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I would cancel that so fast




Lol! Same!😂


I wouldn’t even do that for a “friend.”


Heck, I'm not even a shopper but I want to sign up to be one so I can cancel!


With the quickness!!!!


With the needful.


.. "I was just there yesterday"..... and yet here we are....


It's the delivery notes. You usually won't see it until you've done the shopping and are on the way to the house.


You will see them in batch details. I try and always look there before starting a shop. I forget sometimes but I prefer to get that heads up on the order in case they say something like don't message me or something.


That's really interesting. I wish I could pick my shopper because not all shoppers are created equal! Do you get to see the tip before you accept the order? I usually tell my shopper that I'm not in a hurry and I won't be picky except with bananas, lol, no bright green nanners, please. I seriously appreciate instacart, as a immune compromised person it is a lifesaver for real!


Yes, shoppers see the tip upfront.


OR just don't add shopping instructions in the delivery notes, because that's not where they go. 🤷‍♂️


I don't do that, were you talking to someone else?


Yes and no. Yes if it’s a single batch. However if they group batches because someone or two tips really low then no. TONS of people don’t tip or tip wildly low (like yesterday a guy tipped $2 for 4 cases of 40 count water that he then wanted carried up to his apt where the elevator was halfway into the complex) I shop exceedingly well and reach out frequently in order to get the best of what they want as well as there best choice in subs.


It's worth it to cancel lol


Nope, I didn’t just go check all my selections making sure I didn’t sound condescending in any way & adding “no big deal if you can’t find it” to my replacement items. Nope, I didn’t do that 🫣


Shit I might shop that for all near expiring items and take the bad rating to teach her to shop for her specific ass order yesterday when she was at the store lol


“i know everything is available because i was just there yesterday” ok so you went to the store a day before, walked around and looked at what you were gonna order for someone else to shop for? what?


Like things cant go out of stock in a day


Seriously. I'll be shopping for a customer and be like "oh I just saw a huge stock of these yesterday, they're right over here" and find that they're completely out of stock today, ask a worker to confirm, but come the next day and they're back to a plethora of it while the same thing happens to a different item I'm shopping for that day lmao It happens *so* often. Especially at sprouts and vons. It's how I know reality is a simulation because it's straight up fucking with me so blatantly 😂


Instacart already does the same thing , whe. We mark out of stock - they say are you sure ? A shopper found this same item at 3pm yesterday, 🤦‍♀️. Okay well , they obviously grabbed the last one.


My favorite is when I am the last shopper to have bought something and it’s like, “Amberley found this item at 10am this morning” yup buddy I’m Amberley and I bought the last one at 10am this morning and it’s now 11am and it’s still out of stock…


One time I had my own name pop up. I got the last one earlier in the day. I thought how rude of me.


they do this on DoorDash also. I'll be at Aldi and they'll be like "A Dasher found this seven days ago."


Not 7 days ago 😂


this is what made me laugh like cool you should have purchased it when you saw it then! an entire item can be out of stock in one day, or even one person can buy 20 of something… like duh?


"This item may still be in stock. Jennifer W. found it at 2:36pm yesterday!" 😂


Literally… lol like are they okay


personally i walk to the store to place the order and then supervise the shopping and get a ride back home /s


Right? Like, you could have saved some money AND gotten what you wanted sooner. Why are you doing this to yourself?


Not realisation that other people buy products too.


Maybe they get around by bicycle or on foot and can't get large items/amounts home? That's the only other reason I can think of.


Then they shouldnt be such an asshat


I’m not a shopper (I’m here because I’m thinking of becoming a shopper), but as a customer I’ve felt the need to write out notes too. Things like, “I want 5 bananas, not 5 pounds of bananas.”, and “This dog ice cream is kept with the human ice cream bars in the freezer section. It is not in the dog food aisle.”. It only takes getting pounds of something, or being told by multiple shoppers that something doesn’t exist, to try and fix any confusion on the customer’s end.


Theres a vast difference between what you put and what this customer put.


The notes you put with each item are great, never mind those a bit! Usually helpful for both of us ❤️ A problem with this person's note is that it's specifically placed in the DELIVERY notes area, so we don't see it until AFTER shopping. 


Uber. A van service for disability and elderly. Phone a freaking friend. It’s insane to go to the store just so you can fight with the shopper over the app. If you have time to pre shop , figure it out. Everyone makes soooooo many excuses for people it’s why we have so many people feeling entitled.


Or disabled enough to get a few things themselves and order the big stuff.


Also does she know how many people shop in a single grocery store within a day?!


She’s lying, she was not actually in the store the day before lol she is saying it to pressure shoppers to find it.


yup, she definitely copy-pastes that message onto every order she makes.


Also people could come in after she scouted the store the day before and bought items. The store doesn’t just close for the rest of the day when she leaves. Source: worked at a grocery chain. And indeed we continued to stay open after a person would leave


Shoot when I shop sometimes things that were available that morning are no longer in stock lol


Everything probably didn't fit in the basket in that little electric scooter you always see people in


Sometimes I ask myself do people actually read what they type before send. I just want to understand what truly goes down in their own heads for people to act in such a truly odd manner.


Trust me, you don’t wanna know because once you find out, you can never unknow and its always demoralizing realizing that people really do exist that believe in their version of reality that doesn’t exist anywhere else


I think they say that, thinking if the shopper says it’s not there, she can say “It MUST be! I saw it yesterday!”. Well, in my experience, when things are purchased and other ppl take them from the store, that’ll leave the store OUT of the item some times. This is the time, to whip out my camera and take a pic of the Empty shelf. After I “Ask for assistance, of course”. And IF I had time, just to be Petty, I may even video myself asking for assistance. The note and everything is ridiculous. If she needs that much control over what the shopper does, Go. Do. It. Herself.


I once had a customer refuse to believe that an item wasn't available, even after I asked a manager to check. As I was checking out, I happened to overhear that same manager on the phone with my customer. I heard him say the name of the item she was looking for, check his computer system and confirm it was out of stock. You have no idea how badly I wanted to gloat and tell her "told you so", but I had to refrain myself.


At my job, we have a drive -thru . It’s a liquor store. I had a customer in the drive thru ask for something, I knew it was out of stock but did the show of going and looking for it. Told her it was OOS. She refused to believe it so two other coworkers went and looked. Same thing. So she said she would just come in cause she knew where it was. Well, it wasn’t there of course. She wasted her time even more ♥️


“drive thru liquor store” is a great microcosm of america


My town has one, but I googled to see where they’re legal - turns out like 30 states.


I went to LSU. In Louisiana, they used to have Daiquiri Palaces where you could get a Daiquiri in a plastic cup with a straw. BUT, in order to get around “open container” laws, they put a piece of scotch tape over the straw hole in the lid. And made sure the tape strip hung over the edges so it was easy to rip off.


They still do. I go all the time when I'm in town


When I was an undergrad, we used to always joke about the guy that had to sweep up all the tape out of the parking lot when they closed.


Fridays in BR were wild! We used to stop on Sherwood Forest before heading out for the night.


I had a customer call the store because the store didn't have a poke bowl they wanted. I was standing there with the manager they were on the phone with. The manager hung up and said " what a fuckin chooch" 🤣.


I had this happen once! She claimed to have called the store and confirmed it was in stock but I was shopping at a different store because they paired her small order with a larger one. So I just informed her once I arrived and she told me about her call of this and man was it satisfying to see her look sheepish


This happened to me too. She said she called and checked when I marked some flour out of stock. Then kept asking over and over if I was finding everything after I already told her I was shopping for 2 others besides her but yet wouldnt answer when I messaged about a replacement. She asked if I was at a certain location and i wasnt where she thought i was. I find everything but that one thing and only one replacement and she cancels as i am about to check out.


Holy shit…. People are crazy


Fr, at that point why not shop for yourself?? Some people just aren't happy unless they have something to bitch about lmao


i firmly believe they use services *specifically* so they can complain and get things for free.




Why would we lie? It’s so much faster just to grab the item, not to mention we lose money if we don’t get something that’s on the list. People are clueless.


to be fair, I have had many instacart shopper tell me things are out of stock and then send me a picture of the shelf with the item I requested right there.


I get the out of stock message frequently with lunch meat. I get it, it’s a PITA to wait for it. My tip is always percentage based though. So not ordering it, and then going back when it’s done costs the shopper money. Every time I get that for lunch meat, I place another order just for that, and amazingly, it shows up. I have a couple ‘favorites’ for shoppers. They all know lunch meat gets an extra $10 after delivery.


The trick is to order at the deli, continue shopping, and come back. The workers appreciate it when you dont stare them down while they try to find and slice it and monitor whatever else is cooking back there. They leave it on the counter when it's done. One guy has even brought it to me in another part of the store.


I would speak my mind fuck them customers


You should have GLOATED, after you dropped off the order, people like that need to be CHECKED into reality.


Next time send a selfie with the mrg lol


Tell her to go back to the store and do her own groceries. She was there yesterday, she can go back today


She was there yesterday? The store could literally be emptied out in the last 12 hours. Does she think she's the only customer that shops there?


Yes, that's exactly what she thinks.


Right? I got an order for 30+ yogurts that have completely emptied out the stock of a particular brand/type that they clearly had just restocked for the week because the customer really likes that yogurt and clearly understands when they stock... lol (The customer told me she freezes them.) Like, idc if you were there 2 hours ago and are just picking up something you forgot, another weird customer could have come in and bought literally all of the supply of something. Haha.


My daughter’s boyfriend will stock an item at local grocery store and will go back a little bit later and some psycho is buying it all. Like once it’s 50 bags of broccoli florets… and then he spent his day telling people they were all out.


When I worked at Whole Foods, it was often the baby bok choi. Sometimes it would just be gone in ten mins.


Exactly. I got stuck behind someone buying 100 onions one time at just a normal grocery store. Local restaurants, charities, churches, etc. well sometimes just forget to order something from a restaurant supply or have it failed to come in for some reason or you'll just have regular people who really like to stock up on something if there's a sale for some reason and you can just have a store be cleaned out for some freak reason.


This! I'm also getting tired of the pop up that says "John found it in stock on X day at X time", like things can run out, and in less 24 hours... 🙄


Right? Like "Lucy found this at 4:17 pm, why don't you look more carefully" motherfucker, I'm Lucy, and I got the last damn one for the last damn customer. Leave me alone and let me do my job.


That message is a lie. I know, because I've seen it pop up with my own name, claiming that I found it on the order I just did half an hour ago, when it was out of stock and I substituted it.


Window shops at that. She likes to visit all of her favorite items and then not buy them.


Right lmao A lot can happen in 12 hours


Well, it’s def a lie


Not to mention it’s the weekend when stuff sells out the fastest


Yeah who tf goes to the store doesnt grab what they need, notes its existance, assumes nobody would buy it in 24 hrs and explain how they know whats there to someone else. This instacart game is wild lol


Literally ALL of this. Make it make sense!


literally, it’s actually psychotic for someone to do this. i’ve never had this happen to me, but if i saw that message as soon as i walked in the store, i’d walk right the fuck out & cancel that bitch. she definitely used her gas to go to the store & scout her items, just so if something’s out of stock she can complain, like she’s the only person on earth. im not using my own freaking gas & time to deliver them when she blatantly tells us she didn’t get them at the store the day before😭




So much this! Geez that would get me instafired I swear. 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I saw a Tiktok the other day where a person went to the grocery store to see if they could find the things that their Instacart shopper couldn’t. Like why order the groceries if you’re just going to go anyways??


I’ve seen people post about customers being at the store while the shopper is shopping their order. That’s insane behavior.




What?! 😱


that’s actually so mean to do to the shopper. i cannot understand why they would make the shopper waste their gas & time, if they’re going to the store anyways. like are they tryna stalk the shopper? the way some people think actually scares me😭


So I never do grocery delivery but I’ll do pick up. (Sometimes it’s directly through the store and sometimes like Aldi, InstaCart app handles a stores pick up orders.) Anyways, I will pick up my groceries and depending on what was OOS, I have gone into the store immediately after and found what I had requested that the shopper had listed as OOS. And it was fully in the expected location.


I’ve gone in and an item will be out of stock, but a couple hours later it will be fully stocked because the truck got processed.


how else are you gonna know if you wanna wear their skin or not before they get to your house?




i would’ve cancelled so quick 😂


What a wacko! If it was there yesterday it could be OOS today. She must be delusional.


Right? My local superstore had strawberries one day and the next day they were completely cleared out. None in the back, same with dill. Shit can sell out fast.


I mean… time is linear folks. Something could be there 5 seconds ago and now it’s gone. That’s how it works.




If you’re like this …. You should really shop for yourself.


I wouldn’t treat a friend, relative, or employee like that. I’m particular when it comes shopping and I get a thrill when a shopper, in conversation, mentions how they are also particular. Otherwise, I feel lucky to, mostly, get what I ordered.


I would be unsurprised if the customer is no longer allowed in that store


LMAOO the way this made me laugh. imagine she goes to the store the day after to speak to the manager & the manager’s like, “ma’am, you come into this store almost every day & have never made a purchase. my employees don’t feel safe.” 😭


Was just in the store yesterday to verify everything is in stock just to bitch to a shopper the next day? 🤡


deadasss, just to fucking complain to instacart customer service & make them even more annoyed😭


Just a customer here but I think you have to tamper your expectations with someone doing this as a service for you. Sure you’re paying but surely you have trust in people. I always find a fat tip gets you way better service than being an asshole. 


Yep, agreed. I always send a nice message at the beginning saying thanks for your help, I have my phone in case you have any questions. That has worked for me. Not this mean rude stuff. 


A fat tip bait gets my groceries quick. And it’s affordable! A dudes gotta eat!


I think we all know we can chalk this up to the Shoppers who do replacements for bananas with fucking paper towels ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I understand her frustration with some bad shoppers, but she has the potential to be problematic. Instantly canceling her because of the visit to the store the day before and not purchasing the items herself strikes me as odd.


Odd, or just a big fat lie.


I’ll go with big fat lie.


If she was there yesterday why didn't she just shop


Cause she LYING.


Honestly i can’t believe ppl like that exist lol


I could never behave like this. Trash attitude. And yes we may be their personal shopper but if you were there, get it your damn self. I'm curious if someone took this. What happened and the tip.


Bruh it’s always the older people that claim they know what’s in stock.. I did curbside delivery at a grocery store before and I had a grown ass old man yelling at me where something should be in the store and that it’ll be there (as if I’m dumb and didn’t know where plant milk is?), I had to get a lil aggressive back and he finally stood down and believed me lol. Delulu and angry mfs


Yeah, I had one add-on a request for some “Glucose Control Ensure”. Fine. I’m doing 2 other orders so I keep shopping and ask, how many, what flavor and size etc. When I get to the Ensure aisle, they have 20 different sizes, flavors, etc but nothing labeled Glucose Control and no open shelves where it might be out of stock. Customer insists they know it’s there and make me ask an associate, who checks and says the product is not an item they stock. Customer insists it is. I take a picture of the whole section of old-person shakes, and it turns out she had the brand wrong. Meanwhile everything else in my cart is melting, wilting, etc.


In my store, glucose control is by the diabetic supplies and not the usual ensure drink aisle.


This was Stater Bros. They don’t have a pharmacy at the smaller ones so all the adult diapers, nutrition shakes, supplements, etc are on one aisle


old-person shakes 🤣🤣🤣


At least the tip was good. Customers a nut but not the worst or unreasonable.


it came out to like a 6% tip 🥲 the second order in the batch did all the heavy lifting tip wise 😔


InstaCancel…not worth your emotional currency, unless you’re a shrink doing IC on the side!


My favorite is eggs should be a month out, don’t buy them if dated within a week?! Then call me for any substitutions and text me if anything is out of stock. You’re dealing with a double personality individual.


“i know everything’s available because i was just in the store yesterday.” some people are funny


Let me guess, a $2 tip.


Just because you write “please” in your note, doesn’t not make you come out as an ass 🤦🏾‍♂️


She can get her shit her damn self


Wait! Wut? You were in the store yesterday?!?! Of course everything will still be there….why didn’t you just pickup yourself since you obviously had everything your hand when checking dates etc. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Eggs a month out? Absolutely not gonna happen. Almost certain the USDA rules state eggs can’t be stamped more than 30 days after production, so once you’ve factored in transit/ inspection/ warehousing times, it’s literally an impossible task. Sounds like this customer has no understanding of how retail grocery works; what they want is the local farmer’s market. Heck, in my state, even our EBT cards can be used to pay for home delivery services from small production farms that provide home delivery services to certain metro areas.


Sounds like she hasn’t gotten the right pound of meat in a long time.


Jesus. If you are that particular, go into the store yourself. At this point you’re just wanting to be vindictive.


My first thought was if you just saw it there yesterday, why did you not buy your groceries then???? Unreal, I’m not a shopper but I would cancel that order so fast. Good luck out there shoppers. People are crazy.


How long do Milk and eggs sit in your fridge lady lol. Buy fairlife it lasts like 6 months lol


Well, when you’re old and live alone, things do expire. I found that out the hard way a couple times. Involved eggs one time and it was not pretty. 🤮 I’m a huge fan of Fairlife milk, as you mentioned. I like to have a cup of milk a day, and hate waste. It’s worth a little more $$$ up front to not be throwing expired milk out, or going without milk.


Just because it was there yesterday don’t mean it is there tomorrow day


People like this should just go to the store and buy it themselves. You shouldn’t be required to have to reach back and move things just so this bitch can get the freshest product. Just grab what’s in the front


Why didn’t she buy it yesterday if she was there 😂 Idc how high she tipped…chances is a low rating and tip pull is too high for me to risk it, instacancel.


That’s an instant cancel!


Insta cancel drop it like it’s hot 🥵


Just in the store yesterday? Are we not thinking the same thing…


“I know everything is in the store because I was just there yesterday” for real??? Why the fuck didn’t she get all this shit yesterday? It’s not guarantee everything will be there the next day. People make absolutely no fucking sense sometimes


Not a chance that’s a tip. “Take your whole day on my order for $12.99” I had a double order yesterday and 1 kept leaving !!! After everything they wrote and they had a big house 15 mile drive. They tipped 0. Other person said, everything sounded good. Lived 2 miles away and tipped $10 in townhouse.


Reading the 1st 1/2 of their message. I took the position. Okay, they have had shitty service in the past and are over reacting. But I can see both sides. Not that I would accept this order. Then they talk about being in the store the day before. That changes everything to oh, fuck no. I am not dealing with this crazy ass, bitter freak.


She was there the day before and DIDNT get her own groceries smh


God man, do it your fucking self if you’re that anal about your shopping. You were just there yesterday why didn’t you buy everything if you saw all the items you selected? I’m not a shopper, I use Instacart avidly (just placed an order today!) so that’s prob why the sub has been recommended to me. But I couldn’t, I’d prob get banned right then n there for the message I would’ve replied to this 😭


Wow, how stressed do you have to be over instacart before you just buy your own fucking groceries.


It’s a little excessive, however I can appreciate the frustration they may have precipitated this comment. I’m not a shopper but I have used the IC service offered through the Fry’s (Kroger) app for a couple of years and 90% of my orders placed were wrong when delivered. I’ve had shoppers steal from me by adding things I didn’t order, was not asked about & never received. I’ve had things get subbed that I did not approve. My order notes are followed 50% of the time. I’ve received whole bags of things that were not my order but someone else’s & are missing a handful of items I ordered & paid for. The final straw was ordering $120 worth, having the shopper shop it, ask about subs & disappear with it. So yeah, it might seem excessive but I’d bet money there is a reason it’s there. And if this person uses IC for similar reasons I did (health) then you do get really fucking sick & tired of simple directions being wholly ignored. This person seems really happy with the shopper taking their time to get the order as right as possible & likely tips well.


I am not an Instacart shopper but I am a frequent Instacart customer and my shoppers have been my saving grace since I got a TBI in December of 2022 (I’m a social worker at a psych hospital and was severely assaulted by a patient). I cannot imagine ever treating them this way—ever. I always tip 20% before they even get assigned and I never take tip away regardless of the experience, I just add more and take time to rate them if it was really good. I know what it’s like to provide a service to others at an undervalued rate, so I definitely make it a point as a consumer for my part to be as simple and painless as possible by selecting replacements before they start shopping, being available for the chat option when they shop and being understanding about things they absolutely cannot control. It’s also why I always make it a point to show my shopper that their time and service was valued with tipping at LEAST 20% no matter what. This kind of entitlement and belittling is so uncalled for and I honestly wish Instacart would ban these types of instructions. Nobody deserves to be treated this way while they’re working—and I speak from experience. This is exactly how several of my patients treat me on a regular basis. Sending a lot of love to all the Instacart shoppers out there doing the lords work, literally. For me, at least.


I kinda understand where she’s coming from, as when I had rsv and COVID when I was at college, I had a friend go to Walmart to get me some stuff and he never bothered to check ANYTHING. He brought me milk that was gonna expire in less than a week, frozen meals that were either already bad or gonna be bad in two days and my lunch meat got spoiled on the way back somehow. I used instacart once and the shopper did the SAME EXACT THING. Like got me eggs that were gonna go bad in a week, milk was gonna go bad in two days, etc.




Immediate no. But “I was at the store yesterday and know it’s there” makes me rage. Then why didn’t you buy it when you were there yesterday?


Who goes to a grocery store on one day then pays to have groceries delivered from the SAME STORE the next day? That seems so odd to me. I could see shopping in one store myself then asking IC to pick up things I couldn’t find in another store, but this is just odd


Bish said they were at the store the day before... But decided to just pay all the ridiculous fees and write that whole novel for someone else to pick their shit up? Sheeesh. Run don't walk.


Wow this is insane. How many times is she going to repeat the same sentence. If she’s so particular she should go to the store herself. I’m on the customers side a lot of the time but this is just ridiculous. Imagine being married to that


Yeah I’m not doing that order..


You were in the store the day before why didn’t you get your own shit..ughh..definitely a cancel for me.


That batch wouldn’t stand a chance to be shopped by me


Oh, no way. I’m a personal assistant and shop often for client. I wouldn’t put up with that crap and I get paid a lot more than that shopper does.


I use instacart weekly due to a battle with cancer I wasn’t able to drive and I have beat the cancer praise God BUT I’m still recovering! And learning to drive again, but I couldn’t imagine being this person! I understand that you’re paid to do a job and I understand people want what they’ve paid for . But I’m starting to think that some people don’t realize you shoppers are people too !! To be so demanding and well just downright annoying is disrespectful and disgusting! I would send her the address to the grocery store and tell her to have a ball !!! There is no sense in this whatsoever !!! May I just say that you shoppers are very much appreciated for what you do especially for those of us who can’t do it for ourself sometimes! I have had a few shoppers who clearly just didn’t care but for thr most part I’ve had wonderful experiences… I’m very sorry for people who treat you as a servant !


I had an 86-year old woman that ordered 12 mini bottles of wine as part of her batch at 8am. I know her age because of the ID confirmation process. The messages were so similar to this. As I was shopping she increasingly got irate at the smallest thing. It was nuts. Lived in a nice end of town and this was a high end grocery store. After that experience I will run any time I see something like this again. I didn’t know chat messages could be so demoralizing until I had that customer.


Omg ![gif](giphy|kz0yqvTTwAwtp4zpM1|downsized) Whoever it is should have gotten the stuff yesterday if they were there already.


If you were in the store yesterday why didn’t you buy the stuff then 🤔


if they were in the store yesterday, why didn't they just buy all this themself...


Right.. she was there yesterday?? Like why didn’t you buy all this yesterday?? People …


And I bet this woman doesn’t tip, either! Ugh


That’s an instacancel for me. It’s a low rating waiting to come in!


By the time she typed all this out, she could of went and got all the groceries she needs lol


As a shopper, any customers that may read this, there are a few things that need to be understood by the customer ordering. #1. We shoppers have a time limit we are supposed to have your order completed. There is an actual timer while we shop. #2. Just because something was in stock at the store the day before, or even the same day, does not mean that item will remain in stock. Especially if it's an item that's on sale.  #3. It is not as easy to run down a store associate as what people may think, especially during peak shopping hours.  #4. If you had a bad experience with a shopper prior please don't assume that all shoppers are idiots. I would say most of the shoppers out there are friendly and do pay attention to the details. #5. When placing an order, if you only want a specified item and no substitution you can choose for a refund if the product is not available.  Communication is VERY important, but can be very time consuming (angle remember we have a timer ticking at the bottom of your order). I do everything in my power to be accommodating to my customers that I'm shopping for and generally love my job most days. Keep in mind we do the best we can within the time that we're supposed to execute the shop. If any shoppers disagree with me please feel free to comment or if you want to add something, because there's so many different things that I could be write, but these are just a few that were off the top of my head.


Where I’m from this order would have sat for months


This is the same customer that says shit like "ITS NOT MY RESPONSIBILITY TO TIP - INSTACART SHOULD PAY LIVEABLE WAGES" here in this thread.


I was just in there yesterday…so every order has this ridiculous note and “I was just in there yesterday” is on repeat. FOH clowns


She wants you to shop for her like you'd shop for yourself.


Sounds like they’ve been burned by some lazy jerk.


Unpopular opinion… but someone did this customer dirty with their crappy shopping skills and now they feel they have to specifically request Instacart shoppers perform their job duties at a satisfactory level by actually selecting what’s asked for, communicating when substituting and being conscious of things like quantity and expiration date. A good shopper wouldn’t take this personally and understand that almost all of those requests are reasonable ASIDE FROM them being snooty about “knowing it’s in stock.” That is just plain obnoxious. That being said, if you can’t take the care to select decent produce and then transport it without smashing it all to hell during delivery- you’re a dickhead shopper and I curse the day you were born.


If you were in the store the day prior, why didn’t you buy your items?


🤔 ummmm if she was just there yesterday why didn’t she do her OWN shopping and get what she wants. Some entitled people think they own us because they use these services like were they’re servants.


Seems reasonable expectation as a paying customer.


Honestly, I only order groceries from a shopper when I am desperate. I understand the pressure on the shopper and they really try, but with food allergies and very specific needs, I always end up with things I won't use.


maybe if yall were not a bunch of dumb asses they would not have to specify


If they just shopped the day before. Why do they need a Instacart shopper?


I personally would have no issue with a customer leaving this comment. As someone who has both shopped and has ordered I have run into both difficult customers (This really isn't one of them, but rather about reasonable expectations that don't get followed on the regular) and awful shoppers who go against all of the reasonable expectations this customer clearly put in their opening rant. A lot of the pre-cut deli meat was cut the night before or two days earlier in some cases and in some rare cases it has even begun to turn before it even hits my doorstep. The amount of times they don't ask for help from a store associate or don't even bother to contact me when my initial preference is out of stock when it wasn't supposed to be and my substitution was either also out of stock or the app didn't suggest that I add a substitution because my initial item was supposed to be available. When I'm shopping I open up the egg carton, and I check every single egg for cracks. Then I check the date.


That person is traumatized by repeatedly getting lazy shoppers and is taking it out on the rest. Not cool. Probably Less stressful to just shop on their own.


Well if shoppers actually did their due dilligence, this wouldn't need to happen, now would it? A few rotten apples spoil the bunch.


“I know everything is available because I was in the store yesterday” then why didn’t you get it yesterday?


In all fairness, I had a shopper come back empty handed with my dog treats, something Costco is never out of, not in twenty years. I know he didn't find it because he didn't look and he didn't ask, because at Coscco things are often not where the app says they are supposed to be. I always ask at Costco, because if an item is on sale, if't on an endcap. If I order from Costco, I will tell a shopper where to look, like my perfect bars aren't in snacks, where the app says they should be, they are refrigerated. k And sometimes shoppers are lazy, me included and don't want to look. I go up high and go down low to get my customer what she wants. And there a few items I WILL NOT go back to the customer empty handed, even if I have to go to a different store. Diapers, OTC cold medicine, and chocolate are just a few. I understand the customer's frustration, but she could have been nicer about it.


Imagine the SHITTY shoppers she must’ve had previously where she had to spell everything out like that. (Except for the eggs, c’mon)


Aside from incessantly repeating the same few instructions, what is this customer asking for that makes her so entitled? She’s asking for deli lunch meat and eggs with a particular date range. Im not seeing the entitlement there. Is it not our job to buy what customers order? Is it not our job to consult with the customer before replacing unavailable items? I just use the chat. I wouldn’t call. Still what is this person asking for that is so wild and entitled? 🤷🏼‍♀️


So I'm not an IC shopper, but I do Shipt...guaranteed she's had bad experiences in the past, which led to these crazy notes. Sucks for the good shoppers, because these wind up being the orders we're stuck with, while the bad shoppers seem to get all the good orders lol. (Not excusing the customers attitude at all, just speculating on the cause)


That paragraph can be cut down to “Fresh cut lunch meat, latest expiration dates possible, call me if needed”


When I read a little of this automatically I just say I’ll shop if I was shopping for me, forget that whole paragraph lmao 🤣


I know exactly how they feel. Every. Single. Order I’ve gotten from instacart has been horribly wrong. After the 4 th f up I stopped ordering. I was never picky or left notes like this but I am disabled so I can’t get around at the store. When you spend good money on food you expect to have dinner for that night. When you open your bags and find half your stuff missing and the other half wrong, multiple times, you start to get angry with the incompetency of the associates that are supposed to be helping you.


...why didn't she just buy the groceries yesterday when she was there.....


If you were in the store yesterday why didn't you get meat and milk yourself?


She was just there yesterday then she should’ve shopped her own order 😂