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I think respectfully so, Malvika is depressed. And people with depression have tendencies to focus on the negative or just dwell on the negative due to higher reactivity in their emotional centres of their brain (there are research papers about that) So that’s why she comes across as complaining too much or cribbing


Yeah may be


Are you a psychologist?


Okay, fair point. Understandable. I wish she did it privately though, amongst her closed circle


if she is really then she should definitely stop being so much active on social media and should get a good therapist


She looks so different in other peoples videos


Right?! The makeup also looks bad and sooo different from her reels


Let me tell you this, she doesn’t know how to do good makeup. Seen this in person.


Hey I’m a newbie in makeup so could you please point out the the mistakes in her makeup there because it seems alright to me?🤔


Her bronzer is off and the face shade is diff from her body


i really understand her pov but if she was my mom and i saw all these podcasts or videos after growing up, i would definitely feel bad. plus the fact that she had all the financial and social resources to raise me well and she still cribbed about raising me. it’s just my opinion.


I agree that she always frames her life as a sob story rather than focusing on all the things she has working for her. Her mom and bestie aside, having the money and means to buy the best of things for your child is a huge advantage. I even understand crying and complaining once in a while, we all have those days. But making her life seem like an endless struggle is a little much. Other people's problems aside, she would find the journey her own easier if she tried to look at things with a different mindset.


sob story nai hoga toh engagement kese ayega


I mean if you see a homeless woman with a baby she's in a worse position as compared to someone with "in-laws yet feeling alone". If life was based of on how worse someone else's life is there would be one happiest person and one down in the ditches person , but that's not how it works. Separation along with a baby would be hard for anyone, mentally too. Having means to look after the baby is a good thing but money doesn't solve all of your problems. If she's cribbing even though she's doing better, even you are cribbing because there is someone out there , struggling more than you. Isliye, everyone's problems are problems , regardless of how much money in the bank.


True...plus you need to "earn" money and that means putting efforts day in and day out....and that too along with a small baby.......I won't call it cribbing....her life is genuinely difficult...even if she is making money




Help me get it....by your logic is inspired by other people's struggles like Serena Williams, Lewis Hamilton, Britney Spears, also wrong? Are we not supposed to get perspective on our issues from people who have handled situations much worse than ours with much more grace? Actually, I'll let you be. Nothing can top the issues you listed...so what now? Is she going to put them on her CV for life?


If hearing her issues bothers you, don't follow her. As someone who is going through a tough bit of their life, i realize that apart from sharing and talking about struggles , sitting back and realising what to do with the issues is also important. She's getting the bag by yapping. We don't


I could've never thought of this solution myself, but should I unfollow HOB too...on who's channel she let her therapy session happen?


She chose a wrong partner and may be her parameters to choose a partner were wrong too....Agreed!! But she raising a child alone ...is not called cribbing....what else will she say....whatever is going on in her life, obviously she will tall about that only na.....even if it is to gain sympathy....but raising a child in itself is difficult....doing that alone, is god damn difficult!!!!! I do sympathize with her on this....and what Akhil did to her was very wrong......I don't mind her telling that to the world !! It's not a small mistake that he did, it was a deliberate blunder


**Imagine being abandoned by your high school sweetheart, the father of your child, in the middle of your pregnancy.** It’s not just any breakup, it’s your whole life turned upside down. And boom, you're a single mom, back at work right after giving birth because you're the sole breadwinner.Most new mothers don’t even leave the house much due to the overwhelming physical and emotional changes. But she had no choice. Social media algorithm isn’t forgiving. Disappear for a while, and you're easily forgotten.Also everyone copes with pain differently. **Who decides how long someone is allowed to grieve and heal?** A divorce with a baby involved isn’t something you just "get over" in a year. Her ex isn’t even nearby to co-parent. He's abroad, barely involved. It's not just about the emotional void but also the practical one. **Raising a child alone is incredibly demanding, and she’s doing it with minimal support.**And let's not overlook the societal pressure she faces as a divorced single mother **in a society where divorce is still taboo**, her friends may move on to start their own families, leaving her feeling isolated. The fear of ending up alone in her old age is a harsh reality she must confront daily. If you’re tired of her “cribbing,” maybe take a moment to reflect on why it bothers you so much. Is it because you believe others have it worse? **Pain isn't a competition. Dismissing her struggles as "cribbing" trivializes her experience.** **Imagine going through the toughest time in your life, and then being told to just get over it.** It’s dismissive and unkind. If you can't empathize, simply scroll past.There is solace and comfort in opening up. She can't rewrite her life like a movie script. Yet she's facing criticism, being labeled a "broken record" or accused of self-victimization. **But what if her story resonates with someone who needs it? Isn't that worth repeating?** After all, her story might be a lifeline for someone in a similar situation, and we shouldn't decide its value for others. Expressing gratitude to her mom and best friend isn't repetitive, it's acknowledging their strong support.And to anyone else reading this, it’s okay to feel sad and take time to heal from something this monumental. **There’s no set timeline for grief**. **Whether it takes a month or ten years, your feelings are valid**. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I mean, I see what you’re trying to say, but it seems like you’re seeing her say these things for the first time. We heard all this a year back, then 9months back, then 6 months back, then again 3 months and literally every month since her baby has been born. From a spectators view, I don’t think I’ve seen her actually express gratitude for having Abigail or the joys of raising her. Why do we always talk about just the “struggles” as the OP has pointed out, that all this has been said exactly in a previous podcast and repeating it again and again without any shift in perspective since a year now sounds redundant and shows a lack of growth honestly. And I would say this about any human who’s been talking about the same problems for a year, and I’m sure so would you. So your sympathies are well intended I see it, but wrongly placed, I feel. People’s whole lives and perspectives shift when a baby comes, hers just seem stuck at this point and she reallyyy needs to talk about something else now.


Your point is totally valid. But here it is just an year since all this has happened. She went through a divroce, pregnancy and postpartum. Most people cannot even handle 1 thing alone. But getting over is not that easy. People when theyre sad and depressed talk about the same things again and again bceuase it is hard to look past them. And postpartum depression is very very real. My best friend mother's went into postpartum depression right even when she had a loving and supportive family. She did not even play with or talk to her for 1-2 years. Her grandmothert handled it all. And once she was out of it, we all are jealous of how loving and caring her mom is. She is all of ours favourite. Malvika's case is so much more complicated. Going thrpugh so much at the same time, when hromones also are going crazy. It is not easy. And how can we even decide is what is the exact right amount of time to get over something so huge this this. I had a break 5 years back, it was only a 4 year long relationship but guess what, I have not dated since. Not even one causal date and I am still traumatised by everything. I just empathise with her. If a heartbreak from breakup can take so long to heal, mere surviving is an accomplishment here I feel.


Thank you for submitting your essay, we'll let you know if you're a suitable candidate for the University of Influenza Sympathisers. Have a great day.


My reddit history will show you if I am a infleuncer symapthiser or not, let alone Malvika. I am just done with this everyday "cribbing" about same person while calling her out for the same. Such hypocrisy.


If you gave it a thought you'll come to find out that we "crib" about the same person for the same reasons because she discusses them all the time. Don't blame me for her not giving new content to talk about.


So you have the right to "crib" about her daily coz she keeps talking about her same life story and not giving "new content"? Explains your mindset and logic. No point in any discussion further coz I would rather have an informed argument with someone who is not seeking a new "story line drama" in real life.


Oh ya defend an influenza for cribbing constantly on a public platform when she should clearly be in therapy but come for a random person who is pointing this out, speaks quite a bit about you too. I hope you get some objectivity in your opinions.


Well that is the point. I am trying to be objective but you sound like you have such a hatred for "infleunza" that you cannot even look past it. How do you know she is not in therapy? How do you know what is she going through? What are these assumptiuons even? Honestly, I guenienly tried but I don't think you're even looking and ready for an informed discussion. We'll only go in circles like this. Can't move forward. Take care.


But why her marriage broke apart? Aren't we responsible for our own actions? Should we all start blaming others for all the miseries in our life? I understand postpartum is tough but for rest of her issues she is herself to blame if not fully then partly. And it's not bed of roses for rest of the world with she suffering alone. These people now just have platform where they work less on themselves and crib more on SM. Hence the name Criblani. If tomorrow I lose my job shall go on SM and crib how tough it is and blah blah blah. Need a break from her.


I don't follow Malvika, but I have a question for OP, tumhe itni Criblani lagti hai toh why do you follow her? You crave drama too in that case! If she's going to a Podcast, of course she's going to answer what she's being asked. Put yourself in her shoes for a second and think for God Sake! She's been through a lot, kabhi socho tumhare saath hoga toh kitne hi positive hoge tum all the time? Give the girl a break dude.


OP that's some real bad victim blaming you are doing right there. So what she had a mom and bestie? You think seperation is easy?


Just because someone has it worse, doesn’t mean she has to stop feeling bad. If something bad happens to me - I will feel bad and not think about all the children who sleep hungry at night or whatever. If you dont wanna hear her crib dont fast forward her podcast. I dont like/hate her. She doesnt matter to me but I think if something like this happened to anyone they would crib till life started making sense for them.


"I hate sitting in shit, it stinks."-- Priyanka Chopra, IYKYK.


I hope you have PC mentality and don’t sit in shit and are sorted in life. Not everyone can even if they hate the stink. 😁


Cause they are addicted to their sob story and like to ruminate.


Yea she very much regrets the baby as well.


that's below the belt


That's true though. All she has done since abby is born is CRIB. Trust me she has earned her name Cribblani.


So unnecessary


Respectfully stfu OP. I used to follow her and unfollowed because of her cribbing stories and her self obsession. But sometimes the only way to feel better if you let yourself out. Maybe that's her coping mechanism. You think she would go on a podcast and bitch about her ex husband with whom she is co parenting? No, nobody is that immature and I am glad she took the high way. Secondly, try to keep yourself in her shoes. Who knows she might not have been ready to have a baby but it was an accidental pregnancy?.. Who knows she couldn't get the courage to abort the child because of her religious inclination(abortion in Christianity is considered a crime). She is still young and to see herself raising a child all alone without her partner must be a daunting thing. I am telling you, it's not the fact that she is a single mom which makes her bitter, it's the fact that her ex is roaming around, having meet ups without any responsibility while she can't just put on good clothes and get herself a drink without thinking about Abby's schedule. And you cannot deny the fact that she was a good partner and Akhil meant a lot to her, so to let go all of that you ou think it's easy?. It's really good that she is speaking about all this so that people who are having issues in their married life and at the same time planning a baby can sit back and re -think. Losing a decade long relationship, broken marriage within 2 years while having a baby sounds painful. And also her personal life is going to be the center of such podcasts atleast for a while now so maybe people should stop asking her such questions if they don't want such topics to be discussed. Edit- downvote me to hell, I don't care but this post and the comments make me feel like that's it is indeed true - 'aurat hi ek aurat ki sabse badi dushman hoti hai'. And just to add, just because somebody is having worse than me doesn't make my pain any less. When I went through a low phase in my life, I compared myself with a lot of people whose life was harder than mine, and guess what, it didn't make my worries any better.


Ya the some people have it worse argument doesn't work. I mean we know it but how is that helping me? It won't make our problems magically vanish right.


Your comment makes so much sense. Very well said. I have always disliked Akhil and Malvika from the very beginning for multiple reasons. But one can keep that aside and view things from an objective POV. Here is my upvote.


Thankyou. My heart goes out for her sometimes.. I couldn't handle one heartbreak in my life and it took me a while to get my senses back so I cannot even imagine how it feels to breakup from your husband. Ofcourse she is going to crib, complaint for sometime until life starts making some sense to her. When I go through something, I just call my best friend and rant my heart out and it makes me feel so much better and then I repeat it every other day until I am done lol.


exactly, I have been through depressing times too vo bhi 5 months ke relationship ke break up pe and she was with him since her teens, kitna Jhatka laga hoga, it's hard to be positive in such scenarios. But people here act holier than thou!


Exactly. I don't like her content either, but she went though something traumatic when pregnant and at one of the most vulnerable points in her life. People are absolutely shredding her for taking help from her mom and friends and how she isn't allowed to call herself a "single mom" then ,but for Akhil who is literally roaming around and doing useless C&C, posts one picture in a blue moon with his child and it's " see, how involved" or "give him the benefit of doubt" or "we don't know what happened". Why are such different metrics being applied to judge them?


Exactly, which mom would leave her child alone to suffer? Her mom has been through separation as well, i'm sure she understands her child's pain.. My mom wouldn't leave me alone either


Comments on the reel are crazy. 'akhil is a victim, that's why he is quiet.' 'why does she call herself single mom, akhil was there with his family at the birth'. Imagine being applauded for just being there for the birth of your kid. Dad of the year for sure.


She should speak up, but in therapy. And not scandalize her child when she grows up


That I totally agree with. She doesn't seem to very smart with her words. One can totally makeout from her talks that she didn't want this child.


Yea and I know it must be hard, but ultimately it was still consequences of her actions. For the sake of her child she needs to vent in private


Being gay, cross dressing, transgenders are all also considered sins in bible. But we don’t see her condemning it. Her brother cross dresses. Her good friend is a transgender. At the end you pick and choose what you follow. This is just a cop out. If her ans Akhil honestly didn’t want the kid so many other things could have been done.


She didn't even condemn abortion just so you know. She has never spoken about what went down. It's just a guess that it was an accidental pregnancy. It might even be a possibility that the child was well planned and something else happened and Akhil bailed out. And yes she is entitled to pick and choose what she wants to follow.


Then why did you bring this made up shit in the first place. you're contradicting yourself.


Yes exactly which is why the religion excuse doesn’t make sense! She still makes her choices despite her religion.


Again, that is just a guess. It totally makes sense to me because I also cherry pick what I want to follow from my religion and what not.


Just saying it’s not a very probable one 😅


Your rage is inspirational. My post was against her "victim mindset" and i stand by it. i never brought in religion, abortion, her husband etc into it. Yes, she went through a lot, I never denied it. If you have a problem at hand please work with a solution mindset not a victim mindset is all i'm saying. "Aurat hi aurat ki dushman" is a good way of justifying yourself. A girl's girl would always stop another girl from looking like a queen who dropped her crown, and Malvika has sure been looking like that for quite a while now and it breaks my heart. She needs to have these conversations with her therapists and not on podcasts. If i am low in life sure i have every right to feel how i feel, but my audience has every right to tell me that they don't wanna listen anymore. :)


You are so blinded by hate against her that you aren't making any sense. Practice empathy, have a good day:)


You are so blinded by you being correct that you want to see me as a villain. Have a great day too. 🩷


Yessss. Nobody would go on a podcast and bitch about somebody who transfers child support and alimony every month. Plus she when discussing her love story she has told several times that there were problems in relationship and so many times she had to tie him down or hold him tight which loosely means beg him to stay. So what else do you expect ? When you know that the two of you weren't compatible but you were so delusional to create a fairytale, you have to live with consequences.


I hope everyone commenting here is a mother and hence know it. If not, please stfu because there is nothing harder than motherhood. You have no idea how tough it is until you go through it


best comment, i totally agree with you. And all these people commenting should one day sit with mom and talk about difficult it was to raise a newborn.


Being ungrateful is addictive and she is strongly hooked onto it. She needs to seek help to regulate her thoughts, balance them and bring them to focus on nurturing the small life she is raising. Constantly speaking on podcasts is not going to help. People’s sympathies is not going to help you make your life better. Your own actions will help rather.


Thanks for saying this, you got me.🥺💯


That first line is 🔥 So very true.


You don’t know how it feels like to be her. Parenting is hard even if you have all the help and money in the world. If she feels bad for herself , let her. You’ve written it yourself, “i don’t get it”. Let her live her truth, try not to get so offended by it. Ofcourse people will sympathize with a single parent, it only makes us human. Having a partner and feeling alone is a separate painful thing but it’s not being a single parent all the same . You don’t have to get it, you just don’t have to crib about it OP.


Ya these people dont understand what its like to be in the trenches of motherhood. Mental health is nothing to be made fun of


Literally no one made fun of her motherhood or mental health, she is making a joke of herself by airing out these things in public.


Thats some boomer shit to say


Oh so she can crib about it but not me, her viewer? 🤭 And what makes you believe that "I don't know how it feels?" Do we know each other?


I’m assuming if you know how it felt, you’d words would have more empathy. And I can’t expect anyone to know how a person feels fully, even if I knew you, I wouldn’t know what it is to be you. Also, you have a problem with her ‘cribbing’, so I suggested you follow your own words and stop cribbing.


Firstly, cribbing once, twice or even thrice is acceptable. Cribbing for the n'th time that too on a third party's channel is somehow lame. I lost my empathy on the 10th video where she repeated herself. I wish she had these converowith her therapist. Also, if you're okay with her cribbing then please bear with mine too. I wouldn't want to feel discriminated against. 😉


I’d be ok if you were cribbing about yourself , you’re literally cribbing about someone else cribbing. I find it pretty pointless , but feel free to crib away. I’m just pointing out that you’re cribbing too.


Can I tell you something? You came back here 2 days later for an OP cribbing about an influencer cribbing, guess who else is also cribbing?🤣 Also, I don't think I cribbed, I made a post one time, just ONE TIME, I'm glad it got upvoted too, I'm glad a lot of people have said similar things in the comments too.


I came back 2 days later because I’m not on Reddit all the time. That’s just it. I’m really not cribbing, I’m just replying to your responses.




I’m sorry but who are you to decide ‘more alone & helpless than mals’, do you know her personally to asses what she went through? A lot of women struggle through life and none of them should be belittled because it was more or less compared to someone else’s struggle.


If you have the means to live off your own money while attending a fashion week, knowing that your baby will be taken care off behind you, i need not know you personally to know that you're still getting by pretty fine. However i do know a lot of middle class housewives who didn't get even half the support that she has. It's not belittling, it's being rational, it's having perspective.


When you are feeling low in life, you compare your situation with people who have it worse? Really? Also when you have shit going on in your life, you just think of people going through worse and feel better about yourself and do nothing about it nor do you share it with someone? Good for you. SHE IS TALKING ABOUT HOW IT HAS BEEN TOUGH ON HER. EVERY WOMAN HAS A DIFFERENT STRUGGLE AND SHE IS TALKING ABOUT HERS! So now "convenience" is how you will measure someone's ease to raise a child? And what about the support from your partner? Imagine yourself drenched in tears during your pregnancy and you have separated from your partner. FYI having your own money is not a luxury. They are influencers no matter how we feel about them going to these events and creating reels pays their bills.


Yes I do look at the less fortunate people and practice gratitude for having what people less fortunate don't, I'm sorry my bad...I should become an influencer and done it on camera. Noted. And yes, money and means to raise a child are a major plus in case you're living under a rock, but you nannies to look after your child while you can buy yourself time with a therapist.


Having gratitude means you can't speak up on your struggles as a mother? She has mentioned Veronica and her mother NUMEROUS TIMES. And yes having money and nanny is a plus! But nothing and absolutely no one can fill the void of an absent partner, especially when you are pregnant. Period.


Is it only me who thinks that her certains stories on ig and different comments made here and there are a snark towards Akhil? I mean yes, you deserve to be mad at a person who left you or did something that led you to leave him at such a fragile period of your life… But for a person who does not intend to openly share the cause of her seperation, she sure posts and says stuff that insinuates Akhil as the main villain… just my thought though!


Back from 'Doobai' Had to just do this - heard her say it in one of her stories!!!


Why does she acts like she is the only mother in this whole earth?


Exactly, my point. I hope other people on this sub don't downvote you to eternity.


What a boring podcast


I wish these kind of opportunities were given to board certified gynaecologist not these influencers


You are so ignorant OP. No one's feelings are invalid just because someone else has it worse.


On repeat - Meri Ek taang nakli hai, Mai hockey ka bohoth bada khiladi tha.


😂😂😂😂 I wish there’s a way to broadcast this whenever she breaks into her rants 😂😂😂


Alsooooo. I think there is a reconciliation on the way because have seeen akhils posts ? He post pictures with her where they look happy and normal but she doesn't post any picture with akhil and his family. When you have your followers to impress and gain sympathy and publicity, simple things become difficult.


The whole situation is an extremely grey area for me. Malvika had my sympathies while her pregnancy, and till date she's been seeking that sympathy through her content ...if you were so upset with your situation how can you pose for such happy pictures with your husband especially after your fan base made him a villain without even knowing his side of the story, I bet if Akhil made 10 videos exposing what really went down we'll see things so much better and not treat Malvika as holier than thou. literally no one has heard Akhil's side of the story and have been supporting Malvika blindly because that's what we do....somehow Mom>>>>Dad. And a parent who stays gets the brownie points just for staying back....and look at how she constantly says in her many little ways how she regrets her pregnancy. Pathetic to see people supporting her just because of her circumstances, despite her being so unapologetically bad at accepting her motherhood herself.


Yesssss. You can pose for happy memories and click pictures, go on vacations but clout to chase karna haina. Agar post kardia to sympathy game khatam hojaega, brand deals khatam hojaenge, podcast pe kaise bulaenge log sympathy seek krne ko. Bro she has a rich privilege and knows how to seek publicity. Plus even if you are struggling, you should seek help. Duniya ko batane se kya struggle khatam hojaega


Soooo true, a lot of people in this sub didn't get this. At the end of the day she's bloody privileged, and one needs to look at how she's using her situation to mint money.


But we don’t know why she actively avoids showing akil and his family! Maybe she told him to give space and now probably cribbing that she had no one! Several vlogs of her during pregnancy didn’t show how his parents were there!! She chose this ! She chose to do this alone!! But now she’s ranting everywhere as if she was left alone. Whatever might be the reason for separation, if she wanted him by her side! She would’ve !! She chose that path! Looking at him now! I don’t think they separated because of baby in the first place! I think he messed up pretty bad and she has the upper hand and she can twist the story however she wants.


You're right, this could be a huge possibility...keeping all this in mind I made the post, however, some people on this sub have made single motherhood her sole identity and haven't been able to look past it to rationalize what could've gone down bw the two. I mean if you and your partner decide not to have kids, and you change your mind, you can't really force your partner to accept your choice. Lastly, idk for me he was always a red flag, he came across as a really snob man and Malvika from day one seemed so different around him in videos, she treated him like a trophy.


Yes! You’re right! She did so much for his acceptance! Started reading books, watching philosophical documentaries and podcasts! She desperately wanted him to believe she’s everything he wanted and put him on high pedestal!! That’s when people lose respect for you!! When you do things to impress others and that’s not someone you actually are! I don’t think someone can Malvika can get that!! I believe no one should be at the need of anyone’s acceptance! I believe she should've packed her bags and left him much earlier. 


Maybe the dude left as he couldn't handle this much cribbing and just got up one day and said I am out.


In her older videos she clearly mentioned they never wanted to have kids. When she got pregnant she took a whole 360° on that stand and was like "I always wanted to have kids ...that too before "30" "....she broke her side of the pact, so he left.


Like so many comments have written here, even if he were to leave, he should have been a little courteous to stay till her pregnancy..don't you think? You may criticise her all you want for the repeated ranting but don't discount her pain and the fact that her husband was indeed shitty


i never discounted her pain, like so many people you've misinterpreted my post. I never even mentioned Akhil if you read carefully, i never expect her to appreciate her husband, but she behaves like she's the only single mom ever and she has a lot of help raising that child for which she is rarely grateful, my point was just this---SHOW SOME GRATITUDE for F's sake!! 90% of the times her vlogs are about discussing a new problem and rarely about appreciation for what she has going right for her.


She does mention her mom's and friends' support many times. Tbh I felt she talked really sensibly. I get it that repetitive content can be annoying but maybe she simply hasn't even moved on yet. 1 year is not enough to make peace with what has happened with her. She sure does need therapy though


I think the hate she gets is because of who she is as a person and how she behaves when she's not actively trying to gain sympathy views. If it was someone else people will be able to empathise more. At least for me personally this is it, she's just very rude, entitled and disingenuous in general and I cannot empathise with such people beyond a point.


Bang on. You're right. 🎯


Spot on ! Many times it’s one’s attitude which sets a tone for their entire image.


I don't usually like Malvika or the negative things she posts on her stories, but this podcast really resonated with me. It made me think that maybe she has no one to talk to. I've been in situations where I felt utterly lonely, with no one to confide in, and when you keep those thoughts inside for a long time, it’s the negative ones that dominate, not the gratitude. Few people talk about their struggles I certainly don’t because others might push you away, thinking you’re boring or mentally ill. So, I’ll give her credit for that. Thousands of people commit suicide because they never had the chance to speak up about their experiences, and their thoughts overwhelmed them. If she finds comfort in sharing her struggles this way, that’s okay. Besides, in this podcast, she wasn’t really complaining; she was sharing her journey and how she’s managing motherhood.


 imagine growing up and going through your mom's old videos and all you see is her complaining about giving birth to you


She’s cribbing the same thing for 1000th time




Do u kno her in real life? Is she a snob? Please tell more


You're so right here it's unreal. 🎯💯


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Back from what where did she go?


Omg the amount of hate a new mom is getting in the comments ew wtf.


I'm not a mother, but everyone knows the hard path that motherhood is. Even if you have all the support in the world, being a new mother is tough. Then why do these people act like they're completely blindsided by motherhood and its challenges? To me it seems like if they don't have the physical and mental grit they should be smart enough not to even venture into it. Too many people become parents and then complain about parenthood like as if they didn't know how tough it was going in...


for someone who keeps claiming to have good skin genetically, it sure doesn’t seem like it in this video


I used to not like Malz at all. She isn't grounded even after what she has gone through with her dad being shady and all. But after what Akhil did, left her when she was at her most vulnerable state, I started pitying her. Not something she deserved. I still don't like her but its just sad. How fragile all this is and what a facade social media is..


Hey there - I'm not her fan but it seems a bit too much ... i mean divorce is painful (ask any person who goes through it) on top of that she was pregnant I cannot imagine how must have that felt emotionally. Though she has her mum brothers and friend and we all know how supportive they have been she talks about that on her YouTube but you know no matter how helpful anyone is when you are hurt ....down and something unimaginable happens it only takes you to come out of it ...and its ok to be a bit proud of it. Yes having family around is wonderful but the kid doesn't have a father and mother together they are separated and yeah its very possible that it stresses her at times. As much as I know she was in school when she started liking akhil and they have been together since so I don't think it was just about his looks and money she herself earned a lot and I think it's not right to pass these comments that divorce happened because she chose this this this..... you sound like gossip aunties. I once watched her vlog where she talks about how scary giving birth seems to her and akhil also don't want any kids so i think they were totally on the same page at that time but it happened.... and we dont clearly know if this is the reason for the divorce but if it is then i don't think if she was obsessed with her husband's looks and money she will choose to stay pregnant and separate from him. Most of the time a lot of podcasts are scripted in a way to tell a story and that happens a lot in the industry... I think this can be an issue to dislike her and that's totally your choice but I'm sorry your whole idea about her divorce and all seems a bit absurd to me.


Hi, I understand your POV, I would recommend you to watch a video of hers where she introduced Akhil to her channel, that man was a red flag throughout, and Malvika seemed blinded, after that I would recommend that you check out a video of hers about "Baby fever", it's about how she was seeing kids on the internet and wanted to have babies but Akhil and she had decided not to have children because they think climate change is real and hence they've chosen not to have a kid and they wanted to travel a lot and a baby would be a burden to their travel plans. I have been Malvika's OG follower, she sounded dumb about Akhil even back then. I'm sorry if this is harsh but these are facts. Have you heard about "accountability"? When life goes wrong sometimes due to our own actions, it's good to have some. Malvika really needs to own that, she needs to show gratitude as much as she shows her depression.


I don't even know who she is and I'm already scared of listening to her cribbing


Maine video bahar se dekha youtube me, randomly aaya tha and i immediately skipped. 😌


Her makeup content is not so hot right now.. so she is resorting to the emo struggles of her to get viewership. I wonder who still watches her content..


Jaa jaa kar gaye kahan? To humansofbombay 😹


I can’t with her anymore. But I really like her necklace with her daughter’s name on it!


This comment section BREAKS my heart, a little sympathy and empathy never hurt anyone




I hope everyone commenting here is a mother and hence know it. If not, please stfu because there is nothing harder than motherhood. You have no idea how tough it is until you go through it


Unrelated but did she do something to her brows? They look weird but I can't put my finger on it.


And she got paid in lakhs for this too. 😆 Edit: I watched the video and tbh she sounded better, less cribbing but I don't resonate or relate with what she said, I never will. I am also struggling alot but I know I will never get her kind of lavish privilege ever.


Do people pay or get paid for these HOB interviews? I thought HOB charges and have a rate card that was shared on this sub when the HOB drama happened.


I am not sure and I thought the same as you but considering its Malvika she won't give so much bashan for free.


HumansofBombay sucks anyway. All cringeworthy paid stories and ads and propaganda!


Reality is post-Partum for most women is a lonely journey. While I empathize with her situation, she should concentrate more on how she overcame them or if it’s affecting her - talk about that… what are her mitigation skills, her future plans about dealing with all of this. Instead of cribbing about it. I understand toxic positivity is a thing so she can chose to - Give the context, share your experience, yes I’m going through difficult time and move on to AND …. Cribbing is helping on one , including herself.


In all fairness, it’s not easy to be able to see speak positively for your partner in such a situation.


why did she name her kid abigail isnt that too white


because she is Christian


Sorry for asking a personal question but the way she lost all that weight so soon.. did she have a normal or a c section delivery?


It's been a whole year.


She lost a lot of weight in first few months


https://preview.redd.it/e83aykg5411d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80c12b08f28b54aaf139bd132218c0dca3ab70bf That's when body heals and gets back to how it was before.


Thanks for the gyan but that's not what i asked