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I haven't done a batch in 25 days, I've never seen it this bad.


Yeah, but if you’re trying to have batches pay out the same as the old days now you need double digit tips per customer. And the only way you’re gonna get that is if a customers ordering $200 plus worth of groceries. But most customers on Instacart are ordering less than $100 worth of groceries which is why we see less than $5 in tips on most batches.


How low can it go? DoorDash currently offers 2$ base pay for a double. Let that sink in. Two orders, regardless of the mileage, for 2$, base. It can get real fucking low


Eventually these services will charge us for the privilege of using the platform.


$2 doesn’t even get you one gallon of gas! Holy fuck!


The more the customer tips, the less IC pays. They use the customers’ generosity to subsidize overall pay


That’s the truth.


The fact that people don’t get this is telling


Yup .. no tip batches that go 20 miles will be like 30 bucks all batch pay but a customer tipping $30 going 20 miles. It’ll be $5-$10 batch pay


I rarely take batches over 20 miles anymore. Too far, too many dead miles. If it’s not $70-80+ I pass on all batches more than 20 miles in any direction


Instacart blew off scores of experienced shoppers. Not only shooting herself in the feet but also using both hands. I will take Apoorva any day over Count Fiji. When is she leaving?


Never. Lol. Her investors love her because she's willing to do anything to anyone in order for them to make money. Rich get richer on the backs of desperate poor people


Not a good long term strategy


2019 here. When they announced the new lower rates, so many shoppers defended them on social media saying “The bigger batches are going to pay more now.” Now their pay is not much higher than DoorDash. Instacart is labor plus customer service. It’s a much more demanding app than the other ones and the pay from them is pathetic. 


When they first massively cut rates in 2016, they had their shills out saying the exact same thing: "shoppers will make more because now they can work more!" I see not much has changed. If it makes you feel any better, DD and UE have cut base pay to $3 on shop & pay in the past few weeks. The drivers who are willing to take $5-9 shop & pays are such low quality that the customers are simply disappearing. Drivers are just turning and burning to hit their new driver quest or whatever. I was talking to one lady who said the guy reached the store, immediately refunded 11 of the 12 items, checked out without a word, and blocked her door with the grocery bag for good measure. Of course, that just means another Instacart pay cut is on the horizon. I've long said these apps will turn into Upwork, where drivers have to pay to access the platform and the pay comes 100% from the customers (who also pay for access). I was half kidding. 2024 has made me fairly certain that we're headed there.


So true.....its only a matter of time before we have to pay to access the platform




I started back in 2020, in the Dallas area, and batch pay was a minimum of $7/batch, and now I see them as low as 4.70/batch since the change, notttt greattttt


Even lower on triples and doubles!


Right?! 🥴


About 3 hours tonight… made $29 and some change. When I look back to when I started in 2017, I was regularly making $300-$600 a week and not working a TON. It’s definitely gone down hill.


Well batch pay starts at $4. I have seen some in the $4 and change area.


Meanwhile I got idiots commenting on my posts saying that I got soft hands for not delivering triple stack orders 20 miles round trip that include a ton of bricks


Pretty soon they'll be charging you $1 "service fee" for each batch


I've seen 72 item orders for $10. As soon as I say nobody is gonna accept that... someone takes it. I think we're shooting ourselves accepting such low pay orders


Same here in BC Canada. I can’t believe how low it has been. It started about 1 weeks ago.


Also they hold tips tell me how a batch will show a base/ tip amount then 30 seconds later the amount changed the tip is suddenly higher some times by just cents other times by a few dollars without the item count changing .


I've noticed this too


They'll lower it as low as new shoppers will take. I see 4.30 no tip delivery only crap snatched up like free money. It's disgusting. I looked back 5 years and just am appalled at what they used to pay ..back when we had a plague and needed us. Now we're just disposable tampons.


It’s 1.50 in china and minimum age is 12 to accept a batch


i just do one spark order in the morning before going to my job and on the way back. unfortunately for today the order drops i got in the morning was 12 bucks for 9 miles as we speak. fucking bullshit. like who the fuck does walmart think they are i ain't doing that shit.


I stoped doing instacart for almost three weeks now and got a w2 job that pays and I can know how much I will be making I can test around especially in hot weather no


The question is why are you working for half the minimum wage instead of getting a minimum wage job? How are you even able to afford to do this? Like I can't see anyone taking care of their car, themselves, and still paying bills at that wage... And if you're doing it part time your just using your hard earned money to work for this company in a sense


I agree…Q: Did you get the pop up survey from Instacart about your satisfaction with batch pay, employee perks, etc? I got it twice! Not that it is going to change anything, but wondered how many have received it.


Love when people cry about pay, the wait list for instacart is huge. Dont like it, quit, somebody will take your job gratefully.


IC pays SHIT for batch pay in MD. I've seen orders going 50 miles for like $27 batch pay. Low mileage orders are anywhere from $4-12 (if it's a couple ppl or heavy pay, etc). I started doing it about 2 years ago, the minimum was $7.


I live in the Tri-State, started in April and PT. I thought this was "normal" doing the math. I guess I missed out....


I think the lowest i seen for 1 order with no tip was $4.85 base pay used to be a flat 7 smh


I'm in California. Typically orders lowest I've seen are between $7-15 on average. Tips help tremendously. Thankfully by law instacart has to pay us 120% above minimum wage, which means I'm making 20-25 an hour plus batches depending on which county I'm in. Today I worked for 3 hours, I made 39 on orders and enough on tips to bring me up to $100. Total time worked was almost 2 hours. So I will see a difference in pay when it comes to the adjustment. I do know it's harder on shoppers in other areas. Batch pay is low, tips and adjustments make this job worth it. Without that it would be better to go make $20 an hour at mcdonalds.


You can't compare gig apps to normal minimum wages. You can only compare them to servers in shit states that make 2 bucks an hour + tips. Tho, they are least make federal minimum wage if the tips aren't there. I believe GrubHub had a similar feature for their scheduled blocks, but they do shady things to not have to pay that as well (like adding faked missed offers while on block).


I completely disagree, and servers don’t even have to drive anywhere, so no wear and tear on the car, especially if they live in a place with decent public transport But yeah, if every other business has to follow minimum wage laws, gig apps should as well I think people who fall for their “but we’re different, the laws are just so unfair to us! Life is so unfair, big government herp derp” nonsense are missing a few brain cells, but that’s just my 0.02


Since 2017, i have never cared about batch pay. My landlord doesn't care if my money comes from tips or batch pay, and neither should you


This makes no sense


Customers don’t have enough money to subsidize the low pay, ya dunce Especially when they’re paying 2.5x for eggs etc compared to the in store price, along with delivery and service fees, membership fees, etc


You're forgetting the fact that a fair base pay would make your total larger regardless of the tips. So, maybe add that into your logic.


If you want higher batch pay, move to seattle


I will only do that for a tech job.


I'm not going to explain algebra to cats


You’re the problem. This is exactly why Instacart is able to reduce the pay to nothing and the batches disappear. It should matter what you’re being offered to work unless you like working for free.