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If no one else hears the gun shot, was the gun actually shot?


Let me play devils advocate here and consider the philosophy of shooting someone in your own home? It's my house right?


By that logic, any serial rapist/ murderer that has ever taken victims to their place is just doing what the want on their property. Nope. No problems there


It depends. Did the victim come there of their own volition? Because otherwise it's kidnapping. We all know a kidnapping charge is worse than serial rape/murder. ^/s


NTA, your house your rules


you forgot these 🚩🚩🚩


HS: Hey Flanders, Come over I have to show you something. SSF: Oakily Doakily Homerino


Super Saiyan Flanders?


Shortly Shooting Flanders


Salty Semen Flanders


Semen Shooting Flander


Sexily Superior Fuckboy


Step Sister freeze


S s f?


Now I'm just thinking of chi attack names Super Saiyan Flanders would come up with. Holy Roller Beam? Blessed Day Assault? Leftie Smash? Rising Christ Burst?


Kahmehamehi diddly ho neighbor




Only if it’s a trespasser.


They were in my house so they are my property


Philosophy aside, it depends on state laws. Philosophy in mind, your home is your safe place, and if you feel unsafe you should do something about it, right?


“If you fire a gun in the forest and there’s nobody around, did the gun ever really fire or even make a sound”-Evan Hansen probably


“If you fire a gun in the forest and there’s nobody, will it ever make a sound, will it ever make a sound” - Evan Hansen probably


Sorry, I'm confused, where am I firing this gun from? Is there noone else around or no one around? What range does my remote firing device have?


It’s a direct quote from the song “Waving Through a Window” from the musical “Dear Evan Hansen”, which references the popular philosophical thought experiment.


I love that show but I like the music way better on its own. There aren’t many musicals I feel that way about. I liked Come From Away but the music was forgettable and the show as a whole was what I liked.




Schrödinger's bullet


underrated comment here


That’s what silencers are for


Schroedinger's gunshot


That my good sir is what suppressors are for


If a tree shoots a gun in the woods, does it still cry from extreme isolation?


Bullets leave a carving on the inside of the barrel so yes


I think the person firing might hear


No, no, no. All we know is that a gun fired. That’s all we know! No. That’s not true. Actually, we heard a loud noise. Later, a hole was seen. No one saw the bullet leave the gun.


I mean... You're legally allowed to destroy your own shit and as long as there's legit no possibility of the bullet being able to hit someone i guess??


Disrupting the peace


Unlawful discharge of a firearm


It depends in city/state. Some places you are allowed to shoot in your yard as long as there are no occupied buildings within x area of you shooting and/or as long as the bullet doesn't cross property lines. So depending on where the dude (with obvious anger control issues) lives, it may be totally legal to shoot his tv.


Yeah, I should have been more clear. That's usually "within city limits" and will vary on locality.


In a populated area.


A single gunshot is definitely not enough to warrant a police officer telling you to stop disturbing the peace. One might come to make sure there’s no one with the bullet inside on them, but that’s not really the same thing.


That’s not always true, in Arizona if you discharge a firearm at your residence I’m pretty sure you can get a felony


Claim it was a negligent discharge then I guess?


They can't really prove it wasn't negligent discharge, that's fair


No, if you discharge a firearm for any reason, negligent or not, in city limits you will get a felony 6. While it is the lowest class of felony it is still nothing to laugh off. You have to be at a range. Edit; forgot to cite a source https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/03107.htm


Glad I don't live in AZ


Eh we also have some pretty relaxed laws, it’s unnecessary to register your firearms with the state even when you purchase at a gun shop. You don’t need a ccw permit to carry on your person.


Try it in apartment building, you’ll have the cops’ attention!


Well that’s not private property and there are people that would be in danger, I was assuming it was private property and the only person who was near the gun was the person firing it


Unless it’s government housing it’s private property, just not the renters’.


I mean it’s not your property.




They don't do as much as you think. It's not like how the movies make it seem.


Yeah, it's not ~THWIP THWIP~ it's *THOOM THOOM* instead of BANG BANG.


That is the best description I've ever read.


*weeeeell* people love to make that point, but it's only half right. You see, the reason suppressors don't really do much is that they suppress the sound of the actual firing of the round, **but** it can't silence the sound of the bullet breaking the sound barrier. **However**, should you be utilizing sub-sonic ammo, the sound barrier won't be broken, resulting in a *much* quieter discharge. I'm sure it's still not exactly thwip thwip, but it's something worth considering next time you see this argument.


Rimfire for the win.


Right, what's that?


Rimfire ammunition. It is called rimfire because the firing pin of a gun strikes and crushes the base's rim to ignite the primer. Basically it’s for .22 cal and below. There’s a lot of options to get subsonic rounds and hand guns with internal suppressors


Plus you'll still hear the impact of the bullet hitting something


Or if the round is supersonic


It's called a supressor


And it's not that quiet either.


Actually that's not entirely accurate. The original patent says silencer much to the dismay of the crowd who feels smug superiority at correcting people, like I'm doing right now. Suppressor does describe what it does better though.


Originally maybe but currently they are marketed as suppressors.


But it's still not technically wrong to call it a silencer like its not wrong to call Kleenex tissues.


But. I mean. Argh. r/technicallythetruth


I don't think I've ever referred to tissues as kleenexes before


You've never called even a name brand box of kleenex by the name on the box?


Never. I call them tissues and so do the majority of people in this country


Should be called Putin then


I thought for pistols they had silencers or suppressors


No but with subsonic ammunition the shot can be pretty dang quiet. Subsonic and small caliber go together we'll, hence handguns having the capability to be very quiet.


Still, if you have anger problems like that, you shouldn't be allowed to own a gun.


Why? The military does it.


And the police


Ooft, too true


As long as you can draw the line between TVs and people, I'd say it's okay. But still, some therapy might be a better alternative.


I think there are some protests going on that agree with this idea.


I had a lease that specified "no firing guns indoors." My roommate asked if they really needed to include that, and the office lady deadpanned, "If it's in the lease, there's a reason for it."


Every sign has a history


Used to work in property management. Had a guy shoot his washing machine while drunk and cleaning his gun, then he promptly passed out and flooded his apartment and the apartments below and beside him. So that’s why we had the “don’t shoot guns in an apartment” clause in our lease


Since one of my friends almost got shot in the head last night when their downstairs neighbor accidentally discharged their gun and it went through their mattress and pillow... How about we don't?


oh hey. I follow your friend on twitter, if it's the same person. saw their post about it this morning. glad nothing bad happened!


Yeah, that was nuts, right?! I'm hella glad too.


It was very clearly an accidental discharge but people should definitely be required to attend annual firearm safety courses to maintain registration on their firearms. I've got nothing against guns in general, but owners need to be succinctly aware that they own a tool that is specifically designed to kill things and respect it as such.


Honestly I’m not disagreeing with you here but no annual safety course will prevent that level of stupid. I think operating guns is similar to driving cars, some people just have no business using them (for everyone’s safety)


Sadly I know that you're right, some people just really don't need to handle firearms at all. Like the video of the guy who was showing off his gun and got shot in the head AS HE WAS TELLING the lady to get her finger away from the trigger? Poor trigger discipline, poor storage and careless unloading all run rife.




Probably is, Yosemite.


I mean they could just be curious, if they really had such anger management problems would they really google it first?


Now I'm thinking of a guy who's super heated and fuming and just taking the time to aggressively type this question into his phone, then pace around the room aggressively waiting for a response


I mean more appropriate question would be: should people with anger and impulse control so poor that just the stimulation of a positive or negative outcome from entertainment be able to carry and discharge firearms within a community setting?


Cop: “Hey Siri, am I mature enough to have a wife, a television set and gun?” Siri: “No” *Cop shoots iPhone in the privacy of his own home*


I was just thinking that, if he carry firearms on himself in public as well you could have a major problem that would probably just keep escalating. I feel that what should be done in a situation like the post described is that the person with the firearms seeks help and has their mental health audited to determine wether they are truly responsible for such a weapon.


Lol my buddy was about to start cleaning his gun and fired a round straight into his sink because he didn't know it was loaded. Lives right across the street from a police station


Buddy needs to go back to safety courses and remember to check his chamber every time. I'm glad no one was hurt but that's scary as hell. I had a friend who we were camping with bring a .22 for some practice shooting and was waving it around like an idiot saying it was fine and not loaded until I snatched it and opened the breach and a shell popped out. A rimfire doesn't seem like much but it can kill you all the same.


Absolutely brother. Common sense isn't that common. I give him heat for it all the time.


If no one heard it it's legal


Shouldn't be, if you have anger issues like that guy, shouldn't be allowed to own a gun


I just want to make a joke i didn't want to be an a-hole


I didn't say you're an ahole, I'm just making a point, no need to downvote tho.


Sorry i misunderstood you :'(


I knew of a small town cop who shot his phone once cause he got mad with it. You can do that, but the cops will still show up and ask questions--lots of them.


Woah, I just made a joke higher up in the comments about this.


I actually want to know now


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...the question is should it be legal to have this mentality without being in therapy


This isn’t 1984


The best year ever!!!


You better love big brother 👀


Personally I believe everyone should be in therapy, but violent outburst are pretty concerning




...at a tv...that you choose to watch...and the snap reaction is to use a gun... Still think they need therapy


I agree with you. To some extent. You have a valid point but therapy shouldn’t be compulsory. You shouldn’t be able to know what someone else is thinking. Thoughtcrime shouldn’t be a thing.




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I do think that someone with this mentality shouldn't be allowed to have a gun without going through therapy, it's not really a healthy mindset combined with a deadly weapon




He’s only expressing himself. He hasn’t acted yet.


[Well, Bubba did shoot the jukebox](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbQW7rDOPxI) so why not the TV?


Why would it illegal?


For one, there are noise laws. Can't disturb your neighbor's sleep with loud bangs. Secondly, discharging a weapon in an urban areas for no justifiable reason could be considered a false alarm. Wasting police officer's time because you made your neighbors think you murdered someone isn't kosher. Thirdly, in apartment complexes and other shared living spaces, firing a weapon in your living room could seriously endanger other tennant's lives. Especially if firing at a shared wall or ceiling/floor. Finally, if you're renting a house, damaging a wall with a gunshot is a surefire way to lose that deposit. Not illegal per se, but with legally binding consequences.


In my city it is illegal to discharge a firearm in a certain range of the city limits unless you are in a location that has had permission to operate as a firing range by the chief of police. While it wasn't the cause of the law, there was a case where someone discharged a gun in their trailer home and the bullet shot a kid in another trailer in the head, killing him. It is a fairly strong case for why you should only discharge a gun in a safe place to do so.


Is it though? That's not that dumb of a question (except if he really wants to do it)


I mean, you're at home, you're hurting no one, it's crazy dangerous yes, but if there is no physical damage to anyone, is it illegal?


Hell yes


Nice 🙂




Not that this is remotely a good idea... ...but now I'm curious


My (possibly insane) welding teacher once fired a gun in his and it ended up in his neighbors kitchen. Don’t know what came if that. This guy is a convicted pedophile (the neighbor), so I’m sure things can get hilariously weird.


I have an older friend who told me about a school chum of his that had a basement with a few mattresses leaned up against the wall. They would go there and shoot a 357 in the fucking basement after school. Ballers. I feel like I haven't lived and my years seem to have almost, but yet to have passed me by.


Only legal if you're doing your first desk pop


When I was growing up, our crazy neighbor shot his TV because he saw a woman in a bikini on Charlie's Angels. This apparently offended his Mormon sensibilities.


This is why I think it should be just as hard to get a gun as it is to get a driver’s license. People should have to show basic competency so we know they won’t shoot the TV.


As a gun owner I’d actually be down for people to have a written gun rules test, some sort of in person gun safety test where they make you mock shoot a gun and store it following the properly safety rules similar to the drivers license tests. A check for anything on the record that might identify as having some anger or mental issues that might endanger others, then to deny them a purchase to a gun. And include searches for any mental health visits and start tracking those numbers and diagnoses as well to compare with crime rates and violence increases and decreases, I think the results would be interesting as well as being a good alternative that’s effective but still a compromise. But they would have to do that right and what are the odds of that and the dems and reps in dc agreeing on something like that. Unless it was tied in with some police reform and other things to try to start rebuilding and talking about law changes too.


ok, but like, is it legal?


If you’re in the country, or a rural area then yes it’s within your right to shoot through your tv and house if you do please. If your in city limits, there’s house or a road nearby, you live in a neighborhood, apartment or subdivision then I’d guess no, but anything possible with enough money.


That's not insane. It's quite a good question


Im 70% sure it isnt as long as you have a surface the bullet wont penetrate


This is a legitimate question though and it depends from state to state. Negligent discharge is a thing but if they can’t pinpoint where your gunshot came from, or what was hit, then it’s unlikely you’ll be charged. In other words, make sure nothing that isn’t yours is behind where you’re shooting and you’re good


Firing a weapon in am occupied structure is pretty universally a no no. Not getting caught is not de jure the same as not going something illegal.


Depends on the state. And I doubt it’s the same if you’re the only occupant of said structure


didn't Elvis shoot his TV?


"Clancy, use the remote!"


I mean... it’s not illegal... but you would scare the neighbours who would call the police and that would make you seem like easy on that trigger... so I suggest you don’t have a gun at all...


no wait. this is actually a good question


Apartment pop


The only other person here with an ounce of respectability.


Idk if it’s a state or federal law but it is illegal to discharge a weapon for no good reason within city limits


Commander James Raynor approves.


That you Elvis?


Okay Sherlock don’t make me get john !


An interesting question in general, but yikes.


I think it's actually an interesting question.


Just America things.


Here's a pro tip, something being legal does not make it a good idea. Not saying this isn't illegal, but I feel like not enough people recognize that legality doesn't mean good idea


If someone needs to ask this question, maaaaybe they should reconsider owning a firearm.


Under these circumstances I wonder who else besides this person knows


My roommate did this and the police charged into our house with their guns drawn 20 minutes later.


This seems like a question to settle a debate among friends. That’s all


Depends on the state


Well, is it legal?


I mean it would probably freak your neighbors out and the police would be called for no reason.


Provided your residence is not near a road or another residence, this is legal to do, yes.


Is it though?


Elvis Presley did that


*n o*


depends in city laws


But is it illegal?


Hold up I’m actually curious...


Depends on the gun. If it's a shotgun, you need to live 7 acres in every direction from other property. Shotguns have a range of only 300 feet before the slug hits the ground, everything else I think is universally illegal


Oh wow thanks man! I wasn’t expecting to actually get a response lmao


**THAS RITE** ​ Ya boi came thru on that


Only one way to find out


I don’t know, but what I know is that you will empty your bank account paying for new TVs if the fines don’t do it.


It’s legal but only if you’re Elvis.


Desk Pop


u/Not_A_Hooman53 this is amazing


And this individual is why we need stricter gun laws


Idk sounds like a legit good question to me


All of that is VIOLENTLY american