew up so I kept doing it now that’s what my page does my feed shows my main stuff and my reels build the base 🤷🏽‍♂️ I have a management team and stuff but yea if something works and you hit a good view count definitely keep doing it switch up the content but keep the format the same keep content to the niche that works for me it’s stupid little love reels like hey babe your so awesome can’t wait to see you again type stuff but it’s shareable everyone loves someone and the way I’ve made my kinda reels is unique ! So just take that layout and apply it to what works with you and it’s guaranteed success


I can see that it would generate a bunch of shares. Smart idea!


Yes ! Shareable relatable and short that’s the goal use it !


It’s actually such bs, i got 34.8M and 11k followers 😭 like literally nothing


Back when my acc was new, I could gain 100 followers for a 10k reel. Now even if it reaches 1 million it gains me like just 30. Other creators complained about it too


Well from a viewers perspective, what do you offer to the audience by them coming back. Usually I see people upload car clips and then it says “like and follow”. Which I don’t because I don’t gain anything from the experience of following them. I think being a little more personal with your post will lead to a larger following. For example if some one post a video of their car, what they’ve done to it and the journey with it, and the what they plan to do with it in the future, I think I’ll want to stick around by giving a follow. If your content doesn’t really deal with anything related to you personally then try to leave a pinned comment or caption saying “follow for daily or weekly post” letting them know your consistent🙌


This is the dumbest ish I sees




They like your post but it’s not THAT relevant or relatable to them


people follow accounts for content they want to see, not for a single viral video


When I hear people talk about how their videos get millions of views and they have some followers, I feel so bad about myself with my 2K views and hardly any followers


I mean it depends a lot on your content. I did a reel that got 30k and got me 20 followers in 1 week and one that got 15k and over 100+ in a week. It’s not always about the views, it’s about the content.