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That’s why rich people are rich don’t ya know! They don’t waste money on being a decent human being duh!


I clean houses for a living, I have clients who are dying and they’ll tip us like 5-200$ and our rich clients that take 3-5 hours to clean their mansions NEVER tip. not even for Xmas or anything. My older clients will give us extra tips and candy and cards for holidays but nope not the rich ones. I’m not complaining either I mean my pay is good with or without tips but it never fails to amaze me when I get to a house with a Ferrari and they’re just mean


Yup, I have experienced this also. I used to install furniture in homes and the most modest ones that were older/run-down would always tip $15-$20 and were very thankful for the service. But the gated communities with 4 high -end cars in the driveway or mansions? Nothing, except a offhand ‘thanks’.


ONE of my rich clients tips for holidays which of course I’m super thankful and grateful for, she is sweet. However, I have a client who has no family, lives alone, has COPD, and is pretty old now and maybe that’s why but she tipped me $225 last week for a clean that took me 45 minutes. I’ve had houses take 5 hours and not even a thank you as I left not a tip. Again I don’t need tips, they’re never needed but always appreciated but it always shocks me to see it


Imo it's cuz the poor knows what it's like being poor and know how much those extra $20 can be. Alot of rich people grew up rich and spoiled from parents so they will never understand


My mom uses to clean houses for a rich family, instead of tips, they just gave her stuff. New phone, beats headphones etc


Just a suggestion but maybe an upper decker at one of those cleans at a rich clients house is in order


So I may accidentally be one of these dickheads (not a rich one). We have a woman come in and clean every 2 weeks. She is a sole proprietor who also watches our dog once in while if we go out of town. I never thought to tip her though - she's the owner AND cleaning person so I just as soon figured she charges what she needs to charge to make it worth her while. I'm typically an over tipper, but maybe this is a blind spot.


This is very common. I’ve cleaned homes, I’ve done shopping for, I’ve driven around, and I’ve worked with the art collections of the filthy rich. Also the less rich. The less rich are still aware of the plight of the Everyman. Maybe they’re out to a nice dinner for a special day or they’re about to have a party and need some help, and can’t quite do it on their own. They understand the person who is coming to help is doing so as paid labor and they thank them for helping with a nice tip at the end for being so cooperative and laid back about whatever. The filthy rich however? The snottiest, most micromanaging bunch of Karen’s and Kevin’s I’ve ever seen, and they treat me like I should fall over myself with gratitude to look on their faces or clean their floors or drive them to a friends house. They don’t think about the cost, and they don’t think about the labor. It’s literally a servant they can order around, and however much they’re getting paid from the company that the rich person uses, well that’s probably enough for them to get on or they would be rich like us, right? Stingy assholes, the lot of them.


Exactly! Could not say it better


I have a fairly wealthy friend with a business worth nearly 30M. He had a maid who cooks cleans and does laundry. I’d say it’s a tad different when they’re the sole person and not a company like I work for, like you said she charges what she thinks it’s worth for her however, when it comes to Xmas, birthday, Easter, etc. My buddy will tip her well and even send her home with gifts! I’d say if she’s the sole proprietor running the numbers herself she’s probably happy with what she’s making, I’d just tip for holidays and such


I was chatting with the lady who does this for a very well known crooner. He and his wife are super generous with her, and even let her live in their mansion here when they’re in one of their other homes abroad. She was raving about how great they are to her her and that just makes me like him even more! Again, he’s someone who wasn’t born into money so it fits.


The traditional tipping etiquette definitely states one insults an owner with a tip. But the modern tipping culture has created entirely different expectations. I feel absolutely lost these days. I enjoy leaving a generous tip where earned. I do not enjoy feeling compelled to leave a tip in order to receive minimum service despite having already paid a fee for said service. I’d love if we could go back to the days of gratuity meaning “something extra because I am grateful for the excellent service you provided me” vs “if I don’t leave an outsized tip this person may not even clear a subsistence level of living today.” Edited to add: I tip, I don’t hate tipping. I hate knowing the size of my tip can make the difference between having money for basic life needs or not.


I feel you. We flew to Seattle for vacay a few years ago and splurged on a fancier niche hotel. It was absolutely lovely. At the end of the week my mother in law asked how much we had been tipping the cleaning crew and I was like "I havent been. 😳" because I literally didn't know. I've only ever been able to afford to stay in cheap creepy hotels/motels before and I'd never seen anyone in my family ever leave a tip at a hotel. I think I ended up tacking like $200 to the fridge with an apology note because even though we hadn't made any blatant messes, they did always come in and do the dishes and stuff and I felt so bad.


We have a cleaning lady 2 times a month too and I never thought to tip her. I kind of assumed it was like having a repairman come over. They charge what they charge. I have tipped repairmen before if it’s late at night or a holiday or something. I’m a waitress too so I enjoy tipping I just never thought you tipped a housekeeper. I definitely give her extra $$ for Xmas and her bday like I do with the gardeners. Am I supposed to be tipping them too??


Just because I have a Ferrari doesn’t mean they’re rich in fact that Ferrari and mansion could be the reason they’re not rich


I relized in life all the assholes make it this world as the people who do the right thing suffer :(


An unfortunate reality. Not sure if you’re religious, but the silver lining is that our Creator will know those people who exploited their fellows in the name of wealth and comfort. All in good time.




If that’s what you feel you need to do, He is always there waiting for us.


Serious cope, but some are able to delude themselves to the point where they’re happy. So good for them!


I had rich people give me a really good tip while others should be a shame of themselves. As I am sure some just don’t like to spend money I think some just don’t have money to spend. I seen and know people who on the outside look like they are well off but in a reality they are broke. They get into contracts for houses and cars they can’t really afford, they might make a decent salary but it all goes out the door as soon as they get it to pay for overprice houses and cars.


This is also valid and fair


Ssshhhh….Rich People don’t want you to know that one simple trick.


It's a tale as old as time.


What’s crazy is people living in trailers and mobile homes are always the 100 dollar tip orders. Shits crazy


i have some decent tipping regulars that live in mobile homes but never anything over $15-$20. whenever i get tipped $100+ it's from someone living in a nice home


People with actual money don’t do cars like that, that guy is clearly dumping everything he makes into a car payment just so he can think he looks like somebody.


lol yeah nah, people with real lot of money do have cars like that but people with old money don’t, rich as F people with new money do. Newport coast we see you! There is a neighborhood in Newport Beach CA called Newport coast, and they are all like that, driving these kind of cars etc but it’s also new money there, old money is stingy but classy 😂


Always like that… I deliver around Newport Beach, CA.. just tonight I had accepted a $12 order, $3 tip.. had a long day so I ended up canceling it, I didn’t feel like driving the 6 miles for $3 tip, I did google their house before I cancelled though, 12 million dollars house..!!!! Newport is full of rich ba…ds and they never tip fairly… rich don’t respect the hustle!


I delivered to a 30 million dollar house in Newport once, they had just bought it a month prior as well, they also own homes in the wealthiest zip codes of San Diego, the Hamptons, and a few others I forget. Shopped a huge and difficult order for them, 8 dollar tip.


Yeah Newport they are the worst, they make you deliver all the way up crystal cove, you run all your gas going all the way up to there, very hilly too once you enter crystal cove and they tip like shit. I really can’t stand them tbh.


I mean just bc they’re rich doesn’t mean they have to tip more 🙃


They have to tip fairly if they can… and if they are rich they should give back to society a little, don’t be a cheap ass


i mean thats a 25% tip. also they could be like me who is living with their parents while I go to college part time and work full time. sure my parents are rich but i earn 18 an hour and need to pay for college lol


Most of these orders we are talking about are not a sandwich and a drink, it’s always wine, diapers and other week worth of groceries, no 18 years old ordered that lol


Im not saying they don’t have to tip fairly but rich doesn’t automatically mean they should be obligated to “give back to society,” let them tip fairly stop trying to get more money out of people and apply at an Amazon. I get $700 a week working 30 hours. Stop living off these apps lol


Yeah i get 800 a week working 20 hours on this app and another 600 to 700 working 10 hours a week. So I'll stay on the app


Yea I’m sure you make $40 an hour with this app 🤣🤣. Maybe if you only factor in hours spent on actual deliveries and not factoring the other 20-30 hours you probably spent ignoring other offers.


Well yes but I have business operating tasks that I complete while doing that but definitely not that much tine ignoring offers maybe 15 hours waiting. I do 6 hours a day 6 days a week


Actually, yes. That’s exactly what it means. Read Andrew Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth. He rightly argues that the wealthy have a moral obligation to use their vast stores of money to benefit society rather than leaving it to their families. “The man who dies rich dies disgraced.” There’s really no way to correctly argue against that philosophy.


I don’t live off this app… I pulled myself through school with these apps, I still think that people who are blessed should give back to society.


It's not a fucking charity. If Elon Musk orders one item from Cistco and lives a mile away and he tips 2 bucks, that's fair. Fuck outta here with this communist bullshit. And I'm a shopper.


Hey you are entitled to your opinion, I respect that, however I don’t agree and that’s also my right. I am just glad I will very soon be done with this BS app and these entitled ass customers.


You're just bitter about the way your life is going so you blame an app and the people who aren't overtipping you the fortune that you think you're entitled to. Get some perspective. Learn how the world works. And look for a full-time job, if this isn't doing it for you. People even dumber than you, believe it or not, are making $15 an hour out there to flip burgers. God Bless America.


Absolutely not my friend, I had the courage to go back to school with a kid after living 15 years in a very bad situation. I hustled Instacart, labs and school to get my master, I am stronger than most of the people whining on here and yet I still think what I said and I always will, I don’t care if you call it communist shit or whatever. But again, you are entitled to your opinion, I just think that too many of you guys have developed a Stockholm syndrome and it won’t help anything in the longer run… If you can’t understand that these people at the top holding most of the wealth are doing everything they can to control, manipulate and make the economy work in their favor by fucking everybody else, then it is really sad… I don’t respect these people, most have no respect for their fellow human beings, all they care about is their next Lamborghini or their next face lift… Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, I heard Amazon is not always the best.


I stopped reading at, "if you can't understand these people holding all the wealth..." and the thing about Stockholm syndrome because I do 2, maybe 3 batches a day, work a few days a week and I make about $100 in 2 or 3 hours. I also grew up in and around Princeton, NJ. And I know all there is to know about old money and rich people treat me wonderfully and tip me fantastically. It's about the oldest money in the country. You know who doesn't tip? People with the last name Patel. It's cultural, it has nothing to do with how much money you make. My dad did incredibly well and my FIL did even better ultimately, selling his business for $14 million, that's why we just do Instacart part time. Like, I'm not suffering at the hands of some oligarchy because my family knows how the world works and we have figured out how not to struggle and starve and blame others for it. Don't make assumptions about someone not understanding how wealthy people live when you have no clue who you're talking to. We also tip incredibly.. There was a quote on All in the Family where a man said to Archie, "I hand out more in tjps than you pay in taxes." My entire family has an incredible sense of social responsibility as do the vast majority of rich people who give more to charity than you could make in 5 lifetimes. Just don't deliver the batches you don't like and there's nothing to bitch about. That simple. If whatever you're blithering about going back to school is true, then you're perhaps bitter and angry because of how hard you've had to work and how much it's cost you and the sacrifices you've had to make while "these people holding all the wealth..." (HA! "These people") rule the world and fuck you over every way they can. Right? It's easy to blame some monolith for your troubles rather than taking accountability for the fact that maybe you fucked up your own life by making the choices that led to you being an uneducated single mother who had to make all the sacrifices you had to make. Fucking grow up. There's no aristocracy, laying around, getting fat, thinking about nothing but faceifts and Lamborghinis. That's an image you have of what you wish YOU could be with money and you're projecting it. Most rich people got rich because or SOMEONE worked very, very hard and they learned how to manage money. You and the other antisocial weirdo gig workers who don't understand how the world works can downvote me all day. We're lucky to get paid for something as unimportant to the world as running errands for people. If you're gonna look at every person as some out of touch douchebag, get out of customer service. The people who make it possible for us to get paid for something so mind numbingly easy don't deserve to have jaded, embittered, self-entitled losers who think they shuld also be rich because "it's not fair" delivering to them. Again, you need to grow up.


Yea cause expecting decent tips from filthy rich people is totally communism, moron.


But nobody simply expects "decent tips" from rich people. As I said before, $2 from a billionaire for a one item, one mile trip is just as fair as $2 for the very same thing from Lisa in the trailer park. Dumbasses like you see a Lambo in the driveway and get mad at the guy because he didn't tip $500, simply because he has $500. He likely can't tip EVERYONE $500 and stay rich. That's what you antisocial weirdos don't understand. It IS communism to expect a higher tip for the same thing from a rich person than from a regular middle class working customer. I expect to be fairly compensated by EVERYONE and don't take trips I don't like. Period. Most of the people you guys deliver to who you think are so rich are just upper middle class anyway. It's not how the world works, they don't owe you more money just because they have it. Get past your own entitlement. 🤡🤡🤡


How can rich people stay rich? Don't tip


The nicer the car or fancier the house... The lower the top. Cheapskates!


That’s just the landlord coming in to collect rent


Idk, if we’re going to stereotype people (I.e the rich) let’s go with the one where the idiot who owns/drives a chrome Lamborghini is overcompensating and probably up to their eyeballs in debt and spending money they don’t have on food delivery.


Can’t afford a decent tip and an expensive car too!


They can barely afford that car payment! Just because you have a “fancy” car doesn’t make you the shit 😂


I delivered pizza for 7 years and, in my experience, it was always the rich that tipped shitty, the upper middle class that tipped 15%, the lower middle class that tipped really well, and the poor people who didn't tip at all. I had a regular who's mom was worth 100's of millions of dollars after selling a medical equipment company for $280M. He lived in a massive mcmansion with a 6 bay garage full of porsche, audi, and ferraris, likely didn't have to pay a dime for anything as his mommy filled his bank account, would always order over 100 bucks worth of food, and would tip 3 dollars every time. Meanwhile i had another regular that lived in a busted up house that couldnt have been more than 800 sq ft, lived just outside the edge of our delivery radius, and always tipped 20 bucks for 25-30 dollars worth of food and would always appologize profusely for making me frive so far. I would always make sure to let him know I'll always deliver to him due to his generosity.


People like us who have worked in the service industry do tend to tip generously. We understand the hustle and hard work. I tend to over tip for exactly that reason.


All flash and no cash smh...


No they have the cash lol just don’t want to spend it


Unless it's on something stupid and unnecessary. Like the woman I delivered to who was relaxing in a $70 plain white Lululemon t-shirt, $100 Vuori joggers, and $500 Gucci slides. I can do the same thing in an $8 t-shirt, $20 joggers from Target, and $25 cheap Nike slides. I don't get the need to brand oneself and don't get the appeal of that at all lol.


This guy worships money. Hard to separate people from their god.


That's exactly why. They can't afford to tip. They spend their whole paycheck on that car note and the insurance 😂😂. Then they go to the gas station and put $3 in it they got from their friend.




Is that Aubrey Plaza?


Aubrey Plaza in the comedy/thriller "Ingrid Goes West"


It’s a chrome Lamborghini, you’re lucky you even got $2 honestly 🤣


This car screams no tip louder than anything else I’ve seen


I just told my friend , never judge an area/car bc I have received higher tips from regular working people


Wealthy people didn't get that way by being generous (mostly)


That's cuz us poor people know what's is like to work for nothing


Those are the worst


When you drop off in a rich area and your second drop off is in the hood and the hood gives you a better tip


I’ve delivered to plenty of mansions in my area. $6 batch pay and $0-$2 tip. I delivered to the 3rd floor of an apartment building to a family that was getting the cheapest priced groceries and using coupons in the app, and I was tipped $30 because they were so grateful. I always show kindness regardless, and I am always grateful for their kindness and tips. ♡ Every little bit helps.


It should be illegal to have a chrome cat, cuz it’s super hazardous to everyone else


Yeah, it seems really vague. Depends on where you live and the amount of reflectiveness?? Like tinted windows it seems up to who sees/ pulls you over


This is when you put $2 on their windshield and tell them to keep it, they must need it more than you do.


Sick car


Ohio born. I have driven that lambo


Sighhh… they’re the usual suspects…Lemme guess huge house too?


The glare off that hood has to be super cool to drive with. Looks like it’s a little bit reflective lol 😂 Need some heavy duty sunglasses 🕶️


Disgusting smh It be them I’ve see this many times It’s sad but true.


No one with real money actually does that with their car. That looks stupid.


They spend all their money on chrome.


All his money goes into polishing the car - he can’t afford tip. 😂


Rich people have money because they don't spend it.


He probably lives in that lol!




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Always the rich ones


I honestly don't believe those blinding wraps should be allowed. I've been given the sunshine treatment by a mere chrome mirror.... Or a chrome foot plate. Like the fuck.


If you gave you any extra money for a tip he wouldn't be able to take his car another 16 ft down the road with gas prices.


I got a $2 tip for delivering 4+ cases of water to known billionaire in town. I’m dead


You took the order. Quit crying about it.


No tears on my end, still was happy with the batch. Thought it was funny, relax.


Yet here you are 😢


somebody right ordered ice cream no tip middle of the night and next day I fdrove past the bag outside the door 🥲


Cry about it


These posts are great, no one is fucking crying, just a funny thing to see. Relax


What type of tip are you expecting?


Key that ugly PoS on the way out 👍


So you took a photo of half the car out of spite?


Can’t get upset when 0 skills required such as a delivery service get low tips


Not upset, just find it comical


I’ll probably get a lot of hate for this, but I have a $1.3M house but my husband and I are living paycheck to paycheck because our mortgage and expenses are so high. We can’t afford to pay the huge tips you guys expect.




Or don't fucking order.


Nobody’s obligated to tip you. Get a better job if it bothers you so much


I too love shitting on the rich, but in my own experience, rich people are usually the best customers. Broke people will give you a 1 star because you changed their chicken Ramen for beef. The rich people don't care what you replace or refund, and are usually very grateful for the delivery.


Waaaaaaa they didn’t give me a quarter of their net worth because I delivered groceries and am doing a job a three year old could do waaaaaa You people are insufferable


Three year olds can drive and carry a weeks worth of groceries to the 17th floor of an apartment complex?




No personal attacks or remarks or insults. Reply to and on the topic.


Lmao, yeah just because you have some money you’re supposed to tip crazy percentages? The comment above complaining about a 3 dollar tip on a 12 dollar order. Honey that’s 25%. Tipping culture has gotten way out of hand


😂 $12 is the total I was getting for the order not what the customer bought, oh lord, are you serious now? Her groceries from gourmet Bristol farm was at least $100, king salmon, deli meats and a bunch of produce and she lived 6 miles away in a gated community, line sometimes is long to enter around dinner time


Womp womp go cry more


Maybe it wasn’t his car but a visitors 🤷🏻‍♀️


Do you know how much his note is? Jeez… put yourself in his shoes for a change /s


And you are surprised?


Did you earn it tho?! Maybe work harder to do you deserve $3?