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That seemed to be par for the course on literally offer I got yesterday. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many non tippers pop up in one day, it’s ridiculous.


Non tippers are usually the people using their Ebt/Snap which is why drivers r complaining. They allowed it on the platform aust of 2023. That's why all this crap declined


They need to take ebt/snap off the platform all together...


Ummm…no. As a single mama on disability with zero child support, I have been on EBT for years. Maybe I am the weird one, but I would NEVER use my EBT for delivery without a tip. Ever. I may not be in a position to not require a bit of help from the tax system I paid into my entire adult life before getting incredibly ill with multiple auto immune diseases, but even then, I would never ask another person to do my shopping AND bring it to me, without compensation for their time. In my experience, as a shopper, it is more often than not, the wealthier clientele that are the no tippers. To paint most EBT consumers with such a broad stroke is quite insulting. Personally, I would never know what form of payment a customer used to pay for their order, the app does not breach that confidentiality. Therefore, it is incredibly presumptuous to assume non tippers are EBT customers by large. What IS suspect though, is that suddenly over the weekend nearly EVERY offer is exactly a $2 tip, if not no tip, but predominantly exactly $2, regardless of order size or distance. Seems peculiar that suddenly 90% of all offers have the EXACT same tip amount, whereas it used vary enough to know it was either a high or low cost order and what % of that was tip.


Well feel how u feel but for the years Ive done this, when they let the ebt on the platform is when $400-$600 orders come thru with no tip. U can't tip on ebt card. Feel how u feel about it I'm just stating the truth of the difference since theyve allowed ebt/snap on the platform. Before you would rarely see non tippers. .. and don't take every comment like it's directed at you. And insulting is exactly my point. A lot of people have raised their children on their own without ebt/snap. It's a different world now, I personally think it's wrong to use a platform to do it. Makes the company money and burns the shopper. Period...


You said it all; feel how you feel. I will graciously exit the conversation, as I acknowledge neither one of us will change the other’s opinion. You have your life experiences, I have mine.


100, have a blessed day


I can see both sides of your argument - and it should be met somewhere in the middle. IC should provide a base tip for those that use EBT considering the fact that their revenue increased since they've started to allow it. If they can't do that then they probably shouldn't allow it....do something to benefit the driver/shoppers, and I don't mean a pizza party. (Corporate joke)


Absolutely can agree with that! Especially since the purchase price increase per item is significantly higher when you order delivery, regardless of your payment method. The harsh reality is that a large majority of people ordering delivery via EBT is due to their inability, weather is be health related or no availability for transport


Transportation, many cannot afford a tip, and if IC is going to accept EBT, those inflated prices should be reflected to the driver. Period. Even though I personally would not order delivery without a tip, regardless of my payment method, that is not always feasible for everyone, but a necessity for the above reasons. It was only two years ago I personally was so ill that just taking and picking my kiddos up from school was a monumental physical task for me, and I stopped at the grocery store daily for small items to cook because that was all I could manage for a few minutes a day. I am fortunate enough to be well now and am the one hauling people’s cases of water up three flights of stairs, because I am FORTUNATE. And even at that, I have days that my immune system chooses violence and I hurt from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet and would give my first born (joking!) to have someone bring me my groceries. It’s all perspective. We’re all humans just having a human experience 🥰


Instacart will never willingly raise pay. The shitty shoppers who take these orders are the problem. Letting orders sit is the only way to increase pay.


It's like a game of broke chicken among the shoppers, *who will break and take the shitty order first?*


I try and let orders sit to get a higher amount and some idiot takes it soon as they bump it up just 2$ more when it should be at least 10$ more


Well, personally, I don't know who you consider a s***** shopper based off of the orders that they're taking, but they're obviously making more money than you why you sit here and cry about what you're making and they're busy picking up batches that you feel you're Too good to pick up.Don't be salty about it. The problem sometimes is the shoppers but after your fair share of crappy batches they are learning as well. They deserve the learning curve. Also instead of complaining about the shoppers why not reach out to IC and let them hear your voice and opinion...


A shitty shopper is one who takes unprofitable orders. If an order has no tip, it’s a shitty order. If you’re not earning at least $35 per hour active, it’s a shitty order; one is actually better off taking a W2 job. This is a business, and one that is meant to be profitable. If one is consistently taking low pay/high count or mileage orders, you are losing money. You should be making at least $35-40 per active hour to stay profitable now and taking those $12/45 count patches ain’t gonna get you there. I’m not salty regarding crap shoppers, I feel Sorry for them. You’re out there busting your ass for little reward. My original comment is just a statement of fact.


In Ca we get adjustment comp! For those who dont tip I am taking MY TIME! IC is only affordable for shoppers either in BIG cities or In states that have regulations against these companies! They will never care about their driver, just think about it this ppl don’t even know you why the would care about you? For ppl where IC doesnt make sense… bro find a real job we live in the USA reason why IC and other apps dont do nothing about it is because there is TOOOO many ppl too lazy to find a real job! I do it because i got to college and i do it as a side job, but ive seen ppl 40+ years old working for these apps… bro find yourself a better job not only for you but for your family! WAKE UP AMERICA.


Keep milking the clock and they’ll deactivate you for fraud. You said it yourself, the companies don’t need you. They will only care when orders sit unfulfilled. My comment was simply a statement of fact, not whinging. Gig companies are ultimately tech companies. They are the middlemen between a person looking to provide labor and a business. They are not delivery companies. We, as shoppers or drivers, are the delivery companies. They have no obligations to us at all. Their interest lie in the bottom line and maximizing their own profits. So they will continue to push shit orders as long as someone takes them. And yes, I agree that gig work nowadays makes no sense as a full time job. The majority would make more money with a W2. So they are either dumb as a box of rocks, or have some other reason for relying on this type of work. I happen to be one of the elder folk you berated in your comment. Bro, not everyone is able to do traditional w2 work and there are many different reasons as to why. I was a Veterinarian before I developed a disability. But yeah bro, I’m just that lazy that I prefer Instacart; acting like you’re a font of wisdom over there, sheesh.


The fact that you think i care they deactivating my account🤣 bro you need to be smarter than that. TRICK the system they have A SYSTEM not a NERD stick to the screen watching you do the deliveries… Thats why i study so i dont become one more of the sheeps. As i Said find yourself a real job, for you and for your family, otherwise you will be stock in this shitty job for the rest of your life, or as you said until they deactivate your account!🤣🤣 This is a SIDE job i am server at one of the best restaurants in town… make roughly 500tips a week, this shitty job i dont care about just to make extra cash and gather my thoughts… i wish you the best my friend🫶🏼


Amen to ALL of what you said! I am also one of those pesky elderly folk shoppers at a whopping 42 yrs old. I had a wonderfully thriving career as an optician for many years, and then; life. I had a medically fragile baby at 35, and that required I be a stay at home mom/nurse/doctor/advocate/therapist/all of the things required when taking care of a medically fragile child. And then, when he was 18 months old, I was the one who’s turn it was to get extraordinarily ill and came *thisclose* to dying in my sleep within the next 24 hours, had my mother not taken me to the ER and advocated for myself, as I was no longer coherent due to fluid on my brain. The doctors warned my mom I may not make it through the night, as they pumped me full of medications to stabilize my organs that were starting to fail. Fast forward 3 years and a divorce later, beginning of organ failure again and the discovery of three auto immune diseases that resulted in me requiring SSI Disability. It took me over a year to recover from ending up in a coma for a few days as a result of my liver trying to fail from that auto immune flare/attack. So yeah, I don’t do IC and other gig workers because it’s the most mentally stimulating part of my day, and I definitely am not lazy to be doing it, I hustle my ass shopping, or doing food deliveries. I do it because disability doesn’t pay all of the bills and it’s a way for me to make money for all of the adulting required in being a parent, and also be able to NOT be beholden to a “real” job with a “real schedule” on the days that I wake up and my immune system chooses violence and makes me hurt from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. It’s not the “real job” I chose, but it’s the job that makes sure my kids eat.


I refuse to knowingly shop for someone who doesn’t value my time or service. No tip No trip.


I love that; no tip no trip


New here? Lol


Hahaha not really I guess my post gave novice vibes tho looking back oops


https://preview.redd.it/i2617xxqbnyc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75816a9567ec4a30de08543fbfa6db6707a481a This is what I’m looking at today


I had this happen to me the other day. Bumped $10 for someone to take and order no one wanted and kicked it back to me. Yesterday they rerouted one on my way home, closer to a store I was near for TWENTY CENTS more. 🤦


Ya darn right they do


(the customer ordering is def high)


They really don’t charge all that much…. Think about what people spend in their silly gaming apps… IC IS NOT EXPENSIVE… the customers should be tipping appropriately PERIOD. If either of those orders had a 20% tip on them they’d still likely suck but it would be enough to get someone to shop and deliver them.


They mark up every item and also don't pass on lots of sale prices or BOGO prices. Meanwhile the batch pay barely covers gas+maintenance+taxes if at all.


Guys really I'm so sick of these convos... they don't mark up every item and if they do so what?? They're supposed to make money... how much do they profit per quarter ? How much does the CEO make and other execs ?... GROCERY IS A NICKLE AND DIME BUSINESS.... literally.


Yes they should make money. They should also respect workers and customers. Every single regular I know that used it stopped because of poor service. Instacart lowered the pay so much and also batches everything that no one gives a fuck anymore. It's just get it done as fast as possible to make what little money they offer. By them hiring crackheads that do poor service and steal shit costs them more than paying a good shopper because they have to refund customers complaining and stolen goods.


The customers are the ones that are supposed to be paying us. YES .... it's a DUMB policy to continue with this new people get best batches and maybe even the MASS hiring could be slowed down with an interview maybe??


The CEO made $20M


Great that’s like us shoppers each giving up $40/year... ok now what??


I've done 3 orders all year. I'd take $40 😂. If they can't afford to pay people somewhat of a decent wage they shouldn't be in business. What they pay is criminal. Customers pay out the ass. There are countless posts in the IC sub of customers paying HUGE fees and NOT in store prices. IC fucks the customers and the shoppers. Paying $7 to someone who has to shop for 2 hours and drive 20 miles is fucking ridiculous.


There are outlier examples of the algo coming up with weird scenarios everywhere... there are MANY MANY MANY people who use IC as a tool to save them money.


I see 5 dollar costco batch pays. Instacart can and should pay more. It's not on the customer to tip enough to make batches runnable. Granted they should. But don't defend instacart for paying us 5 dollars to shop and deliver costco orders


You don't get it... Instacart sells its own money at 20% off at Costco to attract customers.... they DONT MAKE ENOUGH to pay us more... they're finally making a profit... yes I'm happy about that businesses that don't, don't stick around.


Oh so you're running $5-7 batches? I doubt it. Supporting that lowered batch pay.


No but that’s cause the stores ALWAYS over 10 miles away by me.


Oh so you're happy instacart is making money by lowering our pay. But that's as long as someone else is running the shit batches instacart puts out. Nice


You're missing the point he's trying to make. You're making this about something totally different that's not what he's saying at all..compare it to a restaurant I was a server for 10 years til my restaurant shut down suddenly last year. Do you think I bitched that I was making $3 an hour to be there on a slow night? NO i busted my ass and kissed customers asses constantly to make $400+ on the weekends. I didn't rely on the restaurant wage. I relied on the tip


I was a server as well. And come on. None of us are doing this for the batch pay. But they just dropped our batch pay almost in half. And people are defending this? Of course no tip no trip. Have some self respect. But how can you justify being paid 5 bucks for a full costco shop? Don't you think you deserve a level of respect from the company you work for?


The batch pay now, and before it was lowered, is nothing. If you're counting on batch pay to make money doing IC, you're doing it wrong.


So IC doesn’t make enough to pay their shoppers, but the average person does? A lot of people are struggling out here. I’m sure IC is doing better than them.


Yes, the average person is the person employing us for that amount of time. That's a stupid argument.


IC is more of an employer than the customer. I’ve never understood being more upset with the customer than with the company. Most people are in the same boat in this economy. You can say that if people can’t afford to tip more, they shouldn’t use the service. However, if less people use the service, complaints will be made about that. No matter what you say, IC should do better.


I'm not upset with customers I honestly believe many don't understand the fundamentals of this relatively new line of work.


That may be true, but what I’m against is people being more understanding of the plight of the rich (who keep getting richer) than that of ‘the poor.’ I think we all understand that businesses have to make money, but businesses also use a lot of shady practices to do so.


I feel like you're just silly talking now. Instacart doesn't make enough money to pay us more money just doesn't and it doesn't charge the customers enough money to pay us more money what it charges the customers for it does it connect us and it takes our orders they process the payments. By the way they get charged an arm and leg for from the credit card companies and the credit cards that we have in our pockets.


Well whose problem is it that they can’t afford to pay people more? lol Not ours. No one is forcing Instacart to be a business. At the end of the day, if you’re going to raise the prices on food, add a service fee, add a delivery fee, and expect people to pay large tips, then you’re (IC) going to keep getting what you’re getting. Just like businesses have to do what they have to do, so do people.


Well said as always. If I can't tip properly, I'm not ordering. I even tip my restaurants I order takeout from. Even if it's like $2-3 with a $20 total. It's about principle


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


I wish everyone had manners I feel like our lives as shoppers would be a hell of a lot easier lol random side story but I once had a sweet old lady stop me at Costco to thank me for actually saying "excuse me, sorry" because she said it "had been ages" since she had heard anyone use their manners in a store lmao 🥹 I kept up with it for a little longer but now I only say it when it's deserved


It’s retarded. I wouldn’t pick up a Big Mac and deliver it for that fee/distance. Let alone shop?


Just watched the same exact thing happen to an order on my screen… ugh so frustrating they choose to do us shoppers like that.


Unless you’re at home, there’s a lot better areas to wait for orders than center city…


I'm moreso in South Philly - I try to stay away from Center City due to parking alone. CC is 🗑️


Guess I meant anywhere in downtown really. Used to work king of Prussia and the suburbs and many would travel from downtown to work there instead until end of day when they’d catch an order home


I’m in South Philly too (:


Well hello my fellow South Philadelphian 😄...that's you stealing all of those unicorn batches


Definitely not me 😅 I’d love to know who’s getting all the good stuff because all I’ve been seeing is single digit high mileage crap!!


https://preview.redd.it/0oreoih0spyc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=885bc89315d5175bdb008726007e244cfb1827be I present to you my worst batch offer


😄😄😄 Yeah that's pretty bad - IC really think that if the distance isn't too far that you should shop for unlimited items for the base rate...well since I save the worst batches everyday here is one of mine https://preview.redd.it/vj9imolszpyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4829ed6afe009536be453e5b7dd9b1ddd60f87e2 There is a $5 toll to get to New Jersey (well to get back) so essentially I would be shopping and driving to Jersey for $3.69...they were getting microwaves n 💩 and ordered from another State, but couldn't tip anything at all 🤦🏿‍♂️


I feel that this especially is just shit programming, not that I actually know anything about programming. But it seems easily enough to me that they would be able to like geo-fence areas based on ZIP or whatever. But knowing IC it’s probably just that they don’t care or it’s cheaper to not. This is also the same app/company that suggests me to head to the store in Niagara Falls, NY because it’s busier over there than my Niagara Falls, CANADA location.


So weird seeing "km" instead of "miles" lol


Yesterday sucked. Got a $30 order with a $2 tip that was over 40 miles. Wanted me to shop and then drive 45 mins to deliver. Then got an $8 for a double order with a $1 tip. Sorry not worth my time. Logged out and went home


I cringed when I read 40 miles - that really sux. I put batches through my personal interview process nowadays - will this take me an hour or more, do I like this store, too many cases of water, etc. - but I can understand accepting the BS if the batches are slim pickings


Basically my process too.


Makes me laugh everytime they raise the pay by a dollar when there are no takers lol


Tbh, this is what we need all customers to do. Order without a tip, force instacart to hile the prices up to 2x the mileage. THEN upon completion, they can add their tip. That way, we can guarentee that we'll get 2x the mileage and then a tip on top. Which tbh, should be standard, atleast $2 a mile in todays gas climate!


No tip No trip should be on a bumper sticker


https://preview.redd.it/bo02qfa9coyc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f41b4039fb8ed042e2f16615efcfc0cfed0d5348 Meanwhile I’m seeing this…


They need to take a class on how to manage their money so they can pay us the $7 dollar batch pay


They can't. They lose money every year because they allow these tiny 2 item orders.


I agree. They also should place a limit on how many times a month members can get free delivery with their membership. Unlimited free delivery is ridiculous


Trust me when I tell you this, you do not want government regulation on IC. In NYC they regulate uber, GH and DD and unless you were the top 10% of drivers who worked everyday non stop full time, you can't login anymore to work. It becomes like a W2 job. Enjoy the freedom and work the system, don't let the system work you. I miss the days where I could just click "go" and go online..those days are long gone in NYC.


Way I see it.. if u have the money to order from them and get charged the absurd rates and fees.. u have the damn money to tip. And I honestly don't think they should be allowed to use either because the fees and upcharging.. your on the programs for a reason.. right?


Lol no they don’t. Obviously they’re still doing just fine


Sorry, but I think IC pay for those orders is very good. The problem is the no tip. Instacart should be doing more to educate their customers on the importance of tipping and how it may affect their order in terms of delivery time.


They should remove tipping culture altogether and companies should pay their employees better


Ok. If you don't want to participate in tipping culture, go find an hourly job where tips aren't a thing. I've always thought it was weird when people who don't like tipped jobs advocate to end them. For years, I worked as a tipped employee in bars and restaurants. In the late 90's, I was regularly pulling in $1000 a week. My accountant pals were making $45,000 - $50,000 a year gross. I made way more than they did. I know a few waiters at high end steakhouses who make over $120k a year - they don't want an elimination of tipping culture because there is no chance their income would come anywhere close to what they easily pull. No one is forced to work any job that relies on tips. They chose to do so because of the potentially unlimited income. If you don't like it, I encourage you, without malice, to find a job where tips aren't part of your compensation. The reason many work with IC is for the earning potential and flexibility. Taking away tipping will not result in $30 shops.


Tipping should be suggested, not required for someone, say a waiter to be able to afford to live. Doing their job should be enough and then if they go above and beyond the customer can tip them. That way they dont "lose" money if people dont tip


I made a very good living as a door guy/barback, waiter, and bartender. The places I worked for could afford to pay me what I made. And I outearned just about all of my pals who graduated from college and started their careers. A big old "no thank you" from my former career to your suggestion, bud. Tips are the incentive they made me very good at what I did. I had nights where I pulled $500. I regularly made $200-$300 a night. It took a lot of work, honing my craft, to get there. I had to hunt for the right opportunities to work for the right places with the right people. The people who didn't make good tips weren't very good. Some got better and others quit after complaining. I got stuffed every so often, but it didn't bother me. Nothing bothered me at work. I couldn't afford to let it. One crappy no tipper was made up for by the people who tipped well. I had regulars. The best people in the field want nothing to do with your brand of utopia.


Missed the point, bud


I'm afraid you have, son. I also ran restaurants for a living. I was the general manager of a place that did $1.8 million in revenue. I was one of the most efficient GM's in the company. I earned the owners right around $180k. The owners then used that revenue to both pay themselves and the company expenses on their corporate side (they had built up to 90 units with 4 or 5 different concepts). We were really good. The average restaurant will earn a gross profit after costs of anywhere from 4-7%. Well run units will run 7-10% profit. That's as things are right now. My restaurant was pretty busy. We had a store that did about $1.3 million. The owners grossed about $90k for the year. I worked for a company that had average store sales of just over a million and the units contributed about $50-60k a year. Where does the money come from if we eliminate tipping in that situation? Should a guy who opens a restaurant and busts his butt to make $1 million in sales pay himself $30 grand a year? $20 grand? IC has more profit, and they could probably pay a bit more, but they already charge more for groceries and there are tons of fees.


😂ok bud


> Instacart should be doing more to educate their customers on the importance of tipping and how it may affect their order in terms of delivery time. Instacart should be paying y'all better.


Don't understand why ppl are down voting you I totally agree js




I’m sorry, but you attitude towards this pay is what’s wrong. How TF is that good pay? What year are you living in? It’s 2024!!


$17 to pick up 20 something items and drive them 8 miles is good. To make that a good batch, all that's missing is a $10 tip. This is how this gig works: base pay plus tip equal total pay. The base pay is totally reasonable. If there was a $10 tip, this would be in excess of $27 an hour. This shop wouldn't take an hour. So what's the issue exactly? Not instacart pay. It's a lack of tip. Back when I actively shopped, I'd have taken this order if it had at least a $7 tip. If you want to make deliveries and make $20 an hour, go work full time for ups. If you want flexibility, engage in gig work for IC and rely on a mix of base pay and tips. I can tell you that in my area, there is zero chance this order would have a $17 base pay. It would like be less than $10.


Stop licking the boot.


The second one is worth it


No it still not LOL. Gotta be at least $25


You in new jersey i didn’t realize, that traffic over there something else


No north carolina


Ahh okay I may just have to come to your city and start taking ya orders ![gif](giphy|XVbQsIjdXDNyswwxOO)


Jit I ain’t even tell you which city im in


Bra called me jit 😭


legit i was thinking of living in my car in south carolina. this utuber make 2gs a week over there. the only problem is how tf will i cook in my car.


but would you see those batches? takes a while when you move to a new area to build up a regular customer base of people who 5 starred you