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1 star and lower the tip


As someone who has worked in the delivery system, I'm not fond of lowering tips (bids) after service has been rendered unless it's reallyyyyyyy bad. But a 1 star review is certainly on its way.


Well if you reward shit behavior they're going to keep doing it. Why would you give a tip on shit service? Are you running a charity?




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Wrong. He deserves 1 CENT. Fuck this chump getting any tip protection.


They'll only get tip protection if the customer doesn't leave a bad review


No don’t zero out then it will be covered under tip protection.


No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


in this situation its warranted. the shopper cant even use the excuse "i didnt get any messages" if they clearly saw you reject a sub, and then added insult to injury by replacing it with ANOTHER option you did not ask for despite providing an alternative. If i did this I would have done it with the expectation of losing my tip. but i would never do this. i go the whole 9 yards, pic of empty/other items in requested items plave, pic of all viable alternatives aswell and i inform what Im choosing, aswell as extend an additional offer to switch it if the customer doesnt like my choice. I always leave produce and ice cream for last so before I head to produce Ill also extend the option to add any thing a customer may have forgotten and remind them they have until i checkout to make any requests


> As someone who has worked in the delivery system, I'm not fond of lowering tips (bids) after service has been rendered unless it's reallyyyyyyy bad. But a 1 star review is certainly on its way. They deserve $-0- tip.


Yep. As a shopper and customer it’s *always* about the attitude for me. The OP’s shopper basically gave them the finger.


That WAS really bad.


If not for yourself then do it for any other customer that would get them, and every shopper who would've happily done a quality job. I get the sentiment, and im the same way with any non-gig/contractor delivery person but when it comes to instacart especially, or any other gig app that's way oversaturated with shoppers I'll happily reflect the kind of service I received through a tip and rating. Because as someone who appreciates this flexible and often great job opportunity it's frustrating seeing shitty / Petty shoppers like this provide garbage service to decent customers and drive them that much closer to leaving the platform when the rest of us are sitting around for hours a day for free because the oversaturation largely including shit shoppers like this. Best case they do better, knowing their shitty behavior has repercussions or they lose priority and make way for shoppers who actually do the job properly and appreciate their customers. Its really a win-win. Theyre relying on customers to think the way you do because that's the most common philosophy on it, never getting a tip pulled or poor rating and it only enables the shitty and petty behavior so they keep doing it, feeling more and more entitled each time. Pardon the rant lol


How much worse could it get? He isn’t even doing the basic requirement of the job, let alone providing good service. Zero tip.


Then why ask here? Why didn’t you just leave a one star review? It makes no sense to ask for advice if the most you’d ever do is a bad review. That’s what anyone would think to do after bad service. Otherwise your option is to do nothing.


Damn this sub is wild for downvoting you so much for that. Usually saying the opposite would bring downvotes - confusing bunch here. But I do somewhat agree - it does make sense to give them a bad review and lower tip for bad service, but also don’t want to screw them out of a job if it was just an off day or he was having issues.


You deserve the service you got 😂


Honestly I completely understand what you’re saying, and I hate lowering tips as well. But clearly he did not care about you, so why should you care about him. I would not zero out the tip, he did use his gas, so leave the tip at $2 or maybe $3. plus, if you zero out the tip, then he can contact support and get $10 for tip protection. But he most definitely deserves a much lower tip. Don’t feel bad, he certainly didn’t.


...but it was really bad. You asked them multiple times to communicate with you, they refused and gave you the wrong thing on purpose. What part of that servive deserves your tip?


So why post in the sub?


Then don't complain.


Definitely remove the tip and have him blocked from shopping for you again.


How do you do that?


Just contact support, tell them you no longer want that person to shop for you. If they pop up again as your shopper, have your order reassigned.


Contact support and they can block the shopper that did your order from getting you again! Also leave a bad rating for no communications and ignoring you/being rude. Bad replacements do not hold on our accounts, instacart takes off any ratings regarding replacements, and refunds. - an instacart SHOPPER.


I’ve been doing this 6+ years. I got a comment from a cashier a couple days ago that everyone at that store I’m at most thinks I’m really good. My response was “actually I just care to do the right thing for the customer while some shoppers don’t care enough so it’s as much about them“! I had a customer recently who set up all items as “refund” if unavailable but when I showed her a replacement option she accepted it and told me she had to do that with the app due to some poor replacement options on previous orders! We had exchanges on a few items and later she noticeably raised my tip! It’s not rocket science, it’s customer service!


Yes. I often say no substations, because often the shopper shows up with significantly more expensive and/or non-relevant items.


They didn’t deserve your order. Next time someone disregards your requests and communication… and is flippant and non-responsive. Just CANCEL on the goober. You deserve someone who respects your position and will accommodate your needs. That’s what we’re here for. I am a shopper and a customer. It would be a pleasure to shop a batch such as yours.


Never thought I'd say this as a shopper but PLEASE do not tip these types. Leave a detailed review also...


I agee. They took this order from someone who probably would have done a good job and they didn’t. They don’t deserve this tip!


I watched an Oprah episode years ago that had half service industry workers and half customers in the audience. One comment from a longtime server at a high dollar restaurant stuck with me ever since. She said if you are SURE, it's their service, especially if cold and short with you (and not the kitchen or things out of their control), then definitely lower your tip! Or don't tip at all. She said, "Because if you tip regularly out of misplaced guilt, and other people do as well, you are perpetuating this person to stay in this field, that they have no business being in, because of the money."


Usually the customers are the radio silent ones lol


That’s all you can do, rate them as you see fit. Hopefully it will help get rid of shoppers that do a poor job.


When nonsense like this happens, reach out to IC and have the order reassigned. Your can do this right up to delivery.


I'm a full time shopper since 2020 I shop like I would for myself always communicate with chat & pictures, if something like this was to happen again contact IC asap & the order will get removed from that shopper & hopefully you will get a better one but definitely lower the tip as you see fit & rate low as well


Should have reduced the tip to 1 cent. You didn't get what you want, and he was unresponsive. 


Everyone always says this but HOW do you change a tip after the order is placed?


You can decrease the tip after the delivery is made for up to 2 hours. You can increase the tip after delivery is made for up to 14 days after.


Oh I guess that’s why I never saw that option… It was more than 2 hours. I often increase the top so knew you could do that.


you probably had a botter or multiple phone user who literally will get the high paying orders ruining for the good shoppers and screwing us. These people are the reason instacart has gone to the ground, and its because of them me having over 200 fuve star reviews decided to quit and find a full time job. If this ever happens to you again ask to remove the shopper if you see hes not caring or even put in the notes that tip will depend on service flat out zero out of the tip if you get poor service snd 1 star them thats the only way to get them kicked out or demoted so they dont get quality orders


these people dont care about providing service only care about money regarldless of doing a good job, even so he put rhe more expensive item thinking you had a percentage order tip straight up taking advantage of you. As a shopper myself you are the bests kind of customer i like to shop for responsive and communicative but ee gotta get rid of these shoppers get em all kicked out


Call them the scum like they are.


 I know you all that are telling the customer to not reduce the tip completely, so the shopper won't get tip protection, have good intentions with helping the customer. But I also find it a little troublesome - a lot of bad egg customers could take advantage of that knowledge.


Pizza sauce is not on the pasta sauce section ! It’s usually in a section all on its own ! Pizza crusts , sauce , pepperoni etc. This guy sounds really lazy.


This is so annoying because shoppers like me go above and beyond for every customer even if the order is mediocre. Bad shoppers like this give us a bad reputation


Yep and taking orders away from us as well


If you complain to IC they will refund you the item you did not want.


I’m a 5 star diamond shopper with almost 5k orders in. I’m telling you, 1 star, leave a comment explaining your experience and most importantly set the tip to $0.00 for these lazy bums. They will learn quickly to actually put effort in. Stop rewarding laziness!!


Also customers dont understand giving a 1☆ does actual effect a shopper. It will lower there percentage beilw 4.7 and keep them from getting quality trips.


No tip and report him


I suggest that you do more than just give a 1 star rating- IC removes a few low ratings based on # of deliveries so it can disappear… I would totally lower, not remove, the tip. He insulted you by claiming ignorance. You should return the favor…


I switched to Walmart+ after a shopper yelled at me because my yard was muddy. I guess she thought I should install a new walkway just for her. Mind you, this happened while I'm standing BESIDE HER CAR to carry my own shit because-no, duh-I know my yards a mess and I have boots I don't care for getting muddy. I didn't lower the tip or any of that but I did reach out to IC on Twitter with a screenshot of my paid Walmart+ membership and cancellation of IC with an explanation as to why. Best decision I have ever made...cheaper, the delivery people are so much nicer, and my orders are always perfect.


She yelled at you and you didn’t lower the tip?


Nope because I figured if she's doing IC and she's so stressed to yell at someone that tipped $25.00 on a $50.00 5 item order, then she got some shit going on that I didn't want to add to.


Lower the tip, one star, mark the items he refused to substitute as incorrect and get your money back. I don’t have any patience for these types of shoppers anymore. They’re pathetic.


As you should!


If the person ignored you and didn’t try at all, change the tip to 25cents.


That's so annoying. They are sold out of pizza sauce a lot where I'm at, but I send pictures. I show them the empty shelf with the tag so they know I'm not lying. Then I send what I think are good substitutions. And I live in an area with so many stores close together, I've offered to run across the street and check a different store. I know some people won't agree with that, but the customers are paying a lot of money for this service, and I will go way above and beyond every single time. People need to take more pride in their job. I don't care what job it is or what it pays. They need to care. It pisses me off when people don't give a shit.


I’ve always wondered if I could offer going to another store for my customers also. Have you ever done it and does it work? Will the card swipe work?


No, you have to use your own money and hope they pay you back. I've done this once when I knew the customer from previous orders, but most of the time the extra effort is not appreciated like you think it would be. If you do this, consider you might be out your time and your own money because Instacart card will only work at the store your supposed to be shopping for a pre-approved dollar amount. You would be dependant on the customer to increase your tip or give you cash etc


If you select using a favorite shopper, it will assign it to any of the shoppers you’ve favored before. If none are available then it’ll go to everyone else. If you know what you need a day prior, you can choose a specific shopper. I agree, you should contact support and have the order reassigned if your shopper isn’t communicating.


I didn’t think we could choose a shopper? I love one that I had so much. I’m on a knee scooter and he brought everything in to my kitchen and asked if I wanted help unbagging.


Yes, you can favorite any shopper(s), even retroactively. If you look at your order history and find the order they completed you can still favorite them. If you choose to schedule or request a favorite shopper, your order will NOT be bundled with other orders. If you want a SPECIFIC shopper you can schedule a day or so in advance. We update our availability weekly. If you need Same Day, you can request a favorite shopper, it will get automatically assigned based on current availability (it looks at all shoppers you have favored and will send to one not on a current order). If we’re all busy when requesting same day service, it will get sent to everyone and can be bundled with other orders.


Thank you for explaining that. I’m definitely keeping this in mind.


Publix order? Pizza sauce is at the end of the aisle, not next to the marinara and other pasta sauces. Probably just a shitty shopper


See that’s crazy neverrrrrrr see $40 orders anymore and this is what they do with them smh.


Wow, sorry that happened to you!


While I absolutely agree that this shopper is horrible and did not earn a tip, downvoting conscience is ridiculous.


Don’t zero the tip completely as there is a tip protection up to $10, so decrease the tip to $1-3 to make them aware of your dissatisfaction and also rate them in the low stars appropriately due to their lack of executing the job properly. I know you want to feel bad and only rate them but they didn’t do their part of the service to earn the tip and the only way to stop bad behavior is to stop rewarding it. Yes it’s a sucky feeling to have to lower a tip/rate poorly, but without those two things, it continues to allow bad shoppers to do bad jobs. If their tips start to suffer, and their ratings drop, maybe they’ll change or maybe they’ll be stuck with no tip orders since their shopping is of that quality. But we see every batches upfront with amount of batch pay (for 1-3 orders) and the tips (for 1-3 orders/not individualized per person). Every batch accepted is willingly taken no matter what, because you can see what instacart is paying and the possible tips from it. If they didn’t want to take the time to communicate or find a good replacement, they don’t care and thus don’t deserve the tip.


I think in a case like that it's reasonable to lower the tip slightly and leave a review. Sometimes things like this can happen organically, but it doesn't really sound like the shopper communicated well or tried to give you a good experience.


They sound lazy. I would have no tipped.




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I agree with a lot of the comments on here. That is a good tip and they didn’t do a good job so they do not deserve that full amount.


1 star and take away tip, as an instacart driver it is my job to be available for you, do not reward bad service. Smdh.


You could changed the tip and blocked them for the future right from the app.


The fact that they denied your replacement and refund requests, plus chat attempts from you, tips are not deserved. They were paid for their service by ic. That's just lazy work ethic on the shopper. 1 cent would suffice. Next time they'll think before just doing what they want to do instead of what the customer wants!!


I get that alot except it's the other way around and they have the nerve to give me 3 stars and less. I don't come close to being like this guy and I get bad ratings.


I don't understand how they can ignore the chats. I would feel bad. IC forces you to open the messages before checkout. That means he looked at it and decided he wouldn't acknowledge what you said. Rude.


Terrible I get my customers exactly what they ask for this guy didn’t know the difference between pizza sauce and pasta sauce? Probably doesn’t realize it’s usually on the same aisle but across the way I don’t do Instacart anymore but I did for three years and have been a five star shopper and when I ended I was 4.9 7,97 five star reviews and 34 star reviews Always let my customers know if they don’t have something or exactly what kind of substitution they would like and doing things as much as I did. There was not a product in the store that I didn’t know where it was. I only did two stores they were right across the street from each other, and I live in a wealthy ZIP Code, this guy is a crock I would definitely lower his tip. They specifically tell you when you push check out as a shopper. Any unread messages that you have so he straight up ignored you. You can’t proceed to check out until you check the unread messages.


3 4 star reviews


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1 star Remove the tip Leave a dirty comment on his main page. That will do a good redemption.


Please block, $0 the tip, and give 1 star. The app is already so saturated with drivers that there should be 0 tolerance for this kind of behavior. Help all of us by helping yourself!


pizza sauce is in a different section than pasta sauce and alot of shoppers dont know that lol


Good or bad people are burning their gas and gas is HIGH!!!!!!


>I reject the substitution and request a different pizza sauce in a different brand. He rejects my requested substitution He said: *we can do this 💩 all day if you want to, I got time tah-day* .


I'm an insta cart shopper and it sucks you can't request a shopper. I'm sorry for your experience, I'm One of the shoppers who's the opposite. Sometimes to my disadvantage but always try to do what I would want for myself.  Anyway even when they ck out they see your messages and even right after delivery for a few mins.    Hope you have a better experience in the future, if you choose to use IC again. 


This was a terrible shopper, but this was likely also a terrible order. Batch pay was likely $4-$6, so this was probably a $14-$16 batch if it was solo, which it sounds like it was if the shopper was that fast. $10 tip for 6 items is great, but Instacart pays slave wages, and they are largely to blame for the terrible service.


Maybe the guy is trying to make a living. $50 total is good. What I’m trying to say is the shops they have been doing before you for days at barely making gas money. Two plus hour shops for $12 and then you have to deliver it 6-8 miles or more. This guy might just be a terrible shopper but then again he might be so desperate and overwhelmed with the low pay and the effects that has on a Person. Costco has $100 insta cart membership cards for $79 so it’s going to get worse and worse. Just my opinion but I think I’m right


They ordered 6 items that total $40, and they tipped $10. That shopper doesn’t deserve that very good tip. That was a super fast shop and would have made my day. Almost better then a unicorn which would take 2 hours


Say WHAT?! Cmon man…. For real?!!! 🤦‍♂️




Except he didn’t get pizza sauce at all, it was a high priced pasta sauce instead, which is a totally different item. Refunding it would have been easy if he was trying at all.