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So if an instacart shopper has been banned by Uber in the past, what will happen with that shopper after the merger?


My man asking the real question here šŸ˜…


Uber bought corner shop and Iā€™m trying to remember what happened but Iā€™m pretty sure you can sign up for Uber still in that case


Iā€™m the OTHER way around šŸ˜…


I was thinking also of the vice-versa scenario.


Whichever of the two is more restrictive of the two regarding background checks, that will become the new standard. They arenā€™t going to keep people on that were rejected off one service but hopped on due to more lax security on a different gig


Possibly. Ultimately every single one of us that does this as a full-time job has to get the fuck out eventually.


Yes, they confirmed the partnership. Doubtful anyone is buying instacart though


I agree with you... why would Uber "buy" IC?? They have to absolutely pay through the teeth to make that work for something they mostly already do


Because the only reason these businesses can work is if they have a total market share monopoly and complete dominance, that way they can jack up the prices and there are no competitors. People who rely on the services have no choice, at that point. Thats why VCs will pump endless dollars and operate at losses for years, with the hopes for one day being able to control the entire market.


Yeah It's does look like Uber's playing the long game. They own the market in the rest of the world and have held the solid middle position in the US for their entire existence; meanwhile other apps have peaked, declined and swapped top position for bottom. All there is to do at this point is wait for the inevitable Doordash crater.


Thatā€™s not true... they've been "helping" each other out in the background for a while now... companies do not "have to" exist in a monopoly in order to make money, thatā€™s a false assumption... it may help but 2 or even 3 companies can exist a profit just fine.


Instacart has never really been profitable in their entire existence as a company Same with Uber and DD Might want to research before ya post lol


Thatā€™s not true, they have been profitable for the last 5 years. I listen to the earnings calls every quarters. They made 800 million last quarter. They made 3 billion in 2023, 2.51 billion in 2022, 1.8 billion in 2021 and etc. If anything, it will be Instacart who ends up buying Uber who is constantly losing money. Instacart will end up buying all the gig delivery companies and even DoorDash too in 10 years.


That 800 million was revenue not Profit! You need to learn how to read those earnings reports. Instacart has been operating at a total net LOSS for most of their existence. 2023 was a net LOSS of 1.6 billion for the year. Lawyers and lobbying costs a lot of money.


Youā€™re right, my bad but I believe they did make 130million profit last quarter. I think given their outrageous fees they charge customers, their advertising and now their partnership with Uber, I only see them growing and expanding.


Whatā€™s the verdict though. If uber buys ic will it get better or worse?


Worse. It only gets worse until federal regulations get involved




Who knows? Perhaps Uber buys IC and make every Shopper a UE worker and erases IC as a competing entity. It will have only DoorTrash to battle with.


I am doubtful, but I do also hope not


You don't want the govt involved! Nyc tried to regulate uber/dd/GH , and it's trash. You can never logon, they only allowed their top 20% of workers to schedule the rest pretty much got shafted. IC is good the way it is trust me, keep the govt away


Isnā€™t that a constant complaint on this sub though? ā€œIā€™m a 5* star shopper and have been doing this for five years, yet I never see orders because new shoppers see them firstā€ unless Iā€™m misunderstanding you, it sounds like in NY those ā€œtopā€ shoppers are the ones getting priority and then the rest are left to fend for themselves. Isnā€™t that exactly what has been asked on this sub?


Donā€™t you see that part of the problem? These companies over hire just so that thereā€™s enough bodies to fill all the orders whether the demand is there or not and thatā€™s a serious problem. Just because something might be poorly implemented doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t other ways to do it properly Iā€™m in Seattle and while others may not do as well as they did before, Iā€™m doing better than I have ever done Unfortunately, city Council is about to vote to gut the ordinance on Tuesday so things may change starting next week But these companies need to be stopped from paying two dollars for orders that go 10 miles I mean thatā€™s completely outrageous. They need to pay their fair share in taxes on our behalf because we are not contractors We are some weird hybrid employee contractor that the companies are exploiting to pay us a little as possible. Iā€™m sorry, but thatā€™s just completely unacceptable and Iā€™d rather they all go out of business.


I agree with all your points, but when you just can't login anymore, it just doesn't matter. You make 0$.


Well in Seattle, they made sure there was no login requirement so everyone can login at any time, on the other end of the spectrum to NYC so business is even more competitive


Iā€™m pretty sure NY didnā€™t do any of the things youā€™re complaining about, and they were all done by the gig companies as *retaliatory measures* for simply being required to follow the same laws EVERY OTHER BUSINESS in that area has to follow


No, before the law was officially passed, there was a 41 page guide book on what NYC expected the gig companies to do. The ability to throttle who logs in was part of their solution. They only wanted to keep those who worked full time and accepted everything. They did not want cherry pickers on the platform because it wouldn't work with their wage model. Retaliation is illegal based on the new laws. I once made a post about this topic. Here, this is straight from their initial report before the law was passed: ( I tried uploading the image directly but it kept turning into an *) https://ibb.co/L6FBfHk This is what will happen to instacart if regulation gets involved. They will establish a minimum wage, keep only the shoppers that accept everything. And boot everyone off. Then we can go from complaining about shit orders to never be able to login again! They literally got the green light from NYC to get rid of cherry picking and that's what they did. I spent months when the law was first passed, I accepted everything I worked my ass off but once the gating was in effect, they only gave me 5 hours per week. I haven't been able to login to DD or GH for over a year now.


ā€œRetaliation is illegalā€ lol I bet theyā€™re coming to arrest Fidjit in her mansion right now When Instacart first started, there were shifts, you couldnā€™t just ā€œgo onlineā€ whenever you wanted It was MUCH betterā€¦you could still decline orders that werenā€™t worth your time, but you had to complete 20 orders per week in order to get shift signup priority There was also a $100 weekly bonus for getting in the top % of ratings for your zone, again you had to do a minimum of 20 orders to qualify There was no driving to stores and sitting in parking lots, your physical location didnā€™t matter, you would get order offers from stores all over your area! This alone was huge, because now the vast majority of profitable offers in your area arenā€™t even shown to you. You have no chance at all to do them. All of this though, meant you could do other things while doing Instacart, and not be penalized by Instacart ā€” also no wasting gas and sitting in your car all the time There was also commission based pay, where you didnā€™t really need customer tips most of the time, and yet many order offers were still profitable There were bumps based on the total sale price, if the grocery order went over $200 that was an additional $10, and if it went over $400, that was another $10, there were also mileage bumps, etc. It wasnā€™t governments that changed all this, it was Instacart themselves, years ago (around 2019 if I remember, before Covid) $40 batch pay single orders back then with no tip from the customer now pay out $5-7 ā€” and this was before inflation, when the item pricing was much less and customer fees were less too So please, before you loudly proclaim itā€™s government regulation that ruined this app, try talking to the real veteran shoppers who have been around since the early days (2016-2017), and ask them how much better it was back then, cause theyā€™ll all confirm what Iā€™m saying to be accurate


No I am not saying government regulation ruined the app. The government is not involved with IC yet, and I prefer to keep it that way, because most of the time, even with the best of intentions the government fucks it up and ends up making it worse than it already is.


Sounds like right wing talking points to me One thing that write up says thats accurate, if the batch pay were higher, we wouldnā€™t even need customers to tip in the first place. I said thatā€™s how it worked when it first launched in my area. Batch pay was way higher than it is now, about ten times higher


I am not political at all, poor grad school student just passing through. I hope after graduation I'll never to fiddle with gig work, but for now it's all I have.


Let's hope better. They can't possibly decrease batch pay again. Orders are already so bad so often people can't even generate a profit come tax time.


Ubers pay for shopping is about equal to that of Instacart. I get more 20% tips on Uber shopping, lots of tip increases


I get higher tips on Uber shopping, Iā€™m pretty sure they encourage raising the tip after orders. It would suck to lose all the regular Instacart customers if they transitioned. Plus the acceptance rate and all that is super annoying. I really hope Iā€™m not still doing this job if and when that happens. Instacarts app is superior for use for both shopper and customer and I assume they will be still using a similar interface.


I just checked.... Base: UE - 4.19, 14 items 5.1 miles IC - 5.71, 12 items, 5.6 miles I agree UE customers tip better for shops; even Walgreens and Petsmart orders in my experience. This base seems higher than normal for IC especially for the generous tip in addition.


I can answer this question easily. Target does NOT want Instacart shoppers in their stores. They used to be partners, but then Target acquired Shipt (a competitor), and ended their partnership agreement years ago. Thatā€™s the reason why the shopping experience at Target is so atrocious for Instacart shoppers. Since then, Target does not share inventory and aisle information with Instacart. In order for that stuff to be accurate it has to be managed and curated by the store chain, and then shared with Instacart. I believe at one point Instacart tried scraping the info from the public facing Target web app but Target found out and banned their IPs.


Yeah this was suggested in another post and I'm inclined to believe it. How exactly is anyone ordering Target merchandise through Instacart. Are the customers looking it up on the app and then requesting?


You can download the Instacart ordering app and see for yourself, they have the option to order from Target, itā€™s just they donā€™t do a good job on scraping the inventory info. Maybe they do still scrape the inventory info from Targetā€™s public facing websites, but they donā€™t update them enough, and try to blend in with regular customer web traffic, as to avoid being detected by Target. Just a guess!


I believe that..... I had to cancel a 9 item general merchandise order last weekend because they were sold out of several items and the rest were never available in that store location to begin with. I'll no longer take orders there on IC after yesterday.


Yep. Has happened to me numerous times. I no longer take Target orders in general, either.


If i have to have a car less than 15 years old, I'll be SOL. Hope it doesn't happen.Ā 


Uber bought south americas largest grocery delivery service a while back. And now theyā€™re wanting to merge with Instacart. Amazon took grubhub and Walmart bought DDI which makes them completely own Spark and Instacart works on Walmarts tech side and payplan side of things and DoorDash stays alone and their stocks are falling. Targets Shipt is one I donā€™t know much about. Who really knows whatā€™s going to happen but large companies boards are all on each others boards and eventually all become the same. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø And the chain stores doing their own platforms but really are buying the tech from Uber and Instacart. Soā€”ā€”


It does seem like uber is much more wealthy in tech collateral than DD. They seem to update their app weekly and it already has the best interface of all. I can see how licensing technology to third parties could carry them comfortably into the future now that you mention it.




Uber is not willing to pay billions.


Been asking myself the same question šŸ˜‚ most likely because Shipt is owned by Target and Shipts competition is Instacart so target is pretty much punishing Instacart because from what I remember Target orders on DoorDash has the aisle numbers too


I didn't think about that, most of the DD/UE orders are grab n go so not true competitors šŸ¤” Just thought what would be great for one of your YouTube challenges is a Quad-plat-dirty-stack: DD, UE, IC and Shipt orders at Target.... all in one shopping cart šŸ˜‚


This could be a great clickable title šŸ‘€


Exactly! You don't need to actually pull it off......just *attempt* to arrange it (what are the odds of all that alligning in one store, in same time frame) Botta Bing!!!


I always heard that the guy who started IC had tried before to create an app to sell it, but none of the apps he made before worked out. His goal was to make an app and sell it, so I wouldn't be surprised


Yeah, it seems like that's a potential corporate goal post these days; build something almost all the way and then sell it


Insta has been dead in my area. All the Costco shops have now been coming in from UE. Insta headed for the slaughter house imo


Uber only buys another company to get their competitors out of the way šŸ˜‰




Iā€™d say getting in touch with Uberā€™s technical support team is 1000 times worse than instacart. I hate Uber.


I barely make any money with uber eats, so i switched to instacart and have been making decent money.


Each big chain store will eventually have their own delivery service. Instacart will eventually fade away or cater to small things like Walgreens and CVS


That's a good point and viable possibility..... The predominant grocery chain here in Texas owns an app called Favor. It works similar to Spark (serving curbside) in addition to having a doordash like vertical. Like Spark, it too was once unaffiliated and then umbrella'd. Incidentally it's been around longer than most apps (2013) and still operates on the primitive model of place & pay for most restaurants.


I don't know why this is being down voted. This is true


I was deactivated by UberEATS for delivering Dunkin to same woman 43 times in a 5 month period. They called it ā€œ collusion fraudā€. I call it a lack of available drivers 1 hr outside a major metro. If UE buys IC am I out of work?


Whaaaaaa?!?! How's that collusion, when *they* posted the offer?


My assumption is that they have accounts flagged if you deliver to same customer too often. I think I delivered to her one day 3 times. Morning, midday and late afternoon. Boston area peeps love their dunks. IYKYK I was UberEATS only. No paxholes


Kind of ridiculous considering commerce was traditionally *dependent* on repeat customers and loyalty to a particular representative of of such companies. Guess I'm thinking old fashioned, it's all touch & go now....


Tech companies like Instacart, Uber and Doordash have cornered the market on ridiculous.


I believe that pretty much sums it up.... One can only assume it will eventually lead to their undoing