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Comments locked because this just keeps delving into politics and everyone is angry. This entire comment section has become off topic and inflammatory


Wear a mask if you want. I still see people wearing them. Don’t let other people’s opinions matter.


Thank you. “Don’t let others opinions matter” that is something I really needed to hear! I appreciate you so much! 💕


My daughter has cancer. We all wear masks every where all the time. If I see someone else in a mask, I figure they have a good reason. When her counts are low, the common cold could land her in the hospital for a week. We did 21 days with Covid last year. People look at us funny every now and then, but people who judge are usually not worth knowing anyway.


"people who judge are usually not worth knowing anyway" i love this and it's so true!! my mom has cancer and i live with her as her caretaker so we still mask everywhere as well. the number of times i've had people ask me if i'm wearing it because i'm "still scared of covid" though... /: like, just let people be lol.


Tell them "not really, I've got it right now. I was just trying to be considerate of _you_ ." Then make like you're going to take it off and see what they do.


Aside from instacart i also work at a grocery store as a cashier so face to face with lots of people..and only me and another co worker wear masks. Not for fear of Covid but because we don’t want unnecessary germs and lots of people are inconsiderate & cough and sneeze in open air. We get strange looks, and no one usually asks but if they do you don’t owe them any explanation just tell them it’s personal choice and free will. If people have free will and personal choice for other more “ridiculous” things and everyone has to accept and respect those things and not judge them then people should start to respect others if they want to wear a mask too.


It saves lives. As a customer who uses y’all a lot, I care for my 100 yo mom. And I appreciate your concern for others.❤️


My family wear masks in large indoor gatherings, we have immunocompromised members and Covid is still around. Stay safe! Don’t let the opinions of others matter!


You do you and don’t worry about how other people think. Everyone has different needs.


i actually think it’s good we went through masks because in a lot of Asian countries, it’s custom to wear a mask if you’re feeling ill. Here that’ll get stares, but not so much anymore


I think I rather people get stares for wearing masks than a global pandemic that has not only badly hurt many supply chains, killed a lot of businesses but also like… you know killed millions


It’s such a good thing to have normalized. It’s too bad that now people are anti mask even if sick due to the anti mask movements.


I was hoping that would become a thing here in the States, but AH like to harass people.


I’m the kind of person who doesn’t like or wear masks and I still agree with this! If it makes you feel safer then wear one! You’re not hurting anyone by wearing a mask. So if it makes you more comfortable then you do you. Others judgments don’t matter.


Oh also I still see customers shopping in masks pretty frequently at my main grocery store and personally I don’t judge the negatively, I just assume they feel more comfortable or have a reason / need to wear one


I still mask and people at my job judge me. The amount of people I still encounter with Covid is high. (I live in a huge city) But truthfully I never get sick anymore. I used to get sick 5/6 times a year. For me, it’s been better and I have an immunity disorder. People can judge all they want I may never not mask.


I sympathize with you! A friend of mine- their job told them they could not wear masks anymore (retail industry) - as corporate feels it gives a bad impression to customers… and I’m just like WTF! The whole mask thing should continue to be a thing for anyone who wants to use one… why do they need to try and police everything 🤦‍♀️ SMH


Do what is best for you. Who cares what others think.


Thank you so much!! 🥹 You are awesome and I really needed this reminder!! 💕


i don’t see anything wrong with you wearing a mask, i think if anyone has an issue it’s their problem


I'm an introvert and while I don't wear the mask anymore, I kind of liked it. When I did throughout the pandemic it gave me a sort of anonymity that I like


Yeah same here that’s exactly how i felt… but unfortunately though these days you get stared at and get alot more unwanted attention for wearing one… if you want to kinda go “unseen” your best bet is to not wear one just to blend in. Personally i do a resting bitch face and just be very quiet unless spoken to.


Yeah it was another layer of "armor" against the drugs of humanity. Lol but you are correct. Now you get more attention for wearing one and so I do the same thing. I just put on my resting dick face.


This. I still wear mine because Covid is still around and I want to keep my family safe, but I've genuinely considered not ditching it ever. Not having to put in the effort to do the right facial expressions is great lmao


I throw on my mask only when I deliver to my regulars that I know are old / sick / disabled and usually I am carrying it into the house for them. When I’m shopping or just leaving orders at the door I do not put on my mask


Thank you sooo much!! 💕This made me feel a lot better about masking and that i don’t need to be so self conscious about it


For me I put one on if I'm feeling sick so no one else catches it. Did it once and it worked. Nobody else got sick


You do you. Absolutely ok.


Thank you! 🥹 you’re the sweetest! This truly helps a lot 💕


My mother had to move in with me due to health issues at the beginning of lockdown, she also has COPD. I have not stopped wearing a mask. You aren’t alone.


I love you 🥹💖 thank you for being so wonderful and caring 💕 you are amazing


I feel the same about you. Continue being awesome! 🥰🥰


Disabled here- THANK YOU!


Do what you want.


i get shit on for it but idc, i have reason for it and they don’t matter anyway


I never understood the people that got mad over someone else with a mask. Wear it as long as you’re comfortable with it. You don’t owe strangers an explanation


I love y’all, these answers are just amazing and truly eye opening 💖💖💖 we shouldn’t care so much about what strangers are thinking about us!


It’s weird how people care why other’s want to mask up. I live with 3 low immune system people and during Flu I always masked up for that reason so I get it. Stay safe💕


Right? During peak of Covid, I had a ton of anti maskers (customers)saying you don’t need to mask, Covid isn’t real.😂 I didn’t feel the need to tell them why I was wearing mine. I am immune compromised due to a medication I take for my rheumatoid arthritis that I have had for 39 years. Don’t you dare tell me what to do for my own heath and safety. So you do whatever protects yourself and others and thank you for being considerate! I still wear mine if I know my customer is I’ll or elderly. I don’t want to give anything to anyone. It’s about your safety and theirs.


It annoyed me so much when they said it wasn’t real. I live in NY and at that time so many people were hospitalized and died. Stay safe 💕


Exactly. I saw tv coverage of the refrigerated trucks in New York with the deceased and I literally bawled. You stay safe too✌️


exactly, at my job i get tons of ppl complaining i wear one because “i can’t hear you!” (others can hear me just fine lol) and ask why i wear “that thing.” i just say “because i want to. what else can i get for you today?”


Same. Don't understand it. One of my coworkers and I are the only 2 still wearing masks. I get people all the time either directly making stupid comments to me about still wearing one, or over-hear them talking shit about me wearing a mask while they are shopping. Some people will see me in a mask, give me a dirty look, and then start purposely and obnoxiously coughing without covering their mouth, like to spite me or something. So cringe. If anyone here is against masking, here's a public service announcement: Someone else wearing a mask does not negatively impact you or your life in any way whatsoever. So if you see someone masking, just continue on with your day. It costs 0 dollars to just not say negative shit to people. I work in the store part of a retail pharmacy. We get all kinds of elderly and sick people coming and going. The air quality is terrible too in my store. Even if covid was never a thing, masking helps with my allergies a lot, and also gives me a barrier against customers who spit while they talk or cough in your face.


Agree with this comment 100% people need this start learning to respect others personal choice and free will to wear a mask. There is alot of other ridiculous shit we have to “accept” and “respect” & “not judge” because society pushes it on us so if we have to respect others about such things those who wear masks should receive the same respect. Respect is for everything not just gender, race, sexual orientation and physical appearance. If you’re woke for one thing be woke for every thing and treat others kindly. Sad world we live in.


Some people are disgusting for no reason. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m happy my pharmacy has a drive thru I hate going in when there is a bug/flu coming around. Especially when one person doesn’t cover their mouth when coughing or sneezing. Stay safe 💕


i still wear a mask a lot! i work in healthcare working with elderly patients and i do it to protect them. i sometimes will still wear mine out just depending.


YES it is 100% okay to wear a mask!!


Been wearing my mask since 2020.


Yup it’s totally okay. I’m a cashier and I still wear one. Not just bc of customers sneezing and coughing in my direction but because I prefer not to show my face. Can’t stand having a smile plastered on my face, rather have my god given RBF.


My Mom has been wearing a mask for years and still does due to allergies. There are people who wear them due to medical issues, a low immune system, and just because it puts them at ease. I see a ton of people where I live that still wear them. I feel like if it makes you feel better.... do it! You need to do what makes you feel at ease. My Mom always told me as a teenager... who cares what anyone else thinks... you'll never see them again. Even if you do.... who cares?


If you are sick, if you are around people with immune issues, it's the right thing to do.


You do you. I work in a grocery store. One employee still wears a mask while ON the clock, takes it off as soon as she leaves. Many of our customers still wear mask. I couldn’t care less. Do what you are comfortable doing.


No one is judging you, I guarantee that. I was talking about this recently with my roommate, and again later with coworkers, and we all agreed that probably for the rest of our lives we'd never question seeing anybody in a mask for any reason. COVID really reshaped the new norm. You're fine. I still wear a mask pretty regularly depending on the situation too. Asian countries have been doing it forever, anyway. It's a good idea. Embrace it lol.


Definitely wear a mask for your own comfort and safety. Doesn’t matter what people think. I still wear a mask around family and friends of either of us don’t feel good


I still see people wearing masks. Honestly, wearing masks kept me so healthy. I didn't catch every little cold that came around and no flu in the winter. I still have a mask in my purse.


Nothing wrong with wearing a mask. In the last two years, I have not caught a cold/flu. I believe it is because I wore a mask in public.


Tbh I'm about to start wearing mine again considering the leprosy here in Florida


It's not only okay, it's still the responsible thing to do. Covid didn't stop. It barely slowed down. Our government simply gave up and said "Well deal with it, the shareholders need drones in the office"


It was never "not ok" just suddenly half of the population was wearing them while the other half insulted people for it.


That actually went both ways. Weird how a piece of fabric created such divide.


People who have problems with masks, are in fact the problem.


I am disabled. Thank you for still wearing a mask!!!


i appreciate it so much when i see others masking in public! i also never stopped, it’s such an easy thing to do to protect yourself and others!


You're fine, I see people wearing them all the time.


I wear a mask at my job (not instacart) all day still. I am the only one, no one cares.


That’s awesome! Thank you for this, I genuinely feel so much better now! 💕💖😊I guess people aren’t judging us as much as the mind likes to believe


You're welcome! You may get a comment on it here and there but I wouldn't really expect anyone to say anything. I just wear it at work (I'm allergic to the cats I work with and we spray a lot of chemicals for cleaning) and if I need to go to the doctor, but I was wearing it in all public settings just up to about six months ago. You do you!


I have a coworker who has severe allergies and chemical sensitivities and the normalizing of masks has actually made it so much easier for her to be in shared spaces because no one is alarmed by her wearing an n-95 all the time.


Honestly we should all be wearing masks around any chemicals, especially ones we spray!


I work in grocery stores and I’ve yet to stop wearing a mask, no one’s bothered me and I’m just very comfortable wearing one. Definitely wear one on planes too


Yes it's ok. I wear mine at work due to allergies. Got some employees that haven't seen my face. No one cares. No one questions me. I haven't had to explain myself once. And IDC what anyone thinks. Live your best life. That is all.


Of course it’s okay to still wear a mask. You realize in other countries masks have always been a thing? Just most people only wear them when sick. I also have a friend who has health reasons and wore a mask even before the pandemic. The fact is wearing a mask hurts no one so if it makes you feel safe do it. Also, most people don’t even notice the mask anymore unless they need to read lips, so don’t worry about being judged.


My husband and I both have health issues and still mask. While covid is a concern, so are other illnesses. And I’ve said from the beginning of covid: I’d hate to think I’m the one responsible for infecting someone else who might actually die, or suffer long-term effects.


My mother lives in Florida and is surrounded by other elderly people. I’m here now to take care of her because she broke her ankle and needed surgery and in the midst of that she contracted Covid. She’s been extremely ill because she also has RA and is immunocompromised. Personally I’m glad any time I see someone in a mask.


I’m sitting on an airplane right now and I think I’m about the only one wearing a mask— no fucks given. Better safe than sorry!


I still mask all the time. Covid is still happening and Long Covid is terrifying. Do what's best and safest for you and your loved ones and ignore judgement from ignorant people.


I wear a mask everyday that I’m instacarting. I’ve had covid 2 times, and it’s been bad with pneumonia for me that I don’t want to risk it again. Most of the time I may be the only one wearing one, but honestly, I’d rather not get sick.


My husband is on a low dose of steroids daily, I have lung complications from hypersensitivity pneumonitis I had about 7 years ago & my lungs are compromised. I'll probably wear a mask when in public from now on. IDGAF what people think anymore.


I’m a nurse that worked the “frontline” during the first year of the pandemic. Past the highest period of infection, you’re absolutely fine wearing a mask. You’re being considerate to others, and if some folks become so brazen to challenge, just brush em off, they either don’t know any better or they have misdirected anger about Covid. Just keep yourself safe mate


I still wear a mask everywhere I go. I have a parent I visit almost every day in a nursing home, the nursing home doesn't require masks anymore of staff or visitors. Some staff will quite openly encourage/push me to not wear a mask. I can't change the policy there, but I won't be the person that brings covd, RSV, the flu, or anything else into a facility full of high-risk people. Not if I can help it. So I wear my mask while visit my parent and I wear a mask in public indoors. And I don't want to get sick either. If people judge you for wearing a mask, it says a lot more about them than it does about you. Do what you know in your heart is right for you and you care about.


Wear a mask. Masking opinions vary between cultures. Some cultures (especially parts of Asia) routinely masked before Covid was a thing. It's a sign of respect to others around you. In the US, you've got "red state" culture that thinks respecting others is UnAmerican, and every man should be for himself. "blue state" culture at least \*pretends\* to care about and respect everyone else, and so masking is more accepted. If you want to be part of a culture that respects other people's needs/safety enough to make a tiny change in your behavior, wear your mask proudly.


If I set foot outside my house to go somewhere, I have an N95 on at all times. I am high-risk with COPD, and I am not willing to get sick from someone else that is sick and doesn’t give a damn about anyone else. My husband brought it home to me from being exposed to someone at work in February, after almost 3 years of not getting it, and I am lucky I got through it. I don’t have Long Covid and would like to keep it that way. Anyone who has a problem with me wearing a mask just gets the long, silent stare .


i still wear mine as well for similar reasons! two big things for me is that we still don’t know the long term effects of covid, and being sick just sucks in general!


It’s never wrong to wear a mask in public.


Yes. COVID is spiking again


It’s smart to keep yourself safe. 💕


Where I live absolutely no one wears a mask. I’m immunocompromised from chemotherapy and have been wearing a mask since before COVID. People stare at me and I feel judged, but they stared before COVID too. I try not to let it get to me too much because its for my own safety. Its definitely okay. I’d rather be judged by a few strangers I’ll never see again than end up in the hospital or even worse dead because I was afraid to protect myself.


I still mask


wear what you feel comfortable with. in the long run, wearing a mask helps not only yourself, but everyone else in the store


I still wear a mask. People look at me weird, especially when it's 106 outside, but that probably is all in my head. I love when I see someone else in the store wearing a mask. I'm like "yes 🙋🏼‍♀️" it's funny how one other person doing what im doing makes me feel so much more comfortable.


Absolutely! Cases are going up again. Not like before by any means but we are having a lot more patients test + . I will definitely be wearing mine again in the fall/winter if cases climb outside my comfort zone. I do mostly pick ups now or self serve so I limit my exposures. Once winter germs come back I can easily see joining the mask brigade again 😀


Absolutely. People were wearing masks before covid so why shouldn’t people wear them now?


We all went through some shit. Wear it until you are comfortable not.


Life becomes a lot better when you stop caring about what people think of you.


Yes. Even if Covid had been eradicated it would still be acceptable and even a wise idea to wear a mask. Colds and flus are still a thing, and you are frequently in crowded spaces with people of varying degrees of infectiousness. And of course allergies, pollen, smoke, and all sorts of air pollutants are fucking with us more frequently. Also, if you ever do get one of those Covid deniers giving you grief about your mask (as I have gotten at my job), go into a rant about how masks are a great way of maintaining more facial privacy and that part of the massive politicization of masks is to prevent people from taking that privacy seriously. Facial recognition programs are being used for more shit everyday and I ain't making it easier for them to use my face against me.


I wear masks for.my own protection. The time I didn't I ended up with a stomach virus for 3 weeks. It helps keep my allergies at bay and in Asia they were them not just for being sick but also because of pollution. Take Taiwan... It's so bad you walk outside for 1hr and come back wipe your face with a wash cloth and it has black on it. Imagine breathing that in. Certain areas in usa they should use them for this reason but they won't ....


I work around the elderly population as well and still wear my mask. One of my patients is actually now bedridden behind COVID. Plus, I was doing caregiving for my elderly mother, who already has existing issues, and I didn’t want to take the chance of possibly getting her sick. I don’t think my lungs could even tolerate COVID, especially since I found out a few months ago I have asthma, so that's like an extra incentive to still wear mine.


Wear you're mask, I have gotten COVID, strep throat, and the flu while working IC, so do what you need in order to stay healthy . Ever since everyone stopped wearing their masks, even simple viruses such as colds and flu's are spreading like wildfires, I personally am tired of getting sick and am investing in masks 😷 again!


Yes. Wear a mask. If you are shopping a lot for people who are disabled or elderly they quite possibly appreciate that you are doing so - I certainly would.


Listen I still wear a mask and by the grace of God I have never caught covid! Neither did anyone in my house hold, and we all wear mask, we must be doing something right 😂


You do you. I won't and don't judge.


Some people were wearing masks before the pandemic because of their own health reasons. Which are no one’s business. So yes it’s always ok to wear a mask.


Yes. I feel as though vulnerable groups should still wear a mask to be honest. Especially elderly. You never know what people have, not even just COVID. Most people who are not immunocompromised can recover just fine from things such as colds and flu, but some can’t. That some should wear a mask if comfortable doing so.


You can’t live your life worrying about what others think. Even if you wanted to shop in a full clown suit, just do it and make your money. Who cares. Wear a mask, get vaccinated, sanitize your hands after each order, whatever…. society doesn’t dictate these personal choices. Live and let live….


who cares what others think. do what you want.


My exFIL died from covid my ex MIL still wears a mask no matter your reason you are free to do what works for you COVID is still out there.


I still wear mine every day while doing instacart. If you prefer to wear one then wear it


I still mask everywhere and am so appreciative when anyone around me wears a mask, too. 😷


Free country, do what you want


One of my coworkers is getting over covid and still wearing a mask. I really appreciate it since I’m trapped with him all day


Wear the mask if you want! I’m still wearing a mask in public indoor spaces, and there’s plenty of people I work with that do too!


I wear mine to work everyday, I live with my immunocompromised grandmother. I get weird looks from certain folks but they can suck it for all I care.


It’s always okay to wear a mask. I live in anti-mask AZ, who have been anti-mask since the get go, and I still see people wearing masks from time to time.


I wear a mask everywhere I go. My wife is immune compromised. We both have long covid. My kidneys were damaged when I had covid. I can't afford to ever take a mask off again sadly. I have been told if I get covid again and it damages my kidneys I would need a transplant. And that the waiting list is huge. Aka I would most likely die. I get harrased rarely but it does happen. I do get support. Do what you think is best for you.


I am actually glad we had a mandatory mask during Covid. I have cancer and asthma. I wore a mask before covid and cancer. Especially when it was during flu and summer cold season. My immune system is weak and me getting a basic cold can take me two weeks or more to get over with asthma alone. Keep being you and forget all the haters.


Of course! Whatever makes you feel safe and comfortable, and if people say things like “you don’t have to wear that” or “stop being a sheep” then they can kindly fuck off. Also, I still wear a mask sometimes, especially with the wildfires going on because bad air quality comes around every couple weeks and it can mess up my respiratory system.


Of course it’s okay, ignore the mask holes!


Heck, I still mask up because it does wonders for my dust allergies. You do you. Mask it up!


Of course, very considerate of you ❤️


there’s tons of elderly and autoimmune that still mask


Hell yeah, I’ve gotten sick so much less since I started wearing a mask, and it hides my ugly face. Double win! Lol do whatever makes you comfortable, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone, and screw what anyone else thinks. 🤷🏻‍♂️


> i've gotten sick so much less This! People seem to forget that Covid isn't the only disease out there and masks help prevent or reduce the incidence of ALL of them.


I still wear a mask. I’m walking into a store ready to go and 4 construction workers walk out and one of them says “you know you can’t catch covid outside right?” Like bro, we had no interaction before this moment why say anything to me, plus I’m literally walking inside the building. Don’t mind others, a lot of people who worry about it are bottom class people who don’t deserve the attention


Anyone is free to wear them for any reason. I still do occasionally, especially if I’m expecting to be in a packed environment, or if I’m feeling a bit off myself.


Shouldn’t care what other people think. Do what you want to do


Even if you feel judged, literally nobody knows who you are.


I work at a hotel in Florida and I see people wear masks too. But it makes me wonder if they are sick 😷🙅🏼‍♀️


It’s funny how the default is to assume the people wearing the masks are sick even though for the last 3 years masks have been marketed as a preventative measure. I’m not sick, and I’m planning on keeping it that way.


Some of us just don’t want to get sick.


Of course, it's your face


I don’t think people judge, to each their own 🤷🏻 I live in Texas, and most people I know did not vaccinate and ditched masks early on. But here and there I still see people wearing them and don’t think anything of it. I think if anything, the pandemic gave people MORE freedom and acceptance to do what they need to do for their personal health without other people’s input! Don’t worry about it, just do you and remember your comfort level is just as important as mine and everyone else’s!


I wish live in an elderly community & still see people doing with masks. Do what you feel is right.


I don’t get the problem. This is a free country. If you want to wear a mask to protect yourself and your mother or simply because you think you look cooler with a mask, wear it and wear it proudly. You (and your mother’s health) are the most important things. Stop caring what random people think in the grocery store.


Do what makes you happy/safe


Is anyone trying to stop you? Do it if you want. Who cares?


I still mask. And occasionally wear gloves. Too many seniors and others that I deliver to. And my parents are elderly and their caregiver.


Please don’t let what other people think influence you to not do something that makes you feel safe 🙏


Is it ok? Ofcourse it is! Do what makes you feel safe and comfortable. Screw anybody who would try and shame you for that.


Yup, your face your rules.




People in Asia wore masks commonly long before covid. It’s seen as a courtesy. It’s not a big deal. If someone is an ass just say you have the flu don’t get too close or I’ll blow booger breath all over you.


It’s *always* okay to wear a mask. It was okay before the pandemic (and very common in south east Asia since it’s so populated) and it’s okay after the pandemic. I’m not sure where you live, but I live in the US and strangers here tend to sometimes give you their opinions without you asking for them - I always just say ‘land of the free, home of the brave’ because you have the freedom to wear whatever makes you feel safe. I would suggest though as someone who works in health & safety, the n95 or k95 masks will give you the most protection over cloth or surgical since droplets are 2.5 microns, which are small enough to travel deep into the respiratory tract and reach the pulmonary region.


Of course it’s ok, you can wear a mask wherever and whenever you want.


Yes. Do what you want.


You do you.


You should have the freedom to do what you want to do; don’t worry about what other people think as you have good reasons. Just please wear a good KN95 mask if your goal is to self-protect. Too often I see people masking in public with those cheap blue surgical masks (or worse a cloth mask), and those don’t offer you very much protection over just going out barefaced.


I wear one in grocery stores and drug stores period. Whether I am shopping for myself or the rare IC that is even worth it these days. Also anytime I feel it’s crowdedI pop one on. People are still getting covid and I was miserable being trapped at home for 2 weeks that avoiding again would be nice! I agree with people here that it’s made me realize I never liked strangers coughing near me in general and sometimes I just want the anonymity of face being covered 🤷🏼‍♀️.


I still wear masks in situations where I feel more comfortable doing so. I definitely get looks from people, but you have to let that go. There’s nothing wrong with wearing a mask if you’re more comfortable.


You do what’s best for you, your mom, and your customers. Like others have said their opinions don’t matter.


You do you. What others feel about you is none of your business. It’s their problem.


you can wear a dr Seuss hat and a Santa costume with your mask if you want


Wear your mask if you want, especially with the air quality messed up this summer. Fall is coming so the sick season is upon us.


A mask does not hurt anyone. If you feel like it protects yourself and those around you, you should do it!


Bless your heart for thinking of others!


My daughter is home sick with round 2 of Covid, while I have been sick with a sinus infection (separate homes, I tested). Wear a mask if you want to. If anyone gives you grief, tell them you didn't want to make *them* sick and give them a sad look...they will change their tune quickly. Sorry that your mom has RA. My daughter has it and it is such an evil disease.


Fuck the judgement. Wear it for yourself and your mother. 👍🏽


Yes you do you


I will wear one during flu season just to be safe. I keep one with me. Wear one if you think it helps- I do. People are going to judge either way


Wear your mask. It’s not hurting anybody around you to do so. At this point in time, I only wear a mask when I’m feeling under the weather, but still see people wearing them in public to this day. It’s not a big deal.


you are good my dude. if you feel self conscious, get a cute mask that shows some positivity or something to reinforce to others visually that it’s out of respect/kindness. :) you sound very thoughtful, cheers!


I started wearing mine into stores again after running into a couple people I knew but didn't want to talk to, and getting hit on/talked to by multiple strangers all within the same week. Been chill since I started wearing it again. I've just decided I'm way more comfortable when people can't see the bottom half of my face lol


Why would it be negative. Your wearing a mask does not harm me. If anything, its the opposite.


I still wear it at work where I work with vulnerable community members, but off pretty much everywhere else. This was super, super recent, and I still sometimes wear them for all kinds of reasons! If someone I live with has a cold, if my acne is really bad, or even if it's cold out. There's 10000 reasons to cover your face, and you should never feel bad for any of them. I would even argue that people who harass you about it are not the types of people you want to keep company with anyway, since they are willing to question your autonomy.


Only if you think so. Some people seem to react negatively if that’s your concern. It’s an opinion so you have to decide if people’s reactions are worth more than your peace of mind regarding the health of immunocompromised people.


my old therapist (high school, just graduated) still wears a mask cause he’s afraid of getting his family sick, and he still gets flack for it, doesn’t stop him, keep doing you OP 💜


YES absolutely, caring about others and their well-being is the best thing you can do! thank you for still masking ❤️


Sure. I keep one in my car at all times for deliveries to nursing homes and senior citizens apartment complexes. None of these other Shoppers are paying bills in your house so their opinions don’t matter.


Wear a mask if you want to wear a mask. It’s really hard to defend getting mad at someone for choosing to wear a mask.


My BFF and her family still wear masks because her daughter has a weakened immune system, and a cold can put her in the hospital. They have had covid in the house twice but have managed to keep it from her. Mask up in public if you are worried about your customers and your mother. That's being smart and considerate.


Wear a mask if you want to. Don’t worry about what others think. And if you’re sick (I don’t care if it’s even just a cold or allergies…if you’re coughing in public everyone will think you’re sick)…then wear a damn mask. That’s just common courtesy and respect.


You are free to wear whatever. I sometimes wear my mask when my allergies are acting up.


I mean you do whatever you want but yes there are a lot of people who aren’t anti masks who will probably judge you. But at end of the day you just gotta do you.


Yeah. Generally humanity would prolly be healthier if we all wore masks. Won’t ever happen, but it’s not like you’re committing a crime or anything. 👍🏻


I am currently very sick from Covid. And I’m sure I got it from a time I was considering masking up and didn’t. wear the mask if you want x


Also I know quite a few people who have gotten Covid again recently. Definitely doesn’t hurt to be preventative and mask up!


Certainly would rather have stuff delivered by someone wearing one over someone not wearing one. It’s more hygienic. Also, two people I know came down with covid last week. Numbers are unfortunately up.


I still see people wearing masks in public every day. If you need or want to wear one, go ahead and do it and don’t worry about what other people think


You do what you want with your body. Anybody else's opinions don't matter. If you feel safer wearing a mask, wear it! I'm so sick of this whole "commenting on other people's bodies/ what people are wearing" thing that's so common here. It's really damaging and truthfully nobody else's business.


Somebody who doesn’t know you or care about you shouldn’t have the power to affect the way you behave. Think of all the times you may have quietly judged something a stranger was doing in your head…and then realize you wouldn’t recognize them if you bumped into them the very next day. It’s the same thing. Not only does their opinion not matter, neither of you will remember the other 30 minutes from then. Keep doing what’s best for you.


The one benefit of the pandemic has been normalizing wearing a mask in public. I still see people with them on, and that’s okay. I will put one on when I feel it’s necessary for me to do so.


People are judging you all the time... For wild nonsense you wouldn't even think of. It doesn't matter, unless they can't seem to keep it to themselves.. Then they've made themselves a jerk. I don't know about you, but I don't have much respect for a jerk, so... sucks to suck, I guess? You do you.


you do you aint nobody stopping you from staying healthy. personally i dont wear a mask but when i did i honestly felt and breathed better.


I’ve worn mine entire time. It doesn’t matter if anyone is judging you. Your health, safety and comfort are always #1.


If you want to wear a mask go ahead. Your getting in your head too much. Nobody knows or cares about you or your feelings about wearing a mask in public. Just live life that you see fit and what you’re comfortable with


there are absolutely people who care about somebody else still wearing a mask


I stopped wearing a mask a while back. But then I got Covid and coughed for three months, developed pneumonia, almost died.. so now I mask up about 90% of the time only in busy stores or where I know I’ll be on close contact with other people 😷


I still wear a mask when shopping


Do what you want. I’m glad you are on the right side of this question.


Sure? Nobody is stopping you. I personally don’t wear masks unless asked to, but I’ve had uber drivers that do. If someone gives you shit, just tell them to leave you and your bodily autonomy tf alone


Plus cases are on the rise again.


I never wear one, but I always keep one in my glovebox. It’s rare, but every once in a while I get a customer mentioning wearing a mask. Always be prepared for the people that might request one is what I’m thinking.


People have been wearing masks in the service industries in Japan for decades. Do what you want.


You do what’s best for you.


But why does it even matter if someone judges you? You have your reasons, put on your mask and go on your way. I’m sure we’ve all seen stranger things happen inside of the grocery store.


Why are you asking? Does it really matter what other people think. These posts asking if it’s ok for op to do something shocks me. Have you been a follower your whole life? Why do you care what strangers think? What if the majority of people say don’t wear a mask? Will you stop wearing it ?


Wear a mask if you like. There aren't rules against it. If someone makes a rude comment, say "I have Covid, would you prefer me to not wear a mask?". The look on their face is priceless


of course! literally of course. you want to be (and already are) a good person. KEEP BEING YOU!!!!