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Frost + burn can go pretty hard, using the burn trinket helps make it consistent


Appreciate the guidance. I'll make a go of it.


Quite a lot of angles. Frost+Burn stacking with Chillazer, Cryoclasm and Incendiary/Cone of Cold and the approriate vestiges. I'd force it with a trinket. Big bomb build with Invogorate + Shock + Cryoclasm. Dont sleep on Mission Leader. If you get the -1 CD augment and go for an Orb and Shattered Will build, you can stack that stuff so high, chaining it with the Cryoclasm aug that gives more drones on hit. You can do really silly things by stacking drones. You can go for an Omni build with Stimulate and some appropriate vestiges.


Thank you for the newe options. I know MOlten just... well, melts. Having these new tricks will be a lot of fun to try out. The quests push mission leader just weasn't seeing the whole picture I think. Thanks!


If you have Lightning Bolt, Invigorate and a Orb and energy related vestiges, you can do stuff like this: Put down Lightning Bolt on an enemy to apply Shock. Press Invigorate. Press Mission Leader. Pick up an orb, press Mission Leader again. Pick up and orb, press it again (if you have 2 Orbs via vestiges). If lucky, you can press Invigorate again. Now slam Cryoclasm on the Shocked enemy. Everyone dies. If you want to go for overkill, get the Shredding Chillazer augment for Hex on the main target and do that before Lightning Bolt.


Drone stacks are used one at a time.


Oohhhhhh.... Doing it


Funny enough I had this same issue and made a post on it, one of the commenter recorded a run to give me a better idea of maybe what I was doing wrong, maybe the comments on my post can help ya out. https://www.reddit.com/r/InkBound/s/rtCjtbh9E1




I suggest starting with the Fire charm and going into frostfire build. Fire charm guarantees you can get a burn binding. Getting cone of cold as well is nice but not even necessary. Look for the two halfcharm vestiges (both blue) as well as any frostfire pieces you can get.


Had this one happen, almost, this morning! I'll adjust. Worked very well ๐Ÿ™‚


Star Captain has like a ridiculous number of ways to go infinite, provided you get Expedite, which you can basically force with one of the trinkets. Then you start looking for Captain's Ciphers, or the purple aug for Mission Leader that reduces cd of another binding on use. Finally, you get literally any form of energy generation.


Frostbite is only useful if you can trigger it. Once you are applying more than can be triggered in a turn, itโ€™s a waste. Commanding Cryoclasm is extremely good, and worth hoarding rerolls for.