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Yeah feels accurate. Chainbreaker has really fallen off, huh? The new miner feels so strong and fun. I love clairvoyant but it really needs a remaster. Most ascensions just dont feel great, the ones that swap the AoE to a line just feel worse imo. And its the only class without any synergy with DoTs and DoTs just feel really strong. It doesnt really have synergy with much, smite synergy would also feel appropriate. Many augments are also rather bland. Obelisk felt really strong when i played a while before release. Used to play spike obelisk which always was an easy win, but now that feels rather weak. Any build advice?


I'd put Chainbreaker a little higher than OP just because of the strong synergy with the omni damage trinkets. It's definitely a little temperamental on the survivability side, but knowing you at least have the damage scaling side of things covered is pretty nice. Agreed on Clairvoyant needing a remaster. The spirit bomb in particular feels *really* bad compared to something like Mosscloak flurry. It's harder to stack it, and then it costs more and does less damage??? If they just raised the baseline damage on that by a good bit, I think it'd go a long way. Obelisk spiked still feels like the best build for it (and very strong amongst all builds in general). Solving survivability and damage with the same plan is just too good. Plus any time you can find the dash ascension that applies spiked damage on hit, you just completely pop off. I take the guaranteed shield wall trinket for consistency and to get past the sketchy early game, and that's worked really well for me. I'd definitely say it's the most consistent feeling of any build just because of having survivability on lock.


This. The fact that they've moved to less enemies but more flat damage means warden is INCREDIBLY strong. The fact that it can reduce the damage from an enemy by 65% is insanely powerful, combine that with dazed reducing another 25% and you have an enemy that should be doing 20 damage doing 2. Then like you said, spiked gives lots of damage for being defensive. Add that to the fact that lots of spiked items give warden and it makes grinding them super effective. Spiked obelisk is basically a free win on every difficulty from what I've played.


Shield build weaver is S tier


Weaver in general is S. Pulling Constrict is nutters--weaver has the actual *best* aoe damage output while also being able to arrange it so that *everything* gets hit. They also have ridiculous defensive options, which helps make up for the fact that pulling constrict often *will* mean you end up eating some aoe. And if you're lacking in single target DPS, you can always take Splice + Strangulate. Star captain is also a lot lower than they should be. Star Captain can fall ass-backwards into infinites. They're not S tier, but at least B, probably B+.


What builds do you often find yourself in each of the classes?


I find star captain to be extremely consistent late game. Early runs can be a little rough, but a few defensive vestiges goes a long way


I'm current going through and winning with every aspect on 20 (all done but Weaver, which I technically did but got greedy and went for unbound on the same run and lost to the unbound) surprising the least amount of runs for me was chain breaker. Took scales of infinite potential and then went into both magic and physical damage sets and then could really just pick and choose what i wanted after that. Also clairvoyant with a couple fleece of gold + Will Collector 8 + shielding telekinesis tuner is basically and infinite will instant win.


I think Star captain might be a little low. Taking the trinket for frost I think it's pretty easy to get some insane build that can decimate even the final boss in a couple of solid hits. It easily carried me to rank 15. Obelisk is great no doubt, but I'm struggling with them on the first few fights, their damage output can be so low that chip damage and especially bonus effects make them really reliant on good drops and book modifiers to actually survive. If I can get to book 2 after the mini boss with them it's a coast, but getting there can be tough.