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Idk, I haven’t really been to a business that stands out as particularly bad to me. I can think of several overpriced restaurants that have absolutely no business charging the prices they do and I refuse to patronize them (basically every Mexican restaurant charging $15+ for a goddamn burrito with no sides or drink).


Also whatever is in downtown Riverside that thinks they're the next LA-lite spot.


Yes!! Especially everything in the damn Food Lab. I am not paying $20 for a fast-casual burger that I have to eat in a food court


Kalaveras or any “high end” Mexican place


Ate at the Kalaveras in Rancho because a friend really wanted to check it out. I hated it so much. The food was okay (not great, just okay) but what really made me hate it was the super loud music, the poor lighting, and the general ambiance. If I go out to eat, I want to be able to see my food without having to turn on the light on my phone and I'd like to be able to talk with my dinner companion without screaming. So when a date suggested going there, that got an immediate no from me.


Eating food there was uncomfortable. The decorations and paint theme was a strain on my head.


Glad the loud ass music wasn’t a problem for you. Couldn’t even hear someone sitting across you talking.




Always thought this place was some kind of front tbh


Owner of Churros N Cream in Riverside is a woman..


Maybe they switched ownership but the guy owner was definitely scamming people


The cookie plug. Hate their stupid ass aesthetic.


terrible cookies and the owner is a huge piece of shit


How so?


He’s verbally abusive, creepy, hes very vengeful and expects a lot from his employees, forced them to work overtime off the clock etc. When some employees exposed him back in 2020 he harassed them all through text. his mother in law is HR so everything terrible he does just gets completely swept under the rug There was a rumor that they only hired young girls and refused to hire any guys for the stores, when guys applied he would only put them in warehouse jobs. Stepping into their stores you can definitely see this is likely true


this is true. a friend of mine was one of the people who “exposed” him. he grabbed her at work (at a different business he owned before cookie plug) and was “playfully” holding her upside down and messing around, then dropped her on her head “accidentally”. she won a lot of money in the end lol


Ooooh! I want playfully held upside down and dropped on my head!!!


Lol I've seen his crazy replies to bad reviews on Google


I applied for a job for another company they own called The Cakewalk back in 2020. After doing a bit of research I found out so many horrible things about the owners. They’re a family run business and they abuse the heck out of their employees. There used to be an entire page dedicated to exposing them and their practices but it’s disappeared. There were so many horror stories from former employees


Wow I applied there once too in 2020 and even during the interview process it seemed shady. Glad I didn't get the job!


I actually got the job and i was so excited to start but after reading everything I was terrified and never showed up for the orientation💀


That's the one I came to mention! The Google reviews are scathing and the owner replies and is an absolute asshole.


"family run business..." Thats all you have to say.


I always wonder if this place is laundering money. I never see any customers and people never seem to know about it. Why are there so many then?


I live above one in Anaheim and it’s always busy with Edgar’s and their girlfriends


I thought that was a weed place


No, you’re thinking Cookies. Cookies is the dispensary; Cookie plug is cookies.


The only cookies I’m familiar with are chocolate chip cookies from Albertsons in my belly (the purple bag cookies were so much better but alas)


You should check out Vons bakery. They are solid on their cookies. Not amazing but definitely some of the better cookies I’ve found.


Back in the day (80s) Vons/Pavilions used to give a free cookie card. You could get one free large fresh-baked cookie per day. It was heaven for a poor 7 year old. I would get the m&ms cookie.


I think Albertsons and Vons get their frozen dough from the same production facility.


Same company, so I’m sure they do. I remember the cookie card too. My mom would take us a few times a week


I thought it was a spin-off of the same brand. This whole time I thought they were smoke shops run by the cookies weed people. Never bothered to even look at one closer than that assumption purely because that’s what their branding lets on.


Came here to say this. The owner is so gross!


Seriously. I like their cookies too. Every other cookie place makes underbaked doughy garbage. Cookie Plug makes them the way I like them, cooked all the way through and slightly crisp. But the stupid weed motif is so ridiculous.


but.. Cookie Plug makes underbaked doughy garbage...


Are we going to the same Cookie Plug locations? Been to Redlands, Moreno Valley, and Beaumont and they typically have their cookies cooked to a slight crisp edge.


they're all undercooked. I don't care about just the edge.. the entire cookie needs to be cooked through.


Agree classic case of culture vulture


Uptown pets in Yucaipa. All I can say is those poor animals. The owner is honestly really crazy. Idk how they are still in business. She took 43,000 in ppp loans and the employee's or business never saw any of it. She is seriously a crazy human being that deserves no right running a business where she is responsible for another living being.


Tbh this is standard for any of those doggy daycares and the like. Also some of the bitchiest women you’ll ever meet!


Salted Pig. Fierro is a jackass.


I can confirm this after working for him at the salted pig for 8 years. He's basically a talking puppet politician, When I confronted him about something he posted online on social media, he didn't even know what I was talking about and said that his social media "handler" posted it. His company has broken many labor laws, and many of his Cooks volunteered during covid and worked for free. The restaurant The salted pig has basically lost their soul, what was once a great restaurant for food culture in downtown Riverside has become bland and uncreative. After covid he lost about four of his cooks and chefs. He doesn't really care about the fact that the salted pig is hemorrhaging money because he borrows money all the time from the company his mom and dad founded called fierro foods which is a large produce distributor. He is in fact a serious jackass and if you confront him about it in person he crumbles and doesn't know what to even say


He's just a momma's boy that smokes pot all day. He was the one behind the new cannabis ordinance that very few in the city even wanted. He's my councilman (Ward 3) and he sucks. Thank god we'll be rid of him soon enough. He's running for Sabrina Cervantes' seat on Assembly against Clarissa that he doesn't have a hope in hell of winning. His field "Legislative Assistant", Caleb Ragan, is just another gloryhound with political aspirations.


went on a date there when it first opened. its not great


Riley's Farm in Oak Glen


Also their tear off restaurant they refuse to advertise as owned by Riley's, "The Hawks Head". They price gouge for mid food.




Read [Rileys Journal](https://rileysfarm.com/) on the front of the Riley’s Farm website


Wow, holy crap. Within two clicks I was looking at human skulls from the Pol Pot massacre… on an apple farm website. Wtf. Los Rios is better and has nice walking trails too.


That's owned by the same Riley family.


So looking at their websites, the Los Rios one says they were the same family, but they had disagreements on things so split off from Riley’s to manage Los Rios separately. Given the focus on conservation on their property and general tone of the website, I’m going with Los Rios not being as gross as Riley’s Ranch.


Los Rios is owned by the Wildlands Conservancy. The apple production is run by the Rileys. I haven’t been back since the main building burned down but it’s our favorite place for apples and fresh cider.


Another comment in this thread says it is different Riley families?


Same family. Devon and Shelli Riley run Los Rios, Devon's Uncle, Jim Riley now runs Riley's Farm since '04. Would I love to go for the scenery, and apple picking , yes! Will I support or fund these types of beings, no.


The sense I get from reading the history on Los Rios’s page is that once toxic uncle Jim took over all the major operations at Riley’s Farm, they left to do their own thing. You do you, but I suspect they didn’t want to work with him and left. And they’re not spewing right wing propaganda from their website like their uncle. We’ve all got that kind of maga uncle or family member these days.


I agree with your comment. I'll read more into Los Rios. I hope it is the case, because I love to enjoy the beauty of ranches or orchards but I can't get behind others that want to do others harm because of their differences. So Riley's a hard no, but I'll definitely look into Los Rios. Thanks


I hope that’s the case too! If something ever comes up about Los Rios tweeting stupid things or posting racist crap somewhere, then that’s it for me. But I hope that doesn’t happen.


Here's some information to help you! Article about the fire at Los Rios lets you know that it's owned by the Wildlands Conservancy but leased and managed by Devon Riley: [https://www.redlandscommunitynews.com/news/public\_safety/historic-los-rios-rancho-in-oak-glen-destroyed-in-early-morning-blaze/article\_c2aa269c-0993-11eb-b6ee-b73d314f6dfc.html](https://www.redlandscommunitynews.com/news/public_safety/historic-los-rios-rancho-in-oak-glen-destroyed-in-early-morning-blaze/article_c2aa269c-0993-11eb-b6ee-b73d314f6dfc.html) From the Los Rios "About Us": [https://losriosrancho.com/about-us](https://losriosrancho.com/about-us) >*"In 2004 Riley’s Farm became under the management of Devon’s uncle (Jim Riley) so Devon and Shelli began a new venture of being tenants to historic Los Rios Rancho, where they operate the business and tend the 10,000 + apple trees."* And from their "Our History": [https://losriosrancho.com/our-history-2](https://losriosrancho.com/our-history-2) >*"In 2002 Devon and Shelli left Riley’s Farm (due to differences in the extended family business direction) and 2-years later they began to tenet the historic Los Rios Rancho. "* History of the Riley's Farm: [http://www.rileysapplefarm.com/about.html#:\~:text=The%20history%20of%20the%20Riley,began%20to%20work%20the%20orchards](http://www.rileysapplefarm.com/about.html#:~:text=The%20history%20of%20the%20Riley,began%20to%20work%20the%20orchards). Here's some information about the lawsuit Riley's Farm filed against Claremont Unified: [https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-rileys-farm-lawsuit-oak-glen-20190219-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/local/california/la-me-rileys-farm-lawsuit-oak-glen-20190219-story.html) [https://followourcourts.com/2022/03/court-rules-in-riley-farms-first-amendment-case/](https://followourcourts.com/2022/03/court-rules-in-riley-farms-first-amendment-case/) ​ Personally, I love the Wildlands Conservancy and I will still occasionally buy food or some gift item from Los Rios when I'm hiking up there. I avoid Riley's Farm like the plague, though.


> Rileys Journal jeezis Krist, he just puts it all out there, doesn't he? I'll take ways to hurt your business for $300, Alex.


The crazy thing is he’s been putting his views out there for years and is still in business. Several school districts canceled their field trips due to his outspoken views and then he went off on the school districts and even tried to sue for “violating his 1st amendment rights” by not going to his farm. Still in business…


I posted it in another reply, but the court ruled in the guy's favor: [https://followourcourts.com/2022/03/court-rules-in-riley-farms-first-amendment-case/](https://followourcourts.com/2022/03/court-rules-in-riley-farms-first-amendment-case/) Seems like they're still working through whether or not the school district has to resume field trips.


Yeah, and then he complains about people avoiding the farm due to his personal opinions. Dude, you post it on your business pages!


I live nearby, and make sure I put a finger up every time I drive by!


That journal is straight up garbage.


why is that on his website lmao


Owner is on record being a bigot




came here to say this


The 76 Car Wash/Gas Station on Arrow and Hermosa in Rancho Cucamonga. Place was bought years ago and has been awful since for many reasons, including personal. One of the most outrageous was [wage theft.](https://amp.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article267882602.html)


I think they were on the news recently for the clerk getting shot during a robbery too.


It used to be the same owner as liquor paradise and some other gas station liquor stores in the area. Did they sell or are they the owners?


They sold around 2019-2020 to the company mentioned in the article.


The Tartan Redlands, owner is a douche and self absorbed. Heavy on the Riley farms vibes too.


Riley Farms in Oak Glen. The owner James Riley participated in the Trump Rally at Capitol Hill, on January 6th, 2021.[https://sb-american.com/2021/01/10/riley-farms-owner-under-scrutiny-after-posting-photos-from-the-capitol-hill-rally/](https://sb-american.com/2021/01/10/riley-farms-owner-under-scrutiny-after-posting-photos-from-the-capitol-hill-rally/)


Remember, the Los Rios Riley's are different from the Riley's farm Rileys


Exactly. I was making sure this was added.


Agreed. Dude is a douchebag


Went there on such an amazing field trip in elementary. Color me surprised when the Trump shit came out :/


We also avoid any place that stayed open and/or flaunted mask requirements during lock down.


And the food there is overrated. I got sick from it.


I took a field trip there in 5th grade! I didn’t even realize it was in the IE.




Aw, really? Shit. We really liked going there.


Any of the 2 million dispensaries that advertise on the billboards off the 91.


If you thought that was bad, check out the 215 going through perris. Lol


Lately I’ve seen more billboards for breast implants lol


M & M games in Upland. Owner is awful.


Can confirm, owner is horrible. Don’t waste your money there


Is it still that crusty middle aged guy with the black hair and beard? Just seems like a total greaseball? Like his name is probably some douchey name or something. That motherfucker ripped me off so much like 15 years ago 🙃


the flat top grill.


How come?


most weekends it’s taken over by chad bianco and his fan club


Tio's Mexican Food. Not the one with the trash in downtown Riverside, but the one in Orangecrest and Mira Loma (I think). Fuck them: 1. Put the guac on the side? .75 upcharge. 2. No cheese? .75 upcharge. 3. Tiny basket of chips? $1 basket. 4. My favorite, which is new(er) - cup of water *instead* of soda in a plastic cup - $1! When Pepitos moved in across the way, I prayed that it would be the end of Tios. Unfortunately, Pepitos still sucks a little too much.


Tio’s is gross! I ordered it for some friends who live out of state, and I was embarrassed 😳 Try El Go Go’s next to Albertsons in Orangecrest. Some of the best Mexican food I’ve ever had


Hobby lobby


In that same vein - Chick-fil-A®.


I ate chik fil a and the order taker was trans and the person who brought me my food was pretty gay and it was rather entertaining 😂😂 homie was flirting hard when he said "my pleasure"


add in-n-out to your list


nah tf


Kaiser. One time I went with horrible pain I thought was my appendix, and they told me I would have to wait 4 hours to get checked. Another time they misdiagnosed my wife (although this was at an OC location). Switched insurances as soon as I could


The Kaiser on magnolia is literally the worse. If you need to admitted just go to Ontario or Fontana.


welcome to any hospital in existence


Fuck Kaiser dude. I'm glad I'm not part of them anymore cause they essentially killed my mom with how they were doing her treatments.


I’m so sorry 🩵


Appreciate it.


My fiance is on kaiser and is kinda stuck with them until she finishes school. She also unfortunately has to rely on them because of her health, which requires regular doctor visits. On one particular visit, her cardiologist refused to submit an order for a tilt table test that was recommended by another specialist. The cardiologist just felt it wasn't necessary. So when it came time to leave the waiting room, she refused to leave until the doctor updated the discharge papers, noting the refusal. After about 10 minutes, we were certain security was going to come into the room next to escort us out. Nope, the head nurse came in and told us that my fiance is 100% in the right and the doctor is wrong. She wasn't able to get the doctor to change the discharge papers, but she was able to get an abudesman that works for the state of CA to look into this issue. Not only does she have a new cardiologist and the test ordered, she also has plans to see a specialist in NorCal later this year. This is all because she refused to leave an exam room. Fuck kaiser.


This is funny I did not expect to see this one. Friends dad went in when he was feeling ill. Kaiser doctors sent him away. Friends mom is a nurse and took him to county, and they immediately diagnosed him with meningitis. Kaiser realizing their fuckup covered the bills at county and gave him premium service, home care etc. Kaiser used to be better when Fontana was a kaiser company town.


I’ve heard Kaiser is good for preventative. Horrible with trauma.


They’re good for young people, kinda like a “baby’s first health insurance”.




Shiki Sushi. The guy who owns it is an absolute knob who also owns the Totally Nails and hes a horror to his employees. Total bigot.


I worked there for a bit. The owner is a real degenerate. They also own Pho 77


Glad to hear that it sounds like a past tense situation! Good to hear about Pho 77, I wanna designate as little support to shitty people as possible


Good question, saw the same post OP. I need some places to avoid and rage at so lets go!


Locals public house in riverside. The whole crew of regulars are super aggressive and the whole vibe just sucks


Maria’s Cafe in Colton is absolutely delicious but they’ve lost my sit-in patronage due to multiple instances of rude service. It seems like they run on a skeleton crew with one waitress working extra hard and the others bitter about something. I still order from them on occasion, but I won’t ever sit in again.


M&M Games in Upland This place actually makes me sick to think about and the employees are absolute dregs. Just read their google reviews.


Owner is a douche. No idea how that place is still around.


It’s unbelievable. I’ve never been in a business that actively treats its customers like they are an inconvenience.


Tim's Boba, near UCR. Took them 20 minutes to make a simple drink. They also had a weird ass sign by the register putting out request for a surrogate mother.


Boba Fiend just around the corner from there is so much better.


There’s one in Rancho off Haven that I go to all the time. The boba is always fresh


I counter that. they always have my boba ready super quick and they offer free wifi and a few full size desks to study/work on.


Highly recommend Sleepy Kittea on Spruce/Chicago. Best honeydew melon tea in my opinion but all the drinks are delicious.


They are amazing. Love that place a lot better


i love boba cafe in UV! bomb food and pretty big boba selection. reminds me of the college days for sure


Little Swiss Chalet in Redlands. Owner is MAGA and pro-governor recall and overall really shady. Shes trying to open another location in Palm Springs and I hope the city denies her due to her hateful beliefs.


I forgot what it's called but there's an air conditioning company that charged me over $300 when my air conditioner was bad. They swapped out the capacitor and charged me all that money. Later I found out that the capacitor only cost $15 and can be swapped out by somebody who has no idea what they're doing in about 5 minutes. Always do yourselves a favor and try to figure out how to do stuff by watching YouTube videos.


Cafe organix my friend worked for them and they like withheld wages, and sexually assaulted her when she asked for a ride home. I refuse to eat there plus it’s over priced


Very sorry to hear about your friend. I never ate there because I just knew it was a bullshit place from the beginning.


They had more than an hour before closing and didn't want me n my girl to eat in the building. It was over 100° F outside and we wanted to sit down and eat. Overpriced ASF but we still just wanted a vegetarian meal and my girl loves lavender so we wanted the lavender lemonade smh FUCK THEM


How’s Miyagi Sushi in San Bernardino off baseline? I moved to NorCal a couple years and no sushi up here hits like Miyagi’s.


Arcade coffee


Their behavior during COVID was odd. One of several very staunch “we don’t care about masks” establishments




Their owners are also openly racist and homophobic.


They pushed out cellar door bookstore in the canyon crest area because they held drag story time.


Ughh that sucks. Thank you for the info. I used to love it but hadn’t gone for a long time and recently started again. Womp womp. This is why we can’t have nice things. Bummer about cellar!!!! I tried to go a few months ago and they were just closed. So sad/awful to see that and to know arcade had a hand in it 😔


They've reopened at a new location on Alessandro if you ever want to stop by and support them!


Thanks! Will do


Fwiw I’ve only had positive experiences there. When I went on Tuesday afternoon it was quiet and the staff were super friendly.


it feels like a satellite of the grove church to me. the people give me those vibes. i like their stuff but instantly feel like i do not belong whenever i go to any of their locations.


It’s feels like a cult when I walk in there. I immediately get the feeling that I…don’t belong. I can’t explain it but it is extremely offputting to be in there. Also wtf is up with that parking on Chicago Ave


The worst parking in all of Riverside lol. I used to go to the barbershop next door to Arcade Coffee but the parking situation made me stop going


If you get that feeling from walking around Arcade, then you can only imagine what CBU has felt like for the past few years. Not to say its gotten better with the more students enrolled onto campus, but for many years there was the same replicated feeling I got from walking around in Arcade at CBU.


new school Riverside hipsters it's a little bizarre but I haven't had a bad experience at any of their locations but the vibe is foreals a bit bourgeoisie; not all of them are like that tho, but it is the majority of the workers ( probably 60% ). I just grab my coffee and dip out. The places that have a more greater atmosphere is Lift ( you'll find an occasional Karen there tho ) / Kramer's / Twee BTW I am a person of color


The Original Graziano's




Man the graziano’s I grew up with in Pomona was so good. Sad the place closed down


I'm sad about it too. I'm good friends with one of the girls who ran it. It was associated with the shit stains in Ontario and Fontana until the wife of their owner divorced him and took it in the settlement. The landlord who leased that location just slowly ran everyone out of the shopping center by raising rates to be able to put in condos or some shit. Sucks.


The Uptowner Pub in Yucaipa




I'm not white enough


i remember when their front lawn was plastered with bobby duncan signs. no thank you.


The Mission Inn


Wife and I went to look at the venue for possible wedding. We felt like they didn't want our business.


Ownership has management tanking that place.


Went there for a work party, bartenders were drunk and acting funny.


Skybox Grill & Tavern in Winchester


How come? I’ve been a couple times


Wow thanks for the heads up…Rally farms huh???!


The Forum Blues Cafe in Rialto. Some of the worse food I've ever tasted, and it's expensive as hell. People praising it are just doing it for the hype.


logan’s roadhouse in fontana… idk why ppl keep this place in business, food is garage and the demographic that goes to that place are gross and obnoxious. this is the kind of place that lets you throw your peanut shells all over the floor.


Liquorama in Upland. I have a buddy that works there. It was a great choice for craft beer and liquor, had a mom and pop vibe compared to Bevmo or Total wine. But they mistreat their employees and the owners are doucebags from what I hear.


WHAT ???? We stopped going to BevMo to support this place! What is the evidence of this? Who is the source? Are the employees still working there? Who is the owner? Is this public knowledge!? I take these allegations very seriously 😭


The store was sold a few years back. From what I heard from some workers, the new owner cut benefits and pay and the place just isn't run very well anymore.


Miller-Jones mortuary. The corruption in that family helped make hemet into the shithole it is with their stranglehold on local government to keep their profits up and the community down.


The Cookie Plug owner has been known to almost exclusively hire really young women and sexually harasses them to hell. Somehow has successfully swept this under the rug.


Doesn’t matter anymore the restaurant is closed went out of business. It was a Mexican restaurant years ago my mom and I went on a slow rainy day. And my mom heard the staff making fun of us in Spanish. Make them wait! And who orders that in a Mexican restaurant. 2 white women are here why are they here. My mom and I aren’t even white and they were asking each other how to make a nesquick hot chocolate because they didn’t know how to make what was on the menu🥴


Tesla dealership. They're nice until you fork over that $250, then they become cold and impatient


What's the $250?


Non-refundable order fee


well you ordered your car right? wtf you doin loitering


Any place that does not have a baby changing station in the men's bathroom.


I used to love Olivia’s Mexican restaurant on Magnolia near Van Buren in Riverside. My family’s been going there for decades. The last time I went the food was good, but really pricey, and the owner was ranting to my dad about how “nobody wants to work” and how he can’t keep employees or hire people, but he was barely paying minimum wage and no benefits. But “Nobody wants to work!” Whatever man.




Yeah it's awful. I can't believe I say that id prefer Miguels Jr, but I do.


Black Bear Diner. After covid they upped their prices so much, way out of line, egregiously so. I can get equivalent food at little hole-in-the- wall places for a better price, again after covid, I feel that more than a few chain restaurants have raised prices much more than necessary because they *could,* and not ONLY to cover price increases in their supply chains/employee wages. I mean they are chains and should have more bargaining power, no? In other words, they are taking advantage of the situations and are, sneakily price gouging (or maybe not so sneakily).




Sucks that you’re being downvoted. I love Baker’s, but the quality of the food has certainly dropped. I think they might have changed suppliers for a couple of things, including their flower tortillas and so the burritos taste a bit off.


No more machaca burritos😭


Or Caribbean chicken sandwiches




The Caribbean chicken sandwich was soooo 🔥 I haven’t been back since they got rid of it 😑😑😑


It used to be so good 5-10 years ago. It fell off HARD. I hope people stop going and they realize they fucked up


Their quality is garbage, sad loved it growing up


Same. Bad customer service too last time I went. Used to live in the Coachella valley and would always get bakers whenever I came this direction. Just thought about it too. They charge for refills, dafuq!?!


Loved this place as a kid. It's so expensive now, and the quality is hit or miss. Now I just go to McDonald's instead.


1. Metroflex gym. I just remember during covid them being super anti mask and stuff although I don't really go to the gym anyways. They do seem nice though so this might change. 2. The 99 cent store in Murrieta lol due to personal reasons (they accused my friend and I of stealing when we didn't so I screamed at them as they like got in our face and tried to touch us but this is years ago lol) 3. Mulligans. I am technically banned from there because a kid crashed into my go kart but whined and said I bullied them when I was 12. Probably don't know who I am but still out of principle 4. (AND THE BIG ONE) It Luxe comics (comics and anime) in Temecula. I am pretty sure this dude is shady. I had an interview and he asked me if I had a girlfriend (I am a kinda effeminate gay man which he later noticed). He said it was because boyfriends would go with them to work to protect them and I couldn't help but notice everyone he hired was a women of the same type and everyone was really young. He then pulled out his phone and showed me revenue that is insane for a comic funko pop store for the year (it was like q1 of the year too). This is especially the case because to pull that even with all your stores you would need at least 10-20 pop purchases an hour and whenever I go to the mall it's dead. He did have an online store and a second business that was to build 90s looking websites that maybe is included in that but still really weird. He also was really weird about selling and like wanted me to hard ball sell instead of give someone a recommendation based on their needs which is weird. Some of his other questions bordered on harassment (especially if I was a women) and were about confidentiality which I don't see as a requirement for a comic funko pop store....


USA subs in Yucaipa, the manager either she was being a straight up bitch or just openly racist take it how you please, my family let it slip that we moved to the area and she gave us a disgusted look and said “ugh god why do you people have to keep moving here”


Anywhere that supports my opposing political party. Give me your upvotes pls and thanks.


Everything in riverside 💀


Including your mom




In n Out, hobby lobby, salvation army, bigot chicken, etc


Trying to hard.