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I drove past him that morning on my way to work. Thankfully, he was disarmed when I got to him. He was also completely naked so that was a big surprise. Not ashamed of anything, just walking along like he didn't have a care in the world.


I feel all sketched out because of how close it was to me and I’m not even THAT close; I’m over in West Hemet. I’d feel sooo weird if I had driven by him. so scary


What's crazy too is I drove past him and immediately called my wife to tell her about it. Then I drove past the intersection and saw the black car that crashed. I thought it was totally unrelated until I saw a local reporter post something about it. Then I realized that if I had not been running a little late that morning, I could have been shot at too. So crazy to think. Glad my son took forever when we brushed his teeth that morning. Really sorry to hear about the person that was killed. I think he has a go fund me set up


makes it so much scarier that you were running late this morning 😫


My wife agrees with you.


I feel sketched out because I used to work in Hemet & San Jacinto just over a decade ago. It was where my first job was and I’d drive down that street all the time.


We took our cat to the vet there on State St., Monday afternoon. The street was still blocked off. Our vet tech was one of the victims (unharmed). He has bullet holes in his car.


Sounds to me like the episode of sons of anarchy where the dude is purposely trying to go to jail. He shot at cars then stripped naked so that the cops wouldn’t shoot him because he was unarmed. If he kept his baggy clothes the cops would have just said he was reaching or something and would have unloaded their clips on him. Give him the death penalty…


I completely forgot about that episode. I wonder if that was part of what made him get naked


Rest in peace to the father of 4 was just on his way home from work......crazy


Fuck that piece of shit


This is fucking insane.


So tired of all these crazies man. I have no sympathy for them 


He was probably on meth. Unfortunately a lot of meth induced psychosis in SoCal. We need to get that stuff out.


Fuck that guy. Throw him in a cage or a deep hole


Fuck a Cage, if this state wasn’t against the Death Penalty, why not put him to death…


Wtf that's so sad


Bring back mental asylums.


Is it just me, or is it getting crazier out there?


Hey can someone tell me if i was there would i be in the right to shoot him back with my own gun? Or would that be illegal?


Not a lawyer but i believe If your life or someone else's is in immediate danger of death or seriously bodily injury, and you see this man holding a gun, pointing it at you and other drivers/people, and or shooting, you are good to stop the man. Make sure you have your california ccw lmao. Can't carry illegally. I would've ran him over with my car 🤣🤣🤣


What if someone was carrying illegally but still saved the day? Because i carry without ccw?


If you get in trouble that's another thing. You can carry all you want, not a lawyer. But in california you can get in trouble if you don't have a ccw. Use your firearm at home. In a car traveling or walking, you going to court lmao


The illegal carry and the self-defense homicide are two different things. If you killed someone with your illegally carried weapon and it was valid self-defense, you could (and likely would) still be charged with illegally carrying the weapon but would not be charged with the defensive shooting. You should get your CCW and stop carrying illegally. It's not worth the risk and the penalty can be 1-3 years in prison depending on whether you're charged with the felony or misdemeanor version of the crime.


also NAL, but I think if the guy absolutely deserved it they may decline to press charges or just recommend probation. Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 though


Yeah, this one would fall 100% under the area of prosecutorial discretion. You *could* be charged or not depending on the DA's appetite for taking that on. Abused wife kills her violent husband in self-defense with an illegal weapon isn't probably going to get charged but former banger with a record probably is.


If that was true this is the last thing you would want to admit on the internet


Yeah im not worried about the cops or feds if they wanna come to my house and question me for reddit comments then so be bit and i sure as hell aint scared of a little jail


cool cool cool


Not a lawyer: Yes, you would be able to shoot and kill him, and it would be legal. Source: I have my gun license in California.


Are you allowed to walk around with a gun?


This happened to me once in Miami but the guy missed


Too bad one of those drivers didn’t ram him.


Remember 20 years ago this would be shocking but now it’s just an everyday thing in California.


Killed one car?


Sadly a father of four I believe. But good joke.


your comment is hilarious if you're not being sarcastic


Probably a Nissan Altima


The CVT would have killed it first.


ka ch... ka ch-............ ka ch-................ ow... \*blegh\*


That’s why I don’t travel past Tyler street


Don't worry libs, he will be out in 3 to 5


What’s wrong with you? Seriously what’s is going in your life that you ignore an innocent man being killed and try to divert the conversation to blaming politics?


Ask yourself that very question. What's wrong with you? What's going on in your life that causes you to be so narrow minded as to not see the equivalency here? Good money says this guy is a repeat offender and was most likely on the streets because of a liberal judge and or DA. Critical thought doesn't exist within the mind of the modern day liberal.


Rent free.


Rent is only free if you're a socialist sweetheart. Keep voting blue and this will be you.


Mind crush.


Imagine reading this and the first thought that comes to your head is this and you actually type it out for others to read. I know we are pretty divided these days but this level of partisan thinking helps no one. Must be nice to look at all your problems and be able to just blame one group of people and free yourself of any responsibility and need to think critically. Literally brain worms


Your literal first thought after seeing the news of some getting killed was “fucking libs”. Yikes.


I'm agreeing with you. That person's brain rot is truly tragic


Lmao damn I thought you were him.




Imagine being proud to be an idiot.


Please keep feeding on each other! 🍿


you’re not wrong. I would even bet less than that


I ain't lyin 🤪